PTC October 2023 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Denman, Gilbert, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens. 
Copy to Cllr P Dilks for information.
You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Planning & Transport Committee on Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7.00pm held at the Institute. 
Louise Brown
Assistant Clerk
53.24 To receive apologies of absence.
54.24 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
55.24 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th September 2023.
Please see appendix 1.
56.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Please see appendix 2 & 3.
57.24 To receive updates from The Neighbourhood Plan.
58.24 To consider any Campaigns and Survey’s Deeping St James Parish Council wish to support.
59.24 To discuss the status of Brewton Drive’s playpark and the long-term handover. 
60.24 To consider the South Kesteven District Council Housing Strategy Consultation Survey.
Please see Appendix 4 & 5.
61.24 To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:
Deepings Library
Proposal: Erection of two single storey rear extensions, demolition of external walls to ground floor WC, to be replaced with internal plasterboard walls and demolition of a wooden porch. Internal works including reinstatement of fire places and radiator improvement works.
Applicant: Pam Byrd Friends of Deepings Library
93 Deepings Library High Street Market Deeping Lincolnshire PE6 8ED
Location: Deepings Library 93 High Street Market Deeping Lincolnshire PE6 8ED
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Deepings Library
Proposal: Erection of two single storey rear extensions, demolition of external walls to ground floor WC, to be replaced with internal plasterboard walls and demolition of a wooden porch. Internal works including reinstatement of fire places and radiator improvement works.
Applicant: Pam Byrd Friends of Deepings Library
Location: Deepings Library 93 High Street Market Deeping Lincolnshire PE6 8ED
App Type: Listed Building Consent
Applicant: Khela
Proposal: Addition of two new rooflights to front elevation.
Location: 98A Bridge Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HA,
App Type: Full Planning Permission
Applicant: Mr M Curtis
Proposal: Erection of front, side and rear two-storey extension, single storey rear
extension, detached garage and creation of new vehicular access.
Location: 5 Broadgate Lane, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8NW,
App Type: Householder
62.24 To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:
Applicant: Mr Forcellati
Proposal: T1 - Lime - 3m crown reduction in height & prune lateral spread by up to 1m.
T2 - Lime - 3.5m crown reduction in height & prune lateral spread by up to 1.5m.
Location: 90 Church Street Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HD
SKDC - Decision/Date Work Allowed 7th September 2023
DSJPC - Supported
Applicant: Mr Alan Branch
Proposal: Residential development of three bungalows and garages.
Location: Land To The Rear Of 34 & 36 Park Road Deeping St James PE6 8ND
Decision/Date 6th October 2023
SKDC - Grants Planning Permission
DSJPC - Note from Chair: we previously objected as there was no biodiversity survey.  In response, SKDC have required this by condition.
Appeal Ref: APP/E2530/W/23/3314578
16 Park Estate Appeal Decision
Applicant:  Mr R Fox re S22/2059
Proposal: Erection of a detached bungalow.
The Planning Inspectorate – Case dismissed.
DSJPC - Objected
Note from Chair: Our additional comments made on the planning appeal seemed to have been accepted by the Inspector.
63.24 To agree the date of the next meeting.
Tuesday 14th November 2023 at 7pm.

Appendix 2

Clerk’s Report

Peterborough Local Plan Issues and Options Consultation

Response re the Peterborough Local Plan, from Cllr G Smith on behalf of Deeping St James Parish Council Sept 2023

“5c. Should any villages be moved up or down the hierarchy? If so, which ones and why?

Reply: The following comments do not represent local policy but are aired as an issue for PCC to consider. Please note that:

1.  The Deepings' town centre is peripheral to that town, yet relatively  accessible  to a modest Deeping Gate westward expansion.

2. Present expansion of the Deepings (in Lincs)  is stretching it further from its historic centre.

3. A case might be made for Deeping Gate to meet more of cross-border local housing needs than presently envisaged in a more sustainable way .

4. Deeping Gate has the benefit of easy access to all the services in The Deepings.

5. Bus routes to PB are good but will need extending later into the evening.”


Highways Survey as discussed in previous meetings has been agreed that Cllr Smith completes the section for the NHT public representative survey.  Flooding concerns are being added to fixmystreet by the Assistant Clerk.


S23/1592 Proposal: Proposed replacement single storey side extension.

Applicant: Mr S Mackay

Location: 55B Linchfield Road Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8EP

No Objections were raised at Full Council and this was reported to SKDC.


5 Broadgate Lane  Enforcement ENF23/0208

It was reported that the dwelling of 5 Broadgate Lane was being demolished before planning permission has been approved.  Enforcement was informed and work has ceased and they are monitoring the situation


2 Eastgate  Enforcement ENF23/0215

It was reported that The Boathouse, (a Listed Building), had its roof removed, potentially outside of planning permission timescales.  Enforcement have visited and have advised that work is being completed in accordance with application S15/0974.  Enforcement are still investigating and monitoring the application and site.


A Planning application has been put in by Cllr Smith on behalf of Deeping St James Parish Council, for permission for the bus shelters at the Linchfield Road, Brewton Drive site.

Please see Appendix 3 for information.

Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe and Cllr Smith are to attend a workshop with regards to the Housing Strategy Working Group on Monday 30th October 2-4pm at Grantham.  The current strategy expires in 2024.

Correspondence received from Local Highways Manager South and County Cllr Dilks, states that Church Street is not suitable for surface dressing, however, forms part of the Strategic Route Network, the asset condition is monitored by Lincs Lab and they are aware of the site.  As it stands, it hasn’t yet met the trigger point for a major scheme in the upcoming tranche of works.

Appendix 3

Brewton Drive Bus Shelter Plans and photo of other Deeping St James Parish Council Bus Shelter style.

Appendix 4

South Kesteven District Council Housing Strategy Consultation Survey

South Kesteven District Council are developing a new housing strategy and we really welcome you to complete our questionnaire to help us in developing it. The survey can be completed by using either the link or QR code.

Please complete the survey as an organisation on behalf of your parish or neighbourhood plan group.

Thanks in anticipation for your views. The survey closes on 31st October 2023.

Appendix 5

South Kesteven District Council - Housing Strategy Consultation - General October 2023

QR Code to access SKDC Housing Strategy