September 2024 Minutes
The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 17 September 2024 at 7.30pm.
Present: Parish Councillors Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Halls, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin.
The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk
Open Forum
Paul Carrington a Trustee and Fundraiser for the Legend on the Bench Charity addressed the Parish Councillors offering a bench with the contact details of mental health support charities attached which could be located within the Parish. This was being offered following the recent installation of one in the Paddock in Market Deeping
25.55 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Bowell, Gilbert and Hosking
25.56 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011.
Councillor Stevens declared an interest in respect of agenda item 25.60.2 due there being a payment to their personal business
25.57 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 20 August 2024.
The minutes were approved and signed.
25.58 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
Confirmation has been received advising that Councillor Stevens is now an additional signatory with authority to authorise online actions for Unity Trust Bank.
The cabinet housing the defibrillator at the Methodist Church has failed to open and due to its age (obtained in 2015) and earlier issues with it a new cabinet has been purchased which will be delivered on Tuesday 17 September 2024
Advice and guidance from the Assistant Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police on the safety and security of local elected officials has been forwarded by South Kesteven District Council Electoral Services and shared with all Parish Councillors.
The DSJ Remembrance Parade on Sunday 10 November 2024 has been registered as an event and a request for a traffic regulation order to close Church Street and divert traffic along Hereward Way and Broadgate Lane has been requested
The local branch of the Royal British Legion has provided a further 12 lorry poppies to attach to structures in the Deepings along with the 7 already in storage. Two wreaths have also been requested for the opening of the Garden of Remembrance on 3 November 2024 and the Priory Church Service on 10 November 2024
Following the Clerk making contact a representative from the Probation Services has phoned to discuss the needs of the Parish Council. The requirement is to nominate a project rather than just request a team to do a variety of tasks. It was also noted that work that is included within the job description of a paid employee cannot be completed by the community payback team
Nominate a Community Payback project - GOV.UK (
Clearance of the area at the side of Priory Church leading to its development as an area for a Garden of Remembrance for the scattering of ashes followed by the painting of the iron railings around the Cemetery
The transfer of Jubilee Park from the District Council to the Parish Council was completed on Thursday 5 September 2024 and documents confirming this were received on 16 September 2024. The Solicitors advise that due to the backlog at the Land Registry the registration application may take up to two years to complete.
A topographical survey of Jubilee Park was completed on Friday 6 September 2024 the results of which have been received and will be used to further the improvement project.
One of the maintenance team is meeting Steve Fisk to relocate the two donated 10ft Chestnut Trees. They are being relocated to Millennium Wood.
The highway grass verges were cut on Friday 30 August 2024 on the same day as a meeting with a representative took place where assurances that a further cut would happen at the end of September October and possibly November.
I have accepted the offer of an outdoor table tennis table from to be installed at Jubilee Park and been advised that SKDC are preparing the bid to be made to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund but they will be in contact in the near future. In the meantime, could the Parish Council think about the precise location within the Park that they might want to have the table.
A member of the public has contacted the office suggesting that they would like to turn the phone box on Church Street into a community library for the village. They would like to install some shelving and have a stock of books that could be taken, exchanged or borrowed. They would encourage people to do similar if they also have books to donate. They also had the idea of turning it into a florist, as they grow flowers so they could be put in there for people to take.
ACTION: The Clerk was asked to respond to the member of the public thanking them for making contact acknowledging that the suggestion was a good use of the heritage telephone box but explaining that prior to being its reinvention the telephone box required a remedial work (new floor, repainting, easing of or new door closers, cleaning or replacement of Perspex panels. Once completed contact would be made to help progress the book swap project.
Following a successful bid to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for green space improvement, South Kesteven District Council is looking to support town and parish-led rewilding initiatives that will provide biodiversity and social amenity value across the district. There will be two application windows, closing on Monday 28th October 2024 and Monday 16th December 2024 and if successful 100% of project costs will be paid up front.
ACTION: Following the Clerk advising that the Cemetery Maintenance Worker was very keen to rewild areas of the Cemetery, they were requested to arrange for them to meet with the Chair of the Cemetery Committee, Councillor Stevens, who would work towards applying for funding by 28 October. Councillor Smith would approach the contractor currently undertaking the design and consultation of the improvement of Jubilee Park to obtain a price for clearance, rewilding and management of an area with a view to the recreation and open spaces committee considering it at the committee meeting on 12 November and applying for funding by 16 December 2024
The staff appraisals have taken place on Monday 16 and Tuesday 17 September 2024.
A request was issued to Market Deeping Town Council on 3 September to arrange a joint meeting to consider how to approach the Deepings Practice directly rather than via the Patient Participation Group .
25.59 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.
Apologies had been received from District Councillor Ley who had provided the following report.
Jubilee Park and Special Expenses Account
Due to summer recess, my annual leave and Chief Financial Officer’s annual leave and covering for the Chief Executive Officer who has been off on long term sick, I have not been able to have a meeting with him about SEA and/or other funding to aid Jubilee Park maintenance. I apologise for this but am in the Finance Committee meeting with CFO today and will enquire of him what support, if any we can get. I will send you an update either later today or tomorrow on the outcome.
Household Support Team/Cost of Living Team
This team supports the poorest residents for energy, food, essential items, and any other advice they can give. Funding for this team was only up to Sept 24 but the Government have extended this funding to March 2025, let’s hope this will go on longer as it is very much needed. Should anyone need assistance the Manager of this Team is the Head of Revenue, Benefits, Customer and Community. If I can be of any help on this at all though, please do let me know.
Churchfield Close Purple Lidded Bins
This has been ongoing over the summer Councillor Kate Shinkins-Hoppe raised this an issue and will be able to give the detail. There has been a delay in getting a reply on this, again due to annual leave of officers and the Cabinet Member, Rhys Baker, who I raised the matter with. I sent the detail from the Waste Services Manager to Councillor Kate Shinkins-Hoppe and the bins should have either been delivered late last week or at some point this week. There had apparently been some problems with some residents with recycling and residents in Churchfield Close were going to be given further advice on this. We will await and see how this goes.
Councillor Dilks added that since the introduction of the purple lidded bin the recycling rate has rocketed nearing the national average. He also advised that bin tagging would be more targeted from now on
Churchfield Close Play area
This was raised to me by Councillor Judy Stevens yesterday, fly-tipping and unsocial behaviour. I raised this with the Neighbourhoods Team and the overall manager of that area replied, this reply was forwarded to Councillor Judy Stevens for information, Councillor Phil Dilks is also aware of this and will be able to answer any queries this evening.
Councillor Dilks advised that any anti-social behaviour or vandalism should be reported to
S24/0706 Osier Farmhouse
I added this to my last update regarding a “call in” on this, I will leave this for Councillor Phil Dilks to update on the detail as Cabinet Member for Planning.
Councillor Dilks had also called in this planning application for a committee decision. At the meeting the Architect had reported that the roof of 110 was marginally taller than that being proposed. The application was approved.
Scout Island
I have not had any further complaints on this but am aware the River Action Group members and the Rotary club are supporting on this; you may know more than I do at present.
Millfield Road
This has taken some time to sort out, I sent the detail in originally to Housing Enquiries who seemed to take a long time to reply, I chased on this again last week and the reply from the Technical Services Manager has confirmed there has been no receipt from the resident to bulky waste for collection of this furniture outside the property. The Technical Services Manager has advised the Housing Officer that they will contact the resident to ask for this furniture to be removed and advise on how to contact bulky waste for this to be collected. I will keep an eye on this to ensure this happens.
S23/2157 108A Eastgate
This is a resident with ongoing complaint regarding retrospective planning application for his neighbours building who I have been supporting for some weeks, who is now referring to the Ombudsman on the matter. Councillor Phil Dilks is also aware of this matter so I will leave it for him to update you.
Councillor Dilks provided the following County Council report
Anglian Water pipeline
Work has now recommenced on the installation of the pipeline however the section closest to the Deepings (the middle section) will be the last to be completed.
Area Highway Manager visit to the Deepings
Various areas were visited
Highway between Dentist and Indian Restaurant on Bridge Street as an extension to the yellow lines has been requested by members of the public
Jubilee Park to assess the condition of the public right of way across the park along with numerous other areas that had received slurry sealing which aims to extend the life of the footpath by five years at a quarter of the cost of a new path.
Councillor Rose advised that she had spoken to the contractors who had advised that the paths were weed killed (not strong weed killer) prior to the slurry being poured however the slurry consisted of 30% water so encouraged weed growth. The paths would be weed killed again in October and Spring.
Councillor Dilks confirmed he was due to meet a representative from the Contractors.
Supporting Deeping United Football Clubs application for a training ground off Cross Road Market Deeping.
Councillor Dilks advised that Highways wanted to condition that a footpath costing £100,000 should be installed on Cross Road (which is a dead-end) prior to planning permission approval.
Councillor Dilks is due to meet the Executive Councillor for Highways, Councillor Davies, to consider this and the bend on Northfields Industrial estate in Market Deeping which continues to cause issues.
Councillor Dilks provided the following District Council report
The National Planning Policy Framework is currently being revised; consultation closes next week.
If the changes are approved South Kesteven District Council will be required to build 902 house per year up from the current 708. Eighteen houses ff Broadgate Lane were already included in the allocation and the landowner had since come forward offering further land on the Parslins field (the field behind Broadgate Lane/Rycroft Avenue/Back Lane). If the NPPF changes go ahead and Millfield in Market Deeping is not included the Parslins field could be accepted.
Councillor Smith asked why the Parslins field was being considered over the field behind Braeburn Road which the owners had felled trees to clear access too?
Councillor Dilks said he would enquire.
25.60 Financial matters:
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the finance policy and personnel committee meeting held on Tuesday 13 August 2024.
In the absence of Councillor Gilbert Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced these minutes from which there were no recommendations
2. To approve the expenditure for September 2024.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to payments totalling £27,519.14
3. To note the income for September 2024.
Income of £2430.64 was noted.
25.61 Planning matters:
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 10 September 2024.
2. To consider the Planning Application Appeal Notification in relation to Planning Application S23/2057 Proposed change of use of existing agricultural hard surfaced land to open storage at Hards Lane, Frognall
25.62 To consider the following correspondence.
1. Environment Agency – advising of maintenance taking place in the Parish
2.Legend on the Bench Charity - introducing the Charity following the installation of the 8th bench in the Parish of Market Deeping
Following discussion about a suitable location for a bench it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED the following two locations should be put forward to the Charity as suitable locations- the area in the Priory Church closed Churchyard which is to be developed as a garden of remembrance and reflection or the green area on Broadgate Lane near the Willow Tree (opposite no.9)
3. South Kesteven District Council - Council Tax Support Scheme 2024/25 consultation
4. Thank you and update from Jimmy D’s early year’s provision playgroup following the award of grant funding
5. Police and Crime Commissioner Safer Together Co-ordinator’s response to my request to attend the Raft Race Duck Derby, Dog Show and Community Policing Panel meeting.
Councillor Dilks requested that the Clerk forward this email to him so that he, as a member of the Lincolnshire Police and Crime panel, can push for a presence at local events.
6. South Kesteven District Council – Requesting nominations for SK Community Awards 2024, closing date 27 September 2024
7. Demographic information (employment deprivation, household and population make-up) about the Deepings provided to Councillor Stevens by an SKDC Officer.
Councillor Stevens advised that she had obtained this information to assist with a grant for the Deepings Community Library.
Councillor Smith noted that the increase in an elderly population and reduction in the younger was useful to know as it helps with planning for housing and infrastructure.
8. Request to support West Deeping with regards to the Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
Councillor Smith stated that it had been resolved previously to support West Deeping and he proposed that rather than just supporting their words some of our own should be offered which he had provided. It was seconded and RESOLVED to respond to the consultation using Councillors Smiths wording.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter.
9. To consider the complaint received about the allocation of burial plots within Deeping St James Cemetery.
It was noted that a response had been received from the exclusive right of burial holder to the Clerk’s email dated 27 August 2024. It was noted that once the signed application for a licence for the removal of buried human remains had been received it would be forwarded to the Ministry of Justice for a decision
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to come out of closed session.
25.63 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them:
1. Meeting of representatives from DSJ Parish Council and MD Town Council with grass cutting Contractor held on Friday 30 August 2024
2. The Deepings Lions Duck Race held on Sunday 1 September 2024
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe attended this event which was very well attended.
3. Cemetery committee meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024
The minutes from which there were no recommendations had been shared with members.
4. Recreation and open spaces committee meeting held on Tuesday 3 September 2024
Councillor Smith provided an update advising that the ownership of Jubilee Park had been transferred from the District to the Parish Council on 5 September 2024. The design and consultation was progressing covered by funding from a UK Shared Prosperity funding grant. It was noted that there would be additional costs in respect of the survey however there was a Jubilee Park budget which could be called on to cover these and other possible costs.
5. The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group meeting held on Wednesday 4 September 2024.
The contents of the report from this meeting was noted. Councillor Stevens requested that these notes were forwarded to her.
ACTION the Clerk was asked to contact Market Deeping Town Council to arrange a joint meeting to agree how to progress.
6. Allotments committee meeting held on Tuesday 10 September 2024
This meeting did not take place as it was not quorate.
7. Parish Footpath walks held on Thursday 5th and 12th September 2024
Both well attended. The next walk was due to take place at 2pm on Sunday 22 September 2024 starting and finishing at the Exotic Pet Refuge on Station Road Deeping St James
8. Age Concern Deepings Annual General Meeting – 7pm Monday 16 September 2024.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe represented the Parish Council at this meeting
25.64 To consider purchasing name badges for Councillors and Staff
Different styles of name badge were considered and it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that a magnetic badge with a white background, black writing and the logo would be most appropriate. Councillor Halls volunteered to find some examples and work with the Clerk to order and purchase.
25.65 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe requested that Remembrance events was added to the October agenda.
Councillor Stevens requested that all the paperwork was printed for her in future as she was experiencing issues using BlueMail