June 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP

E-mail: clerk@dsjpc.co.uk

Tel: 01778 343266

Webpage: //parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/deepingstjames

Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes from the virtual meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 25 June 2020 at 7.30 pm

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (District), Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hardy, Hosking, Kornfeld, Lilley, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas, County Councillor Dobson and two members of the public.


Open forum

Councillor Dobson who had provided a report corrected the information about the household waste recycling centres that was within it advising that the tips are closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays not Mondays and Tuesdays as quoted. After someone had contacted Councillor Gilbert saying that they had been told by a Lincolnshire County Council Officer that they could not use Bourne skip as Deeping St James was in Cambridgeshire Councillor Dobson was asked to ensure that the all staff knew where Deeping St James is. Councillor Dilks also asked if Lincolnshire County Council could advise those Deeping St James residents contacting them that there is a recycling Centre in Deeping St James that is supported by the parish council.

District Councillor Dilks introduced the report he had circulated saying he was hopeful that there would be some re-wilding in Deeping St James even though South Kesteven District Council did not want to pursue it despite the promised consultation having not taken place. Councillor Bowell and Robinson expressed their disappointment with this too. Councillor Stevens said that there were other pressing issues at Jubilee Park such as an electricity supply and new play equipment and also whilst no re-wilding head taken place hedging had been planted and more was planned.

District Councillors Stevens and Thomas queried the need for District Councillor Dilks report to include information about who had resigned and the cost implications of this. The Chairperson, Councillor Gilbert requested that future County and District reports be non-political and focus on information relevant to Deeping St James

Local resident Ashley Baxter (also District Councillor for Market Deeping) requested that the reports that had been circulated to the members were forwarded to him.

Local resident and co-option applicant Graham Fowler gave a brief introduction to himself prior to consideration of his application under item 24.21

Councillor Gilbert proposed that standing orders were suspended to allow an extension to the open forum for District Councillor Stevens and Thomas to speak. Resolved

District Councillor Stevens had shared the Covid19 South Kesteven District Council response – position statement for information. She confirmed that one member of the Deepings Community Library staff was no longer on furlough and working on the

Summer activities. The Library will not be ready to open on 4 July 2020 but hopefully by the end of the month. The Deepings Youth Group had continued during the lockdown period holding two virtual meetings per week. A virtual charity event (Deepingathon) was being organised to be held on 2 August 2020. The work of the Deepings Business Support Group is continuing. Councillor Bowell wished to minute everyone’s appreciation for the work Councillor Stevens has done in helping to keep the Library and Youth Group active during the lockdown period.

Councillor Dobson left the meeting.


16.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

All present so none received


17.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Stevens item 20.21.1 payment to partner

Councillor Bowell item 24.21 friend of one to the candidates


18.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 28 May 2020

Councillor Dilks requested the following amendments:

Request for amendments to Draft Minutes of the June meeting …

1. You may recall that after I pointed out – several times - that at our earlier virtual meeting Steve and Judy said they were representing the parish council as members of the body organising the Deepings Business Support initiative…I pointed out that they had not actually been nominated by this Council, and that to correct this anomaly I formally proposed Councillors Gilbert and Stevens as our representatives. I believe the vote was unanimous. However, the minutes only mention Councillor Gilbert being proposed and nominated.

2. During the meeting I referred to the fact that I hadn’t had a reply to my letter to the Chairman, Councillor Gilbert, in which I requested information concerning the Business Support Group including a list of members of the Group and who they were representing. …I was promised I’d be sent that information…I didn’t receive it…and there’s No reference in the Draft minutes to my legitimate request.

3. During the meeting, I raised an issue questioning whether the first virtual meeting of this Council was lawful, i.e. within the regulations requiring public access… I don’t see anything in the draft minutes with reference to my question.

Councillor Kornfeld advised that she had been listed as being present when she was not.

The Clerk was asked to amend the minutes of the June meeting after which they would be considered at the July meeting.


19.21 To receive the Clerk’s report

On Friday 12 June 2020 the parish council was notified that a tree had fallen in Millennium Wood. After further investigation the tree is not within the boundary of the wood and the Clerk is in communication with the individual responsible for it.

Graffiti on the bus shelter on Broadgate Lane near Windmill Close and on the skatepark ramps at Woody Heights was reported to the police on 15 June 2020.

Reports have been received of overhanging foliage causing obstruction on pavements, speeding traffic, individuals entering closed play areas, potholes and fly-tipping and been dealt with or directed to the appropriate authority.

On a positive note compliments continue to be received about the ground’s maintenance in the Cemetery, an owl box is to be installed in the Churchyard and a number of people have made enquiries about renting an allotment.


20.21 Financial matters

1. To approve the payments for June 2020 – it was proposed seconded and Resolved that payments of £15,458.35 should be paid

2. To note the income received in June 2020 – It was noted that income of £2,507.33 had been received

3. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the finance and general purposes committee held on Thursday 11 June 2020 – Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes advising that he was working through the pension’s information and that the standing orders and financial regulations had been updated including a temporary standing order regarding virtual meetings.


21.21 Planning matters

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the planning and transport committee held on Thursday 18 June 2020 –Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting referring to the following items:

Minute 6.21 - To discuss the recommendations made by report from Chartered Arboriculturist (Treework Environmental Practice) on TPO Oak tree in Priory Church Hall car park, under planning application S20/0834. The committee proposed to the full council that contact is made with the Priory Hall Trust to offer representation to help progress the Arboriculturalist’s recommendations for the Prince of Wales Oak in the Priory Hall car park. Councillors Stevens Bowell Halls and Hosking offered to be representatives. Resolved

Minute 7.21 - To discuss the land ownership relating to the Leisure Centre to discuss proposals for the new Leisure Centre - Councillor Gilbert introduced this item advising that no plan had been shared by South Kesteven District Council so the impact the newly built leisure centre would have on the land owned by the parish council was not yet known. Despite this the District Council were requesting a 125year lease on the land. The planning committee recommend that the Clerk and Chairperson of the parish council should arrange a meeting with relevant individuals at District Council with a view to obtaining more information and the moving things forward. Resolved

Minute 9.21- To inform the committee of further objections to Planning application S20/0632 17 Eastgate, DSJ. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that she had prepared the verbal response to be read at the planning objection meeting. District Councillor Dilks said that this planning application was still not appearing on agendas (the list had been prepared up to September so far). Councillor Hosking said that a number of residents on Eastgate had received an anonymous letter encouraging opposition to this application. It was agreed that the response should be circulated to all councillors and a written statement should also be sent in prior to the objection meeting.

Minute 10.21 - To determine ownership of self-set hedge along Windmill Close / Broadgate Lane area – It was noted that the occupant did not want to remove the hedge just tidy it up and maintain it and was agreeable to working with the parish council towards this in the Autumn

2. To consider the following planning applications received after the planning and transport committee agenda had been issued


Mr Singh 60A Horsegate Deeping St James PE6 8EW

Single storey rear & side extensions and internal alterations

No objections


Mr Woods 135D Eastgate PE6 8RB

Erection of five dwellings (outline – all matters reserved except access and scale)

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe encouraged all councillors to look at the plans on the SKDC planning portal. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that DSJPC should object to this application. A response would be written and shared with all councillors for comments prior to it being sent to SKDC. District Councillor Dilks would call the application in for committee decision rather than an officer decision


Mr and Mrs Culff 48 Horsegate PE6 8EW

Erection of single storey rear extension and garage conversion

No objections


22.21 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Cemetery committee held at 10am on Tuesday 9 June 2020 – Councillor Thomas introduced the minutes

Minute 6.21 - To receive an update on land available for future burials and interments and consider extending the Cemetery grounds. The committee recommended that as there were 15 burial spaces available the new Cemetery should be extended during the Autumn/Winter. Resolved The committee also recommended that due to the limited space future reservations should be limited to partners only. It was agreed that further investigation as to what neighbouring parishes did and guidance from the Institute of Cemetery and Crematoria Management was needed before this could be decided.

Minute 7.21 To consider the tree stock within the Cemetery and agree a long-term maintenance plan - The Clerk would obtain quotes for a reduction in height and tidy of the trees on the old Cemetery border and also write to all the occupants of Hereward Way and Burghley Close whose properties bordered the Cemetery to advise them that tree work would take place in the Autumn.

2. To receive a report from representatives from the Deeping Business Support Group – A list of clients (anonymised) showing the type of help that was being offered had been circulated to all councillors before the meeting as had a list of income and expenditure in respect of this group. Councillor Stevens stated that he was encouraged by the businesses being supported and steered with good advice. Councillor Stevens advised that whilst the group had not been inundated with requests for help now that businesses were beginning to open this may increase. Councillor Dilks asked how many businesses being helped were based in Deeping St James. This information was not available at the meeting. He also noted that he was aware that Market Deeping Town Council had like the Parish Council received the small business rate relief grant and resolved to contribute to the Deeping Business Support Group. The Clerk confirmed that their Clerk had asked for the Parish Council’s bank details and also that they were still waiting for a contribution promised by County Councillor Dobson which Councillor Stevens said she would chase.

Councillors Stevens and Thomas left the meeting

3. To receive a report from the representative of Deepings First Neighbourhood Plan Group – The following report from the Chair of the neighbourhood planning group, David Shelton was shared

“After over four years work the formal Submission of Deepings First Neighbourhood Plan was made on this Monday 8th June. It now passes onto formal consultation by the Local Planning Authority - South Kesteven District Council, examination by the Independent Examiner and ultimately to Referendum in the designated Deepings Area. In anticipation of a successful referendum, the Neighbourhood Plan Body, is now developing its purpose to the Implementation, Monitoring and Review of the Made Plan”

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the group were now writing a new constitution and looking for an Advisor


23.21 To consider the draft heads of terms document received from South Kesteven District Council in respect of the playing field land on Linchfield Road and the proposed new Leisure Centre.

This item had been discussed at the planning committee held on Thursday 18 June 2020 and the recommendation from that meeting was resolved above under item 21.21

Graham Fowler left the meeting.


24.21 To consider the applications received for the co-option vacancy – Councillor Gilbert advised that there were two applications which were put to the vote. It was Resolved to co-opt Graham Fowler (8 votes to 2 with 1 abstention)

It was proposed seconded and Resolved to suspend standing orders and continue past 10pm

It was Resolved to move into closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matter.

The member of the public and co-option candidate, Graham Fowler, left the meeting.


25.21 To receive the minutes from the staffing sub-committee held at 2pm on Tuesday 23 June 2020 – Councillor Hosking introduced the minutes of this meeting where 22 applications for the post of Assistant Clerk had been considered and a shortlist of 4 had been agreed with 2 reserves. The interviews would take place on Monday 6 July 2020 and the interview panel would consist of Councillors Gilbert and Hosking and the Parish Clerk. Councillor Dilks proposed that the interview panel be given authority to appoint. This was seconded and Resolved. Councillor Hosking also advised that under the parish council’s duty of care to all its employees’ independent advice was being sought about assessing an employee’s fitness for work

It was Resolved to move out of closed session


26.21 Parish Pump – items for information of inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe requested that the CCTV at Woody Heights be included as an agenda item on next month’s agenda as although it had been installed would soon be accessible remotely and the footage was impressive there was a blind spot

Councillor Dilks advised that due to the current restrictions due to the covid19 pandemic the public consultation on the neighbourhood plan would not take place until May 2020. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe said that due to the pandemic section 16 had been amended to allow the neighbourhood plan to carry some weight prior to the consultation

Councillor Bowell thanked Councillor Hardy for all the work he had done while Chairperson and committee member of Allotments footpaths and open spaces committee. He also mentioned that new members were needed on this committee.

Councillor Robinson asked the Clerk to send the committee list to him so that he could decide which he would like to join.


Meeting closed at 10.10pm