July 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
The minutes of Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 7.30pm.
Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Halls, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens, Townsin and District Councillor Ley.
Open Forum 
No members of the public were present 
25.30 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Dilks, Gilbert and Rose 
It was noted that on 8 July 2024 a letter of resignation, with immediate effect, had been received from Councillor Denman.
25.31 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
None declared.
25.32 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 18 June 2024. 
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the minutes should be agreed with the following comments noted:
Councillor Bowell clarified a point made in the open forum when a representative for from the Deepings Raft Race Committee spoke stating that the Deepings River Action Group would only be clearing the river and its bank after the Deepings Raft Race not before. 
Councillor Bowell also stated that under minute 25.22.5 he (and Councillor Gilbert who was not present to support this) had requested that the new budget to be considered for 2025/26 should be a heritage budget covering not only ancient trees but other heritage issues in the community such as Low Locks yet this had not been mentioned in the minutes. It was decided that this would be considered when the new year budgets are agreed in Autumn 2024.
25.33 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
-Following advice from the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils the grant requested by Jimmy Ds was released as they are a not-for-profit charity not a business.  
-Following the receipt of further accounts information, a copy of the conveyance and declaration of trust relating to the building and grounds formerly used as a schoolroom and classrooms but now as a Church Hall, the grant requested by the Priory Hall for the tree work, was released.  
-The completion of the transfer of Jubilee Park from District to Parish Council has been delayed by a minor issue regarding a small area of land that is not included within the three title deeds, compounded by the annual leave of the members of the legal team 
-The cabinet housing the recently installed defibrillator failed to open during  a weekly check which took place on 26 June 2024 and the manufacturer attended and resolved the issue on 2 July 2024  
-The Annual Governance and Accounting Return was emailed to the external Auditor, PKF LittleJohn LLP,  on 26 June 2024 and the required paperwork was posted on the Webpage and Institute noticeboard 
-An email supporting concerns raised by residents about the re-opening of Cross Road Market Deeping was forwarded to LCC’s Local Highways Manager (South) on 26 June 2024 and a response has been received which is listed under correspondence
-An additional chain for use by the Vice Chairperson was purchased and arrived on 28 June 2024 
-An oak noticeboard to replace the one at the Institute Church Street Deeping St James has been ordered on 26 June 2024 
-An email confirming Deeping St James Parish Councils support, in principle, to the campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries was issued to Lord Foster in Parliament on 26 June 2024, and an update has been shared under correspondence.
-The Assistant Clerk has met with two contractors to obtain quotations for allotment clearance although, on positive note they have manged to re-allocate several of the overgrown plots to new tenants as seen, and they are working on them to turn them around. The Clerk confirmed that the Allotments committee did have a maintenance budget of £3000 for 2024/25 which they had delegated powers to spend. 
The Chairperson, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked the Members if they would agree to spend £650 per plot to complete clearance and enable the plots to be relet. 
Councillor Halls advised that there were now only 2 plots that needed to be cleared as several had been re-let as seen. 
Councillor Fowler offered a counterproposal suggesting that due to the cost the issue should be re-visited to find an alternative to a digger and a man, no seconder came forwards and following Councillor Halls explanation that there was no time to do this as if not dealt with immediately the plots would deteriorate Councillor Fowler decided to rescind his counterproposal.
Councillor Bowell proposed that the money is spent, and whilst she did not like the idea of spending such an amount, she could see no alternative so, Councillor Halls seconded it. This was RESOLVED with the condition that the work should be completed within the next two weeks, if not it would be immediately re-considered by the Allotments Committee. Councillor Fowler voted against this proposal on the grounds of cost and Councillor Hosking abstained from the vote.  
ACTION The Clerk to arrange with the contractor to complete the work within the next two weeks if not to bring the matter back to the Allotment Committee.     
-Grass cutting within the Deepings continues to be a problem with not only the Town/Parish Contractors not cutting in accordance with the agreements for the Highway verges, riverbank and Woody Heights but SKDC not cutting the areas they are responsible for as often as previously. The Clerk has been advised by the contractor that their team will be in the Deepings to cut the highway verges from Monday 15 July 2024. Two representatives of Market Deeping Town Council would like to meet with two from Deeping St James Parish Council to consider the highway verge contract.  It was agreed that Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens would represent Deeping St James Parish Council at this meeting. ACTION The Clerk to contact Market Deeping Town Council to arrange a meeting 
-The Clerk (along with Councillors Gilbert, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens) continue to progress the application for an exhumation licence however questions have been raised which are slowing the progress.   
25.34 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.
South Kesteven District Council report 
Councillor Ley advised that she had met with representatives from Milton Estates prompted by Councillor Bowell forwarding an email he had received from a Deeping St James resident about the anti-social behaviour occurring at Scout Island and the fact that some trees had fallen into the river. Councillor Stevens advised that the Rotary Club of the Deepings were also due to meet with representatives from Milton Estates as they were the group who voluntarily kept Scout Island accessible. Following discussion about location (outside DSJ parish boundary),  responsibility (privately owned) and what could be done (close it off or make it more accessible) it was agreed that Councillor Ley would suggest that South Kesteven District Council speak to Peterborough City Council. 
Councillor Ley advised that she has also been contacted by a resident of Bridge Street expressing concerns about the development behind 10 Bridge Street impacting on their boundary wall. Councillor Smith advised that the Party Wall Act may be the way forward but it was a matter to be dealt with between the two parties concerned not the Parish or the District Council. 
Councillor Ley informed the Parish Council that she was now the Chair of the finance and economic overview and scrutiny committee which was responsible for the Veterans Council Tax Scheme and section 106 monies and she advised that the outturn report due to be released tomorrow was positive.
The Clerk stated that Councillor Ley was working with the Parish Council and District Council to progress the coronation heritage fund application for a community orchard on land at Fraser Close.
Councillor Ley left the meeting.
25.35 Financial matters: 
1. To approve the expenditure for July 2024.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to approve expenditure totalling £16,294.33 Councillor Hosking had endorsed the associated paperwork. ACTION: make payments if not already paid by standing order, direct debit or Lloyds Bank Corporate Card Services  
2. To note the income for July 2024
It was noted that income totalling £33,070.02 had been received, £29,220 of which was the UK Prosperity Fund grant from the Local cycling and walking initiative which the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group was progressing.
25.36 Planning matters: 
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 July 2024. 
Councillor Smith introduced the minutes from which there was one recommendation relating to planning application S24/0857 for advertisement consent for 1 fascia sign, 1 dibond flat panel and 1 totem at the Cooperative store, 1 Horsegate, Deeping St James, PE6 8EN. The committee recommend that no objections are raised to this retrospective signage but that a comment is made about the locality of the store, it being in Deeping St James NOT Market Deeping as the signage states. RESOLVED. ACTION: The Clerk to inform South Kesteven District Council   
2. To consider the following planning applications  
Application reference: S24/1122
Proposal :Single storey rear extension 
Applicant: Mr K Doran 54 Spalding Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8UJ 
Application type: Householder
S24/1122 | Single storey rear extension | 54 Spalding Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8UJ (southkesteven.gov.uk)
Councillor Smith introduced this application advising that he could not see any reason to object so he recommended that the Parish Council respond saying that they have no objections. Seconded and RESOLVED. ACTION: The Clerk to inform South Kesteven District Council 
25.37 To re-consider the financial support requested by the Deepings Leisure Centre Community Group C.I.C towards the repair and re-opening of the Deepings Leisure. 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe explained that both her and the Mayor of Market Deeping Town Council, Councillor Byrd, had received an email from a representative of the Deepings Leisure Centre C.I.C expressing disappointment that DSJ and MD hadn’t agreed to make funding available when Northborough and West Deeping had. 
Councillor Dilks had advised Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe that neither the District or County Council would release funding until all required documents and conditions had been completed and/or met and although optimistic that this would happen no-one knew whether it would, or when. The figure that was originally requested was £3.70 per resident (3.70 x 7030 = £26,011). It was noted that the Parish Council’s general reserves, in accordance with Internal Audit advice, needed to be increased as they were low for the annual turnover, and to budget for this figure, along with other expected rises in expenditure would increase the precept considerably so the Parish Council needed to consider how they were going to respond. 
ACTION: The Clerk to write to the Deepings Leisure Centre C.I.C showing support and optimism hampered with some realism. 
25.38 To consider a Councillor recruitment campaign 
Following the resignation of Councillor Denman there are now 4 Parish Councillor vacancies and it was acknowledged that the vacancies needed to be promoted. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that a full-page editorial would be included in the ‘I’d rather be in Deeping’ magazine. ACTION The Clerk to share information about becoming a Councillor on the Facebook page and also work with Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens to prepare the editorial for the 19 August 2024 deadline.   
25.39 To receive an update about the proposed waste and minerals site allocation at West Deeping 
Councillor Smith advised that Lincolnshire County Council were due to process the new waste and minerals site allocation plan next week. Deeping St James Parish Council had agreed previously to support both Baston and West Deeping and it was noted that this support should continue.  
25.40 To consider the following correspondence.
1. Deepings Community Library – Thank you for ongoing support, accounts from 1 August 2023 to May 2024 and Library Coordinators report  
Councillor Bowell asked for clarification of whether Market Deeping Town Council had also provided a grant as it did not show in the accounts. Councillor Stevens, Chair of the Deepings Community Library, advised that this was because it had been received in June 2024 and the accounts presented went up to 31 May 2024. Councillor Stevens continued saying that the Library was being run on a 10K deficit and they had reserves that would last around five years.
The accounts and report were noted.  
2. Lincolnshire County Council – An update from the Senior Asset Advisor, Property Strategy Team following the meeting with representatives from Anthem Trust regarding the Astro-turf sited on land owned by DSJPC and leased to LCC within the playing field 
The contents of the letter were noted. 
3. Lincolnshire County Council – an update from the Local Highways Manager (South), Place Directorate in relation to matters on Cross Road Market Deeping
The contents of this letter were noted. 
4. The Lions Club of the Deepings – Invitation to attend an open afternoon at the Sensory Garden behind the Deepings Community Centre from 2pm on Saturday 20 July 2024  
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe confirmed that she would be attending this event to represent Deeping St James Parish Council. 
5. Parliament - Update regarding the Lithium-ion batteries campaign that the Parish Council agreed to support at the June 2024 meeting.
The update was noted. 
25.41 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 
1. 7pm Thursday 20 June 2024 - Dog Show working party meeting –
Councillor Stevens advised that they were working towards holding the Dog Show on 29 September 2024  
2. 7pm Monday 24 June 2024 - Biodiversity net gain meeting –
Councillor Smith advised that it is now a legal requirement to achieve a 10% net gain on planning applications with 30 years of management being shown in the planning application. The gain does not have to be within the development so Jubilee Park and Millennium Wood could be improved as off-site gains.
Councillor Stevens commented that the wilding project on Douglas Road undertaken by the Deepings Lions Club was a very good example.   
3. 6pm Tuesday 25 June 2024 - Local Policing North and South Kesteven Parish Council engagement sessions via Microsoft teams 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe had experienced difficulties joining the virtual meeting but will watch the recording and report back 
4. 1pm Saturday 29 June 2024 – Rose and Sweetpea Show 
It was agreed by all those that had been there that it was a good, well-attended event.  
5. Monday 1 July 2024 – The Rotary Club of the Deepings Presidential handover evening
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe along with Councillor Gilbert had attended this which was a very good event. 
6. 1pm Sunday 7 July 2024 – Deepings fun day Sunday event 
Aside from the weather this had been a reasonably well attended event. The working party were due to meet on Thursday 18 July 2024 to discuss the value of the event and agree whether to do it again.
7. Monday 8 July 2024 – Meeting with representatives from Sustrans (https://www.sustrans.org.uk) regarding the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan 
Councillor Smith advised that Sustrans were the appropriate company to use for this and as the funding had now been received from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund work could now commence. 
8. 5pm to 8pm Tuesday 9 July 2024 - Consultation on the development proposal for Wellington Way Market Deeping at the Scout Hut Wellington Way Market Deeping 
Councillor Smith advised that discussions about this had been ongoing for some years and it had been good to see what was being proposed – 14 units on the current open space and an improvement to the open space that would be left.
9. 8pm Tuesday 9 July 2024 – Recreation and open spaces committee 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes from which there was one recommendation from minute 25.11. It was RESOLVED that the finance policy and personnel committee should consider recruiting a new member of staff on a full-time basis to act as the ground maintenance Supervisor. ACTION: The Clerk is to add this item to the next finance policy and personnel committee agenda for the meeting on Tuesday 13 August 2024 
10. 6pm Thursday 11 July 2024 – South Kesteven District Council funding workshop
This was attended by Councillors Smith and Stevens, the latter advising that there was information that was useful for the Deepings Community Library and the Deeping Youth Group.   
11. 2pm Monday 15 July 2024 - South Kesteven District Council UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund board meeting.
This meeting was cancelled 
12. Tuesday 16 July 2024 - The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group meeting 
Councillor Townsin advised that this meeting had been cancelled as the Chair had  resigned however two other members of the PPG had offered to act as joint chair so another meeting had been arranged for 19 August 2024 which she would attend. It was noted that some members of the public were not happy with how the Deepings Practice operate and Councillor Stevens suggested a joint meeting with representatives from the Town Council to start the conversation about how to approach the Deepings Practice to discuss how to improve public perception. Councillors Townsin, Halls and Bowell were interested in being DSJ Parish Council representatives at the meeting  ACTION: The Parish Clerk to contact the Town Clerk to arrange a meeting.       
25.42 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.
It was noted that Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens are to represent DSJPC at a meeting with MDTC about the highway verge grass cutting 
Councillor Halls asked if magnetic style name badges could be priced up and considered at the next agenda 
Councillor Bowell gave his apologies (family commitments) for the next council meeting on Tuesday 20 August 2024 
Councillor Fowler stated that he was fed up with the using the .gov.uk email address via BlueMail. He was advised to contact the IT Technician for assistance.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe mentioned that the Council had been invited to light the Beacon at 9.30pm on Thursday 8 May 2025 to celebrate VE Day 80.  
The meeting closed at 9.30pm