April 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 23 April 2024 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens, Townsin and two representatives from the Market Deeping Bowls Club. 

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.

Open Forum 

Jeff Bell from the Market Deeping Bowls Club explained that they were a long-standing organisation offering a super well-run amenity which had been hit hard financially during the pandemic. The bank balance is half as much as it usually is and the green keep alone is 4.5k per annum. Fundraising has brought in £2.5k and they approaching Market Deeping Town Council for a Sprinkler to replace one which failed last year and  DSJPC for the cost of installing a timer for the four sprinklers. 

After Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe thanked them for attending both representatives from Market Deeping Bowls Club left the meeting  

24.159 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Bowell 

District Councillors Denniston and Ley had also sent their apologies 

24.160 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the registration of disclosable pecuniary interest forms. 

Councillor Smith declared a personal interest in agenda item 24.165.2 (application S23/2157)

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe declared a personal interest in agenda item 24.167 (Governor at the Deepings School)

24.161 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2024.

Agreed and signed.

24.162 To receive the Clerks report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes.

-Following the offer of 50% grant funding from the Department of health and social care a defibrillator, cabinet and post have been purchased and received. 
-A copy of the portrait of King Charles offered to public authorities across the United Kingdom free-of-charge as part of a scheme to celebrate the new reign has been received. 
-As agreed at last month’s meeting the subscription to Zoom has been cancelled and expiring on 23 April 2024. 
-Grant funded art workshops have been arranged for primary school aged children to attend during the summer holidays to compliment the forest school sessions already arranged 
-Citizen Advice South Lincolnshire began holding weekly Citizens Advice sessions at Deeping Community Centre on Wednesday 3 April 2024 provided following funding from Deeping St James Parish Council and Market Deeping Town Council 
-The contractors completed the first grass cut at Woody Heights on Friday 5 April 2024 and started the cutting of the Highway verges throughout the Deepings on Wednesday 10 April 2024. The Riverbank is still awaiting its first cut of the season.
-The removal of one tree and a 50% pollard of another, work which Lincolnshire County Council obtained planning permission for, has been completed.
-The Parish Council has passed its MOT been serviced and taxed plus the insurance is to be renewed at £397 less than the first year.  
-Lincolnshire Police have contacted the office requesting footage of an incident which occurred at the skatepark on 16 March 2024. This has bene provided and if it is required to be used as evidence permission to do so will be sought from the Parish Council. 
-The public have started piling sandbags next to the sand hoppers. As it is unknown whether these have been contaminated with sewage water or even if they may contain bacteria and mould spores as they have not been kept dry/allowed to dry out properly they will need to be disposed of. Advice has been sought from the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum as to how to dispose of the sand and bags. 
-The Parish agreement scheme for 2024/25 for LCC highway verge grass cutting was received on 22 March 2024 confirming that a contribution of £2422.46 will be made to the Parish Council to cover the costs.
-As the grass cutting season has commended the number of enquiries have increased predominantly relating to the Highway verges leading to it being recognised that some of the maps provided by LCC are misleading to the contractor and Jubilee Park which is currently being cut by South Kesteven District Council.  
-A form requesting information about availability of burial land and the demand for it has been completed and returned to the Valuation Office Agency. At the same time the Clerk has taken the opportunity to question why the small business rate relief is no longer being applied to the National Non-Domestic Rates bill received for the Cemetery.   
-The truck insurance renewal has been received it is just under £400 cheaper than last year. 
-A representative from South Kesteven District Council has contacted the Parish Council office to establish the mixed responsibilities of the play areas within the Parish.
-The LCC survey about Lincolnshire roads as part of the traffic management policy has been received with a deadline of 2 May 2024. Councillor Smith offered to complete this on behalf of Deeping St James Parish Council which was accepted by the Parish Council  
-A request offering to renew the tourism sign located on Spalding Road directing visitors along Broadgate Lane to the Priory Church and the ancient monument The Cross and lock-up has been received. It is required to be renewed 5 yearly and there is a cost implication of £100. The Parish Council requested that the Clerk renew this. 
-The Clerk has contacted the CCTV control centre at South Kesteven District Council with a view to transferring the control of the CCTV cameras installed at Woody Heights and Jubilee Park and the contractor and is awaiting a response.

24.163 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

South Kesteven District Council 

Councillor Dilks advised that the fences have now been installed at Benedict Court, chosen by residents. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked Councillor Dilks to check that the grass cutting machinery can get through the gates and Councillor Stevens requested that he look into the problem of the recurring puddle in the path that has not yet been resolved. 

Councillor Dilks continued saying that a new Housing Director had been recruited and a Tree Officer was to be appointed .

SKDC have 6000 council houses (they are the biggest direct provider of social housing in the East Midlands) however they lose 50/60 houses per year to the right to buy scheme. SKDC are on schedule to mitigate those loses by buying back some of the former Council houses and also buying new builds. 

He concluded saying that the Local Plan consultation deadline was imminent and that all comments received would be made public. 

Lincolnshire County Council 

Councillor Dilks advised that devolution was going through, awaiting government approval. The District Councils have been given 4 seats on the higher authority however these 4 members are not likely to have full voting rights. The seven Lincolnshire District Councils have formed a cross district, cross party alliance to consider this. 

Councillor Dilks also advised that the pavements along Manor Way were currently being replaced. 

24.164 Financial matters: 

1.To receive the minutes of the finance policy and personnel committee held on Tuesday 9 April 2024 

Councillor Gilbert introduced the minutes from this meeting from which there were no recommendations. 

2. To approve the payments for April 2024 – 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to make payments valuing £31,535.41  

3. To note the income for April 2024

Receipt of income valuing £1,437.97 was noted 

4. To consider the grant application received from Market Deeping Bowls Club. 
Councillor Gilbert stated that he supported the idea of making a grant to this organisation but asked others to think about whether this was the best use of the grant funding money available before making a decision. Councillor Stevens responded stating that the measure of a community is based on what is available within it proposing that a grant of £500 was given which was seconded by Councillor Hosking. It was understood that Market Deeping Town Council had provided a grant of £400, Councillor Rose counter proposed suggesting a grant of £400, seconded by Councillor Fowler. It was RESOLVED to grant £500 (6 votes to 5) 

24.165 Planning matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 April 2024.

Councillor Smith did not attend this meeting but can see that the Committee made three recommendations to Council 

Planning minute number 119.24 The committee recommendation was RESOLVED by Council. Councillor Dilks abstained. 

Planning minute number 120.24 The committee recommendation was RESOLVED by Council. Councillor Dilks abstained.  

Planning minute number 123.24  Further to the recommendation from the Committee Councillor Smith suggested that the Parish Council could ask for the structure to be removed in 3 years (2027) when it comes back as at that point it ceases to be temporary? He suggested that the applicant needs to be asked to explain within the next 12 months their programme for the permanent replacement and Councillor Denman agreed adding that there should be some condition added to ensure the Planning Authority ask this question and enforces it. Councillor Gilbert advised that the response needed to make clear that the Parish Council were neither approving supporting or objecting to the application. It was RESOLVED to delegate the task of adding a further comment to the planning committee’s recommendation to Councillor Smith. Councillor Dilks abstained. 

2. To consider the following planning applications 

Application No: S24/0353 
Applicant: Mr Derrick Christie 
Proposal: Single storey rear extension 
Location: 32 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HJ, 
App Type: Householder

S24/0353 | Single storey rear extension | 32 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HJ (southkesteven.gov.uk)
Councillor Gilbert advised that he had looked at the planning application online and could not find an elevation plan 
Councillor Smith said that the Parish Council could respond stating that the application was incomplete and ask for an extension of the consultation time or the Parish Council could delegate the task of investigating and responding to him. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to do the later. Councillor Dilks abstained.

Application No: S23/2157 
Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. L Smith 
Proposal: Erection of 5 bed dwelling (retrospective) 
Location: 108A Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RD, 
App Type: Full Planning Permission

S23/2157 | Erection of 5 bed dwelling (retrospective) | 108A Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RD (southkesteven.gov.uk)
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this application with Councillor Gilbert continuing saying that the applicant had used the original application but not followed it to the letter especially with reference to the patio which didn’t exist at all in the original planning application. This had led to the Environment Agency responding saying that an Environmental permit will be needed due to the flood risk activity around the patio. He recommended that the Parish Council should not agree to this application just continue to object as we did previously. This was seconded and RESOLVED. Councillor Dilks abstained from voting. 

3. Ratification of the Deepings Neighbourhood plan groups comments regarding  South Kesteven District Council’s current draft Local Plan.
Councillor Smith introduced this asking for any comments or questions otherwise requesting that the Parish Council’s ratify the comments made by the DNP group. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked that mention of the Benedictine Priory be included under 170 SKPR – 26 about Priory Farm. RESOLVED Councillor Dilks abstained.  

24.166 To consider the distribution of the future issues of the Parish Council’s newsletter. 

Councillor Stevens stated that the Parish Council’s engagement with the public is an issue, the Parish Council do what we like and the electorate wouldn’t know. The newsletter has to be included within a broader topic and proposed that a working party should be formed. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe stated that the newsletter could be shared online along with it being delivered through over 3000 letterboxes. The Clerk confirmed that the newsletter was added to the webpage although it had never been shared via the Facebook page. Councillor Halls, Hosking Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens agreed to form a working party with the first meeting to take place after the Literary Festival. 

24.167 To receive an update regarding the Astroturf and consider the next steps 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this item advising that a copy of the original planning permission had been obtained and also the Parish Council minutes from 1993 when the proposal and planning application were considered. 

The Clerk shared the contents of a letter that had been sent to Lincolnshire County Councillor Butroid, Executive Councillor for People Management, Legal and Corporate Property on  11 April 2024, no response had been received. The Clerk was asked to follow up this letter. Councillor Gilbert stated that if no response was received a further letter should be issued which should be stronger and advise of legal involvement and Councillor Smith asked to see copies of the lease between the Parish Council and District Council. 

24.168 To consider the following correspondence.

1. Deeping St James United Charities responding to the Parish Council’s request to change the secondary fire exit door (the one behind the curtain) to one with a keypad making the welfare facilities in the building accessible to the Parish Council's maintenance staff when no office staff were in the building suggesting that the Parish Council investigate this with their Fire Safety contractor as to whether the proposed change complies with fire regulations. 

It was agreed that the Parish Council would await a response and if positive would move forward with this.

2. A resident of Burghley Close has contacted the office requesting that the Parish Council considers requesting permission for some work to be carried out on the Wellingtonia in the Cemetery which has a tree preservation order on it. The lower branches are currently overhanging their boundary. 

It was agreed that a quote and work specification was needed then the Parish Council would be required to apply for planning permission as there is a tree preservation order in place. Councillor Gilbert offered to obtain the contact details of an Arborist. 

3. Lincolnshire Police sharing the annual Neighbourhood Policing Plan for South Kesteven South Kesteven policing plan | Lincolnshire Police (lincs.police.uk)

The contents of the plan was noted.

4. Lincolnshire Police and Crime Commissioners Office providing an opportunity for  DSJPC tell them what their priorities should be for the next quarter, being specific where/ when/what if possible. https://forms.office.com/e/u8NFFYQTBx

No direct priorities were suggested with the Parish Council instead agreeing to reply requesting a police presence in the Deepings and reiterating that the loss of the Police Community Support Officers continued to be felt. 

5. Double and Megson Solicitors - South Kesteven District Council’s revised transfer of ownership document in respect of Jubilee Park for the Parish Council’s approval.

It was agreed that the Clerk would meet with Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith next week to consider this. 

6. South Kesteven District Council – Up to £1,500 per applicant funding available from the Coronation Living Heritage Fund to plant fruit trees to form community orchards. 

Councillor Stevens supported this item and felt that an ideal location would be the open space at the rear of Fraser Close (land owned by SKDC). The Clerk said she would look at the application. 

24.169 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 

1. Update about Deeping St James Parish Council representation on the Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group

Councillor Townsin advised that she had had a telephone conversation with the Chair of this group and was attending a meeting on May 14th. During the telephone conversation she was advised that the Surgeries hands were tied regarding how they operated as it was a government directive that had removed telephone and paper communications in favour of electronic methods of communication meaning those without access or who were not tech savvy were at a disadvantage. However, she had been advised that booking appointments online was to be re-introduced by the end of April  

2. Meeting of the Personnel sub-committee held on Monday 25 March 2024 

Councillor Gilbert stated that the volume of work and the workload of the office staff had been considered at this meeting and following on from this the Clerk was meeting with him and Councillor Hosking on Thursday 25 April 2024. He continued saying that the Council needed to con sider how to manage this and may require employing additional staff. Councillor Smith asked if the discussions would include things that needed to stop to which the Clerk advised that the office did get involved in lots of issues that were not relevant to the Parish Council. In response to this Councillor Stevens stated that it may be that the role of local councils is to signpost and assist the electorate. 

3. Meetings which took place on Tuesday 26 March 2024 and Monday 22 April 2024 to discuss the combined (Deeping Gate, Deeping St James and Market Deeping) community’s  resilience to flooding and other emergencies.

Councillor Stevens introduced this item advising that representatives from the Parish and Town Council were working together to feed into the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum emergency and flood response plan. This involved a number of things including establishing an incident room (possibly the Police Station building) and having access to storage space to keep flood defence items. Representatives from Deeping Gate Parish Council had been invited to get involved. Councillor Dilks encouraged everyone to visit the Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue headquarters.  

4. Meetings which took place on Thursday 4 April 2024 and Thursday 18 April 2024 to progress plans for the Deepings Fun Day Sunday to be held on 7 July 2024.  

Councillor Townsin introduced this item advising that they had had two meetings with another planned and were working with others (representatives from Market Deeping Town Council, the Rotary, the Round Table, the Lions and the Inner Wheel) and the organisation of the event was progressing. The event will take place on Sunday 7 July 2024 and volunteers will be needed from 11.30am onwards 
5. Mayor of Market Deeping Town Council’s Civic Dinner held at Deepings Sports and Social Club on Saturday 20 April 2024.

Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens attended this event.

6. St Georges Day Service at the Priory Church Deeping St James held on Sunday 21 April 2024. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe attended this event 

7.The Priory Church celebration of partnerships social event held on Monday 22 April 2024 in the Priory Hall.

Councillors Gilbert, Smith and Shinkins-Hoppe attended this event where the Vicar Rev Mark Williams spoke of the shared focus of the church’s activity and engagement with the community as the Parish are the custodians of one of the biggest and most well-known buildings in the community so he feels it needs to be used by the community.  

24.170 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

The Clerk obtained the making a difference award choices Councillors Denman and Dilks. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe requested that a recreation and open spaces committee meeting was held at 8pm on Tuesday 14 May 2024 after the planning and transport committee 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that a virtual meeting was scheduled to take place at 10am on 24 April 2024 to further consider the cemetery issue 

Meeting finished at 9.40pm