PTC May 2024 Agenda

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Dear Councillors Bowell, Denman, Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens. 
Copy to Cllr P Dilks for information.
You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Planning & Transport Committee on Tuesday 14th May 2024 at 7.00pm held at the Institute. 
Louise Brown
Assistant Clerk
126.24 To receive apologies of absence.
127.24 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
128.24 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9th April 2024.
Please see appendix 1.
129.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Please see appendix 2.
130.24 To receive an update regarding the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.
131.24 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Application No: S24/0609
Applicant: Mrs M Crowson
Proposal: Erection of two storey dwelling and detached garage.
Location: Land Rear of Welland View, 18 Bridge Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HA
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Application No: S24/0624
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Stubbs
Proposal: Single storey side and rear extension following demolition of existing single
storey rear extension
Location: 33A Park Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NF,
App Type: Householder
Application No: S24/0657
Applicant: Mr Jon Shilling
Proposal: Section 19 application to vary conditions 2 and 3 of S23/1064.
Location: 42 Church Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HD,
App Type: Listed Building Consent
Application No: S24/0677
Applicant: Mr Tom Holdup
Proposal: Certificate of lawful existing development for land forming part of the Manor
Roofing Ltd site used for commercial storage (Use Class B8).
Location: Old Station Yard, Station Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RQ
App Type: Lawful Development (Existing)
Application No: S24/0706
Applicant: Mr Seth Twigden
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S20/1862
Amendments to Plot 3 house type
Location: Osier Farm, 141B Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Application No: S24/0737
Applicant: Mr Michael Chester
Proposal: 09T1 - Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) - Crown Lift to maximum of 6m, northern crown over garden only.
09T2 - Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) - Reduce & Reshape (Other). Reduce height of northern stem only by 3m, radial reduce by 1m north side of same.
Location: Priory Church, Church Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HD
App Type: Works to TPO Tree(s)
132.24 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Application No: S24/0254
Proposal: Erection of single storey side extension following demolition of existing garage
Location: Disa Cottage, 22A Village Streets, Frognall, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RR
Application Type: Householder
SKDC: Grants planning permission
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/0245
Applicant: Mr B Warner
Proposal: Internal and external works to Osier Farm Farmhouse, including the addition of a garage/car port and the erection of low-level walls forming a garden area
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
SKDC: Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: No objections with comments
Application No: S23/2351
Applicant: Mr B Warner
Proposal: Internal and External Works to Osier Farm Farmhouse.
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
SKDC: Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: Supported including comments.
Application No: S23/2377
Applicant: Victoria Sinclair
Proposal: Erection of two bungalows
Location: 14 Village Streets Frognall Lincolnshire PE6 8RR
SKDC: Refused planning permission
DSJPC: Objected with comments
Application No: S24/0316
Applicant: Mr Cristian Bradshaw
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 2 (joinery) of S15/0974 (Alteration of listed building)
Location: 2 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire
SKDC: Planning permission has been refused
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S24/0357
Applicant: Mrs Bailey
Proposal: Section 211 notice to fell Sycamore (T1)
Location: 60 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
SKDC: Work allowed 25th April 2024
DSJPC: Requested the tree officer decide as Cllrs could not view from the street
Application No: S23/2370
Applicant: Mr Brent Warner
Proposal: Section 73 application vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning approval S20/1862 (Erection of detached dwelling) (Amendments to Plots 5 and 6)
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
SKDC: Grants planning permission
DSJPC: No objection with comment
Application No: S23/2371
Applicant: Mr Brent Warner
Proposal: Section 19 application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S20/1863/LB (amendments to Plots 5 & 6)
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
SKDC: Consent has been granted
DSJPC: No objection with comment
Application No: S24/0405
Applicant: Mr Jon Shilling
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by conditions 4 (bi fold door detail) and 5 (windows) of S23/1064 - External and internal alterations including insertion of new bi-fold doors at ground floor
Location: 42 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire
SKDC: Details Approved 30th April 2024
DSJPC: Not consulted 
Application No: S24/0314
Applicant: Mr Elio Pragliola
Proposal: 50% reduction/pollard of entire crown of Willow tree
Location: 79 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HF
SKDC: Work Allowed 1st May 2024
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/0255
Applicant: Mr M Curtis
Proposal: Partial demolition of existing dwelling, including existing roof. Erection of front, side and rear two - storey extensions, single storey rear extension, detached garage and creation of new vehicle access
Location: 5 Broadgate Lane Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8NW
SKDC: Grants planning permission
DSJPC: Objected
Chairs comment:  We objected to the oversized two storey porch.  This was revised to reduce its height and to better align the windows; it was then approved but no re-consultation with us.
133.24 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 11 June 2024 at 7pm.

APPENDIX 1 - The Minutes of the Planning & Transport Committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 at 7.00pm at the Institute. 
Present: Councillors Denman, Dilks, Gilbert, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens. 
The Minutes were taken by the Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.
111.24 To receive apologies of absence.
Apologies were received from Cllrs Bowell and Smith. Cllr Rose did not attend.
112.24 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
Declarations were received from Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe regarding agenda item 123.24 Planning Application S24/0424.
113.24 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 March 2024.
The Minutes were considered a true representation of the meeting and signed.
Cllr Stevens attended the meeting.
114.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
The reflectors purchased for the two Deeping St James Parish Schools, have arrived and are in the office awaiting distribution.
Planning Applications discussed at March Full Council:
S24/0314 – 79 Church Street – No objections
S24/0353 – 32 Eastgate – No objections
S24/0307 – 10 Bridge Street – Deeping St James Parish Council wish to object to this planning application. The Councillors consider that gravel placed at the entrance and exit to the property, (beside neighbouring properties 16 -18 Bridge Street and 30-32 Park Road), will be effected by the permanent noise intrusion.
S23/2377 - Deeping St James Parish Council wish to object to this planning application based on overdevelopment and is considered to be harmful to the character of the area, that is dominated by frontage only property. The site lies near a public footpath and so the new buildings will have a pronounced impact on views from that footpath. Further, the placing of a new access so close to the bend on a very narrow road, will result in safety issues.
S24/0357 – Deeping St James Parish Council were unable to view this tree as it was on private property and not visible from the street. Councillors agreed that the tree officer should view it and make an informed decision.
The S106 application for bus shelters along Linchfield Road outside the new development has been pushed forward by the Infrastructure Delivery Officer at SKDC.  The permit for this is to be completed by Cllr Smith and Asst Clerk once finances have been concluded.
The Willow Tree opposite Hereward Way has been felled and maintenance work has been completed on the Willow Tree in Bridge Street, DSJ in March 2024.
We have received notification from Lincolnshire County Council for Manor Way footway works, due to last approx. 12 weeks from 8 Apr 24 onwards.  This will mean road closures during this time.  This has been noted on FB and the Parish Council Website.
Two further Traffic Restriction Orders have been received; one for B1166 Church Street (between Eastgate and Hereward Way) for St Georges Day event 21/04/24 – 21/04/24 from 13:00 – 15:00 and a TRO for Cranmore Drove/Stowgate 15/04/24-15/04/24 for Carriageway Coring.  These have also been added to the Parish Council website and will be added on FB closer to the event time.
115.24 To receive an update regarding the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.
A meeting was held on 8 April 2024 for the AGM.  Pam Byrd remained as Chair, Gordon Smith as Deputy, David Shelton as Treasurer and Debbie Jones as Secretary.
The Neighbourhood Plan Team discussed the design code and the master plan.  Work continues with outside agencies and developers.
116.24 To consider the request by LCC to install bus shelters along Linchfield Road.
Councillor Dilks attended the meeting.
Councillors were sent an appendix advising of an email conversation held between the Assistant Clerk and Lincolnshire County Council Travel Projects Officer.  The Travel Projects Officer wishes to install a bus stop along Linchfield Road, near Thackers Way.  
Councillors discussed this noting that it would be beneficial.  
The positioning of the forecasted shelters are to be placed in an area that is not Parish Council land.  It was decided to send a response asking them in the first instance; to check with the Welland Deeping Internal Drainage Board due to the drain that runs along the verge.  To advise them of two new bus shelters currently being arranged to be situated outside Brewton Drive.  To question what style of structure they plan to put into place and who will manage the upkeep of this shelter; Deeping St James Parish Council will accept payment to maintain these shelters if offered.  Copies of bus shelters that are already used in the Parish are to be sent for their information and possible continuity.  
117.24 To receive an update regarding the Draft Planning Policy Consultation and links to online events. 
One event has already been held and another is still to take place on Thursday 11 April 2024, directed towards climate change.  Reminder notifications have been sent out to committee members.
118.24 To receive an update regarding Bell Lane’s Definitive Map Modification Order.
A member of the Neighbourhood Plan Team has an interest in this topic and has offered to complete searches into ownerships along Bell Lane.  Reports are to be brought back when information has been found.
119.24 To consider suitable locations within the parish for Electric Vehicle Charging.
An appendix was sent out with the agenda for Councillors to view, surveying local Electric Charging Points.
It was discussed that there are limited spaces in Deeping St James Parish that could support the locations for Electric Vehicle Charging (EVC), due to space.  There are 2 EVC points scheduled for the Cross School.  Councillors discussed other spaces and decided to suggest that Lincolnshire County Council approached the local schools.  To be RECOMMENDED to Full Council to suggest approaching the local schools.
120.24 To consider the proposed waiting restrictions for Darbyshire close
Documents received from Lincolnshire County Council Highways were shared prior to the meeting.  A request has been made to have the entrance to Darbyshire Close made as an area for no waiting at any time and further in the close, outside no. 8 and up to and including no.12 a proposed no waiting time of Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm, due to inconsiderate parking causing visibility and safety concerns.
Councillors discussed this and the impacts that it would have on the residents and local community.  Should these restrictions be put in place it could move the problem and affect other junctions of both Frognall and Hall Meadow Road.
Councillors cannot justify this proposal as it was agreed that the proposed no waiting time is already covered by the Highway Code legislation regarding parking within 25ft of a junction.  There is also a close proximity to a bus stop on Spalding Road and to two turnings, one at Hall Meadow Road and one at Frognall.  There is no reason to support the proposed no waiting Monday-Friday 8am-4pm, it does not exist on any other residential area.  Deeping St James Parish Council can suggest other areas that would benefit from the introduction of these restrictions and are willing to engage in sharing more worthy locations if requested.  RECOMMENDED to Full Council to object.
121.24 To consider the SKDC Village Services and Facilities Survey
A survey was received by SKDC regarding the range of shops, services and facilities, employment opportunities and availability of public transport that are present within our parish.  Councillors agreed that this should be passed to the District Councillors to complete.  District Councillor Dilks acknowledged this and advised that he would share and complete with District Councillors Denniston and Ley.
122.24 To consider the proposed update to the Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy.
South Kesteven District Council have sent a survey regarding the licensing of Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Licensing Policy for the county.  Councillors felt their experience and knowledge in this type of licencing was insufficient to comment.
123.24 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Applicant: Mr Jon Shilling
Proposal: Non-material amendments in relation to Condition 3 (materials) and Condition 6 (electric charging point) of p/p S23/1064
Location: 42 Church Street Deeping St James Peterborough PE6 8HD
App Type: Non-material amendments
DSJPC –The electric charging point is to be placed in the front courtyard.  Even though this has been a discharge of conditions (S24/0405), by SKDC; Deeping St James Parish Council objects to this planning application due to the need for the charging cable that will cross the public footpath to charge the car will cause a public hindrance and will be a health and safety concern, considering it is within a short distance of a local public house, a mobility provision centre and a communal facility.  This practice cannot be considered as reasonable in all other aspects with regards to the standard 6 rules of planning conditions.
Application No: S24/0424
Applicant: Mrs Lisa Yates
Proposal: Continued use of a temporary building, erected in January 2022 (planning
reference S21/2117) for an additional period of 3 years to be used as an
area for PE curriculum and sitting of exams.
Location: The Deepings School , Park Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NF
App Type: Full Planning Permission
DSJPC – Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe did not lead or vote in this planning application due to declaring an interest.  Cllr Gilbert led this application.
Deeping St James Parish Council have no objections to this planning application, however, would like to comment since there is a rolling potential, we would like to request a sunset clause to be added, requesting a final change of use extension to be agreed, and after the 3 years is up, it is brought back as a full planning permission application.  If this is still to be used for P.E. and exams; we would like to establish whether the building is still suitable for purpose and structurally sound.  This was put to a vote and with three votes for no objections with comments and two abstentions.
RECOMMENDED to Full Council to approve.
Application No: S24/0255
Applicant: Mr M Curtis
Proposal: Partial demolition of existing dwelling, including existing roof. Erection of
front, side and rear two - storey extensions, single storey rear extension,
detached garage and creation of new vehicle access.
Location: 5 Broadgate Lane, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NW,
App Type: Full Planning Permission
DSJPC – Councillors have viewed this planning application and cannot find any change to the previous planning application.  Assistant Clerk to discover if there is a change.
Application No: S24/0501
Applicant: Mr P Brown
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear
extension and associated external works.
Location: 35 Park Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NF,
App Type: Householder
DSJPC – Councillors discussed that this application was an improvement on the previous proposal and have no objections.
124.24 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Application No: S24/0113
Applicant: Richard Littlewood
Proposal: Section 211 notice for consent to T1 - Willow - Pollard at 5m; T2 - Willow - Fell
Location: Deeping St James Riverbank
SKDC - Work Allowed 6th March 2024
DSJPC – No objections with comments.
Comments were received on social media by the public regarding the pollarded Willow tree.  The Clerk added the documentation to show that Lincolnshire County Council took ownership and assessed the trees and decided maintenance was required.
S24/0316 (weekly planning list) 4-8 mar
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 2 (joinery) of S15/0974 (Alteration of listed building)
Applicant: Mr Cristian Bradshaw
Location:2 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HJ
SKDC - Discharge of Conditions (Planning)
DSJPC – Not consulted
Application No: S24/0171
Applicant: St Guthlac Church
Proposal: Sycamore x3 - To reduce height by 2.5m & pull in lateral growth by 1.5m to shape.
Location: Church of Our Lady of Lincoln and St Guthlac Hereward Way Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8QB
SKDC – Work Allowed 12th March 2024
DSJPC – No objections – however it was requested that they check for birds.
Application No: S24/0345
APPLICATION TYPE: Licensing Consultation
REGISTERED: 28th February 2024
PROPOSAL: New premise Licence application
LOCATION: 64 High Street Market Deeping Lincolnshire
SKDC - No Objections
DSJPC – Not consulted.
Application No: S23/2243
Applicant: Mr D Allen
Proposal: Rear and side single storey extension
Location: Elysium 17 Brownlow Drive Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HL
SKDC - Work Allowed 14th March 2024
DSJPC – No objections
Application No: S24/0257
Applicant: Parish Clerk
Proposal: Section 211 notice to remove tree group
Location: DSJ Cemetery, Part of Western Boundary Nr Burghley Close
Peterborough Deeping St James PE6 8QD
SKDC - Work Allowed 18th March 2024
DSJPC - Noted
Application No: S24/0134
Applicant: Mr Gary Deroux
Proposal: Yew tree - removal of the lower hanging branches.
Location: 88 Hereward Way Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8QB
SKDC - Work Allowed 18th March 2024
DSJPC – No objections
Application No: S24/0098
Applicant: Mr P Brown
Proposal: Erection of single storey rear extension and single storey detached garage following demolition of existing conservatory and garage
Location: 35 Park Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire
SKDC - Permission has been refused
DSJPC - Deeping St James Parish Council objected to this planning application due to the garage standing forward of the building line, thereby adversely affecting the street scene. 
Councillors would also like to question the accuracy of the red line noting the boundary line as this could impact development at the property.
Application No: S24/0090
Applicant: Mr Kevin Crapper
Proposal: Non-material amendment to planning permission S23/1095 to raise the eaves height by 500mm
Location: Land on The West Side of Hall Meadow Road
SKDC - Amendments Approved 20th March 2024
DSJPC – Not consulted
Application No: S23/2307
Applicant: Mr and Mrs Warner
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S20/1862 Amendments to Plot 2 house type
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
SKDC - Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC – No objections
Application No: S24/0198
Applicant: Mr N Atter
Proposal: Proposed single storey front extension
Location: 4 New Row Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8NA
SKDC - Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC – No objections
Applicant: Mr Jon Shilling
Proposal: Discharge of conditions 4 (materials), 5 (windows) and 6 (electric charging point) of S23/1064.
Location: 42 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
SKDC - Discharge of Conditions (Planning)
DSJPC – Re S23/1064 Deeping St James Parish Council continued to object to the addition of the solar panels. Furthermore, the Council asked the Conservation Officer to review the plan for the bi-fold doors.
Application No: S24/0132
Applicant: Ms Sue Field
Proposal: Conversion of garage to annexe and erection of new single storey extension and dormer
Location: 2 Park Estate Deeping St James PE6 8NG
SKDC - Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: Deeping St James Parish Council had no objections to this planning application, but requested a condition that the conversion remains an annexe and not turned into a single dwelling.
Application No: S24/0253
Applicant: Ms Michelle Willerton
Proposal: Single storey porch to the front elevation
Location: 92 Millfield Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8QY
SKDC – Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC – No objections
125.24 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 14 May 2024 at 7pm.
Meeting closed at 7.55pm.

APPENDIX 2 - To receive reports from the Clerk. 

Planning applications held at Full Council:
S24/0424 – The Deepings School – No objections with comments and requests.
S24/0255 – 5 Broadgate Lane – Objected
S24/0501 – 35 Park Road – No objections
S24/0353 - 32 Eastgate – No objections
S23/2157 - 108A Eastgate – Continue to object based on design, effects on street scene, impact on Hives Bank and potential floods. SKDC to satisfy themselves that the house has been built in accordance with the initially approved designs of the original planning permission.
Electric Vehicle Charging Sites
Deeping St James Parish Council suggested that the Growth and Transport Department ask the local schools in Deeping St James.  Lincolnshire County Council have responded with thanks and stated that should any further ideas come forward, to please send them to Growth and Transport Department as the site selection process/ sustainable travel project will be on going for some time at
Lincolnshire County Council Survey
A Lincolnshire County Council survey about Lincolnshire roads as part of the traffic management policy has been completed by Cllr Smith on behalf of Deeping St James Parish Council.
Lincolnshire County Council Bus Shelter
LCC have advised that approval has been received to raise the purchase order for the bus shelter near Thackers Way.  They will be using an Autocross Euroshel Ltd shelter to maintain some continuity throughout Deeping St James.  They also advised that Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board have been informed.
Proposed Development - Land off Peakirk Road Glinton 24/00483/OUT
Gladman have put in an outline Planning Application to build 250 new houses between the edge of Glinton and Foxcovert Road. 
Deeping St James Parish Council are not commenting on this planning application on this occasion due to its distance from the parish.