May 2024 Agenda Annual Parish Council Meeting

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Dear Parish Councillors Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin.

A copy of the agenda has been issued to District Councillors Denniston and Ley 

You are hereby summonsed to attend a meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council which will be held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 7.30pm.

Julie Fortnum 
Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer 
Published on Wednesday 15 May 2024  


Open Forum 

25.1 To elect a Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of office. 

25.2 To elect a Vice Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of acceptance of office. 

25.3 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

25.4 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

25.5 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 23 April 2024. 

25.6 To agree to follow and work within the Local Government Association Code of Conduct which was adopted on 27 May 2021.  

25.7 To appoint new committees and advisory committees (Allotments Committee, Cemetery Committee, Finance Policy and Personnel Committee, Recreation Areas and Open Spaces Committee, Planning and Transport Committee, Personnel sub-committee and Emergency plan sub-committee). 

25.8 To appoint members on outside advisory bodies and note membership on other outside bodies 

25.9 To accept the meeting schedule for the year May 2024 to April 2025. 

25.10 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.

25.11 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

25.12 Financial matters: 

1. To approve the payments for May 2024. 

3. To note the income for May 2024.

3. To agree the public and employer’s liability insurance renewal commencing from 1 June 2024.  

25.13 Planning matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024. 

2. To consider the following planning applications 

Applicant: Holly Rippin 
Proposal: Single storey rear extension. 
Location: 71 Eastgate, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HH, 
App Type: Householder

S24/0765 | Single storey rear extension. | 71 Eastgate Deeping St James Lincolnshire PE6 8HH (
Reference: 24/00610/WCPP
Application Validated: Tue 07 May 2024
Address: Land At Giddons Drove Track Peakirk Road Northborough Peterborough
Proposal: Removal of condition C1 (noise management) pursuant to planning permission 23/00136/FUL

24/00610/WCPP | Removal of condition C1 (noise management) pursuant to planning permission 23/00136/FUL | Land At Giddons Drove Track Peakirk Road Northborough Peterborough

25.14 To consider the following correspondence.

1. South Kesteven District Council offering DSJPC to have a say on the South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024-2028. The consultation deadline is 8 June 2024 
South Kesteven District Council - Consultations (

2. Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire are reviewing their strategy for the next five and inviting stakeholders to engage with them by completing a survey. The survey deadline is 24 May 2024

3. Deeping Youth Group providing their income and expenditure accounts for the period 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 in accordance with the grant funding policy. 

4. NFU Mutual Annual General Meeting 2024 right to vote as a member on some key decisions. Deadline 25 June 2024 

25.15 To receive reports and minutes from committees, advisory committees, meetings, seminars, training and events or meetings of external bodies attended on the Council’s behalf and consider any recommendations from them: 

1. Deepings Lions Club Charter dinner and dance held on 27 April 2024 

2. Annual Parish Council meeting and making a difference awards presentation on Monday 29 April 2024

3. Meeting (Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith with Parish Clerk) to finalise the TP1 and ST1 documents relating to the transfer of Jubilee Park from the District Council to the Parish Council took place on 1 May 2024 

4.Meeting of the Deepings Fun day Sunday working group on Thursday 9 May 2024  

5.To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the recreation and open spaces committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024 

25.16 Parish Pump - items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Dates for the diary

9.30am Sunday 19 May 2024 - Rotary Club Fun Run and Road Race passing through Woody Heights recreation area 
7pm Thursday 23 May 2024 – Meeting of the Deepings Fun day Sunday working group 
7pm 4 June 2024 – Cemetery Committee 
8pm 4 June 2024 – Finance Policy and Personnel Committee 
7pm 11 June 2024 – Planning and transport Committee 
8pm 11 June 2024 – Allotments Committee 
7.30pm 18 June 2024 – Council