AFOS January 2021 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Hall, Halls, Robinson, Stevens (District), Thomas, Watts and Dilks (District).

Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe ex-officio voting members


You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Allotments, Footpaths and Open Spaces Committee on Thursday, 21 January 2021 at 8:00pm using the virtual meeting code and password below:  


Meeting ID: 942 2349 8494

Passcode: 210701

Louise Brown

Assistant Clerk



30.20              To receive apologies for absence.


31.20              To receive declarations of interest, if any.


32.20              To adopt the minutes of the meeting held 17th September 2020.

Please see appendix attached.


33.20              To receive reports from the Clerk.

The trees donated by The Woodland Trust, were shared and some planted by Cllr’s Bowell and Dilks at the allotments, the rest were offered to the owner of the property on the corner of Broadgate Lane and Spalding Road to support/compliment his Hawthorn.

The perimeter hedge at the allotment should now have been trimmed and we are awaiting confirmation that this has happened.

A skip from Mick George, was provided in October for tenants to clear their plots.

The problem parking issue at the allotment, seems to have been resolved after a final letter was sent.

A QR code has been displayed providing a link to the National Allotments Society and their advice, keeping allotment holders up-to-date.

David Palmer Tree Services has been contacted with regard to trimming a tree near the back of the allotments close to plots 62/63 and they plan to attend to this during the Winter before nesting begins.

Two allotment plots are currently unallocated due to the National Allotment Society Coronavirus guidance stating reallocation should not happen while we are in lockdown.

The Flagpole has been purchased and will be installed nearer to Summer when the weather is better.

Two dog waste bins on Sandy Lane and Jubilee Park have been removed as they were causing problems.  Dog walkers have been advised to use nearby waste bins instead.

The Sewage Works between Eastgate and Station Road has had a leak and affected Public Right of Way 14, which is situated directly behind the treatment plant.  Signs have been put up advising walkers.  Lincolnshire County Council, Countryside Access and Anglian Water have been informed.


34.20              To receive and discuss the report from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.

Please see appendix 2 – to follow


35.20              To consider repairs to Car Park and roads at the Allotments.

We have an Allotments Improvement Fund set up to ensure we have enough to undertake these jobs without being subsidised by Council Tax Payers.  Please see appendix 3.


36.20              To discuss the movement of a water tank at plot 63, at the allotments.

The Allotments Association have asked for one of the water tanks to be moved a few feet at the allotments as it has been hit but not damaged by a car.

To move the tank will involve:

Sourcing and purchasing and collecting new 25mm blue plastic pipe as fittings

Sourcing, purchasing and arranging delivery of sand

Switching of the water

Digging a trench at least 750mm deep to protect from frost

Lining the trench with sand to protect the pipe from stones and other sharp objects

Joining and fitting new piece of pipe

Moving tank to new location

Checking all joints for leaks

Filling in trench


37.20              To discuss the order in which allotments are allocated.

Councillor Halls is querying whether people already with allotment plots wishing to have another plot, should have preferential treatment over the non-DSJ list.       

Currently there are 4 people on the DSJ list.

7 people on the wanting a second plot list.

11 people on the non-DSJ list.


38.20              To consider the consultation for rewilding parts of Jubilee Park and Woody Heights.

Please see appendix 4.


39.20              To consider adopting a tree maintenance plan for the Parish.

The Parish Council is responsible for Millennium Wood, together with trees at the Allotments and Cemetery.  There are also a number of trees with Tree Preservation Orders in the Deepings.  Trees need regular maintenance to live to their full maturity and potential.  To date, there has been no plan to maintain these.  Please see appendix 5.


40.20              Dates of the next meetings to be decided –

June 2021 and September 2021


Copy sent to:  Geoff Hurst/ Hilary Gentle (Allotments Association)

                          Diane Rose (Friends of Jubilee Park)