December 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council which was held on Thursday 17 December 2020 at 7.30 pm using the virtual meeting code and password below:

Meeting ID: 988 5503 8757
Passcode: 772779

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hardy, Hosking, Lilley, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District), Watts, County Councillor Dobson, the Assistant Clerk and three members of the public.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.



- The Chairperson of Deepings Swimming Club, Andy Cardell, addressed the saying that the Club’s financial situation had been very different this year to any previous years. The Club prided itself on being self-sufficient but the recent 29% increase in charges by 1Life and the inability to hold this year’s gala which was their main fundraiser meant that £6000 was required to recoup this year’s loss. Councillor Gilbert encouraged the Club to complete a grant application including the number of members who were Deeping St James residents and a copy of the latest accounts and it would be considered. Virginia Moran spoke in support of the Swimming Club saying Market Deeping Town Council had received an excellent application and had had no hesitation in granting £3000 and suggesting they make a further application if required in 6 to 12 months’ time.

- The Chairperson of Deepings Youth Group Jayne Reed addressed the members referring to the application that had been shared for £6000 funding for the financial year 2021/22 advising that Market Deeping Town Council had also been approached for the equivalent amount and were supportive. Councillor Dilks asked if the application before the Parish Council had been properly considered by all the Deeping Youth Group Trustees, requested a copy of the Youth Groups constitution and sought confirmation that a public apology had been given for the defamatory comments made in the past about Market Deeping Town Council. Jayne Reed confirmed that the signed application had been agreed by the Trustees, that she would send a copy of the constitution to the Parish Clerk and that the Deepings Youth Group and its Trustees now had a good working relationship with Market Deeping Town Council.

- District Councillor Stevens advised that from January 2021 LeisureSK would take over the running of all South Kesteven District Council’s leisure centres and the Culture and Visitor Economy Committee whose next meeting was scheduled to be held on 5 January 2021 would oversee the transition. One of the first recommendations would be to recommence the public forums to improve the interface between the users and providers. There had also been a number of reports of fly-tipping (some on private land) which South Kesteven District council had cleared up. This had prompted Councillor Stevens to press Lincolnshire County Council to improve the access to and opening of the household waste recycling centres. Finally, Councillor Stevens reminded everyone that the Deepingathon would take place virtually between 2pm and 4.30pm on Sunday 20 December 2020 and would include carols, readings from Schools Churches and local bands to raise funds for Children’s play facilities in Deeping.

- District Councillor Dilks advised that the District Councillor Leader had agreed to his request that the recent devastating housing reports should be discussed by the full council rather than a small committee. The improvement plan suggested that it would be three years before South Kesteven was legally compliant. It had been suggested that money received from housing rents should be used to speed up this process but the regulator would not allow this. The Riverside Report which had been completed in March 2020 had been made available today showing that elderly and vulnerable residents had been left without adequate heating or water for 4 years. Councillor Dilks had requested that the District Council recognise the work of a local individual in highlighting these issues but this had been rejected. He had also attended planning committee meetings on 9th and 16th with another on 23rd and a design pad meeting on 10th as well as a mental health workshop and the Environment committee where carbon reduction requirements had been considered. He concluded by advising everyone that a 96-year-old veteran who attended the recent Remembrance events had passed away and the funeral was be held next week and attended by Councillor Hall. Councillor Hosking asked as a resident and council tax payer for an explanation about the £100,000 cost of an unveiling ceremony for a statue in Grantham town centre. Councillor Dilks advised that the decision to underwrite the ceremony had been made by Cabinet who had advised that there had been a lot of local interest in making financial donations towards this cost. At this afternoon’s council meeting it had been agreed it would be looked at further by the culture and visitor economy scrutiny committee on 21 January 2021.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked if the development for 680 dwellings at the end of Linchfield Road would be considered by the Design Pad. Councillor Dilks confirmed that there was another design pad meeting prior to Christmas had this was due to be considered then.  

- County Councillor Dobson referred to the report he had provided which had been circulated to all the Parish Councillors highlighting that work was continuing to bring employment and skills to Lincolnshire with for example the new enterprise zone near Holbeach; Devolution had been shelved for the time being and that Lincolnshire would remain in Tier 3 for the time being. Councillor Bowell welcomed the information about domestic abuse helplines was very welcome and should be shared on the parish council Facebook page. He also said that he understood the synergies of working with North Lincolnshire but he was concerned that this may be a precursor to future discussions on devolution. Councillor Dobson reiterated that there was no appetite for devolution in the foreseeable future. Councillor Stevens agreed that it was good news that the port of Boston was to be expanded to which Councillor Dobson replied saying the expansion was restricted but eh size of boat but Immingham was just up the road too. Councillor Dobson concluded by saying he was working with Andy Pelling, the Chairperson of the Deepings Business Club, regarding start up pods on the Market Deeping industrial estate.  


County Councillor Dobson and the two members of the public (Andy Cardell and Virginia Moran) left the meeting.


99.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Kornfeld.


100.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Halls - agenda item 103.21.4

Councillor Stevens – agenda items 103.21.1, 103.21.4 and 103.21.5


101.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 26 November 2020

After some minor typographical adjustments pointed out by Councillor Bowell the minutes were agreed to be signed at a later date by the Chairman.


102.21 To receive the Clerk’s report 

The annual governance and accounting report for the year ending 31 March 2020 has been signed off by the external Auditor with one observation – that the Clerk had signed it after, not before, presenting it to the Parish Council for approval.

The extension to the Cemetery is underway with a temporary fence in place whilst the maintenance staff relocate the current railings. Being able to reuse the current railings enables the money saved to be used to purchase railings to secure the play equipment to restrict access for Dogs and allow Children to visit the play area safely. The work has generated some comments around the reduction of open space. The Dog protection order notices put on the gate of the play area by South Kesteven District Council have also been questioned and have been removed on several occasions. Clarification was provided that the putting railings around the play equipment would take place after the Cemetery railings had been relocated.

The flagpole has been ordered and paid for and an installation date is being agreed.

An update has been received from the company transferring all the information from the current website to the new confirming that all documentation has been at least safely downloaded prior to the current website closing at the end of December 2020.

The Dog waste bins have been removed from their location on public right of way 909 near the Railway Bridge and Crowson Way end of Jubilee Park. They have been removed due to difficulties emptying them (bins on a post a chest height and are very heavy when full). Notices have been placed on the posts advising of the location of the closest bin which in both cases isn’t that far away.

A copy of the Occupational Health report obtained, and details of the next steps, have been provided to the member of staff who has been off work.

The PCSO from the local neighbourhood policing team has contacted the office as they are discussing the next quarter’s priorities with their Sergeant. I advised them that inconsiderate parking at a number of locations, vandalism to fencing at Woody Heights, suspected drug dealing at Jubilee Park, cycling with no lights or hi visibility clothing and speeding especially on Horsegate and Linchfield Road have been reported to the office.

Further incidences of fly tipping in the Dykes on Hall Meadow Road and Crowland Road have been reported to the Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board

Emails have been issued chasing both the replacement of the bench at Frognall and the quotation for Electricity at Jubilee Park


103.21 Financial matters

  1. To approve the payments for December 2020 – It was RESOLVED to make payments totalling £16,783.03
  2. To note the income received in December 2020 – Noted  
  3. To consider the grant application received from the Deepings Community Library – it was RESOLVED (with two abstentions) that a grant valuing £6000 should be awarded for the financial year 2021/22
  4. To consider the grant application received from the Deepings Youth Group – Councillor Gilbert noted that the figure being requested was a reduced amount from this year. Councillor Bowell made the following comments and proposal ‘First of all, coming to this Council with a report referring to the Mayor of Market Deeping as the Mayor of Deeping is not a good start. He is not the Mayor in Deeping St James. I have analysed this request with my Banking head on, and the report makes me question the viability of the group in the long term. Looking at the projected figures there are several anomalies that jump out at you:

- How was the figure of £6,000 arrived at, especially as the group has enough funds to get though the next year without our assistance. ·

- Is it just a coincidence that that figure is the maximum that MDTC will give as a grant, so they have just gone for the maximum.

- There is no figure for fundraising even though they have appointed a new Trustee to do just that.

- Nothing is shown for admin which has been in previous years accounts.

- There is no plan for increasing attendance figures in the second half of 2021, when restrictions should improve.

- There is also a question mark over whether some of the Trustees are actually fit to do that job.

However, I also understand the importance of Youth Clubs in our Communities, and would like to give the Trustees one last chance to prove the Youth Club is worth supporting.

I would like to propose that the Parish Council agree to the request for £6,000 Grant with the following conditions:

  1. The Parish Council receives a copy of the Constitution, so that Councillors know how the Youth Group should be run
  2. Every 3 months: July 2021, October 2021, December 2021, and March 2022, the Youth Group will provide a written report on the events at the Youth Group, what the Trustees are doing to improve the Group, copies of Trustee Meeting minutes, together with a monthly cash flow, in time for the Full Council meeting that month.
  3. The funds are to be paid in three equal amounts, in June 2021, in October 2021, and finally in January 2022.
  4. If the required information is not forthcoming, and is not acceptable, the second and third payments will be deferred until such time as the required information is received.
  5. Failure to produce the report and figures as requested, and to show an improvement in the Youth Group will affect the chances of financial support in the following year.
  6. A letter agreeing to these terms is received from the Trustees agreeing to the terms, as a single Trustee cannot agree to these terms

Councillor Gilbert stated that he felt it was important to support the Deepings Youth Group recalling his involvement many years ago and the value it provided in helping others make appropriate choices.

Councillor Robinson asked how many of the members of the Youth Group were residents of Deeping St James. Jayne Reed advised that they are currently operating via Zoom and only 6 are logging in on a Thursday and Friday night. When they were allowed to open they were only allowed to meet in groups of 6 so at the moment not all members are engaging/attending. The group is open to all Deeping youngsters between the age of 11 to 18 and prior to lockdown there was 10/12 attendees on Thursday evenings and 30/40 on Friday evenings. Plans to increase the numbers this year have been scuppered due to the lockdown.

Councillor Stevens responded to Councillor Bowell’s comments saying as a former Trustee he should be aware that several years ago former Councillor Ward was seconded to the Youth Group to help with the financial management this led to the reduction in nights from 3 to 2 and the accounts were now in a healthy position helped by the Oddfellows support. Neither the Youth Group or the Library can be compared to the Swimming Club as historically they have both been supported by the County Council and once this funding stopped both organisations turned to the Town and Parish Councils for financial support.

Councillor Dilks seconded Councillor Bowell’s proposal with one additional condition that an apology should be made to Market Deeping Town Council, supported his comment about the Trustees being fit and proper and stated that he was also passionate about Youth Services having been involved many years ago and then again recently. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe pointed out that an apology to Market Deeping Town Council was not relevant to the grant application to Deeping St James Parish Council. Councillor Stevens stated she would be seeking legal action about the defamatory comments. Councillor Gilbert concluded that this was outside the remit of Deeping St James Parish Council and it was unfortunate that it had been brought up and needed to be death with outside of the Parish Council meeting. Councillor Bowell’s proposal was put to the vote and it was RESOLVED (11 for, 3 abstentions).

The Chairperson of the Deepings Youth Group, Jayne Reed left the meeting.

  1. To consider continuing to cover the costs of providing a Community Skip to the residents of Deeping St James – After speaking to the proprietor of Prentice Recycling Centre, who facilitated the skip, Councillor Gilbert provided an overview saying that the skip was oversubscribed every week. Councillor Fowler commented that he was not aware of this service but agreed it should continue to be provided. The Clerk was requested to share the poster, which was on all the noticeboards and which had been promoted on Facebook ad the Webpage, with all Councillors. Councillor Gilbert proposed that the Parish Council continue to pay £100 per week with the Clerk being given delegated powers to increase this by up to £20 per week if required during the year. Seconded and RESOLVED
  2. To receive the draft budget papers for 2021/22 and discuss the draft precept requirement for 2021/22 – The Clerk advised that there is still some work to be done on the budget and therefore it is impossible to resolve the precept figure to be requested from the District Council at this meeting. It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that the Clerk and Chair of Finance along with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Parish Council should meet to do some more work on this then and then extraordinary meeting can be called in early January 2021 with one agenda item – ‘To consider the budget requirements for 2021/22 and agree the precept for 2021/22’ 

104.21 To consider the following planning applications:

  • S20/1983 3 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HF Pollard one Willow tree taking 4-5 metres off upper crown, 2-3 metres off outer crown. Tree in CA – Sect 211 notice. Noted
  • S20/1975 48 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD Reduce crown by 3-5 metres of Sycamore Tree. Tree in CA – Sect 211 notice. Noted
  • S20/18 13 Broadgate House 72 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD Approval of details reserved by Condition 3 (materials) of Planning Application S18/2176.Noted
  • S20/1988 39 Lady Margaret’s Avenue Deeping St James PE6 8TQ Erection of single storey garage. It was RESOLVED to object on the same grounds as the previous application S20/1477. Councillor Dilks said he would request that this application was called in for a committee decision.
  • S20/0632 17 Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 Notice of Appeal to Inspectorate. Change of use of the site for dog exercise areas, obedience/agility classes, provision of fencing to dog training areas, hardstanding area for customer parking and the demolition of the existing stables buildings. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that a response had been issues to the Inspectorate advising them of the Parish Council’s objections
  • S20/2069 Mr M Fitzjohn Site adjacent to 99 Horsegate Deeping St James Application for Approval of Reserved Matters (layout, scale, appearance, access and landscaping) in connection with outline application S18/2282 (demolition of an existing outbuilding, formation of a new vehicular access to serve existing dwelling and the erection of a three bedroom one and half storey detached dwelling). Agreed
  • S20/1253 153 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8RB, Notification of Public speaking at the planning committee on 23 December 2020 Section 73 application to vary condition 2 (approved plans) of S18/2111 (Demolition of 2 existing dwellings and erection of 12 dwellings) Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe explained that the additional two dwellings were replacements not additional so no section 106 agreement would be required. Agreed
  • S20/2077 Mr T Copland Land adjacent to 204 Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 8RD Erection of a dwelling It was RESOLVED (7 for, 2 against and 5 abstentions) to object to this application on the following grounds. Policy SP3 - Point B of this policy states the site is located within the main built up area of the settlement, it is bound on three sides by existing residential developments. The Parish Council observe this to be incorrect as there are houses opposite and adjacent on one side only. Policy SD1(g) -The Parish Council observed that this is Green Belt Land and not previously developed. Whilst the agent feels this is considered to be appropriate use of the site, the Parish Council do not agree. SD1(k) -The agent states there are no natural features of note within this site, the Parish Council note that the River Welland runs along the rear of this site, and although there is no public access, the construction of this property will impact on the visual amenity of the area. The Deeping Neighbourhood Plan Policy 9 – Promoting best practice and design. The agent states that the site enjoys good access by foot, cycle and private car and that services and facilities are within walking distance of this site. The Parish Council would advise that the nearest shop is at least two miles away and the nearest bus stop is further away still. The Health Centre and schools are significantly further away, in which case vehicular availability would be essential. The flood risk assessment states there have been no incidents of flooding in this area over the last 100-year period. Local knowledge confirms that flooding did occur in 1996 when many of the Eastgate properties were affected and water levels rose above Hive Bank.

105.21 To receive and consider correspondence.

Treasurer of the Priory Hall Trust

Providing an explanation of how the ward grants totalling £1066 provided by the 3 District councillors were spent – it was used to cover the costs of having the tree reduced by 2 to 3 metres (£784) and for a survey of the tree (£384).


Principal Development Management Officer at Lincolnshire County Council Highways

Providing the detailed assessment forwarded to the planning authority in respect of S20/1813 - 72 Church Street Deeping St James.


It was agreed that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe would respond reinforcing the need to be diligent when approving plans and use up to date data. Councillor Dilks reminded everyone that County Councillor Davies was invited to visit this site after a car crashed into a nearby property but this never happened.

New Resident of house sharing a driveway with PROW 909 (locally know as Sandy Bank)

After the access being blocked on several occasions the resident has contacted Lincolnshire County Council Highways to discuss options to restrict parking at the entrance to this driveway/PROW and is requesting support from the Parish Council


It was agreed that the Clerk should respond advising that the Parish Council were unable to support this request as the location was not appropriate for double yellow lines being in open countryside and an area of special scientific interest,

106.21 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

  1. Attendance by the Parish Clerk, Assistant Clerk and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe on local Highways role in the planning process training held via Zoom on Monday 30 November 2020 – All those who attended said this had been very useful and had opened up a dialogue with Lincolnshire County Council’s Principal Development Management Officer Highways Officer.
  2. Attendance by the Parish Clerk as the Lincolnshire association of Local Council’s Clerk’s Seminar held via Zoom on Wednesday 9 December 2020 – The Clerk stated that this had been informative and that the presentations would be shared with all Councillors.
  3. To receive an update about Deepings First Neighbourhood Plan from Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – Andrew Ashcroft, the Independent Examiner, whilst inspecting the Deepings Neighbourhood plan, looking at the policy on green spaces had noticed encroachment onto some public open space in some areas. This was now noted in the parish council offices as it may cause issues when the homeowners try to sell their properties.
  4. To receive a report of the meeting of the Welland River Trust lowland steering group meeting held on 10 December 2020 and attended by Councillor Bowell – A report had been circulated to all the Members prior to the meeting and Councillor Bowell advised that he had attended a further meeting on 16 December 2020 about the proposed South Lincs Reservoir and this information would also be circulated to. Both meetings had been very good.

107.21 To consider entering into a contract with a private security firm to provide security patrols around the parish to assist in the reduction of anti-social behaviour.

Following the response from Police Chief Inspector Gary Stewart confirming that there would be no additional resources in the Deepings from April 2021 and that he would welcome working with an outside agency the Clerk had contacted a company to see if they could provide 2 street wardens/security officers to visit a number of areas around the parish Deeping St James which are known to be anti-social behaviour 'hotspots. The hotspots are - 3 recreation areas/play parks, 3 small shopping areas, the Cemetery and two rural lanes. The intention was to act as a deterrent and hopefully disperse any large groups and to work closely with the local Police when required.  The quote was £26 per hour for two Security Officers to patrol the parish. Assuming they are to work from 8 until midnight every Friday and Saturday night for 26 weeks from 1 April this would be £5408 per annum. It was agreed that provision should be made for this in the budget and that the Clerk should endeavour to obtain two further quotes for comparison.  

108.21 To receive the further opinion and quotation for work on the Oak Tree on the green at Churchgate and consider the next steps – It was agreed to defer this item as the additional quotation had not been received.

It was RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to continue the meeting after 10pm

109.21 Parish Pump – items for information of inclusion on future agenda.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe wished to acknowledge the litter picking that was being regularly carried out in the community by an individual and hoped that a formal thank you of some kind could be issued at some point in the future.

Councillor Bowell advised that Lincolnshire Police Chief Constable Bill Skelly retires on Friday 18 December 2020. His replacement will be Chris Haward.

Councillor Robinson asked for an update about the Flagpole. The Clerk advised that it had been ordered and a suitable installation gate was being agreed. He also mentioned that the outdoor gym equipment at Jubilee Park still had not in use due to COVID restrictions in place. The Clerk replied that the District Council had advised that the Government guidance stated that this type of equipment should still not be used.

Councillor Stevens asked if an agenda item could be added to the next Council meeting agenda to consider preparing a welcome pack to be issued to the new residents of the Springfield site off Linchfield Road

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the owner of the barn on Back Lane regularly frequented by teenagers was now known and suggested that the Parish Council should approach him to enquire what his intentions were regarding the barn. The Police were aware of the issues as they had recently removed several teenagers from it.

Meeting closed 10.15pm