August 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP


Tel: 01778 343266

Webpage: //

Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 27 August 2020 at 7.30 pm using the virtual meeting code and password below:

Zoom meeting code: 924 4824 2920

Passcode: 560543

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hardy, Hosking, Kornfeld, Lilley, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District) and four members of the public.


Open Forum

Councillor Gilbert began by offering some guidelines regarding reports to be circulated to all Councillors prior to the meeting namely that they should be submitted to the Clerk for circulation at least 72 hours prior to the meeting and that everyone attending a meeting virtual meeting should be visible on the screen.

Ben Rockliffe representing Deeping Rugby Union Football Club and Bourne and Deepings Hockey Club introduced himself and expressed concerns about the new 3G pitch being football based which would be detrimental to the Hockey Club who already train and play not only outside of the District but the County. He was also concerned about the loss of the Rugby Club clubhouse as this was vital to the continuation for the club, which had been at the location for 40 years, as it was a social hub and a source of income. These concerns were supported by both Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and Dilks, the latter saying that he and other District Ward Councillors had raised these concerns with the District Council. Councillor Stevens asked if there was provision for the Hockey Club within six miles of the Deepings to which Ben Rockliffe confirmed that there was at Glinton and the Club used this but it was so in demand that weekly availability was restricted to 2-4 hours.

Jenny Spratt representing the Deepingathon spoke in support of the grant application explaining that this virtual event had been held to raise money for 5 charities who had seen a reduction in donations this year because the restrictions imposed during the pandemic meaning fundraising events had been cancelled.

Janet left the meeting.

Ashley Baxter local resident and South Kesteven District Ward Councillor for Market Deeping spoke to express his concerns about the leisure centre and said the heads of terms agreed between the parish council and the district council must guarantee that the Deepings get the leisure centre that they need.

Councillor Dilks refer to his report which he had sent directly to everyone at 4pm that day therefore breaking the rules quoted by Councillor Gilbert at the start of the meeting which he hadn’t been aware. He said to send the report earlier would have meant that he would not have been able to include information from today’s District Council meetings.

Councillor Stevens had not prepared a report this month however she did say that fly-tipping had been an issue during lockdown as the Lincolnshire County Council recycling centres had been closed which had increased costs for the District Council who had been involved in collecting it. The District Council had continued with grass cutting and refuse collection during lockdown and allocated large amounts of grant funding. She also advised that the Library would re-open on 5 September 2020 and the Youth Group on 10 September 2020.

In the absence of County Councillor Dobson, Councillor Gilbert referred to his report especially the inaccuracies about the proposed location of the 3G pitch which would be discussed later under agenda item 52.21 and brought to Councillor Dobson’s attention.

After several residents had approached her Councillor Hosking requested that the Clerk brings to the attention of Councillor Dobson the chaos caused by the recent road closure on Eastgate. Not only was it felt unnecessary to close the entire road there had been no notice of these works and the lighting and signage had been insufficient.


44.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Robinson. It was noted that County Councillor Barry Dobson had also sent his apologies.


45.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – agenda item 48.21.3 (a member of the Deepingathon group) and 49.21.2 (a Governor at the Deepings School)

Councillor Hosking – agenda item 48.21.3 (volunteer at the Exotic Pet Refuge a beneficiary of Deepingathon)

Councillor Halls – agenda item 49.21.2 (Governor at the Deepings School)

Councillor Gilbert – agenda item 48.21.3 (member of the Deepingathon group)

Councillor Stevens – agenda item 48.21.2 (member of the Deepingathon group) and agenda item 49.21.1 (a payment being made to partner)


46.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on Thursday 30 July 2020 and 6 August 2020.

Agreed as true copies to be signed by the Chairperson by visiting the office at a later date.


47.21 To receive the Clerk’s report

Councillor Fowler has been booked on the Lincolnshire Association of Local Council’s Councillor training course on 1 and 2 September 2020.

The Credit Union account has been closed and the balance transferred to Barclays Bank.

A revised mandate form has been issued to Barclays bank to remove the names of former Councillors.

South Kesteven District Council have completed some work to remove lower branches which had been vandalised and heighten the canopy to avoid further damage to a tree on Jubilee Park

A local resident has contacted South Kesteven District Council to donate a memorial bench to be located on Jubilee Park the location of which has been agreed as being along the tarmac path (PROW no 1) running through the park

South Kesteven District Council have arranged for the asbestos to be removed from the site on Toll Bar Road and a letter has been issued to the landowner asking what their intentions are regarding the removal of the remaining waste and securing the site to avoid future fly-tipping. An incident of fly-tipping at Cross Road has also been reported to District Council.

After a report on social media raising concerns about overhanging branches and undergrowth on public right of way no.1 running behind the houses on Thackers Way a parish council maintenance worker cut the overhanging branches as LCC Countryside Access confirmed that were not going to be clearing this path at any point in the near future.

There has been one burial and one interment of cremated remains in the Cemetery during the month of August

Two enquiries about overhanging trees causing visibility issues on Hereward Way and on Spalding Road (near Braeburn Road) have been referred to Lincolnshire County Council Highways.

A resident of Welland Way contacted Market Deeping Town Council about youngsters damaging equipment and trees on the open space (Church Field) behind their property. It has been confirmed that the property was in fact privately owned and should not have been sited there.

There have been a number of issues brought to the parish council’s attention by the Allotments Association where they have said tenants are in breach of the tenancy agreement. These have been both challenging and time consuming to deal with.

Two enquiries about garden fires and the legality around them have been received and directed to the neighbourhood teams in South Kesteven District Council.


48.21 Financial matters

1. To approve the payments for August 2020 – With the following additional payments to those on the list that had been circulated

Paul Hanson - £307.20

David Hedley - £72.84

Deeping St James Allotments Association - £5.00

It was proposed seconded and Resolved to make payments of £10,924.57

2. To note the income received in August 2020 – Noted

3. To consider the grant application received from ‘Deepingathon’ – It was proposed seconded and Resolved that a grant of £1000 is made with half of the funding being taken from the grant funding budget and the other half from the reserves allocated for Covid support

4. To complete, resolve and sign section 1 of the annual governance and accountability return for the year ended 31 March 2020 – Councillor Gilbert referred everyone to the copy of section 1 that had been circulated and read out points 1- 9 of section 1 of the annual governance and accountability return and all the Councillors to confirm that they had read and understood them. It was proposed seconded and Resolved that yes should be answered to all the points.

5. To agree, resolve and sign the section 2 of the annual governance and accountability return for the year ended 31 March 2020 – Councillor Gilbert referred everyone to the copy of section 2 that had been circulated and asked everyone to raise their hands if they accepted it. Resolved


49.21 Planning matters

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the planning and transport committee held on Thursday 20 August 2020 Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of the committee meeting referring to agenda item 29.21 regarding street naming for the development at 153 Eastgate. The names suggested by the developer (Norfolk Court, Du Rulos Court and Highbank Mews) had not been considered suitable by the committee and they recommended Nursery Close. Resolved.

2. To consider the following planning applications:


The Deepings School Park Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NF,

Erection of a dining/multi-use canopy

No objections


153 Eastgate, Deeping St James, PE6 8RB,

Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S18/2111

(Demolition of 2 existing dwellings and erection of 12 dwellings)

No objections

Councillor Dilks was asked to check with the case officer that there was a management plan in place to maintained the soft planting areas mentioned under planning application S20/1320 which also related to this site so that the area did not become unkept and unadopted.


50.21 To consider correspondence received:

A resident of Fen Field Mews

Concern about on street parking reducing accessibility for emergency vehicles and causing problems for wheelchair users and push chairs. Requested yellow lines from LCC Highways who have advised him to contact DSJPC.

After Councillor Stevens pointed out that the development would have been built following the planning requirements of the time, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advising that this development was used as an example of how not to complete a development and Councillor Thomas mentioning that she had read that other authorities were encouraging individuals to park on the pavement to allow access it was agreed that the Clerk should contact the resident to ask contact LCC again who are the authority who can impose traffic regulation orders and also to contact the emergency services to see if they are able to do a mail drop to promote good parking to allow access.

The Great British September Clean

This will take place between 11 - 27 September 2020 and Keep Britain Tidy are requesting local councils to engage with their communities and encourage them to take part in groups of up to six.

Due to the current limitations on gatherings it was agreed that the Parish Council would not organise an event this year however they would promote the campaign and provide bin bags, gloves, litter pickers and bag hoops to any parishioners who wished to form their own small groups.

Due To the current restrictions on the numbers being able to gather it was agreed that the parish council will not be organising an event but will promote the event to encourage groups of up to six to get involved and provide litter pickers bin hoops glove and bags to those individuals.

Lincolnshire County Council

Consultation on the proposed speed limit extension on Linchfield Road to just past the new development. Deadline for response 7 September 2020.

The Clerk was asked to respond to the consultation asking the County Council to extend the 30MPH speed limit to the end of Linchfield Road (at the junction to Towngate East).

South Kesteven District Council Consultation in respect of Public Space Protection Orders designed to target a particular nuisance in a specific area. There are two that apply to specific areas – dog exclusion areas, alcohol control zones and two that are district wide - dog fouling and dogs on leads. The purpose of the consultation is to establish if stakeholders want to extend them for another three years and add an additional area the Market Deeping Cemetery known as the Spinney. Deadline for consultation 11 September 2020

It was agreed that the Clerk should reply agreeing that all the current public space protection orders should remain in place and that the additional on at Market Deeping Cemetery (aka The Spinney) should be added. The Clerk should also request that the District Council consider applying a PSPO at Deeping St James Cemetery and the play area at Hereward Way.

The Deepings School

After another incident of damage to the school fencing a request that the parish council consider helping with the cost of repairs going forward has been received as the damage is only ever on the boundary to the skate park.

It was agreed that this should discussed at the next youth and community committee meeting.

Marie Curie Care and Support

Thank you letter for the grant funding.



51.21 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. To receive an update regarding the meeting with representatives from Aldi held on 5 August 2020 – Councillor Bowell advised that since this meeting Aldi have issued a communication saying that they want to come to The Deepings and are investigating the possibilities. Councillor Dilks added that at the District council’s planning committee meeting earlier today it had been mentioned that 8/10 of the consultation responses to the opening of the Stamford store asked the question why not in The Deepings

2. VJ Day 75 service on Saturday 15 August 2020 – attended by Councillors Gilbert, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas along with Councillor Dilks in his capacity as Chair of the Langtoft and Deepings Royal British Legion. This event was supported well by all a number of local councils, Market Deeping and Deeping St James Church and the Royal British Legion

3. New website training attended by the Assistant Clerk on 19 August 2020 – Noted

4. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Allotments footpaths and open spaces committee held at 7pm on Tuesday 25 August 2020 – Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes from this meeting advising that the allotments had been inspected on two occasions leading to up to 9 plots becoming vacant. The Committee recommended that the allotment rent and amendments to the allotment tenancy agreement considered under agenda items14.20 and 15.20shoudl be agreed. Resolved. It was noted that despite compromises no agreement can be reached regarding an agreement between the Parish Council and the Allotments Association

5. To receive the Deepings Business Support Group accounts – Councillor Gilbert advised that businesses continue to contact the group and more invoices are likely to be forwarded for payment.

6. To receive an update regarding the Deepings First Neighbourhood Plan – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the process had continued to get the plan approved and an independent inspector had been appointed. The only contentious issue was the use of the land on Millfield Road Market Deeping


52.21 To consider the revised demise plan and draft heads of terms document in respect of the playing field land on Linchfield Road/Spalding Road to allow SKDC to progress with plans for the proposed new astro-turf and leisure centre.

Councillor Gilbert advised that he had attended a number of meetings along with Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and the Clerk with both some of the users of the playing field and the District Council to try to get the best for all users. In those meetings a draft plan of the proposed layout of the leisure centre and pitches had been shared which it was acknowledge if accepted by Sports England would please the majority but not everyone. In the absence of County Councillor Dobson who is also Cabinet Member for Growth and Leisure at South Kesteven District Council Councillor Gilbert clarified that the new astroturf would be on the current footprint. Councillor Gilbert made it clear that the draft heads of terms document needed to be agreed by the Parish Council to allow the District Council to move forward in investigating funding avenues. A number of issues were raised by Councillor Dilks including the lack of provision for the Hockey Club, the suggestion that the Rugby Club should be left in-situ beside a ‘state of the art’ building, the lack of updates from the District council to the ward members, why this was the preferred site, what other sites had been considered and whether there was in fact a deadline for the funding application for the astroturf. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe replied say the meetings had been challenging and but had leads to some alterations to the layout and assured everyone that there was a funding timescale so the document needed to be agreed to get the astroturf replaced.

It was Resolved to suspend Standing Orders to continue the meeting past 10pm

Councillor Stevens pointed out that Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe had been party to the meeting so should be listened to. Councillor Gilbert proposed that the parish council advises the District Council that it agrees in terms of the land where the astroturf is sited but that further clarification is provided regarding the use of the other areas. This was seconded and Resolved

It was Resolved to move into closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter:

The remaining members of the public left the meeting.


53.21 To receive a update regarding staffing matters.

Councillor Hosking updated the members about the outcome of the meeting held with a member of staff who was currently not fit for work and the contents of the letter which had been sent to that member of staff. A further update would be provided at the council meeting on 24 September 2020

It was Resolved to move out of closed session.


54.21 Parish Pump – items for information of inclusion on future agenda.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe expressed concern about the access to the health centre especially for the elderly and vulnerable who were not familiar with technology and asked if the Clerk could write a letter asking for reassurances.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe highlighted the recent fires at the field on Stowgate Road and at Hereward Way play area plus the anti-social behaviour at Black Barn on Back Lane and requested that the reinstatement of a private security company be considered on the next agenda.

Councillor Halls asked that following on from the above request the Clerk writes to Lincolnshire Police asking what cover there is the Deepings currently and what there will be in the future.


Meeting finished at 10.20pm