PTC June 2024 DRAFT Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning & Transport Committee meeting held on Tuesday 11 June 2024 at 7.00pm at the Institute. 
Present: Councillors Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens. 
The Minutes were taken by the Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.
01.25 To elect a Chairperson.
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe nominated Cllr Smith should continue and this was seconded by Cllrs Gilbert and Rose.
02.25 To receive apologies of absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Denman and Bowell.
03.25 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
Reference agenda item 10.25
Cllr Smith declared a non-registerable interest in planning application S23/2157 and a pecuniary interest in planning application S24/0874.
Cllr Gilbert declared a non-registerable interest in planning application S24/0874.
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe declared a non-registerable interest in S24/0847.
04.25 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14 May 2024.
The Minutes were agreed as a true representative and signed.
05.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.
The outcome of planning applications discussed at Full Council in May 2024 are listed below:
S24/0765 – 71 Eastgate – No comment
PCC 24/00610/WCPP – Land at Giddons Drove Track, Peakirk Road, Northborough, Peterborough – Deeping St James Parish Council object to the removal of condition C1 (noise management), pursuant to planning permission 23/00136/FUL, this was put into place when the original planning application was decided due to impact on local residents. No objection to renewal of permission to retain a noise management plan.
The case officer contacted the office and advised; “For clarity, the condition which the application seeks to remove is the temporary 12-month permission to allow for a permanent permission. All other conditions will be retained”.  We therefore followed up with Our revised comments are: we have no objection to renewal of permission subject to retention of a noise management plan.”
S24/0609 – Land rear of Welland View, 18 Bridge Street – Object
S24/0677 – Old Station Yard , Station Yard - Object
06.25 To receive an update regarding the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Smith shared 4 items of information with the Councillors.
1. A Housing Needs Assessment is being carried out by consultants AECOM.  This is a review of census information where they are looking into housing needs in the community.  The associated survey is also going to look at those looking for rented or purchased housing.  Estate agents will also be surveyed, therefore having a three-pronged approach looking to understand the housing needs of the community.
Councillor Stevens attended the meeting.
Councillor Smith asked for thoughts from Cllr Rose as someone who works in the housing field.
Cllrs decided to bring the survey to the Rose and Sweet Pea Show to canvass local parishioners.
The survey and further information can be found on Deepings Plan website
2. There is a housing proposal in Deeping Gate parish for 1,000 houses under the emerging Draft Peterborough Local Plan.  This is a ‘call for sites’ not an approval; however, local residents are concerned and Deeping St James parish services, amenities and highways will be affected by this should this get the go ahead.  Peterborough City Council to take the lead with this and Deeping St James will get involved when needed.
3. There is a Biodiversity Net Gain meeting being held on Monday 24 June 2024 at 7pm for Councillors and interested parties (although this is not a public event).  Councillors were made aware.
4. Grant money has been won from the UK Prosperity Fund, for the Green Walk waymarking project, supplying sign post markers etc for a circuit around the Deepings’ footpaths.
07.25 To consider suggested changes to Planning delegated powers.
Cllr Smith reviewed the delegated powers for Planning and Transport Committee and put suggestions toward the committee for their consideration.
This Committee’s remit extends to all responses arising in relation to applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building Consent, Advertisement Consent, Conservation Area Consent (including trees in such areas) , Tree Preservation Orders, Certificates of Lawfulness,  Hazardous Substances Consent, Prior Approvals, consents and consultations submitted to or received by the District or County Council arising from  highways legislation, and consultations for the installation of electricity cables under the Electricity Acts, or other infrastructure connected with Water and  Gas pipelines. 
The Committee shall be authorised to make decisions make comments on the following categories of planning or other consultations where there is unanimous a majority agreement of those present at the meeting and no contrary view received from the nearest member. 
i. Developments of up to 5 houses. 
ii. Extensions, conservatories, and outbuildings, or similar structures. 
iii. Works to trees and hedgerows.
iv. All non-residential uses and all engineering work (except major pipelines and major electricity infrastructure). 
v. Mobile phone communication masts. 
vi. Commercial and Farm buildings or structures smaller than 1000m2. 
vii. Amended proposals where the Council has recorded no objections to the original proposals.
viii. All issues affecting highways, footpaths, street furniture including bus shelters and road signs, electric vehicle charging and associated infrastructure. 
ix. Section 106 or other legal agreements arising from the above 
x. Any other decision passed to it from time to time relevant to planning and transport matters 
Expenditure of a revenue nature (i.e., maintenance/general) may be approved by the Committee without recourse to the Council providing the expenditure is contained within the previously approved annual budget for the Committee and reported to the next Council meeting.
Any development or matter not in the above lists shall take the form of a recommendation of the Council for a decision.
The Committee may at any time choose to refer any decision on to the Full Council for confirmation.
Discussion ensued and it was agreed that S106 should remain something that is brought to Full Council.
It was considered that a comprehensive tree/hedgerow policy should be written by Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee which can then be used as guidelines for whichever committee requires to consult regarding the management or purchase of trees and hedgerows.
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe to action.
To be RECOMMENDED to Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.
08.25 To discuss the EN101069 – Meridian Solar Farm – EIA Scoping Notification and Consultation / Reg 11 Notification
Councillors viewed the documents shared by the planning inspectorate and considered that they would like to raise serious concerns that the scoping report does not cover.  Councillors believe that there is a high priority to preserve high valuable arable land and our food security.
To be RECOMMENDED to Full Council for resolution.
09.25 To consider a road naming proposal.
A parish resident requested consideration for a road name proposal, before offering it to South Kesteven District Council.  The road name supplied is an acknowledgement to the previous land owner who owned a retired racehorse named Jay Dix, and Jay Dix is the road name suggested.
Councillors query the choice due to the potential for mis-spelling and scope for inappropriate corruption.
Previously Councillors have suggested naming roads with relevance to landmarks (to aid first aid response), or after local influential people.  It was suggested that Hibbett Drive may be a choice in keeping with the area, as Harold Hibbett owned the butchers previously on this site.
To be RECOMMENDED to Full Council for resolution.
10.25 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Application No: S23/2157
Applicant: Mr. and Mrs. L Smith
Proposal: Erection of 5 bed dwelling (retrospective)
Location: 108A Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RD,
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Councillor Smith did not participate with this planning application due to his declared interest.
Councillors continue to object based on the property built not being based upon the licence granted.
Revised application - Reference: 24/00610/WCPP
Proposal: Removal of condition C1 (temporary permission) pursuant to planning permission
Site address: Land at Giddons Drove Track Peakirk Road Northborough Peterborough
Councillors discussed that we had recently replied with no objections to the renewal of permission to retain a noise management plan.  This was then clarified by the case officer that the removal of the 12-month temporary permission was to allow for a permanent permission and all other conditions will be retained.  DSJPC then revised their comments to state that we had no objection to the renewal of permission subject to retention of a noise management plan.
Application No: S24/0847
Applicant: Mrs Stephanie Clarkson
Proposal: Single storey extension to rear and side of existing bungalow.
Location: 10 Park Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8ND,
App Type: Householder
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe did not participate in this planning application due to her declared interest.
Councillors agreed that they had no objections to this planning application.
Application No: S24/0874
Applicant: Mr Stephen Allen
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S20/1862
Amendments to Plot 4 house type
Location: Osier Farm , 141B Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Councillors Smith and Gilbert did not participate in this planning application due to their declared interests.
Councillors agreed that they had no objections to this planning application, however, would like to request that materials are submitted and that Councillors would like this construction to be made from stone.
11.25 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Application No: S24/0353
Applicant: Mr Derrick Christie
Proposal: Single storey rear extension
Location: 32 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HJ,
App Type: Householder
SKDC: Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/0307
Applicant: Carousel Nursery Ltd
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of S19/0343 (Proposed demolition of redundant abattoir buildings and erection of day nursery, formation of vehicle cross over on Park Road) to change the surface finish to the access road
Location: 10 Bridge Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HA
SKDC: Grants planning permission.
DSJPC: Objected
Chairs  Comment: Both we and the Council’s EHO objected to the gravel finish for the road given proximity to the adjacent house and noise disturbance. However, the officer disagreed saying: 
“Concern has been raised in representation that the change to gravel to the access road finish would result in a rise in noise impact resulting in harm to the residential amenities of Nos. 30 and 32 Park Road and 12 Bridge Street. It is acknowledged that this material may increase the level of noise to these neighbours as a result of vehicle movements, and Environmental Protections comments are noted, however given the use of the site by nature would only result in movements for limited periods of the days and not heavily during unsociable hours, the impact is not considered to be unacceptable.”
Application No: S24/0424
Applicant: Mrs Lisa Yates
Proposal: Continued use of a temporary building, erected in January 2022 (planning reference S21/2117) for an additional period of 3 years to be used as an area for PE curriculum and sitting of exams.
Location: The Deepings School Park Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8NF
SKDC: Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: No objections
Deeping St James Parish Council have no objections to this planning application, however, would like to comment since there is a rolling potential, we would like to request a sunset clause to be added, requesting a final change of use extension to be agreed, and after the 3 years is up, it is brought back as a full planning permission application. If this is still to be used for P.E. and exams; we would like to establish whether the building is still suitable for purpose and structurally sound. 
We further strongly advise the applicant is informed that , prior to seeking further retention of this temporary building beyond another 3 years, they develop full and clear details of a programme for improving this part of the school estate including details of their investment programme and commitments for permanent replacement. This is in the best interests of the planning of this area, the welfare of children using otherwise poor-quality facilities , and resolving uncertainty about how the school might extend.
Application No: S24/0501
Applicant: Mr P Brown
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension and associated external works.
Location: 35 Park Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8NF
SKDC:  Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/0819
Applicant: Mr Summer Le Conte
Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension
Location: 25 Pendlebury Drive Deeping St James Lincolnshire
Application Type Prior Notification Under Part 1 Class A
SKDC: Application withdrawn by applicant.
Application No: S24/0904
Applicant: Mr Cristian Bradshaw
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 2 of planning permission S15/0974.
Location: 2 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire
SKDC: Details Approved 31st May 2024
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S24/0737
Applicant: Mr Michael Chester
Proposal: 09T1 - Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) - Crown Lift to maximum of 6m, northern crown over garden only.
09T2 - Horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) - Reduce & Reshape (Other). Reduce height of northern stem only by 3m, radial reduce by 1m north side of same.
Location: Priory Church Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
SKDC: Work Allowed 3rd June 2024
DSJPC: No objections
12.25 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 09 July 2024 at 7pm.
Meeting concluded at 7.55pm.