PTC February 2025 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens. 
Copy to Cllr P Dilks for information.
You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Planning & Transport Committee on Tuesday 11th February 2025 at 7.00pm held at the Institute. 
Louise Brown
Assistant Clerk
74.25 To receive apologies of absence.
75.25 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
76.25 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 14th January 2025.
Please see appendix 1.
77.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Please see appendices 2, 3 and 4.
78.25 To receive an update regarding the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.
Please see appendix 5.
79.25 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Application No: S25/0103
Applicant: Stewart Gwaze
Proposal: First floor extension over existing garage.
Location: 2 Curlew Walk, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RY,
App Type: Householder
Application No: S24/2112
Applicant: Mrs Lucy Goodwin
Proposal: Retrospective siting of catio
Location: 14 Darbyshire Close, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8SF,
App Type: Householder
Application No: S25/0102
Applicant: Mr Rob Goodson
Proposal: Application for reserved matters relating to layout, scale, appearance and
landscaping, for the erection of 6 dwellings and associated access following
outline planning permission S22/2243
Location: 38 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NJ,
App Type: Reserved Matters
Previously, Deeping St James Parish Council approved S22/2243 with conditions back in Dec 22 with this comment:
Deeping St James Parish Council approve of this application under delegated powers, however, would  like to request if possible, that the green swathe in  front of the houses, be kept and either the old hedgerow extended (with the removal of the elders) or replaced and extended with Copper Beech or Hornbeams, to mitigate the impact on the street scene.
80.25 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Application No: S24/1916
Applicant: E Smillie
Proposal: Compliance with conditions of planning permission S19/0443 (Erection of 76 dwellings (reserved matters pursuant to S17/2466 - landscaping, layout, appearance and scale - phase 1).
Location: Land Off Linchfield Road Deeping St James
SKDC: Complied 9th January 2025
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S24/1917
Applicant: E Smillie
Proposal: Compliance with conditions of planning permission S17/2466 (Residential development of up to 145 dwelling with primary access of Linchfield Road and secondary access of Burchnall Close with associated open space, car parking and landscaping (outline with matter of access included for consideration).
Location: Land Off Linchfield Road Deeping St James
SKDC: Complied 9th January 2025
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S24/1918
Applicant: E Smillie
Proposal: Compliance with conditions of planning permission S20/1235 (Reserved matters application for approval of details relating to landscaping, layout, appearance and scale ( phase 2) in connection with outline residential development of up to 145 dwellings with primary access of Linchfield Road and secondary access of Burchnall Close and associated works).
Location: Land Off Linchfield Road Deeping St James
SKDC: Complied 9th January 2025
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S24/2205
Applicant: Mr A Drummond Hunt
Proposal: Section 211 notice to pollard 3 Lime trees to previous, cut back Holly tree by 1m, and to cut back assorted shrubs on boundary for statutory highway clearance.
Location: 16 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
SKDC: Work Allowed 21st January 2025
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/2108
Applicant: Mr Robinson
Proposal: Section 211 notice to reduce crown of T1 (Silver Birch) in height by 1.52m and sides by 1m and fell T2 (Walnut tree), T3 (Ash), and T6 (Sycamores)
Location: 78A Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
Decision/Date: Work Allowed 24th January 2025
DSJPC: Objected
Application No: S24/1771
Applicant: Dave Larreta
Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 4 (soft landscaping) of planning permission S19/0343 (Proposed demolition of redundant abattoir buildings and erection of day nursery, formation of vehicle cross over on Park Road).
Location: 10 Bridge Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire
Decision/Date Details Approved 24th January 2025
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S25/0082
Applicant: Mr C Giscombe
Proposal: Rear flat roof extension for full width of existing dwelling including roof lantern and bifold doors as shown on plans
Location: 15 Village Streets Frognall Lincolnshire PE6 8RS
App Type: Prior Notification Under Part 1 Class A
DSJPC: Not consulted
Application No: S25/0179
Applicant: Robert Chiva
Proposal: Submission of details in relation to Condition 2 (window details) and Condition 3 (materials details) of S23/2371 (Section 19 application to vary Condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S20/1863/LB (amendments to Plots 5 and 6)
Location: Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8RB
App Type: Discharge of Cond(s) Listed Building
DSJPC: Not consulted
81.25 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 11th March 2025 at 7pm.

Appendix 2 - 77.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.

In the January Planning Committee, Councillors agreed to look into sourcing a crime reduction sign and a possibility of placing a Speed Indicator Device in the Thackers Way area temporarily.  The assistant clerk has investigated two companies regarding crime reduction signs; one provides an aluminium sign and the other provides a correx (corrugated plastic) sign.  Please see appendices 3 and 4 detailing materials and costings. 
An email has also been sent to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership regarding permission to place a SID on a lamp post along Thackers Way temporarily.

The assistant clerk has made contact with Lincolnshire County Council again to acquire some small animal signs for Deeping St James.

Appendix 3 and Appendix 4 - Crime Reduction Sign Quotes

Please contact the Parish Council office for information.

Appendix 5 - DNP Update 11.02.25
Deepings Neighbourhood Plan - Update report from Cllr Smith ( Vice Chair of the DNP Group).
04.02.2025DNP Meeting due on 03.02.25 cancelled but – for information - ongoing work is focussing on the following key items (this is not a comprehensive list).
1. New Retail store near Poundstretcher -MD. It is old news that original permitted proposal is not being proceeded with; this is because as Co-op will not give up their relatively short lease on the present Fuel Station. However, the project has not stopped; Aldi (possible occupier) and New River (site owners) and still discussing a reconfigured retail unit.
2. Deepings Design Code - DSJ &MD / Linchfield Road Masterplan -DSJ. Amendments to first drafts are being held whilst we await awaiting a new draft district-wide Design Code from SKDC.
3. Deepings Housing needs Survey - DSJ & MD. To be circulated to Estate Agents for information. Might need updating given changes in national planning policy for housing.
4. Local Walking and Cycling Plan - DSJ & MD. Consultation has closed. Consultants for the DNP Group, Sustrans, will produce their first draft ideas (‘3 big projects’) at a meeting on 11 Feb. This Committee will be updated tonight.
5. Green Walk Waymarking Project. Work still under way on rural locations for signage.
6. Revised Neighbourhood Plan - DSJ/MD. To ensure the document is up to date and relevant, work will start once the contents of the new draft SKDC district wide Local Plan is known (March 2025?)