September 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP E-mail: 

Tel: 01778 343266

Webpage: //

Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council which was held on Thursday 24 September 2020 at 7.30 pm using the virtual meeting code and password below: Meeting ID: 978 5498 0972

Passcode: 993005

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Lilley, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District), County Councillor Dobson and two members of the public.


Open Forum

County Councillor Dobson apologised as he had only sent his report to the Clerk at 6pm that evening. He explained the NHS track and trace app and encouraged everyone to use it. He also mentioned that he had been in contact with a representative from the Northern Footpaths Forum the group who were working with the parish council towards securing funding for a footbridge across the River Welland. He ended by saying that he was continuing to obtain a replacement bus stop on Thackers Way, bus clearway markings outside Benedict Court and clear cycle paths on Spalding Road.

Councillor Gilbert reiterated what he had said at last month’s meetings about reports being required to be forwarded to the Clerk for circulation 72 hours prior to the meeting District Councillor Dilks’ report had been shared with all members at 4.30 that day and included his concerns around the location of the proposed new leisure centre, confirmation that the decision to continue the 1Life contract for the current leisure centres past January 2021 had been reverse, that the special expense charged to Deepings Council Tax payers to maintain the playing field was to be considered by the District Council on 10 November 2020 and finally advising that he along with 4 others had requested an extraordinary District Council meeting to catch up on some items that continue to be deferred.

District Councillor Stevens advised that 3 virtual events were scheduled in November (14th, 21st and 28th) in preparation for the possibility that the Literary Festival in 2021 would be online rather than face to face. She had contacted the Practice Manager at The Deepings Health Centre after residents had reported problems contacting the centre by telephone and she had been assured that more reception staff were being recruited to help deal with the calls more promptly. She had also contacted the Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board and SKDC planning to ensure everything was in order after concerns were raised about the dyke on Linchfield Road near the new development was being filled in for the new road. Finally, she mentioned that there had been a Police presence in the Deepings on Saturday night to stop the night time racing which was taking place.

District Councillor Thomas advised that she was now a representative on the Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board joining District Councillors Bob Broughton Phil Dilks and Jackie Smith.

County Councillor Dobson left the meeting.

60.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Hardy.


61.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Stevens declared a pecuniary interest in agenda item 64.21.1 as there is a payment being made to her partner

Councillor Bowell, Dilks, Fowler, Hall, Robinson and Dilks declared a non- pecuniary interest in agenda item 64.21.4 as they are members of the St James Deeping Signal Box group

Councillor Robinson and Stevens declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 68.21 as they are members of the Friends of Jubilee Park.


62.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meetings held on Thursday 27 August 2020 and Thursday 17 September 2020.

Agreed as true copies which will be signed by the Chairperson at a later date.


63.21 To receive the Clerk’s report

British Telecom have agreed to replace the bench in Frognall which was damaged during the removal of the telephone kiosk

The Parish Council has been registered on the Government’s track and trace system and a QR code is displayed at the Institute

One of the Market Deeping Town Council Park Keepers has helped to unlock the defibrillator cabinet and confirmed that just like theirs did the cabinet needs a new keypad. Details of what and where to order from have been provided by the Town Clerk

The School playing field fence which was only repaired two weeks ago has been damaged again near Woody Heights recreation area.

When agreeing to the extension of current and the inclusion of the Spinney Cemetery in Market Deeping the Clerk also requested that South Kesteven District Council place a public space protection order on Deeping St James Cemetery and the play area off Hereward Way. The District Council have advised that requests are only considered once every three years so this will have to wait.

An IT provider who offered to help in transferring documentation from the old Lincolnshire County Council parish website to the new one has advised that he is not able to do this as it is set up in such a way as the documents cannot be transferred in bulk but manually and individually which is too time consuming. The office staff will work on this although it will be challenging and time consuming.

The change of mandate form that has been completed for the Barclays Bank signatories has yet to be finalised as the bank appear to have no record of Councillor Gilbert visiting a Peterborough branch in May 2019 to verify his identity and documentation.

A member of the Parish Council Maintenance Staff has removed the broken limb form the Oak tree on the green near the Church gate and a tree services company has been asked to assess the tree to see if further work is needed.


64.21 Financial matters

1. To approve the payments for September 2020 – It was proposed seconded and Resolved that payments totalling £13633.20 should be made

2. To note the income received in September 2020 – Noted.

3. To receive a copy of the grant aid register – This was provided at the request of Councillor Dilks who along with Councillor Gilbert agreed it showed how much financial benefit the Parish Council had provided organisations within the community.

A member of the public joined the meeting

4. To consider the grant application received from St James Deeping Signal Box Group – Councillor Dilks sought advice on the vote as 6 members had declared an interest. The Clerk advised that dispensations could be agreed to allow all Councillors to vote. After the accounts had been considered which had been prepared by Moore Thompson and were agreed to be accurate and it was explained that due to the inability to hold fund raising events this year there was no money to pay the insurance and cover any costs incurred until Heritage Lottery funding was hopefully secured. It was proposed seconded and Resolved to grant £1000. Councillor Dilks did not vote.

A member of the public left the meeting


65.21 Planning matters

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the planning and transport committee held on Thursday 17 September 2020 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there was one recommendation relating to planning application S20/1477. The committee recommend that the parish council object to this planning application as this proposal results in a new building being proud of the existing building line, sited on a sweeping bend which it will interfere visually with approaching traffic.  It will also prohibit a clear exit splay for the applicant and the houses either side, due to the bend. Seconded and Resolved. Councillor Dilks abstained from the vote but did advise that he would call this application in for a committee decision. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also advised that the application for the further 69 houses on the Linden Homes Springfields development on Linchfield Road had been received and would be considered at the planning committee on Thursday 22 October 2020.She encouraged everybody to view the plans.

2. To consider the following planning applications:



Mr & Mrs Dormor, 200 Eastgate, DSJ Erection of rear extension

Permitted development


Public Speaking notification at SKDC planning committee on Wednesday 30 September 2020 request in respect of the change of use of the site for dog exercise areas, obedience / agility classes, provision of fencing to dog training areas, hardstanding area for customer parking and the demolition of the existing stables buildings at 17 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HH accessed from Back Lane Deeping St James.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that she had re- written/re-submitted what she had originally sent as the plans had been revised and the parish council had not been informed of this. It was noted that Councillor Stevens would also be speaking as Ward Councillor, as would a representative of Deepings First the neighbourhood plan group. Councillor Hosking had also registered to speak as a local resident.


66.21 To consider correspondence received:

For consideration

A resident

Anti-social behaviour around the River Welland footbridge, Church Street DSJ requesting signage – no swimming and/or please consider local residents. After some discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should reply to the resident saying that this was not within the Parish Council’s remit and that their concerns should be addressed to the Environment Agency and/or the Police.

The Deeping and District Poppy Appeal

Enquiring as to whether remembrance wreaths are required this year and if so how many?

Whilst it was acknowledged that the Remembrance Commemorations this year would be different to other years it was agreed that two wreaths should be obtained to lay at the Garden of Remembrance at Boundary Park and the Priory Church. It was also proposed seconded and Resolved that a donation of £250 should be made to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal


For information

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils

Annual report for 2019/20. Noted.


To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Councillor Training via zoom held on 1 and 2 September 2020 attended by Councillors Fowler and Robinson – Both attendees confirmed it was very good and they had learnt a lot.

2. Meeting on 10 September 2020 with representatives from South Kesteven District Council and District Ward (Deeping St James and Market Deeping) Councillors about the draft heads of terms and the proposed leisure centre – Noted

3. Return to work meeting on 10 September 2020 between Councillor Hosking, the Clerk and a member of staff – To be dealt with under item 73.21.

4. Re-opening of the Deepings Youth Group on Thursday 10 September 2020 attended by the Chairperson Councillor Steve Gilbert. Councillor Stevens advised that the Youth Group would continue to meet in groups of six all wearing face masks.

5. Youth and community committee meeting held on Tuesday 15 September 2020 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there were two recommendations. The Committee recommended that quotes were obtained to install further CCTV at Woody Heights recreation area to cover a blind spot and as the finances were available in the budget the work was carried out as soon as possible. Seconded and Resolved. The committee also recommended that due to the success of the 2019 playscheme organised by MaDCaPS at Market Deeping Community Primary School that the Clerk should arrange a meeting with representatives from Market Deeping Town Council and MaDCaPS with a view to organising a joint playscheme in 2021 rather than running two separate ones at the same venue. Seconded and Resolved

6. Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 15 September 2020

As the connection had been lost with Councillor Thomas the Chairperson of this committee it was agreed to return to this item if/when connection was re-established.

7. Allotments footpaths and open spaces committee held on Thursday 17 September 2020 – Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there was one recommendation. The committee recommended that a fourth skip be provided at the allotments. In previous years only 3 skips have been provided but it was acknowledged that this year was different as the County Recycling Centres had been closed during lockdown. Resolved


Councillors Stevens and Thomas re-joined the meeting


68.21 To consider the installation, management and maintenance of a flagpole - Councillor Gilbert stated that it was 4 years ago when the parish council had originally decided to find a suitable location for a flagpole so due to the length of time that elapsed it would be good to establish if the parish council still wished this to happen. Councillor Bowell and previously Councillor Hardy had done a lot of work investigating locations, permissions and legalities which had not been considered when this item had been discussed earlier but had now been shared with all Councillors. It was noted that the Clerk had met with a representative from South Kesteven District Council who had advised that the preferred location of Jubilee Park was acceptable providing it was not close to residential boundaries or trees and had been advised that due to the proximity to residential properties it would be good practice to complete a consultation. Concerns were raised about the responsibility of raising and lowering the flag, the ongoing maintenance of the flagpole and the number of occasions it would be raised. It was noted that a parishioner had agreed to pay for the flagpole and that Councillor Robinson as a local resident had volunteered to raise and lower the flags. It was agreed to amend the Councillor Bowell’s proposal to read that the parish council would proceed to consultation and if positive a flagpole would be purchased and erected. Seconded and Resolved (8 for 3 against Councillor Gilbert did not vote)


69.21 To consider re-introducing the writing of a report about each council meeting to be forwarded to the press – Councillor Bowell introduced this item referring to the paper that had been circulated to all Councillors. He proposes that the parish council reinstates the preparation and circulation of a report to the local press something which the parish council had resolved to stop over a year ago but that Councillor Bowell as an individual had continued to do. The timing of the release of the press report (before or after the release of the minutes) and the observation that not all news outlets report exactly what is received were raised. As was the fact that the law allows anybody to record a meeting or write a report and share it on a number of platforms providing one via the office would ensure some control. It was proposed that a report of the monthly council meetings should be prepared by a Councillor (on a rota basis) and after approval via the office circulated to news outlets. The rota would consist of Councillors Bowell Halls and Shinkins-Hoppe. Seconded and Resolved (9 for, 2 against, Councillor Gilbert did not vote)


70.21 To consider whether the parish council should record all its own meetings – Councillor Dilks introduced this item referring to the paper which had been circulated to all Councillors. He reiterated that the general public could already record the meetings and he explained that the benefits of recording the meeting would be to assist the Clerks with minute writing and resolve any disputes over decisions. The recordings should be made available to the pubic if requested. It was proposed seconded and Resolved (7 for, 4 against, Councillor Gilbert did not vote) that meetings should be recorded audio only for a trial period of 6 months.

As it was 10pm it was proposed seconded and Resolved to suspend standing orders and continue with the meeting.


67.21.6 Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 15 September 2020 – Councillor Thomas introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there were no recommendations. She did provide an update to say that she had investigated the legalities regarding the scattering of ashes in burial grounds and that she had obtained a price for a collapsible ladder for the Maintenance Staff to use. Councillor Gilbert advised that he did not believe a collapsible ladder complied with Health and Safety regulations so alternatives that could be secured safely needed to be discussed with the maintenance staff.


71.21 To consider investigating the use of a private contractor to provide Street Wardens to patrol known anti-social hotspots within the parish at certain times during the week – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this item referring to the increase in anti-social behaviour and the reduced Police presence in the Deepings. Councillor Dilks was against the idea as he was hopeful that the Deepings would have a second Police Community Support Officer by Spring 2021. It was proposed seconded and Resolved (7 for, 3 against, 1 abstention (Councillor Dilks), Councillor Gilbert did not vote) that the Clerk should write to the Police to ask what Police cover the Deepings would get from April 2021 and also for information obtain a quote from a private security firm.


72.21 To consider play equipment provision (including land ownership issues) within the parish and agree a way forward to improve the provision – It was agreed to defer this item until the council meeting due to be held on Thursday 29 October 2020.

Resolved  to move into closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter:


73.21 To receive a update regarding staffing matters – Councillor Hosking confirmed that a return to work interview had been held with one member of staff and a review would take place in 8 weeks. Councillor Hosking also suggested that it may be beneficial to meet with all the maintenance staff with a view to assessing their abilities and reallocating some duties. The Clerk raised the question about both of the office staff working from home as if possible this was being encouraged by the Government.

Councillor Gilbert agreed to arrange a virtual meeting to assess the risks.

Resolved to move out of closed session.


74.21 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on a future agenda.

Councillors were advised to share information among each other and contact the Clerk directly if they had any items to include on future agendas.


Meeting closed at 10.35PM