PTC January 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Planning & Transport Committee on Thursday 20th January 2022 at 8.00pm held at the Institute.


Present: Councillors Denman, Gilbert, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District).  Parish Clerk Julie Fortnum and Assistant Clerk Louise Brown taking minutes.

A resident of the Parish.


71.22  To receive apologies of absence.

Cllr Bowell and Thomas offered their apologies.


72.22  To receive declarations of interest, if any.

None were given.


73.22  To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 December 2021.

The Minutes were agreed as a true representation and will be signed at a later date.


74.22 To receive reports from the Clerk.

Banner for schools’ posters have arrived and are in the office awaiting delivery.  The Pass Wide and Slow Poster proof has been ordered.

The Assistant Clerk requested an extension for Planning Application S21/2435, but did not hear back and has missed the deadline for a response.  The Assistant Clerk is chasing this as a request was made within the appropriate time frame. The Planning Officer has been in touch and we are now able to offer a response to the consultation.


75.22  To receive an update regarding The Management Plan for the Bovis Development in Linchfield Road.

Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe relayed the Construction Management Plan and Method Statement to the Committee stating conditions to be managed:

Parking of vehicles for site operatives and visitors, loading and unloading of plant materials, storage of plant materials used in construction and development, wheel washing facilities.  

The routes of construction traffic to and from the site including any off-site routes for the disposal of excavated material and strategies stating how surface water run-off, on and from development will be managed during construction and protection measures for any suitable drainage features. These should include drawings showing how the drainage systems permanent or temporary connect to any outfall temporary or permanent during construction.  

This Construction Management Plan and Method Statement is to be strictly adhered to throughout the construction period.

Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe asked the Committee if they felt that the conditions have been met.

Concerns were raised about construction access to the Linden/Bovis site still being used at Campion Drive and Burchnall  Close, which has been used for two years.  Construction traffic is due to use the Linchfield Road entrance at the start of Phase 2.  Phase 2 was thought to be beginning in December 2021 and the Developers are now turning vehicles around so they cannot use the Campion Drive/Burchnall Close access and have set a new code on the gate, halting the use of this entrance.  Cllr Stevens is going to check that the conditions stated in the Construction Management Plan and Method Statement are being met, as no construction in Phase 2, should take place unless these conditions are met.


76.22 To receive a report from the meeting held with the Assistant Director of Planning at SKDC.

Notes were sent out to the Councillors referring to the recent meeting, which described the origin of the joint Deeping St James and Market Deeping Neighbourhood Plan and conferred to make sure that The Neighbourhood Plan have a voice at the pre-application stage; this was for the benefit of the change in Management at South Kesteven District Council.  The Chair of the Neighbourhood Plan is trying to organise another meeting with the Assistant Director of Planning at SKDC to maintain a dialogue and connection going forward.  


77.22  To update regarding the meeting reference Lincolnshire Bus Service Improvement Plan.

It was discussed that Delaine buses are removing their service from Crowson and Thackers Way, due to the number of vehicles parked along the roads and outside the shops and the effects of the school opening and closing times causing delays to the bus.  Due to this, Delaine are looking for support to cancel the planned clearway with LCC, along Thackers Way, as this site is now obsolete.  Delaine plan to continue the service along Linchfield Road, Horsegate and then head back up to Market Deeping.  This is to be discussed at Full Council. 


78.22  To receive an update regarding the Welland Footbridge.

Cllr Jackson from Peakirk Parish Council and the Northern Footpath Forum has put in a funding application to the Langdyke Trust.  Further funding is being applied for.  Deeping St James Parish Council need to make sure planning permission is continued.  A Civil Engineering Company recently put hardstanding down; photos are to be sent to the Planning Officer to make sure the requirements are met for planning permission.  


79.22  To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers: 



150 Eastgate, Deeping St James, PE6 8RD

Two storey front extension and enlargement of existing dormers.

DSJPC – Recommended to Full Council to object.



23 Broadgate Lane, Deeping St James, PE6 8NW

Single storey side extension and infill between garage and main dwelling and rendering front façade.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers.



64 Wade Park Avenue, Deeping St James, PE6 8JL

Removal of Lime and Cherry Trees, roots and shrubs (T1, T4 and T5).

DSJPC – Recommend to Full Council to request further investigation.



78A Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD

Fell Sycamore (T1-T2), Reduce Ash (T3) in height by 2.5-3m and 1-1.5m on the sides to shape.  Reduce Sycamore (T4-T5) in height by 2.5-3m and 1-1.5m on sides to shape.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers.



92 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD

Demolition of existing garage and utility room and erection of two storey side extension and single storey front extension.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers.


80.22  To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:


1 Village Street, Frognall, PE6 8RS

Detached dwelling with garage.

DSJPC – Objected

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission



147 Eastgate, Deeping St James, PE6 8RB

Conversion of 1 no. dwelling into 2 no. dwellings and construction of extension to the front of one of the dwellings.

DSJPC – Approved

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission



Land north of 5 Station Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8RG

Erection of 4 no. detached dwellings.

DSJPC – Objected

SKDC – Permission has been refused.



Global Centre, 113 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8SD

Erection of industrial units (Use Class B2)

DSJPC – Approved

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission



12 Towning Close, Deeping St James, PE6 8HR

Proposed erection of rear/side extension to dwelling.

DSJPC – Consultation not required

SKDC – Certificate of Lawful use or development (Proposed)



106 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HB

Conifer leaning against next door extension, needs one limb removing and reducing in height to one third of current height.

Remove one Eucalyptus Tree, which is far too tall for a small garden and still growing.  Dominating and overshadowing the whole of the garden.  Replace with a Rowan.

DSJPC – Approved

SKDC – Work Allowed 24th December 2021



24 Tyghes Close, Deeping St James, PE6 8NS

Erection of rear extension

DSJPC – Consultation not required

SKDC – Permitted Development, Planning Permission not required



85 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HF

2 storey side and rear extension to semi-detached dwelling, along with single storey extension to front with porch.

DSJPC – Approved

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission



The Deepings School, Park Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NF

Erection of a temporary building for a period of 2 years to be used as an area for PE curriculum and exams.

DSJPC – Approved

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


81.22  To agree the date of the next meeting.

Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7pm