May 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 7.30pm.
Present: Parish Councillors Denman, Dilks (County and District) arrived at 8.30pm, Fowler, Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin.
A copy of the agenda has been issued to District Councillors Denniston and Ley 
Open Forum 
Phil Neville addressed the Council introducing the Deepings River Action Group chaired by Andrew Bowell who had recently circulated a newsletter. Phil feels that the River is the biggest asset in the Deepings so needs protecting for both the residents and the wildlife. Volunteers are welcome to help at a litter picking event organised for 10am on Saturday 29 June 2024 and any publicity that the Parish Council can offer would be appreciated. 
Chris Towers addressed the Council about concerns raised by local residents in respect of planning application S24/0609. This area of land falls within the conservation area and until 3 to 4 years ago had horses on it, the flora and fauna is abundant as are the birds and insects. It is designated as an important open space and the conservation report call sit out as important to the character of Deeping St James. The planning permission for the day nursery whose excess point the new application will share is restricted between 8am and 6pm, will the house operate under the same curfew? The area also acts as a soakaway for the current housing in the area due to the flood risk  and the impact of the build on near by dwellings due to loss of light and privacy would be severe. 
Councillor Smith advised that the Planning committee had already considered this application and recommended to the Council that they should object on the grounds of loss of biodiversity and the entrance/exit point issues. 
Councillor Stevens advised that if there is enough public interest in a planning application it can be called in by a District Councillor for the planning committee to consider and advised the residents to contact Councillor Phil Dilks as he is the Executive member for planning and housing at SKDC.
Both Phil and Chris left the meeting 
25.1 To elect a Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of office. 
It was proposed (Councillor Hosking), seconded (Councillor Rose) and RESOLVED that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe should be elected as Chairperson. 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe signed the acceptance of office which was witnessed by the Parish Clerk.
25.2 To elect a Vice Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of acceptance of office.
Councillor Hosking nominated Councillor Halls and this was seconded by Councillor Rose.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe nominated Councillor Gilberts and this was seconded by Councillor Fowler. 
It was RESOLVED (by 6 votes to 5) that Councillor Gilbert should be elected as Vice Chairperson. 
Councillor Gilbert signed the acceptance of office which was witnessed by the Clerk 
25.3 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillor Bowell 
25.4 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.
Councillor Stevens declared a non-disclosable interest as the organiser of StoryFest mentioned within the Clerks report  
25.5 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 23 April 2024. 
Agreed and signed 
25.6 To agree to follow and work within the Local Government Association Code of Conduct which was adopted on 27 May 2021.  
It was RESOLVED to continue to follow the Code of Conduct originally adopted by this Council on 27 May 2021
25.7 To appoint new committees and advisory committees (Allotments Committee, Cemetery Committee, Finance Policy and Personnel Committee, Recreation Areas and Open Spaces Committee, Planning and Transport Committee, Personnel sub-committee and Emergency plan sub-committee). 
Councillors were appointed to new committees and advisory committees and it was noted that a Chairperson for each committee would be appointed at the first meeting of that committee
Councillor Stevens advised that it was the intention to agree a communication and engagement working party or sub-committee which when agreed would need to be added. 
The updated list would be available to view on the Parish Council’s website. 
25.8 To appoint members on outside advisory bodies and note membership on other outside bodies 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that she had resigned as a Governor at the Deepings School. 
Councillor Denman advised that his involvement with the Wildlife Trust at the Deepings Lakes had not progressed. Councillors Fowler and Gilbert asked the Clerk to forward the contact details as they may be interested in getting involved. 
Councillor Smith would pursue the Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board involvement with Councillor Dilks as he had heard nothing. 
The updated list of appointments would be available to view on the Parish Council’s website. 
25.9 To accept the meeting schedule for the year May 2024 to April 2025.
The meeting schedule was accepted and it was noted that this would be made available on the Parish Council’s website.  
25.10 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
-A response has been issued to the member of the public who contacted the Clerk and all the Parish Councillors on 223 April 2024 to report acts of and ask for help to deal with the anti-social behaviour. Permission was given by the member of the public to forward the email to the neighbourhood’s team at SKDC which has been done.  
-Several members of the public have contacted the office in search of relative’s graves and the office staff have been successful in providing information. 
-Following planning permission being granted to complete work on the evergreen trees within the old Cemetery the work has been scheduled to be completed on 6 September 2024. 
-The service level agreement for the web maintenance service provided via LALC has been received and will continue until April 2025. 
-The defibrillator cabinet and housing post has been received and will be installed on Jubilee Park on 21 May 2024. 
-The two additional sand hoppers agreed to be purchased following the demand for sandbags during the flooding in early 2024 have now arrived and been installed in the Priory Hall car park on Church Street and on the hardstanding area at Millennium Wood on Spalding Road.
-The highway verge grass cutting maps continue to pose a challenge to the contractors as some areas marked on the map as NOT highway verges are in fact highway verges. Clarifying this with the relevant person at LCC Highways has also proved a challenge for the Clerk as establishing a point of contact is difficult as all documentation provide a generic email and phone number. The Contractor is able to provide an additional quote for and cut the extra areas so the Clerk has organised for this to happen and will continue to work to obtain definitive maps from LCC Highways.
-Confirmation has been received from SKDC advising that due to resource constraints the Big Clean Team initiative which used to visit and transform areas within the district is no longer available.
-Confirmation has been received that Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire commenced the weekly outreach sessions at Deepings Community Centre on Wednesday 2 April 2024. The Clerk is liaising with CASL to arrange for the grant funding for this project to be forwarded to them 
-Confirmation has been received that the National Association of Local Councils has reviewed Financial regulations and a model template is available. In accordance with the adopted standing orders these need to be considered at the finance policy and personnel committee meeting on 4 June 2024. 
-An application form and criteria for funding has been requested from South Kesteven District Council for the Coronation Living Heritage Funding towards a community orchard. 
-The fee to re-vet the tourism sign located on Spalding Road directing visitors up Broadgate Lane to the Priory Church and the Cross/lock-up has been paid to Lincolnshire County Council and confirmation has been received that a team member will be in touch in due course to begin the re-vetting process.   
-Contact details of 3 Arborists have been obtained. Councillor Smith has approached one directly and an acceptable verbal quotation has been obtained once a written confirmation has been received a date will be fixed for them to carry an inspection of the Wellingtonia in the old Cemetery. 
-A response has been issued to the Safer Together Co-ordinator at the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner priority setting request asking for more police presence in Deeping St James especially at known hotspots for anti-social behaviour (Woody Heights, Jubilee Park and Manor Court Gardens). 
-A resident of Hereward Way contacted the office regarding anti-social behaviour including drug dealing in the area around Manor Way Shops, Manor Court Gardens and Manor House housing association flats. They were advised to report the matter to the police however there was a reluctance to do so, so they were advised to report it to the neighbourhood’s team at South Kesteven District Council and District Councils for this area for it to be investigated.  
-A consultation has been received from William Hildyard Church of England Primary and Nursery School as under Section 27 of the Education Act, they are seeking to ‘de-designate’ the nursery class enabling them to be able to offer places with added flexibility dependent on whether part-time places are preferred by parents seeking admission. The Nursery will still remain part of the school. The closing date for the consultation is 17 June 2024.
-The application for funding for trees to plant a mini community orchards has been obtained from SKDC and needs to be completed and endorsed by a District Councillor
-A thank you card has been received from the Deepings Literary Festival followed by a grant request for £100 towards the StoryFest event due to be held on 15/16 June 2024. As this is prior to the next Council meeting the Clerk intends to make the payment which will be approved retrospectively at the meeting on 18 June 2024 
-Year end has been completed on Scribe Accounting and the reports generated. The Annual Governance and Accounting Return has also been completed and a meeting requested with the internal Auditor to complete and sign their section (page 3) prior to bringing the whole document to Council on 18 June 2024 for section 1 (page 4) and section 2 (page 5) be completed and signed before the documents and reports are sent to the external Auditor.  
-An invitation from Market Deeping Town Council to attend the Civic Service on Sunday 9 June 2024, for the newly elected Market Deeping Town Mayor, Councillor Dr Pam Byrd, has been received and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe will be attending. 
- An invitation from the local branch of the Royal British Legion to attend the raising of the flag and wreath laying on Riverside Park at 10am on Thursday 6 June 2024 to commemorate D-Day 80 has been received. All welcome.    
25.12 Financial matters: 
1. To approve the payments for May 2024. 
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to make payments totalling £18432.20 
3. To note the income for May 2024.
3. To agree the public and employer’s liability insurance renewal commencing from 1 June 2024.  
The Clerk along with Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe had checked the paperwork. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to renew the insurance with Aviva Insurance via Clear Councils.
The Clerk was asked to check that the cover for CCTV cameras was adequate.  
At 8.30pm Councillor Dilks joined the meeting and it was RESOLVED to return to agenda item 25.11 so that he could provide his District and County reports. 
25.11 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.
Lincolnshire County Council 
The annual County Council meeting was held on Friday 17 May 2024. 
Work on the Anglian Water pipeline has stopped and holes have been left open for over a month now.
There are two schemes coming down the east coast putting in pylons which will take the power generated down south. The process has not been acceptable to Councillor Dilks as they got Lincolnshire Farmers agreement for this to happen however many have lost a whole season due to the delay with these projects and the flooding. 
Councillor Dilks has been in contact with the portfolio holder for these projects Councillor Davies and has been advised that the work is being rephased.
South Kesteven District Council 
A motion to reimburse Grantham businesses due to the roadworks at Grantham Markets was approved
Last week the planning committee were advised that an email received from the Government had delayed the decision on Mallard Park Solare Farm. SKDC had objected about how much grade 3a land was to be utilised. A recent Government announcement discouraged Local Authorities from allowing Solar Farms on Arable land.
25.13 Planning matters: 
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024. 
Councillor Smith introduced the minutes firstly advising that the Deepings Neighbourhood plan group had promoted 3 projects, 2 of which were successful in obtaining funding from the UK Prosperity Fund (national money as a result of savings from Brexit which is being administered by the Local Authority). The two successful projects were way markers for the Green Walk and the local cycling and walking infrastructure plan. The unsuccessful project related to improvements to Jubilee Park and would be mentioned further under agenda item 25.15.3. 
Councillor Smith then referred to the two recommendations from the committee 
Application No: S24/0609
Applicant: Mrs M Crowson
Proposal: Erection of two storey dwelling and detached garage.
Location: Land Rear of Welland View, 18 Bridge Street, Deeping St James,
Lincolnshire, PE6 8HA
The committee recommendation is to object to this application based upon 
1. a lack of baseline biodiversity assessment founded on the condition of the land before recent site clearance and;
2. Inadequate access to and from Park Road and Bridge Street.
It was RESOLVED to accept the planning committee’s recommendation
The Parish Council requested that Councillor Dilks called this application in to be considered by the District Council’s planning committee. 
Councillor Dilks abstained from voting
Application No: S24/0677
Applicant: Mr Tom Holdup
Proposal: Certificate of lawful existing development for land forming part of the Manor
Roofing Ltd site used for commercial storage (Use Class B8).
Location: Old Station Yard, Station Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RQ
The committee recommendation was to object as the case for storage has not been made for the whole site within the red lined area. There is maturing woodland to the rear that has not been used for storage.  In the event there is a planning application, the application should note the site is sensitive being close to an SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest).
It was RESOLVED to accept the planning committee’s recommendation
Councillor Dilks abstained from voting. 
2. To consider the following planning applications 
Applicant: Holly Rippin. 
Proposal: Single storey rear extension. 
Location: 71 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HH, 
App Type: Householder
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to make no comments or objection to this proposal 
Reference: 24/00610/WCPP
Application Validated: Tue 07 May 2024
Address: Land At Giddons Drove Track Peakirk Road Northborough Peterborough
Proposal: Removal of condition C1 (noise management) pursuant to planning permission 23/00136/FUL
Councillor Smith advised that in an earlier application the group had been given temporary permission until July 2024 and they were no applying for the removal of the noise management plan. Councillor Smith proposes that the Parish Council should object to the removal of the noise management plan, seconded by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe who added that the Parish Council were criticised by local residents as we did not support them against the original plan so this shows we are listening. RESOLVED. 
25.14 To consider the following correspondence.
1. South Kesteven District Council offering DSJPC to have a say on the South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024-2028. The consultation deadline is 8 June 2024 
It was agreed that individual Councillors could complete this themselves. The Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group would be looking at this at their meeting on 4 June 2024 and the Parish Council agreed to support their response. 
2. Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire are reviewing their strategy for the next five and inviting stakeholders to engage with them by completing a survey. The survey deadline is 24 May 2024
The Clerk was asked to complete the survey on the Parish Council’s behalf 
It was noted that following the commencement of the weekly outreach drop-in and appointments sessions on Wednesday 2 April 2024 held at the Deepings Community Centre, Deeping St James United Charities had asked for a meeting with representatives of Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire. When arranged a representative from the Parish and Town Council would be invited to attend 
3. Deeping Youth Group providing their income and expenditure accounts for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 in accordance with the grant funding policy.
Councillor Hosking, as the Parish Council’s nominated representative confirmed that she had been vetted, had attended two meetings and also attended a youth night. She advised that the annual general meeting was due to be held on Monday 24 May 2024.
The accounts provided did raise some concerns and Councillor Stevens offered to put the issue into context. At the time when the Cross School premises was owned 50/50 by Lincolnshire County Council and Deeping St James United Charities the Deeping Youth Group were in the building permanently.   When DSJ United Charities bought LCC’s 50% share, the building was let to a dance company, who sub-let it to others. The relationship has been difficult as sometimes teenagers in attendance on the same night as more mature Ladies and Gentleman doing Pilates has not worked for a business trying to act professionally and be a success. DSJ United Charities have agreed to renovate the Cross School which is a good thing and this work has started but no attention has been paid to how the tenants and sub-tenants are going to operate whilst this work takes place. Councillor Dilks supported Councillor Stevens comments and the idea of a meeting taking place. It was agreed that Councillor Hosking would attend the annual general meeting on Monday 28 May 2024 proposing that representatives from the Parish and Town Council meet with representatives from the Deeping Youth Group to discuss finances. A representative from DSJ United Charities should be invited too.  
4. NFU Mutual Annual General Meeting 2024 right to vote as a member on some key decisions. Deadline 25 June 2024 
25.15 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 
1. Deepings Lions Club Charter dinner and dance held on 27 April 2024 
Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe attended a very good evening with around 80 people present. 
2. Annual Parish Council meeting and making a difference awards presentation on Monday 29 April 2024
Councillor Halls said that she had spoken to people who had not attended before who were pleasantly surprised with the event and at what the Parish Council do. 
Councillor Stevens stated that the Parish Council does need to reassess what we are doing as neighbouring Councils are beginning to copy our prototype.
Councillor Dilks brought Chris Noon, who has been elected to Grantham Town Council, and he was really impressed 
Councillor Dilks added that he had taken details of the two refuse enquiries that were raised on the evening and they had both since been resolved
3. Meeting (Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith with Parish Clerk) to finalise the TP1 and ST1 documents relating to the transfer of Jubilee Park from the District Council to the Parish Council took place on 1 May 2024 
Councillor Smith advised that the transfer (TP1) was progressing although there will be more questions regarding the adverse possession of the small section of unregistered land (ST1). He continued reminding everyone that this transfer of ownership comes without a dowry so he had made a grant application to the UK Prosperity Fund but this project had failed to get support. After looking at the meeting reports where this was considered He has questioned this with SKDC. The feeling is that the committee misunderstood the application as they felt it was an overpriced consultation with no tangible benefit. District Councillor Moran has advised that they will revisit it at the next meeting on 5 July 2024 which Councillor Smith will attend to make a presentation.
Councillor Dilks said that Councillor Smith had explained the situation fully and he advised that he had lobbied for it to be supported but had been unable to attend the decision-making meeting, but would attend the meeting on 15 July 2024.  
4.Meeting of the Deepings Fun day Sunday working group on Thursday 9 May 2024
Councillor Townsin provided an updated stating that the organisation of the event was progressing as it should be with 40 stalls signed up in addition to musical entertainment, a static vehicle show and activities for Children. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe encouraged everyone to keep the date on Sunday 7 July free as volunteers to set up/clear away and act as Stewards would be needed. The programme events was to be agreed at the next meeting on 23 May 2024   
5.To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the recreation and open spaces committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024
Councillor Stevens introduced the minutes of this meeting at which she had asked the Clerk to contact Linchfield and Deeping St James Primary Schools regarding holding a summer playscheme. The Clerk advised that she had done and had received a reply from DSJ Primary saying that they were unable to help as they had work taking place on the building during the summer. It was agreed to work with Madcaps out of school club at Market Deeping Community Primary to organise the summer playscheme.
Councillor Stevens also advised that dates had been agreed for 3 footpath walks had also been agreed – 6pm Thursday 5 September, 6pm Thursday 12 September and 2pm Sunday 22 September 2024   
25.16 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.
Councillor Dilks as Chair of the local branch of the Royal British Legion said that he had been tasked with arranging a meeting regarding the Deeping St James Remembrance event which he had not done. A small group of Councillors needs to come up with a proposal taking into account health and safety and safeguarding of minors. Once this has been established a combined meeting with the Town Council, Scouts and Guides, etc, would be arranged. Volunteers for the DSJPC working party were Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens. 
Councillor Townsin had attended a Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group meeting although she has still not been officially able to join as they do not appear that organised. They have 6 weekly meetings to discuss complaints with the Deepings Practice. There are 23 volunteer drivers and others who are interested but as they are not registered at the practice they cannot be recruited. It is felt another Coordinator is needed although they already have three. They have put something in the Parish Grapevine magazine. 
They have several students involved who are providing talks in Schools. 
They would like to offer defibrillator training and are trying to organise this. 
The walk-in centre has been turned down by the NHS or regional trust as Spalding and Peterborough urgent treatment centres are within radius. Councillor Stevens felt that we need to continue to push for a walk-in centre and better services generally and requested that this is added to a future agenda for consideration. 
Councillor Dilks added that Lincolnshire County Council have got a health scrutiny panel so he will try to bring some information from that.     
Councillor Townsin concluded that the next meeting would be held at 6.30pm on 16 July 2024 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe reminded everyone of the D-Day 80 events on 6 June 2024 at Riverside Park at 10am and Jubilee Park at 9.15pm 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also reminded the Chairs of each committee to forward their proposals of changes to committee terms of reference and delegated powers to the Clerk  
Meeting finished at 9.55pm