March 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting which took place in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 19 March 2024 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Gilbert, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk 

24.147 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Bowell and Denman.

District Councillor Ley had also sent her apologies. 

Councillors Dilks, Fowler and Halls were not present. 

24.148 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the registration of disclosable pecuniary interest forms. 

Councillor Hosking declared an interest in agenda item 24.153 S24/0314

24.149 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2024.

Councillor Smith advised that there was one sentence relating to Councillor Baxter becoming the Leader of South Kesteven District Council that was incomplete. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the Parish Clerk would complete  the sentence and the corrected minutes would be signed by the Chair, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe 
24.150 To receive the Clerks report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes.

- Free portrait of King Charles III has been applied for via the website. 
- Following a visit to a Peterborough branch certified copies of Councillor Gilbert’s identification documents have been sent to the Barclays Bank mandate change team in Leicester. 
- Mr Ian Prentice has kindly offered to buy a D Day 80 commemorative flag for Deeping St James Parish Council
- The burial issue was ongoing with further questions being raised following the original Freedom of information request and meeting with members of the deceased family.
- Following planning permission being obtained from SKDC Lincolnshire County Council have cut down a tree on the riverbank (opposite the junction to Hereward Way) 
- Reports of potholes and raised ironworks on the highway have increased; members of the public are bine encouraged to report them through 
- A report of fly tipping on Stowgate Road has been reported and the waste has been disposed of appropriately 
- Following a virtual meeting between the Parish Clerk and the Internal Auditor further work has been suggested to make improvements 
- The Annual Governance and Accounting Return for 2023/24 has been received from external Auditor 
- Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe mentioned that the newsletter had been issued and as far as she was aware there had been no feedback from members of the public; no response to the articles encouraging making a difference award nominations and inviting applications to fill the 3 Councillor vacancies. It was noted that some of the Parish Councillors had not seen it either because the publication it was inserted in was not delivered to their homes or they had not realised it was inserted inside it. This prompted Councillor Stevens to ask for an item to consider future newsletters to be added to the next agenda   
- Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also noted that Councillor Dilks, in his capacity of Chairman of the local Royal British Legion branch, had not arranged the meeting between interested parties to considered Remembrance events.

24.151 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

No District or County Councillors were present and no reports had been forwarded to the Clerk from there for circulation. 

24.152 Financial matters:  

1. To approve the payments for March 2024

It was proposed seconded RESOLVED that payments of £17434.77 should be made 

2. To note the income for March 2024

Income totalling £796.92 was noted

24.153 Planning matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 12 March 2024. 

Councillor Smith began by mentioning that there were two webcasts providing information about the SKDC local plan available to watch at 7.30pm on Wednesday 20 March 2024 and 11 April 2024 which he encouraged those who were interested to watch 

Councillor Smith then introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there was one recommendation relating to planning application S23/2377 for two new bungalows at 14 Village Streets Frognall PE6 8RR. The planning Committee recommends that the Parish Council objects to this application as it is overdevelopment and is considered to be harmful to the character of the area, that is dominated by frontage only property. The site lies near a public footpath and so the new buildings will have a pronounced impact on views from the footpath. Further the placing of a new access so close to the bend on a narrow road will result in safety issues. RESOLVED  

2. To consider the following planning applications 

Application No: S24/0307
Applicant: Carousel Nursery Ltd
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of S19/0343 (Proposed demolition of redundant abattoir buildings and erection of day nursery, formation of
vehicle cross over on Park Road) to change the surface finish to the access
Location: 10 Bridge Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HA,
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Councillor Smith explained that the application was to change the surface of the access road from block paving to gravel. Gravel creates noise and as this access road was close to some residential properties, he proposed that the Parish Council should object stating that gravel should NOT be laid near the residential properties due to the noise issues that it would create. RESOLVED

Application No: S24/0314
Applicant: Mr Elio Pragliola
Proposal: 50% reduction/pollard of entire crown of Willow tree
Location: 79 Church Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HF,
App Type: Works to TPO Tree(s)
Councillor Smith advised that as Willow Trees do benefit from a good reduction, he could see no objection to this application. RESOLVED  

Application No: S24/0353
Applicant: Mr Derrick Christie
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Location: 32 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HJ,
App Type: Householder
Councillor Smith proposed that the Parish Council responded with no objection to this application. RESOLVED 

Application No: S24/0357 
Applicant: Mrs Bailey 
Proposal: Section 211 notice to fell Sycamore (T1)
Location: 60 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD
Councillor Smith advised that this tree was not visible to the public as it was in a private garden so suggested that the Parish Council should respond to SKDC suggesting that their Tree Officer should view it for themselves and make the appropriate decision. Councillor Gilbert advised that if left this large tree could cause structural damage to the property. Councillor Stevens raised her concern about loss of trees generally and requested that the response should encourage the Tree Officer to endeavour to save the tree. RESOLVED 

24.154 To consider the following correspondence.

1. Invitation from the Vicar of the Priory Church for representatives of Deeping St James Parish Council to attend drinks and nibbles in the Priory Hall between 6pm and 8pm on Monday 22 April 2024 to celebrate partnerships, show thanks for support and collect views on how groups can work together to better support our local community in the future. 

Councillors Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens expressed an interest in attending this event. 

2. Market Deeping Town Council requesting a financial contribution towards sand and sandbags supplied during the recent floods. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to pay 50% of the cost (£336.91)

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that Market Deeping Town Councillor, Debbie Jones had recently attended some training via the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum and she would like to meet with representatives from Deeping St James Parish Council to review and improve the current Community emergency and flood plan. Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Townsin volunteered to attend the meeting which was scheduled to take place at 10am on Tuesday 26 March 2024 

3. Deeping St James United Charities requesting diligence when using and leaving the Institute building and advising that following a recent incident, they will let us know if any additional charges are going to be required. 

It was agreed that the Clerk should respond reassuring the Trustees that all Councillors and Parish Council staff would be more diligent when using and leaving the property. Further the Clerk should request that the secondary fire door should be adapted so that a keypad could be installed which would provide independent access to staff so benefit all. It was agreed that the cost of this would be covered by the Parish Council. 

4. Travel Projects Officer from Lincolnshire County Council As part of the Bus Service Improvement Plan project in Lincolnshire, the Travel Projects Officer from Lincolnshire County Council have contacted the Parish Council as they are looking at installing new bus stops in certain areas and one area that has been identified is on Linchfield Road near Thackers Way.  

Councillor Smith offered to work with the Assistant Clerk to progress this. 

5 A member of the public with a well-established gardening business who wishes to give something back asking if there is a modest piece of public land that they could tend for a few hours a month. 

It was agreed that the Clerk should offer the member of public the opportunity to tend the beds at Manor Court Gardens (outside the Manor Way Shops)

6. Department of Health and Social Care Community AED Grant Team confirming that Deeping St James Parish Council qualifies for the £750 match funding scheme and that a defibrillator and heated cabinet could be installed on a free-standing post (additional cost £165) 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to provide the match funding and purchase a free-standing post with a view to installing the defibrillator at Jubilee Park near the electricity cabinet on Thackers Way. It was also suggested that the Clerk should contact the Catholic Church on Hereward Way and the shops along Rycroft Avenue to investigate if they would be open to accepting a donated defibrillator to be installed on the wall of their premises. 

6. Invitation from South Kesteven District Council to attend a decarbonisation and sustainability event at Harlaxton Manor on 25 March 2024 

Councillor Smith advised that this event was designed more for businesses than Local Councils. No Councillors interested in attending.

7. Performance and Improvement Assistant from Lincolnshire County Council offering to attend any Parish Council meetings so that they are able to answer any questions or concerns that people may have in regards to recycling collections.  

It was agreed that the Clerk should respond inviting them to attend the annual Parish Council meeting at 7pm on Monday 29 April 2024 

24.155 To receive an update about the Astroturf on the playing field on Spalding Road/Linchfield Road.  

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this item advising that she had obtained information from a source relating to the installation of the Astro-turf on land 80% of which is owned by the Parish Council and 20% is owned by  Lincolnshire County Council. It was installed around 1993 alongside the changing block by South Kesteven District Council. Reference to the planning application can still be found on the SKDC planning site. It is likely SKDC obtained grant funding and that at the time no or little reference would have been made to DSJPC or LCC 

As a long-standing Councillor, Councillor Stevens recalled that District Councillor Stokes when he was a District Council Officer was instrumental in the Astro-turf being installed.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that when she met a prospective contractor, they had advised that the area of land still fulfilled the required size for an Astro-turf (the equivalent to three 5 aside pitches) and that they had also said that it would cost a lot less to take it back to grass than to install a new surface. Taking this information into account what should the Parish Council’s next action be. 

The Clerk offered to check the minutes from 1993 to see if the Parish Council did discuss it/were consulted at the time. 

As the land was leased by Deeping St James Parish Council to Lincolnshire County Council at the time the Astro-turf was installed it was agreed that a letter should be issued to Lincolnshire County Council, specifically Councillor Richard Butroid who is the Executive Councillor for People Management, Legal and Corporate Property, asking what plans they have regarding the area. It was also agreed that a freedom of information request should be made to South Kesteven District Council to obtain background information on the installation.    
24.156  To consider nominating an individual to represent Deeping St James Parish Council on the Deepings Practice patient participation group 

Councillor Townsin volunteered to represent the Parish Council

24.157 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 

1. Virtual meeting between the Internal Auditor and the Parish Clerk/Responsible Financial Officer on Wednesday 28 February 2024. 

It was noted that the clerk has completed a lot of work to assist with this 

2. Combined community event meetings held at the Institute on Thursday 29 February 2024 and Thursday 14 March 2024.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that two meetings have taken place and progress was being made in leaps and bounds. The next meeting was scheduled to be held at the Town Hall at 7pm on Thursday 4 April 2024. She encouraged everyone to keep 7 July 2024 free as a large number of volunteers would be needed to make the event successful.

3. Cemetery committee meeting held on Wednesday 6 March 2024. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the committee had agreed to increase the burial and memorial application fees and had reviewed the wording of the Cemetery regulations. It had been agreed that at the next meeting the committee would consider the installation of paths in the newly extended Cemetery.

4. The raising of the Commonwealth flag and reading of the commonwealth affirmation Jubilee Park at 10am on Monday 11 March 2024. 

It was noted that there were 4 Councillors and 2 members of office staff in attendance and also that the affirmation had not been released until 1am on the Monday morning when it as due to be read at 10am 

5. Recreation and open spaces committee meeting on Tuesday 12 March 2024.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there was one recommendation which Councillor Smith explained. It was RESOLVED that the Jubilee Park improvements working party should be given delegated authority to seek and apply for further grants and quotations for assistance.   

24.158 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe expressed concern about the making a difference awards and the annual parish meeting itself. All Councillors were encouraged to make nominations and encourage others to do so too and also attend the annual parish meeting at 7pm on Monday 29 April 2024 and again encourage others to do so. 

Meeting finished at 8.50pm