PTC December 2023 Agenda
Appendix 2
Clerk’s Report
76.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Ecology Information from Cllr Denman sent to Lincolnshire County Council by the Asst Clerk regarding Baston Gravel Extraction Site.
1. Most of the ecological surveys were concluded in spring 2022. So, by the time the work starts the reports will be around 2 years out of date. This is in breach of guidelines on the age of ecological reports as published by the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM). The surveys should be repeated before planning permission is determined.
2. Section 10.4.47 states there are no rare birds on the site. The breeding bird survey does not mention the European Crane which bred on land near to the site in 2023. As there are only approximately 160 cranes in the UK the breeding bird survey should be repeated in 2024 before planning permission is determined.
3. Section 10.4.35 provides bat roost information. No indication is provided as to how the trees with bat roost potential were checked and does not state clearly that there are no confirmed bat roosts on the site. In addition, National bat guidance has been revised in September 2023 (CIEEM 2023) and the bat assessment needs to be revised.
4. 13 trees were identified as having medium to high bat roost potential but only 11 were surveyed. No explanation was given why all 13 were not surveyed. As all protected species are a material consideration, the application should not be determined until this is clarified. Bat roost surveyed are usually undertaken after May.
Brewton Drive/Streton Gardens Play Park and Attenuation Pond.
Enforcement correspondence: ENF23/2038.
Location: STREET RECORD, Streton Gardens, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire,
Alleged Breach: Play Park and Attenuation Pond not in accordance with approved plans
To whom it may concern,
I refer to the above matter and your enquiry, dated 30th October 2023.
I have been in contact with the developer, and I can provide the following update in relation to this enquiry:
• Landscaping of the POS, fencing to LEAP and pond – 21.11.23.
• Pond – grills to be installed – by 24.11.23.
• Pond mattress baskets – waiting drier weather.
• Cycle path to be completed once the fencing is installed. As you will have seen a section of the cycle path (along the hammer head of Royal Gardens) is fenced off and being used as material storage for the road remedials currently being completed. We are hoping the cycle path and surrounding POS can be completed early December.
I will be making a site visit at the end of November to check the progress is in-line with the above timescales and address any concerns there may be, if required.
Appendix 3 - DRAFT Record of Consultation - Design Code 03.12.23
DNP - preliminary consultation on Design Code work Record of views Sunday 03.12.2023, front room of The Square Pub. Xmas market day Overview Opened 10am. 65 people attended, mostly (2/3 of total ) between 1130 and 2pm Closed 330 as Xmas market started to wind down (rain). Attended by DNP Group members KSH/AP/GS/JS (PB and DJ on Market duties) |
Conclusion - combining comments into recognisable issues.
The consultation set out to seek positive views about the town to allow us to try and repeat the lessons of their success. However, the views expressed by people were often negative ones, but this did serve to help us understand what many people’s top priorities were. The use of post-its was a useful device to focus comments
What people said is summarised as follows.
The vision should incorporate more consideration of walking and wheeled travel, as well as public transport. Also small business premises were needed.
Natural features could be better preserved and enhanced with improved access.
Heritage matters attracted no specific comments other than valuing present characterful areas.
Architectural considerations should have regard to the need for small houses, also building variety sought.
Community Facilities need support a desire for more retail and services. The loss of the Leisure centre is a central issue.
Other issues to be addressed included: uncertainty over new retail in the town centre, a desire to protect open space of various types, dissatisfaction with the delivery of supporting infrastructure (schools, and health), a few local transport matters but particularly better bus services sought.
Full record follows of Post-it exercise with verbal comments merged in.
•Need joined up pathways cycle routes and walks x2
•better cycle parking
•More activity walks and trails
•better parks and open spaces
•bus links
•Environmental considerations to be identified.
•business premises for small one person businesses
Natural Features
• Preserve green spaces x2
• River footbridge from Stamford Rd
• better access to the river and deep in lakes
• keep Millfield road and back lane as rural lanes -no further development down there
• important to keep the character of the town
• Unique to have so many old buildings
• Variety sought
• Build more bungalows
• More one bedroom properties
• Better designed buildings
• I would like to see an interesting range of styles
• need more new houses suitable for local people.
Community Facilities
• More retail
• need for new Banks & post office
• replace the leisure centre x5
• more leisure activities
• Another primary school
Or is there something else (comments grouped)
• I would like more piggys. I would like more things for children in the community. Ruby 6
• Paths - more needed for disabled
• Stop building on farmland
• more accessible green spaces
• preserve green spaces
• More infrastructure x2
• improve GP surgery x2
• Build more schools when new houses built a new health centre and supermarkets
• Better bus services
• More road crossings on Godsey lane, and Lady Margaret Ave.
• Speed limit signs near schools
• Develop better bus network, eg new route down Godsey lane
• Local hopper bus needed
• Poor on street parking (eg Braeburn lodge, bin lorries can't get through)
• If supermarket goes ahead in the town centre secure replacement petrol station
• Lidl development at Peterborough Rd. Disappointed at refusal x2
• Town centre retail development (Aldi site) . Why is it not going ahead? X2
• New petrol filling station on the bypass. Poor exit.
Photographs of event
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Appendix 4
From: Peterborough Local Plan <>
Sent: 20 November 2023 13:23
Subject: Peterborough Local Plan Update

Image of Peterborough City Council
Dear Consultee
Peterborough City Council is in the early stages of the production of a new Local Plan. Between July and September 2023 public consultation was undertaken on the Issues and Options document. Alongside this a Call for Sites was undertaken, and Local Green Space suggestions and amendments to Village Boundaries were also sought.
Having spent the last month reading and summarising comments, today we are publishing a number of reports on our website:
• A Key Issues Report summarising representations made on the Issues and Options Document
• A Strategic Housing, Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) which lists all sites suggested as part of the public consultation.
• A Suggested Local Green Space Designations report setting out sites suggested for designation as Local Green Spaces, and
• An interactive map showing the sites submitted during the call for sites along with basic site information can be viewed here:
There is also an interactive map showing all the suggested Local Green Spaces, this can be found here:
These are not consultation documents, but you may find them interesting. Our next task will be to carefully consider all the suggestions set out in the above reports, so that we can prepare the Draft Local Plan.
The sites identified in the SHELAA document and shown on the interactive map are not in any way ‘approved’ or supported by the council; they are merely a collection of sites submitted to the council as part of the Call for Sites Exercise. At this stage no assessment has been carried out and no decisions have been made.
All sites will be fully assessed against the detailed site selection methodology. Following the detailed site assessment process the preferred sites will be included in the Draft Local Plan. An evidence report will be published alongside the Draft Local Plan that will identify all sites suggested to us and will include a full reason and justification for the proposed selection of a site or not.
There has been some slippage to the Local Plan timetable, with the Draft Local Plan consultation now expected to take place during Autumn 2024. The revised timetable is summarised below:
• Issues and Options Consultation July 2023
• Draft Local Plan for consultation, including sites Autumn 2024
• Final Draft Local Plan for consultation (Proposed Submission Draft Local Plan’) Spring 2025
• Examination of Local Plan Summer/ Autumn 2025
• Adoption of Local Plan by Full Council 2026
If you would like to keep up to date with the progress of the Local Plan, please check our website at
Each month an updated Timetable is published on the council’s website setting out the progress and the dates for further consultation.
Yours faithfully
Planning Policy Manager
Peterborough City Council
01733 863872