January 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting which was held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 23 January 2024 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Townsin.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk. 

As no members of the public were present so no public forum took place.
24.116 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Denman, Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Rose and Stevens. 

24.1117 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the registration of disclosable pecuniary interest forms. 

Agenda item 24.122 S24/2370 and S24/2371 - Councillor Smith known to the applicant 

Agenda item 24.120 District Council report – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe is a Governor at the Deepings School 

24.118 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 19 December 2023.

Agreed and signed.

24.119 To receive the Clerks report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes.

-A member of the public contacted the office on Tuesday 2 January 2024 to raise concerns about an individual in the Churchyard. The Parish Council staff, the Vicar and Councillor Stevens offered assistance and contacted SKDC for further guidance. The Police became involved on Wednesday 3 January 2024. 
-A Flood warning for the Lower Welland was raised on Saturday 30 December 2023 and then again on Wednesday 3 January 2024. After the second alert there was a huge call for sandbags from local residents leading to the maintenance team, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and a number of volunteers including Ian Prentice and Peter Robinson and the Men in Sheds team filling and delivering sandbags. Market Deeping Town Councils maintenance team along with Councillor Broughton also assisted as sand and sandbags were in short supply and they had an abundance.
Mumby Landscapes and Carters builders also provided additional sand and on Tuesday 9 January 2024 South Kesteven District Council provided a further ton and 100 sandbags to replenish our stock. 
-A member of the public contacted the Parish Council office on Tuesday 2 January 2024 to advise that they had reported via ‘fixmystreet’ the poor condition of an area of pavement on Hereward Way which they had tripped and badly injured themselves on. Action has since been taken by Lincolnshire County Council to repair this area.  
-A tree at Manor Court Gardens fell in the bad weather on Tuesday 26 December 2023. The DSJPC maintenance team cordoned it off and as it is SKDC’s land they were advised. It was removed by them on 5 January 2024.
-Having a received a business rate bill from South Kesteven District Council the Clerk contacted the Valuation Agency Office online and appeal against the decision, this is still ongoing.   
-The issues with Barclays Bank continue to be challenging and a lot of time and effort continues to be  needed to work through them. 
-Several meetings have taken place at the Cemetery with both the contracted Gravedigger and the Parish Council’s Cemetery Maintenance Worker to clarify burial availability for those individuals who hold a grant of exclusive right of burial and to mark out future burial plots.   
-The Clerk is awaiting a response from Market Deeping Town Council about the joint meeting to organise a community event during 2024, their decision on the highway  grass cutting tenders and confirmation of whether they (like DSJPC) have agreed to fund the Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire grant funding request.
-The Clerk has shared The Rt. Hon Sir John Hayes CBE MP response to the Parish Councils request for him to support the Climate and Ecology Bill with the Zero Hour Campaign.
-Lincolnshire County Council confirmed that the streetlight that has been missing from public right of way number 1 crossing Jubilee Park since February 2023 was replaced on 19 January 2024  

24.120 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

Lincolnshire County Council report 

Councillor Dilks advised that there is still a few more days to respond to the devolution consultation which currently has a response of about 50/50 for and against an elected Mayor. 

Councillor Dilks mentioned the recent tragic incident relating to the death of the toddler in Skegness and advised that he has offered his support to the Head of Social Services

South Kesteven District Council report

Councillor Dilks advised that SKDC had agreed to a grant of £850k to get the Deepings Leisure Centre refurbished although there are many caveats, with the main one being the exit strategy. This is to be covered by insurance so if it does all go wrong 5/10 years down the line the insurance cover will pay for the demolition of the building. This does not mean that the centre will open soon and the longer it takes the more the building will deteriorate and the more the materials will increase in cost. The Deepings Leisure Community Group CIC did obtain confirmation the building does have 25 years left in it – if it had been anything less that would not have taken the project any further. Lincolnshire County Council will make their decision in February 2024. A bid has also  been made to the Community Ownership Fund and this bid has been given a Government Consultant to push it forward which is encouraging. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked how the lease was progressing with the Anthem Trust Academy/The Deepings School. Councillor Dilks advised that the School do want it to work but they are still working on an agreement. 

Councillor Dilks then turned to housing and planning matters saying that prior to the new administration this area did not have an overview and scrutiny committee and that SKDC was the biggest housing provider in Lincolnshire (with over 6000 units) and approximately 50 are lost each year under the right to buy scheme. He advised that building on Wellington Way Market Deeping was in the pipeline and that this could bring 14 units. The District Council were currently working with the Deepings Scouts with regard to this. 

Councillor Dilks advised that the draft local plan would be coming the Cabinet on 6 February 2024 and that there were changes to the whole housing requirement – from 650 units to 720 for SKDC. 

He mentioned the huge development at Stamford North which was also on the edge of Rutland who they were working closely with to the get the right infrastructure. Rutland no longer have a local plan and have adopted the Community Infrastructure Levy rather than a planning agreement entered into under section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.

Councillor Dilks advised that SKDC were in the middle of an excellent decarbonisation project having received match funding money from Central Government. New windows and air source heating costing 7 million was to be installed. It was noted that 200 of the council house still had coal fires. 

Finally, Councillor Dilks mentioned that a residents meeting had taken place at Benedict Court and the fence had been chosen and ordered so would be installed in the next few months. 

The Clerk reminded Councillor Dilks of two issues which she had emailed him (and Councillors Denniston and Ley) about namely a request from a member of the public to use some of the SKDC land near Manor House Court to extend the car park to benefit the residents there and those visiting the shops, takeaways and School and concerns raised by a member of the public about possibly breaches of planning permission for the development behind 10 Bridge Street Deeping St James. Councillor Dilks advised he would look into these and assured Councillor Smith that if the car parking request was considered he would try to ensure that the Parish Council and Neighbourhood Plan Group were consulted. 

24.121 Financial matters:  

1. To approve the payments for January 2024.

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to make payments totalling £21084.23 

2. To note the income for January 2024.

Income of £2838.64 was noted. 

3. To consider and agree the budget and precept requirements for 2024/25.

Councillor Bowell introduced this item stating that at the finance policy and personnel committee which was held on 12 December 2023 the committee had agreed to recommend a budget which required an increase in the precept of £3.40% (or £2.64) per annum on a Band D Council Tax property. 

Since then, some alterations had been considered - the budget requirement could be reduced by £4250.00 due to the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan Group only requesting funding of £1000 not £2750 in 2024/25 and a budget of £2500 not be required for 2024/25 to fund a defibrillator as there was already an earmarked reserve fund for this purchase which could reduce the precept increase. However, taking into account that there were two issues (the Deepings Community Leisure Centre Group CIC grant application and an unresolved issue at the Cemetery) which had not been budgeted for he would like to propose that a precept of 5% (£3.87) per annum on a Band D Council Tax property was adopted which would cover the necessary budget requirements and provide £7464.00 to be placed in general reserves to cover any unknown costs. This proposal was seconded and RESOLVED   

24.122 Planning matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 16 January 2024. 

Councillor Smith introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there were no recommendations and then handed over to Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe as he had declared an interest in agenda item 24.122.2 

2. To consider the following planning applications: 

S23/2370 Listed Building Consent 
Mr Brent Warner Osier Farm 141 Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 8RB
Section 73 application vary condition 2 (approved plans) of planning approval S20/1862 (Erection of detached dwelling) (Amendments to Plots 5 and 6

S23/2371 Listed Building Consent 
Mr Brent Warner Section 19 application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S20/1863/LB at Osier Farm , 141B Eastgate, Deeping St James 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe explained that if these two applications had been received in time to be added to the planning agenda that the planning committee would have approved them along with applications S23/2307 and S23351 relating to the same property. This was because there was an investment to keeping a building that had been there centuries and that the other items had been internal changes. 

Planning application S23/2370 referred to internal changes to plot 5 and an additional build on existing build plot 6 

Planning application S23/2371 referred to 3 garages one for Osier Farm itself and one each for plots 5 and 6. No previous plans had mentioned garages. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe stated that the supporting paperwork was very thorough although Ecological Survey was dated 2019 so needed to be updated and to continue to include the 6 conditions listed. She asked councillor Dilks if a biodiversity gain report was needed. He advised that the biodiversity gain requirement will only affect planning applications that have been approved after it has been adopted and as the adoption of it has been delayed there is no requirement for these applications to fulfil it. Taking this into account it was agreed not to mention the BDG and it was RESOLVED to accept these planning applications with the comment about renewing the Ecological Survey. Councillors Dilks and Smith abstained from voting. 

S23/2016 – Preliminary enquiry 

Not considered as South Kesteven District Council recalled paperwork as was issued to Deeping St James Parish Council in error 

24.123 To consider the following correspondence. 

1. Lincolnshire Pension Fund – Annual Employer Meeting Survey Outcome. 


2. Lincolnshire Police – Response to funding a Police Community Support Officer 

Councillor Dilks who is a member of the Police and Crime Panel is disappointed at the response from Lincolnshire Police that they are unable to consider Deeping St James Parish Council’s offer to fund a PCSO as he is aware that this is something that DSJPC have done before. He advised that there is no indication that Lincolnshire Police are going to recruit PCSO’s and said he will mention it again at the next meeting which is about 3 weeks time. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe mentioned the recent incident at Jubilee Park and the poor response received from the Police despite having CCTV footage. If there was a local PCSO they may have recognised those on the footage and been able to speak with them.   

3. The Department of Health and Social Care – An offer to be considered for a grant towards the cost of a defibrillator and heated cabinet reducing the cost of purchase to £750. 

The Clerk confirmed she had received confirmation that the Parish Council’s application had been received and would be considered. 
24.124 To consider publishing a newsletter and agree the contents and who should contribute. 

In the absence of Councillor Stevens who had requested for this item to be added to the agenda the Clerk asked those present to agree that a newsletter should be prepared and issued and then requested those present to commit to writing articles/providing information. It was agreed that the newsletter would include an article about flooding, the budget and precept, the neighbourhood plan, the allotments and who deals with what as well as introduce Councillor Townsin, advertise the annual parish meeting and encourage making a difference award nominations and co-option applications. The Clerk along with Councillor Stevens would confirm a delivery date and pull the articles together.  

24.125 To consider the flood warning notifications received and response the from relevant Authorities to the recent flooding events.  

Councillor Smith introduced this item on behalf of Councillor Stevens who had advised that she had been contacted by a number of concerned residents, one of whom had stated that the Siphonic sluices on the River Welland in Crowland/Cowbit had never worked and that the sluice at Greatford had not opened, which may have contributed to the River Welland bursting its banks past Crowland and Greatford flooding which, probably saved the Deepings from flooding. Councillors Stevens was requesting that the Parish council contact the Environment Agency for an explanation. 

Councillor Dilks, in his role of District and County Councillor, advised that the river although very high was controlled and the flood response was managed. South Kesteven District Council did set up an emergency room for the first time ever and did support people in Greatford and Tallington. 

The Clerk advised that there had been no contact from Lincolnshire County Council/Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and when she contacted South Kesteven District Council for sandbags none could be delivered for 7 days. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe, who had helped with filling and delivery sandbags over a two-day period, explained how other members of the community had also helped including two companies who had provided additional sand and the Parish Council staff however but there was no coordination or support from District or County Council.  Councillor Dilks asked the Clerk to provide a resume of the events that had happened stating that he would ask Market Deeping Town Council to do the same adding that the response from SKDC ad LCC as well as on a more local level could always be improved.

Councillor Bowell suggested that the problems had arisen due to the mismanagement of the river over a period of years. Councillor Dilks responded saying that the Government were encouraging a more natural flow on the rivers. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe suggested that an additional 2 sand bins should be purchased and located in locations close to the river for example the Priory Hall car park and the land outside the entrance to the Cross School car park. 

It was agreed not to contact the Environment Agency.   

24.126 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 

1.Meeting between the Clerk and Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith to consider the latest documents relating to the transfer of Jubilee Park. 

Councillor Smith introduced this item saying that all the restrictive covenants (clauses 12.4.1, 2 and 3 in document TP1 V.5) should be removed. These are not to allow the park to be used for trade business or manufacture, not to develop it for commercial or residential purposes and not to permit or cause nuisance. Councillor Smith continued saying that because of the increasing cost to the Parish Council the liberty to use the park possibly for commercial use to cover these cost may be needed. Both Councillors Dilks and Bowell agreed that if there was no movement regarding removing these clauses then the Parish Council would need to re-think if they were still prepared to accept the transfer. Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith and the Clerk will continue to work with the Asset Manager at South Kesteven District Council and the respective Solicitors towards removing them and report back to the Parish Council.  

2.Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 January 2024 

In the absence of Councillor Stevens who had chaired this meeting, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes from this meeting from which there were no recommendations. Councillor Bowell advised that he had spoken to the Clerk that morning to obtain a better understanding of the issues that had been discussed. 

3.Recreation and open spaces committee meeting held on 9 January 2024

As there were no recommendations the minutes were noted. 

4.Allotments committee meeting on 16 January 2024

As there were no recommendations the minutes were noted. 

24.127 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Fowler advised that the hedge on Foxgloves/Brambles had been cut back at last and would have advised District Councillor Ley of this is she had been present. 

Meeting ended at 9.40pm