AFOS September 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Hall, Halls, Robinson, Rose, Stevens (District) and Thomas.  

Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe ex-officio voting members

Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.


You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Allotments, Footpaths and Open Spaces Committee on Tuesday 21 September 2021 at 7:45pm at the Institute.




14.22 To receive apologies for absence.


15.22 To receive declarations of interest, if any.


16.22  To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Monday 17 June 2021

Please see Appendix 1.


17.22  To receive reports from the Clerk.

The Allotments Show was held on 15th August 2021.  Councillors Halls, Bowell, Fowler 

and Rose attended along with Vice-Chair Shinkins-Hoppe who presented the trophies. 


The Allotment Car Park will have been resurfaced on Monday 20th  September 2021.


The Assistant Clerk is to send the rat information out to tenants for the renewal date.


The contractor is also due to attend the Skate Park, Hall Meadow Road Allotments, 

Millennium Woods and Deeping St James Cemetery to survey the trees on the 20th 

September 2021.


The assistant clerk has been in touch with the maintenance man regarding the leaky taps 

at the allotments.  There is some query about many hands helping, which can create a 

larger problem.




18.22  To receive and discuss the report from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.

Please see Appendix 2.


19.22  To receive a report on progress with reallocating Allotment plots, together with an update on current tenants. 

As at 14/09/21 - We have 114 plots currently available for tenants: -

(Not including club house & DSJPC land)

2 plots are abandoned and awaiting attention from a contractor.

3 half plots are being returned at the renewal.

10 plots are full sized.

104 plots are half sized.

34 plots taken by Market Deeping tenants.

74 plots taken by Deeping St James tenants.

4 plots taken by Stamford, Northborough, Maxey and Deeping Gate.


The waiting list status is currently at 34: -

8 people waiting from Deeping St James.

13 people have a plot and are asking for another.

13 people waiting from Market Deeping area.


20.22 To receive a report of the budget position to date and expected outturn for the financial year 2021/22. 

Please see Appendices 3, 4 and 5.


Expenditure 2021/22

Item Actual Budget Still To Pay Variance
Maintenance & Misc 351.70 2000.00   1648.00
Tree, Hedges, Bulbs & Wildflowers   500.00   500.00
Riverbank Maintenance 733.70 1500.00 440.22 326.08
Jubilee Park 2861.38 10000.00   7138.62
Allotments Improvements   1500.00 2466.00 -966.00
Flagpole/Storage Shed 100.80 1000.00   899.20
Maintenance of Trees and Hedges 370.00 6000.00 2068.00 3562.00


Income 2021/22

Item Actual Budget Still to Receive Variance
Allotment Fees 246.67 3000.00   2753.33


21.22  To consider budget estimates for 2022/23 and make recommendations to the Finance and general purposes committee.


22.22  To receive an update regarding repairs to car park and roads at the  Allotments. 


23.22  To consider the need for a skip at the Allotments in the Autumn.


24.22  To consider the management of the perimeter hedge.


25.22  To consider ideas for plot numbering.




26.22  To consider the outcome of the Tree Survey.


27.22.  To agree date of next meeting.

Thursday 20th January 2022 at 7.45pm