DRAFT PTC March 2025 Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning & Transport Committee meeting held on Tuesday 11 March 2025 at 7.00pm at the Institute. 
Present: Councillors Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens, Neville and Laws.
A member of the public attended.  
The Minutes were taken by the Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.
82.25 To receive apologies of absence.
Apologies were received from Cllr Bowell.
83.25 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
Declarations of a non-registerable interest were received from Cllrs Gilbert, Smith and Shinkins-Hoppe with reference to planning applications S25/0292 and S25/0300.
84.25 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 11th February 2025.
85.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.
The assistant clerk shared the planning applications discussed at February’s Full Council Meeting:
Application No: S25/0002
Applicant: Jessica Wall
Proposal: Replacement of all UPVC windows with timber windows and full glazing
bars, UPVC door with timber door, plastic guttering replaced with black cast
iron guttering, painted blockwork replaced with coursed natural stone and
painted plywood to be replaced with dressed stone
Location: 16 Bridge Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HA,
App Type: Listed Building Consent
DSJPC: Supports this planning application.
Application No:S25/0199
Deeping St James Ward
Deeping St. James Parish
Proposal: Application for a Certificate of Lawful Development regarding demolition of rear boundary stone wall between no. 43 and 45 and its reconstruction in masonry brickwork.
Applicant: Mrs Julie Banks
Deeping St James United Charities
The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James Peterborough Lincolnshire PE6 8HF
Location: 43 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HF
App Type: Lawful Development (Proposed)
DSJPC: Not consulted
86.25 To receive an update regarding the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan.
Cllr Smith advised that a first draft of the Deepings Design Code had been delivered by consultants Aecom.  SKDC have briefly reviewed it, and have suggested demanding improvements. The document will not be advanced until SKDC’s own district wide code is more advanced. 
Cllr Stevens attended the meeting.
On Wednesday 2nd April 2025 between 6-8pm, SKDC are holding a second Design Code workshop.  Councillor Smith to circulate to Councillors to invite.
The Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan has been completed in draft and is not finished.  A consultation will be held when the document is ready to be viewed, after the County Council have reviewed the plan as being deliverable.
Reorganisation of Lincolnshire was discussed:  what will happen when South Kesteven merges with other local councils and what will happen to the Local Plan?  
Major development site (1055 houses) : land south of the river and Market Deeping Town Centre is now in Peterborough’s  draft Local Plan. This will be the subject of consultation from April onwards.
87.25 To receive an update regarding the South Kesteven Local Plan Planning Policy.
An appendix was circulated advising that there is a delay to the delivery of the South Kesteven Local Plan and offering links to access the information currently available.
88.25 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Application No: S25/0215
Applicant: Mr and Mrs S Saunders
Proposal: Installation of dormer to rear and raising existing rear pitched roof slope
Location: 116 Bridge Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8EH,
App Type: Householder
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S25/0292
Applicant: Mr Seth Twigden
Proposal: Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S24/0706
Amendments to Plot 3 house type
Location: Osier Farm , 141B Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB
App Type: Full Planning Permission
DSJPC: No objections
Cllrs Gilbert and Smith declared non-registerable interests in this planning application and did not participate.
Application No: S25/0300
Applicant: Mr Ben Fallows
Proposal: Demolish existing detached single storey garage/utility room. Construct new
detached utility room with WC and storage area. Increase width of existing
dropped kerb
Location: 125 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB,
App Type: Householder
DSJPC: Commented 
Deeping St James Parish Council are concerned whether the plans have been reduced sufficiently to overcome the previous refusal by SKDC and are happy to defer to the Case Officer if they are content with the change made.
Cllrs Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe declared a non-registerable interest in this planning application and did not participate.
89.25 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Application No: S24/2150
Applicant: Ms Abbit
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension (replacing existing conservatory)
Location: 79 Horsegate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8EW
SKDC: Grants planning permission
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S24/1133
Application Type: Full Planning Permission
Proposal: Proposed change of use of land to form sports ground, car
park, 2(no.) access points from cross road and erection of
toilet block.
Location: Land West of Cross Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8LQ
SKDC: Approved conditionally
DSJPC: Supported in principle
Application No: S24/2184
Applicant: Mr B Fallows
Proposal: Demolish existing detached single storey garage/utility room and construct new detached structure housing a utility room with storage to loft space. Increase width of existing dropped kerb
Location: 125 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire
SKDC: Permission is refused
DSJPC: No objections
Chair's note: We did not object to this but it was refused given that it is a tall building  (9m long and 4.8m high) alongside a rear garden boundary. It was considered over-bearing.
Application No: S24/2216
Applicant: Mr D Nutt
Proposal: Erection of side and rear extension
Location: 15 Brownlow Drive Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HL
SKDC: Grants planning permission
DSJPC: No objections
Application No: S25/0082
Applicant: Mr C Giscombe
Proposal: Rear flat roof extension for full width of existing dwelling including roof lantern and bifold doors as shown on plans
Location: 15 Village Streets Frognall Lincolnshire
SKDC: Approved 26th February 2025
DSJPC: Not consulted as was a prior notification
90.25 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 8 April 2025 at 7pm.
Meeting closed 7:56pm