June 2023 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting which was held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens, District Councillors Denniston and Ley and one member of the public, Les Green. 

The minutes were taken by Julie Fortnum, the Parish Clerk.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe welcomed everyone to the meeting and proposed that the order of the meeting be revised so that agenda item 24.28 relating to the co-option of Les Green could be dealt with after the open forum so that they could then sign their declaration of acceptance of office and join the meeting. Seconded and RESOLVED.  


District Councillor James Denniston introduced himself as a life-long resident of Deeping St James, with 30 years of experience working in the fitness industry, who would be supportive as possible to the community. He had been appointed as Vice Chairman of the Culture and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Committee and also joined the Board of Directors of LeisureSK  

District Councillor Bridget Ley introduced herself as having lived here for 30 years. She had become a District Councillor to help put the voice of the Deepings to Grantham. She had been appointed Vice Chairman of the Budget – Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Vice Chairman of the Finance and Economic Overview and Scrutiny Committee

Parish Councillor Stevens stated that she hoped that all three newly elected District Councillors (Councillor Dilks included) had disassociated themselves from the inappropriate comments made on Twitter by one of their fellow District Councillors. Councillor Denniston acknowledged that he was aware of what she was referring to  and advised that it had been dealt with at Grantham.  

24.20 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Halls and Smith 

Councillor Rose was not present. 

24.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the registration of disclosable pecuniary interest forms. 

Councillor Stevens – declared an interest in agenda item 24.25.2 and 24.25.4 as Chair of Friends of Deepings Library. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – declared an interest in agenda item 24.29 as Trustee of the Deeping St James United Charities. 

24.22 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 16 May  2023. 

Agreed and signed by the Chairperson, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe. 

24.23 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.

- An email was sent to the Chair of the Deepings Youth Group on 1 June 2023 advising them that Councillor Hilary Hosking had agreed to become a Trustee representing Deeping St James Parish Council.
- An email was sent to a representative of the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust and a representative of the Langdyke Trust on 14 June 2023 advising them that Councillor Denman would like to get involved with work at The Deepings Lakes.
- 30mph bin stickers have been ordered from a local company to be distributed to residents at the Rose and Sweetpea Show on Saturday  24 June 2023.  
- The Clerk met with local tree services company and requested they provide advice and a quotation for work to trees on the Riverbank. 
- A request from local resident for work to be carried out on a tree near High Locks due to its size and proximity to highway powerlines and it overhanging an area used for parking has been received after the above had taken place which the Clerk has replied to copying in the Chair of recreation open space and events committee. 

Councillor Bowell questioned whether this parking area was the responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council. The Clerk advised that like the Riverbank it was unregistered land and the tree concerned was on the Riverbank 

- Communication from local resident about the length of the grass in the old cemetery, the condition of the paths in the old Cemetery and the overgrowth on the walkway round DSJ Primary School playing field from Hereward Way to Manor Way has been received which the Clerk has replied to copying in the Councillor Hosking as Chairperson of the Cemetery committee. 
- A member of the public contacted the office on 30 May 2023 to find out when an area of open space near their property on Sweet Close and Jubilee Park was due to be cut. The Clerk rang EnvironmentSK Limited and Grounds maintenance services at South Kesteven District Council to enquire but got no reply from the former and the latter advised that SKDC have agreed to cut the open spaces they are responsible for 7 times a season (no set dates) and that EnvironmentSK Limited is returning in-house but will be honouring any contracts it has this financial year. 

Parking sensors and a towbar were fitted to the parish council truck on Friday 9 June 2023. 

- The flyer and booking forms for the Parish Council funded summer activities being offered by Our Forest Garden and Artivity have been forwarded to Linchfield School and Deeping St James School to be circulated via their Parentmail systems. They have also been promoted on the webpage Facebook page and noticeboards.   

MADCAPS out of School Club have agreed to organise and run a school-based play scheme at Market Deeping Community Primary School from 9.30am to 12noon from Monday 7 August 2023 to Friday 11 August 2023. This is to compliment the two other summer activities that the Parish Council are funding at Our Forest Garden (9.30 to 12noon and 1pm to 3.30pm from Monday 24 July 2023 to Friday 28 July 2023) and Artivity (2.30pm to 4pm from Monday 31 July 2023 to Friday 4 August 2023). 

- Oakwood Insurance Services have loaned their ‘buzzer game’ to the Parish Council for use as the hook to visit the Parish Council gazebo at the Deepings Carnival on Sunday 25 June 2023. 
- The Business Manager at the Deepings School has advised the office that it has been decided that from now on no further banners promoting events will be allowed to be hung on the schools fencing.
- Nettleham Parish Council asked if any local councils in Lincolnshire could offer advice about reviewing a neighbourhood plan. Both Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Smith offered their help so the Clerk has put them in touch with each other. 
- The CCTV Operations Supervisor at South Kesteven District Council has contacted the office to request details of any CCTV that the Parish Council has as the Police and Crime Commissioner is completing a county wide survey. The Clerk provided information about the cameras at Woody Heights skate park and recreation area and received confirmation that there is one CCTV camera coming into the SKDC control room from Deeping St James and it is at Manor Way shops. 
- On 25 May 2023 Langtoft Parish Council acknowledged Deeping St James Parish Council’s offer of support in respect of the Minerals and waste call for sites however they have not stated what support they would like. Councillor Bowell advised that he had seen a Facebook post with information about a petition to stop plans for Thetford Quarry in Baston which Councillors may wish to sign.  
- The stantion on the goalpost at Woody Heights recreation ground had been reported as damaged beyond repair – it was unclear if this was vandalism (checking the CCTV footage had not shown any evidence of this), or general wear and tear as it is well used. It was agreed that the Clerk should enquire as to whether Deeping United Football Club had a spare goalpost that could be used/purchased if not that two new ones should be purchased and installed.  
- One of the trees at Woody Heights had suffered some damaged believed to be vandalism however the maintenance team had cleared the branches and as the tree was healthy and well established it would survive.  
- A relative visiting the Cemetery has advised the office that a large branch was broken and hanging over from a private garden and that the hedge at the rear of the Cemetery was encroaching the memorial tablet of a loved one. The Cemetery Keeper is aware of both issues and will deal with them.  

24.24 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

County Council report 

Councillor Dilks advised that the Overview and Scrutiny Management Board would  be meeting on 29 June 2023 to consider a report about Deepings Leisure Centre prior to it being considered by the Council Executive on 4 July 2023. The District Councillors from Deeping St James and Market Deeping are working with Lincolnshire County Council to avoid demolition (at a cost of £1million). They are hopeful that LCC will agree to hand control to a third party with Department of Education approval. Local Member of Parliament, the Rt. Hon Sir John Hayes, is working on the latter. 

Central Government continue to push for devolution prior to the next general election and there will be a formal proposal in the Autumn to set up a Greater Lincolnshire Authority with a Mayor, if approved the elections will be in 2025. Councillor Dilks is not a fan as he thinks any money received will go to the South Bank of the Humber. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked if the District Councils would continue to exist to which Councillor Dilks advise they would but this could lead to an issue over governance. 

Councillor Bowell asked if there would be a referendum as previously the public voted it down to which Councillor Dilks advised that there would be consultation and previously SKDC were vociferously against it. 

Councillor Stevens stated that there was everything to lose and nothing to gain as this was disastrous for the South of Lincolnshire.   

Councillor Dilks concluded by saying that 4 of the 7 District Council Leaders had changed politically at the recent election so this may have an impact on the outcome. 

District Council report 

Councillor Dilks advised that he had attended the first council meeting of the newly elected Council and that the vote for overall control had been very close 28 to 27 (Conservatives). All six Deepings Councillors were involved as Cabinet Members, Chairs or Vice Chairs of Council or Committees. Some Chair and Vice Chair roles had been gifted to Conservatives to work collaboratively. Councillor Dilks was Cabinet Member for Planning and Housing and following Local Government Association guidance removed himself from the planning committee but will still attend. 

Councillor Dilks advised that SKDC had formally objected in the interim to the Mallard Pass Solar Farm application as there was not sufficient information on the level of agricultural land that would be lost. He also stated that SKDC were still in special measures in respect of housing management however he had obtained approval for half a million pounds to be made available for the fire safety measures that were required. The new Council are looking to change some of the decisions of the previous leadership for example the limit to public access at meetings will be reversed. 

Councillor Stevens asked who would be the Parish Councils go to contact for planning issues now that Councillor Dilks was no longer a member of the planning committee?

Councillor Dilks stated that anyone of the District Councillors could call in a planning application for a committee decision rather than an officer decision at the request of the Parish Council. 

24.28 To consider the co-option application which has been received.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that one co-option application had been received. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to co-opt Les Green to the Parish Council. The acceptance of office was signed, witnessed by the Parish Clerk and Councillor Green joined the meeting. 
24.25 Financial matters: 

1.To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Finance Policy and Personnel committee meeting held on Tuesday 13 June 2023.

Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there were no recommendations and advised that the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations had been amended under the committee delegated powers.  

2.To receive the letter from the Deepings Community Library requesting the precept, the annual report and most recent accounts. 

The contents of the letter report and most recent accounts were noted and it was RESOLVED to release the grant of £6000. Councillor Stevens abstained from the vote. 

3. To consider the grant application request received from The Deepings Raft Race organisation.    

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to provide a grant of £350 towards half of the cost of the insurance for the event.  

4. To approve the payments for June 2023

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to release payments totalling £33,239.05. 

5. To note the income for June 2023 

Income totalling £381.64

6. To agree and sign section 1 (annual governance statement) of the Annual Governance and Accounting Return for 2022/23

This document had been shared with all the members of the Council prior to the meeting and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe read out each statement requesting the members confirm their agreement to each one. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the document should be signed by the Parish Council Chairperson and the Parish Clerk. 

7. To agree and sign section 2 (accounting statement) of the Annual Governance and Accounting Return for 2022/23

This document signed by the Responsible Financial Officer had been shared with all the members of the Council prior to the meeting and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked for confirmation that the members agreed that it should be signed. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the document should be signed by the Parish Council Chairperson. 

24.26 Planning matters 

1. To receive the minutes and recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meetings held on Tuesday 23 May 2023 and Tuesday 13 June 2023  

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there were no recommendations.

Councillor Bowell commented that the £15k 106 monies for bus shelters seemed a paltry amount compared to the size of the Springfields development. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe clarified that there were 106 monies for education, health and highways too and that the amount for bus shelters had been calculated based on the cost of installation and maintenance at the time the application was made with an additional uplift added.  

2. To consider the following planning applications - 

S23/0956 – Lidl Great Britain Limited 

Proposal - Erection of a new discount foodstore (Use Class E) with access, car parking, landscaping and other associated works.

Location - Land to The East of Peterborough Road Market Deeping PE6 8GQ

Planning search - S23/0956 (southkesteven.gov.uk)

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe informed the members that Councillor Denman had prepared a  response to the ecological report for this application and this response had been shared with SKDC and Market Deeping Town Council. She then referred to the response prepared by Councillor Smith which had been shared with all the Councillors prior to the meeting.

“No objection as DSJPC would welcome a 3rd planned large supermarket in the town, subject to a positive response to the following important matters.

1.    Town Centre First . SKDC is requested to firmly follow national and its own policies to promote the town centre first.  This means SKDC reassuring itself that the new Lidl out of centre store will not undermine the planned town centre store (approval S22-2086) by undermining its viability.  

2.    Footpath connections. The footpath crossing the top of the site (east-westward)  is welcomed as a contribution to future improved access, but it will remain as a cul de sac until the adjacent site to the east is developed. Consequently, it should not be relied on. A new footpath connection should also  be introduced properly connecting to Northfield Road, via the south side of the A15 roundabout.  The new housing development  on Northfield Road need to be better served by footpaths with the opening of this store,  and not wait for future possibilities.

3.    Landscaping proposals needs to be carefully reassessed.  Given this is a ‘Gateway’ site (see DNP Policy 10), then robust attention needs to be given to the possibilities of improved perimeter landscaping alongside Peterborough Road that will far make more of a visual statement. 

This may require the sacrifice or amendment to parking. Car Park design details should include kerb edges to planted areas to ensure planting is guarded from damage by poorly parked cars.

Trees should be semi-mature on planting, and of a species that will have a lasting long term landscape impact (i.e., not ‘lollipop’ trees of minor significance). 

4.    Design limit advertising on building elevation.  The applicants improved design relative to the previous refused option is welcomed but damaged by the inclusion of large format advert panels on the Peterborough Road frontage. It is recommended that these large panels are removed with advertising limited to much smaller free-standing adverts.   

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that this response should be forwarded to South Kesteven District Council. 

SKE25569 - WHP Telecoms Ltd, 1a Station Court, Station Road, Guiseley, Leeds LS20 8EY
Proposal - 5G Telecommunications Installation for Cignal Infrastructure UK Limited
Location - Thackers Way, Deeping St. James, PE6 8HP

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that no planning permission is required for this as it has permitted development rights/prior approval however she has been through the National Planning Policy Framework and highlighted some points that could be used in a statement against the mast being in this particular location.

Councillor Dilks advised that in 2022 the Government bought in legislation to encourage 5G masts so people can use their phones and that an applicant would need permission form the landowner (in this case Lincolnshire County Council) to erect it. The Government code of practice requires an explanation of need, details of the structure and the area of search. The application raises the question have they visited the area and looked at existing masts locally. 

Councillor Stevens asked if there were any health implications to which Councillor Dilks advised that the company would have to sign an international certificate to confirm it doesn’t go over certain limits.

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and the Clerks would compose a response using the points highlighted in the NPPF and the above information.     

24.27 To consider the following correspondence. 

1. Letter from Lincolnshire Police Superintendent for the East Area regarding inviting Chairs of Parish Council to attend twice yearly meetings with Senior Officers from Lincolnshire Police commencing in December 2023. The letter also explains how information can be obtained following the decision to cease producing the monthly neighbourhood policing teams newsletters from June 2023 – It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that Deeping St James Parish Council should respond saying they wish to attend the twice-yearly meetings. 

2. Adult CPR and Defibrillator free training offered by South Kesteven District Council asking if the Parish Council are interested in providing a venue and agreeing a date – It was agreed that an event should be organised booking the meeting room at the Institute as the venue. 

3. Invitation to a free community funding workshop held by South Kesteven District council at the Deepings Community Centre from 6pm to 8pm on Thursday 6 July 2023  - It was agreed that Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens plus the Parish Clerk would attend. 

4. Thank you card from Nancy Titman for the bouquet sent on her 105th birthday – noted.  

24.29 To consider the options available to progress the transfer of ownership of Jubilee Park from South Kesteven District council to Deeping St James Parish Council. 

The Clerk advised of the two options - 

1 The District Council’s Solicitor proceeds with the transfer as it is – excluding the unregistered land from the transfer. The unregistered land would then need to be sorted by the Parish Council in the future by them making an adverse possession claim after 12 years from when they take possession of the land as they will not be able to produce evidence of having maintained the land beforehand. 

2 The District Council’s Solicitor proceeds with the transfer and the Parish Council’s Solicitor submits a statement of truth (consisting of evidence provided by SKDC) in respect of the unregistered land upon the registration of the completed transfer. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that option 2 should be followed. 

24.30 To consider Policing in the Deepings. 

Councillor Bowell had requested that this item was added to this added following receipt of the letter form the Police and Crime Commissioner which was shared at last month’s Council meeting (minute 24.16.5). Councillor Bowel said that the PCC was not involved in operational Policing and since the closure of the Market Deeping Police Station enquiry desk the promised monthly drop-in sessions at the community Centre had not materialised and the knowledge that there would soon be no Police Community Support Officer in Deeping meant there was no police presence in the Deepings 

Councillor Green proposed that Deeping St James Parish Council should speak with neighbouring parishes to see if together they could fund a PCSO as had happened in the past. Councillor Stevens advised that if there was an incident Police did come but that tended to be for higher level crime, the problem was the public perception of a lack of police presence to deal with low level crime so she seconded Councillor Green’s proposal to arrange a meeting with other local councils. 

Councillor Gilbert made an additional suggestion that prior to arranging such a meeting the Clerk should ask the Police for surety that if money was raised by certain parishes, it would it be ring-fenced to provide a police presence in those parishes and not just additional staff in Lincolnshire. RESOLVED.

District Councillors Denniston and Ley left the meeting 

24.31 To consider the future of Deeping St James Parish Council at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe provided an update following the Deeping St James United Charities property meeting held on Wednesday 13 June 2023. Work on the Cross School outbuildings was likely to commence shortly and it was likely that the DSJUC Clerk would move to one of the two new offices and there may be an opportunity for the Parish Council to use the other office but storage and meeting room facilities would still continue to be needed so this was a good point to look at options – to rent the entire Institute, to purchase the Institute (or the Scout Hut for which a structural survey was being commissioned) or to move somewhere else. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe explained that it the Parish Council were to purchase the Institute a public works loan would need to be applied for and council tax payers would have to be consulted. Councillor Stevens expressed concern about the Parish Council purchasing buildings and also taking over responsibility of areas of land from others which did not add value but caused more work and expense. 

At this point Councillor Gilbert scanned the lease to see what the time scale for the break clause was but it was uncleared so the Clerk was asked to clarify this with DSJUC.  

Councillor Denman advised that this could be an impending crisis and proposed that a detailed options paper be prepared to eb considered at the July meeting. Seconded and RESOLVED      

24.32 To consider changes to the allotment rent and tenancy agreement from 1 October 2024 allowing for one years notice to be provided to tenants. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe proposed that the rent review should be deferred until the September Allotments committee meeting which she acknowledged would mean that the new rent increase would not come into force until October 2025. This was seconded by Councillor Stevens. 

Councillor Dilks asked if the intention was to increase the rent considerably to which Councillor Bowell advised that the intention was to make the Allotments self-sufficient as the Parish Council could not continue to subsidise someone’s hobby. Councillor Gilbert stated that the proposal appeared to be from Councillor Bowell not the Allotments Committee so it probably needed to be considered by the committee before coming to Council. 

Councillor Denman then offered a counter proposal suggesting that an emergency allotments committee meeting be called to consider this so that the recommendation could come back to Council on 18 July 2023. This was seconded by Councillor Dilks.   

As the Assistant Clerk with responsibility for the management of the Allotments was present Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked for her thoughts. The Assistant Clerk advised that due to the work involved in issuing the notification letters and tenancy agreements and the likely response to such an increase she felt it would be better to leave the increase at £1 and £2 respectively and consider a larger increase at the September Allotments Committee meeting with a view to implementing it in October 2025.     

24.33 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 

1. Cemetery administration management training via zoom attended by the Assistant Clerk on 16 and 17 May 2023 – noted. 

2. Deepings Library extension consultation phase 2 held on Thursday 18 May 2023 and attended by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – noted.  

3. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Allotments Committee meeting held on Tuesday 23 May 2023 

The minutes had been shared with everyone prior to the meeting and there were no recommendations. 

4. Website training on 26 May 2023 attend by the Assistant Clerk via Zoom – noted.

5. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 30 May 2023

The minutes had been shared with everyone prior to the meeting and there were no recommendations. 

6. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Recreation Open Spaces and Events committee meeting held on Tuesday 30 May 2023

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there were no recommendations however volunteers were needed to attend both the Rose and Sweetpea show on Saturday 24 June and the Deepings Carnival on Sunday 25 June. Councillors Dilks, Green, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens volunteered to help on the Saturday and Councillors Bowell, Green, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens volunteered to help on the Sunday.

7.Coronation Hall emergency committee meeting held on Thursday 15 June 2023 

Councillor Bowell and Halls had attended the meeting. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that she had been informed that the Coronation Hall now has a fully operational committee and that all is well. 

24.34 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Denman advised that both the Langdyke Trust and the Wildlife Trust at the Deepings Nature Reserve had made contact with him after the Clerk had forwarded his details to them and he would be working with me and report back to future meetings 

Councillor Bowell advised that he would like to meet with Steve to review the risk assessment and health and safety policy