PTC June 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Gilbert, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and Thomas (District).  Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.

Copy to Cllr P Dilks for information.


You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Planning & Transport Committee on Thursday 17 June 2021 at 7.00pm held at the Institute.


Louise Brown

Assistant Clerk




01.22  To elect a Chairperson.


02.22  To receive apologies of absence.


03.22  To receive declarations of interest, if any.


04.22  To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 26 April 2021.

Appendix 1.


05.22  To receive reports from the Clerk.

Update regarding S20/1235 meeting on 19 May 2021 with the Principal Planning Officer and Cllrs Dilks, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens. Appendix 2.

Progress on 89 Church Street, SIDS, streetlight, fixmystreet. Appendixes 3 and 4.


06.22  To receive an update regarding Deeping Bus Stop Improvements

Please see Appendix 5

Assistant clerk has requested info on trigger date for 106 monies.

Assistant clerk has asked info on anticipated bus stops in new development via LCC Minor Works and Traffic.


07.22  To receive and consider the following Planning Applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting, or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:






Phase 2

Land off Linchfield Road



Submission of details reserved by conditions 2 (CEMP), 3(additional stone plots) and 4 (street furniture) pursuant to S20/1235 (Residential development reserved matters – phase 2).


11 Feneley Close

Deeping St James


Extension to integral garage and conversion of garage to study.




08.22  To report the outcome of previous Planning Applications:






Cranmore Barn Farm

Station Road

Deeping St James


Grain Store Extension

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


32 Eastgate

Deeping St James


Single Storey side and rear extension

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


82 Church Street

Deeping St James


23 Fell Cherry Tree.  24 Maple, crown top heady - split stems and excess weight in crown reduce by 2-3m.  25 Horse Chestnut, signs of Canker, excess weight in crown reduce by 2-3m.  26 Maple, excess weight in crown reduce by 2-3m.  27 fell Cherry Tree.  31 Maple, excess weight in crown reduce by 2-3m.  35 Ash, poor pruning re-shape.  36 fell Weeping Ash Tree.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Work allowed 17th May 2021


34 Crowson Way

Deeping St James


Two storey side extension.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


106 Eastgate

Deeping St James


Erection of single-storey rear summerhouse.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Site adjacent to

99 Horsegate

Deeping St James

Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping), in connection with outline application S18/2282 (demolition of an existing outbuilding, formation of a new vehicular access to serve existing dwelling and the erection of a three bedroom one and a half storey detached dwelling).

DSJPC – No objections

SKDC -  Approves Reserved Matters


21 Broadgate Lane

Deeping St James


Non-material application to amend deign of Plot 1 as approved under planning permission S20/1269, including change roof tiles from terracotta double pantiles to black anthracite double pantiles; additional Velux roof window; changes to first floor layout; and change middle dormer glass from opaque to clear.

DSJPC – Consultation not required

SKDC – Amends Approved 25 May 2021


39 Church Street

Deeping St James


Remove 1 Willow Tree and raise by 2-4m, pull in over extended limbs on another Willow Tree.

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers.

SKDC – Work allowed 4 June 2021


Osier Farm

141B Eastgate

Deeping St James


Demolition of existing modern farm buildings, alterations and extensions to traditional farm buildings to form two dwellings and erection of five dwellings and associated garages.

DSJPC - Deeping St James Parish Council did not object in principle to the development originally, but drew attention to concerns about relocation of wildlife and birds at the development.  It has been noted that the District Council have not accurately recorded these concerns in the revision.

The content from Highways, Conservation, and Archaeology have been noted and welcomed.

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Osier Farm

141B Eastgate

Deeping St James


Demolition of existing modern farm buildings, alterations and extensions to traditional farm buildings to form two

dwellings and erection of five dwellings and associated garages.

DSJPC – Deeping St James Parish Council did not object in principle to the development originally, but drew attention to concerns about relocation of wildlife and birds at the development.  It has been noted that the District Council have not accurately record these concerns in the revision.

The content from Highways, Conservation, and Archaeology have been noted and welcomed.

SKDC – Consent has been granted.


Land adjacent to

204 Eastgate

Deeping St James


Erection of dwelling.

DSJPC – Objected

Deeping St James response to Planning Application S20/2077.

Reasons for objection to the Land adjacent to 204 Eastgate, Deeping St James, PE6 8RD.

Policy SP3
Point B of this policy states the site is located within the main built up area of the settlement, it is bound on three sides by existing residential developments. The Parish Council observe this to be incorrect as there are houses opposite and adjacent on one side only.

Policy SD1(g)
The Parish Council observed that this is Green Belt Land and not previously developed. Whilst the agent feels this is considered to be appropriate use of the site, the Parish Council do not agree.

The agent states there are no natural features of note within this site, the Parish Council note that the River Welland runs along the rear of this site, and although there is no public access, the construction of this property will impact on the visual amenity of the area.

The Deeping Neighbourhood Plan Policy 9 – Promoting best practice and design.
The agent states that the site enjoys good access by foot, cycle and private car and that services and facilities are within walking distance of this site. The Parish Council would advise that the nearest shop is at least two miles away and the nearest bus stop is further away still. The Health Centre and schools are significantly further away, in which case vehicular availability would be essential.

The flood risk assessment states there have been no incidents of flooding in this area over the last 100-year period. Local knowledge confirms that flooding did occur in 1996 when many of the Eastgate properties were affected and water levels rose above Hive Bank.

SKDC – Application withdrawn by agent.


Kyoto Futons Ltd

Hards Lane



Erection of warehouse with ancillary showroom space for Kyoto Futons, 13 small employment units for B2/B8 use together with car parking and vehicle servicing areas.

DSJPC – Did not object.

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


09.22  To agree the date of the next meeting.

Thursday 22 July 2021 at 7pm