October 2024 Minutes
The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 7.30pm.
Present: Councillors Dilks (County and District), Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens, two representatives from the Deepings Youth Group and three members of the public.
The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk
Open Forum
A member of the public thanked the Parish Council for locating a speed indicator device on Linchfield Road.
The same member of the public advised that the Deepings River Action Group had organised a second litter picking event on Sunday 27 October 2024.
One of the two representatives from the Deepings Youth Group advised that there had been twenty-one 8- to 11-year-olds in attendance on Thursday 10 October following the junior night being promoted in one primary school and thirty-five 11- to 14-year-olds in attendance on Friday 11 October 2024. Following questions from Councillors the representative confirmed that the junior night was to be promoted in other primary schools (they had opted to do this in stages so that numbers could be controlled); the required staff to minors ratio would always be met (there were 5 adults in attendance on Thursday 10 October); they also had a number of funding streams organised (table top sale at the Priory Hall, attending the Christmas Fayre in Market Deeping, Lottery SK, Easy Fundraising and a Tuck Shop project)
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe thanked them both for attending and requested that the Chair contacts the Parish Council office to arrange a meeting to further review the accounts. The two representatives left the meeting.
25.66 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Bowell, Fowler and Townsin.
25.67 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Councillor Hosking declared a registerable interest in agenda item 25.71.6
Councillor Smith declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 25.71.2
Councillor Stevens declared a registerable interest in agenda item 25.17.7
25.68 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 17 September 2024.
Agreed and signed.
25.69 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
-The Arts and Cultural Services Manager at SKDC has confirmed that a bid for UK Shared Prosperity Funding to bring a weekend outdoor children’s event to Deeping St James has been successful. A date will be agreed for a weekend in March or May 2025 for an inflatable Whale to arrive with storytelling and other activities taking place inside it
NOTE: Avoid organising this event over a weekend that would clash with other local events e.g., Storyfest. Ensure that this is publicised well
-Approval to close Church Street on the afternoon of Sunday 10 November 2024 for the DSJ Remembrance Parade has been received from LCC Highways
-LCC Highways confirmed that the hazard marker posts on the junction of Linchfield Road/Towngate East junction damaged by their grass cutting contractor will be replaced in due course.
-A flood warning was received on 25 September 2024. Information was shared with residents via Facebook including the locations of the 4 sandhoppers within the parish (the contents of which were checked by the maintenance staff)
-The Clerk has advised the Legend on a Bench Charity of the Parish Council’s suggested locations for a mental health awareness bench and they have requested a meeting to further consider the proposed locations
-The defibrillator cabinet located at the Methodist Church which had failed has now been replaced with a newly purchased one and the defibrillator has been put back in place and registered on www.thecircuit.co.uk as available
-A submission has been made to the Ministry of Justice nominating a community payback project to cover work in the Cemetery and Churchyard has filtered to the Community Payback Placement Coordinator for East and West Lincolnshire who has advised that they will be in touch during week commencing 21 October 2024
-Two meetings have taken place involving Councillor Stevens, the Clerk, the Cemetery Maintenance Worker and a local Farmer to consider and obtain advice about re-wilding areas in the Cemetery before applying for funding from SKDC’s Make Space For Nature Biodiversity Projects Scheme which has a deadline of 28 October 2024
NOTE: Councillor Stevens met today with the Cemetery Worker and a local Farmer and a plan had been drawn up to be costed so that she could put in an application for funding by the deadline.
-Two goalposts have been installed at Woody Heights recreation area; one is a replacement of an earlier one that has been damaged the other an enhancement
-Parts of been ordered to correct faults reported on the gym equipment at Jubilee Park
-A spate of graffiti has been reported around the Parish all of which has been cleaned by the Parish Council’s maintenance staff
25.70 To receive reports from the District/County Councillors and consider if this is the appropriate place to receive future reports.
Councillor Dilks provided an update on the following:
National Planning Policy Framework consultation for increased house building which could see the requirement for SKDC increase from the current 645 to 900 per annum.
LCC Highways slurry sealing of the pavements in the Deepings which had led to a number of complaints and some areas being revisited.
Deeping United Football Clubs planning application under which LCC Highways had requested the addition of a condition that a footpath be installed along Cross Road at huge cost. Following a visit from the LCC Executive Councillor for Highways, Transport and Information Technology, it was noted that this requirement could be altered to a gravel planing path if the suggestion that SKDC applied a public spaces protection order to the road and the gate was reinstated was adopted.
The Deepings District Councillors meeting with the Chief
Executive of Anthem Trust (The Deepings School) following three requires improvement Ofsted reports and the loss of 70 staff in 18 months from which it was noted that Ofsted are due back at the School before Christmas and that Anthem have until April 2025 to make improvements to avoid another Academy Trust having to be sought.
Further information from your County and District Council can be found at:
How to contact your Councillors
25.71 Financial matters:
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the finance policy and personnel committee meeting held on Tuesday 1 October 2024.
Noted with no recommendations
2. To approve the expenditure for October 2024.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that payments valuing £30,155.15 should be made
3. To note the income for October 2024.
The receipt of income totalling £149,250.54 was noted
4. To note the receipt of section 3 (External Auditor’s Report) of the Annual Governance and Accounting Statement.
The Clerk explained that the incorrect asset figure had been quoted in the 2022/23 column on the AGAR for the year ending 31 March 2024, differing from that in the 2022/23 column in the AGAR for the year ending 31 March 2023. This had led to a note being made in box 2 of the external auditor’s report and certificate for 2023/24 and the correct figures being quoted. No further action is required and the external audit has been signed off by PK Littlejohn LLP
5. To acknowledge that the play improvements budget within recreation and open spaces will be used to complete repairs to the skatepark at Woody Heights which were flagged in the RoSPA annual play equipment inspection completed on 16 August 2024.
6. Grant funding request for 2025/26 from the Deepings Youth Group.
7. Grant funding quest for 2025/26 from the Deepings Community Library
Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Gilbert proposed that no decision should be made on items 6 and 7 tonight and that the grant requests should be considered alongside other budget and precept needs at the finance policy and personnel committee meeting on 10 December 2024
Councillor Stevens advised that a Youth Group and a Library were indicators of the well-being of a community and the Deepings would be a poorer place without them She hoped that the delay in a decision on funding would not impact the volunteers, who had already lost the Local Authority’s support. As Chair of the Friends of Deeping Community Library, She added that the Library is currently running a 10k deficit even after finding a more favourable utilities package and monetising some of the activities offered.
It was seconded and RESOLVED to look at the grant applications at the same time as the rest of the 2025/26 budget at the FPP meeting on 10 December 2024
25.72 Planning matters:
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 1 October 2024.
Noted with no recommendations.
2. To consider the following planning applications
Application No: S24/1133
Notification of additional information received.
Proposal: Proposed change of use of land to form sports ground, car park, 2(no.) access
points from cross road and erection of toilet block.
Location: Land West Of Cross Road, , Deeping St James, PE6 8LQ, ,
Application Type Full Planning Permission
Councillor Smith advised that the Parish Council had supported this application and proposed that they do the same this time using the previous comments and more including suggesting some creative solutions around the required footpath. Seconded and RESOLVED
Application No: S24/1596
Applicant: Mr J Elliot
Proposal: Proposed single storey flat roof extension including lantern rooflight
Location: 143A Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB,
App Type: Householder
Councillor Smith proposed that the Parish Council respond stating no objections. Seconded and RESOLVED
Application No: S24/1679
Applicant: Mr Neil Parmenter
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by conditions 4 and 5 of planning permission
Location: Station Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RH,
App Type: Discharge of Conditions (Planning)
Councillor Smith advised that the Parish Council had supported this application although they had been critical about the lack of native species and this had now been altered and improved. It was also noted that that the Ecology Management plan had been approved. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to respond stating no objections.
25.73 To consider the following correspondence.
1. Senior Engagement Officer Lincolnshire County Council – progress report on plans for Greater Devolution.
Councillor Stevens asked Councillor Dilks what LCC and SKDC’s stance was regarding this. He advised that both had initially vetoed it however LCC had since changed their opinion. Most District Councils in Lincolnshire voted no to a Mayor but as other questions within the consultation had been answered positively the result had been positive overall. The Mayor would have tax raising powers however any extra money was likely to be spent improving the South bank of the Humber as the South of Lincolnshire is considered a rich relation.
2. Two members of the Public requesting the Parish Council’s support to approach LCC Highways for double yellow lines at two locations within the parish (Bridge Street outside the Dentists and Manor Way behind the shops and Jimmy D’s).
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to consider these two requests further at the next Planning and Transport committee meeting on Tuesday 12 November 2024
3. Environment Agency – Maxey Cut bushing and tree maintenance project briefing
4. The Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management – introducing the Law Commissions consultation about the regulation of different types of burial grounds, including standards of maintenance, burial specifications, burial rights and record keeping, the reuse and reclamation of old graves, closure and reopening of burial grounds, exhumation and building on disused burial grounds and Cremation law. Burial and Cremation - Law Commission
It was agreed that this consultation would be completed by the Parish Clerk and Councillor Stevens as Chair of the Cemetery Committee
5. South Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council – both authorities have opened consultations on to produce a National Model Design Code and have shared the links with the Parish Council
Councillor Smith advised that the Deepings Neighbourhood plan had also designed one and it has been sent to SKDC. SKDC have now opened up a consultation which he encouraged all the Councillors and members of the public to complete as it was an interactive map allowing the user to add examples of good and bad designs. LCC had also opened a consultation which asked consultees to make comments on a list of points that they intend to aim for. It was agreed that Councillor Smith should complete this on behalf of the Parish Council.
25.74 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them:
1. Wednesday 25 September 2024 - The Deepings Lions Duck Race presentation of cheques to charities event at The White Horse Market Deeping
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe attended this event where 4k was donated to two charities - Pancreatic Cancer and Facial Palsy.
2. Thursday 26 September 2024 - Community Policing meeting held at Deepings Community Centre
Notes taken by Councillor Bowell had been circulated. Councillor Dilks commented that he had been disappointed by the Police Sergeant’s statement about getting no more Police Community Support Officers and feels that those in attendance should have lobbied for more from that meeting. He added that he does continue to raise it at the Crime and Policing Panels he attends.
Councillor Halls advised that the next meeting would be held on Thursday 23 January 2025
Councillor Stevens acknowledged the value of these meetings referring to the Hare Coursing campaign that followed a previous community Policing meeting which led to changes in the Police’s response to this activity.
3. Sunday 29 September 2024 – Bark in Park Dog Show at Jubilee Park DSJ
Councillor Stevens advised that they were lucky with the weather and the winner which led to lots of social media coverage. The event was not as well attended as it had been when held earlier in the year and although some money had been made towards improvements at the park the event had been held more because local residents had said they wanted more events to be held
Councillor Smith added that the event had been used as an opportunity to consult residents about improvements at the Park following the transfer of ownership. There had been interest in what was planned and he intended to collate the responses and share the initial results at the recreation and open spaces committee on 12 November. There will be further consultations at the Market Deeping Christmas Market, the Carols in the Marquee at the Waterton Arms and online. Only ideas at the moment as there is no capital to complete the project.
4. Tuesday 8 October 2024 7pm – South Kesteven District Council Town and Parish Forum at the Open-Door Church 5 Spalding Road Deeping St James PE6 8NJ
Attended by Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Townsin along with two Councillors from other local parishes. Having not only District Councillors present but three senior District Council Officers had been very useful.
5. Thursday 10 October 2024 – Employment briefing virtually via LALC attended by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that this was to be considered by the finance policy and personnel committee.
25.75 To reconsider the location for the Community Orchard prior to the application for funding being made to South Kesteven District Council’s Coronation Community Orchards Scheme.
Whilst completing this application Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe had questioned whether Fraser Close was the most appropriate location for a community orchard especially now that the ownership of Jubilee Park had been transferred to the Parish Council and having an orchard on there would support the biodiversity requirements for future funding applications for improvements. The matter was put to the vote and it was RESOLVED (4 votes to 2 ,with 2 abstentions) that the location would remain as Fraser Close.
25.76 To consider using the Carols in the Public House event on Friday 13 December 2024 as a consultation opportunity for the local cycling and walking infrastructure plan and the improvements to Jubilee Park.
It was agreed, providing the Publicans were in favour, that this event should be used as an opportunity to consult members of the public about these two initiatives and that two small banners should be sourced to advertise the event.
25.77 To receive an update about the upcoming Remembrance 2024 events and agree any further actions required.
The Clerk confirmed that a traffic regulation order had been obtained to close Church Street from 2pm to 3pm on Sunday 10 November 2024 and that the Schools, Guides and several community groups had all been advised that they would be welcome to join the parade. Councillor Dilks, as Chair of the local branch of the Royal British Legion, advised that representatives from the local branch would be attending and that the Revd. Williams had advised that the Squirrel Scouts will also be at the Service.
Councillor Dilks also advised that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe as Chair of the Parish Council was invited to join Royal British Legion representatives attending the War Graves in Deeping St James Cemetery at noon on Sunday 10 November 2024
25.78 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.
Councillor Stevens advised that the Yew Trees at the Library were being cut on Thursday 17 October 2024
The Clerk was asked to provide everyone with the contact details of a local IT Technician used by the office staff when they have issues so that any Councillor having issues with the .gov.uk email or the BlueMail app could be provided with support.
Meeting finished at 945pm