February 2023 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP
E-mail: clerk@dsjpc.co.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 21 February 2023 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and 4 members of the public.  

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk. 

Published on Wednesday 8 March 2023  


Joyce Smith representing Deeping Girl Guides spoke in support of the application for funding that had been sent to the Parish Council. She advised that all the Deepings Girl Guides no longer meet at Deeping St James Community Primary School, they now meet at the Scout Hut on Lancaster Way Market Deeping. Numbers declined during the pandemic and they are struggling to pay the subscription for the 26 volunteer leaders from the fees collected from the remaining members. A total of £1216.80 is required to cover the subscriptions (which include membership and insurances) and Market Deeping Town Council have provided a grant of £600 and the group are hopeful that Deeping St James Parish Council will contribute as well. They are looking at ways to recruit new members – thinking day on Wednesday 22 February 2023 and some members have been invited to attend School in uniform and speak in assemblies also there is to be a recruitment day at Tesco- so they are hopeful that numbers will increase. Joyce Smith left the meeting at 7.40pm 

Mike Baczkur spoke on behalf o Deeping United Football Clubs planning application S22/2405 for change of use of agricultural land to football ground and associated items at Towngate East/Cross Road junction. He understood that questions had been raised about the location and the lack of footpaths leading to the location. He advised that the club had approached several local farmers and had also looked at land on the other side of the by-pass (which had proved not viable due to the dangers of children crossing a busy road) and the land at Towngate East/Cross Road had been offered and the club had high ambitions of making it successful. He stated that he had been involved in the past with Deeping Rangers Football Club at a time prior to the industrial estate being built when there was no path to the ground and said that there were public rights of way from Linchfield Road to Towngate East. He concluded stating that if the football ground does not come to fruition approximately 600 individuals would not have the option to play football and many of the children may be out on the streets as using the playing field on Linchfield Road was no longer an option since the school had fenced it due to safeguarding requirements 

Neil Parmenter advised that he had nothing more to add to what he had said at the planning committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 February 2023 other than to say that there was no fishing lake in the Deepings and the River Welland was no good for fishing. 

Andrew Winkless advised that he was attending in the capacity of an observer.  

23.145 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillors Rose and Thomas. 

Councillor Olson was not present. 

23.146 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. 

Councillor Stevens – agenda item 23.150.1, payment to partner, agenda item 23.150.5, member of Friends of Deeping St James and agenda item 23.152.2, Trustee of Deeping St James United Charities.

Councillor Halls – agenda item 23.152.2, Trustee of Deeping St James United Charities 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – agenda item 23.152.2, Trustee of Deeping St James United Charities

23.147 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 17 January  2023. 

Approved and signed. 

23.148 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.

The precept request for the financial year 2023/24 has been forwarded to the Treasury and Exchequer Officer at South Kesteven District Council along with the precept information sheet which will be included with the Council Tax bill 

-A fuel card has been obtained and is now in use to eliminate the requirement for the maintenance team to obtain fuel for the machinery and be reimbursed by the Parish Council 
-The Rotary Club of the Deepings have been advised that the £500 granted to them to for the provision of a bus service to the Grimethorpe Colliery Brass Band performance which was not used for this purpose can be kept to cover the costs of organising the event. The Rotary have thanked the Parish Council for their support.   
-Deeping United Football Club have been advised that they have been awarded a grant of £500 and have acknowledged this thanking the Parish Council for their support.
-The responses agreed to planning applications S22/1920 81 Church Street and S22/2436 31 Pawlett Close have been forwarded to the planning authority South Kesteven District Council. 
-South Kesteven District Council have been advised that the draft heads of terms in respect of the transfer of ownership of Jubilee Park to the Deeping St James Parish Council are acceptable and a  Solicitor has been appointed to act on the Parish Council’s behalf. The District Council agreed to the  freehold transfer for a nominal consideration of £1 at the Cabinet meeting held on 7 February 2023.
-South Kesteven District Council have been advised that Deeping St James Parish Council will take over the running and maintenance of the play area off SKDC Hereward Way (which is on Parish Council owned land) but not the one on Churchfield Close and confirmation of the transfer will be received in due course.  
-A 20ft used storage container has been purchased and located in the car park at the Allotments site on Hall Meadow Road. The smaller storage unit which will be located in the Cemetery is scheduled to be delivered on Tuesday 7 March 2023. 

The changes to the allotment tenancy warning letter protocol which were agreed at the January council meeting have been actioned. 

-A Pest Controller has been employed to humanely remove the Moles from the riverbank.  

The Woodland Trust have advised that 100 hedge saplings will be delivered between 6 -17 March 2023. 

-Confirmation has been received from Lincolnshire County Council that a contribution figure of £1,976.73 will be received in 2023/24 towards the highway verge grass cutting in Deeping St James. Deeping St James Parish Council have opted in to the parish agreement scheme and arrange 8 cuts between April and November costing £4,984.12 
-The War Graves Commission have contacted the office enquiring as to whether the Parish Council would be interested in having a sign installed at the Cemetery letting the public know that there are 4 WWI War Graves situated there. The Clerk will work with the Langtoft Deepings and District Royal British Legion to agree the most appropriate location prior to completing the application.  
-A Parishioner (and former Parish Councillor) has volunteered to act as warden of Millennium Wood after the recent thinning of the woods, following the advice of the Arborist report completed in October 2021, which has led to the felling of a Yew Tree the sapling of which was collected from Lincoln Cathedral at special Millennium Service attended by representatives from the Parish Council.  Councillor Bowell asked if the Yew Tree was being replaced to which the Clerk replied advising that it was thought that it would re-grow from the stump. Councillor Stevens added that the offer from a member of the public to act as a volunteer warden needed to be discussed at the next council meeting.
- A number of road repairs and street light issues had been reported via ‘fixmystreet’ with response received advising that work will be scheduled 
- the Clerk has met with a representative from DSJ Womens Institute regarding the suggested locations for a donated bench. Councillor Stevens advised that they had now agreed with the Priory Hall Trustees that the bench would be sited in the Priory Hall Gardens and maintained by them. 

23.149 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

Councillor Dilks’ Lincolnshire County Council report

Councillor Dilks has attended a Police and Crime Panel where it was stated that Police Community Support Officer numbers were to be cut from 91 to 50 (in the past they had been up to 140) and there was a concern about the impact that this would have in communities as PCSO’s are known to the community and are a good source of local intelligence. Councillor Dilks also advised that the Chief Constable had said that the  Market Deeping Police Station would close to the public due insufficient footfall meaning that it remaining open could not be justified. He was unsure of the saving as the Station had been served by volunteers and there had been a suggestion that they may be moving to the community centre. 

Councillor Dilks had attended a County Council meeting where it had been stated that there was £8 million pounds left over in the budget a million of which Councillor Dilks had suggested should be put into the Police for more PCSO’s. LCC and the Police are to work together to discuss this. 

The cost of home school transport was a concern as it was a large cost (£40 million per year) 

Councillor Dilks also asked for more funding for the Citizens Advice Service as there was a growing demand for the service and they needed funding however no funding has been made available for 2023/24 but it will be reviewed for 2024/25 

Councillor Dilks’ South Kesteven District Council report   

Councillor Dilks advised that since SKDC left the Deepings Leisure Centre and handed it back to LCC a community group had been working towards a business plan. LCC are arranging for a structural survey of the building as there is concern about the steel frame especially below ground which may be rusting. The results will be known in a fortnight. The community group continue to talk to local contractors and have the support of The Rt Hon Sir John Hayes MP.

At this point Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe obtained the Parish Council’s agreement to a member of the public asking a question concerning the number of PCSO’s and the number of Police Constables. Councillor Dilks explained that the intention is to reduced the number of PCSO’s and increase the number of Police Officers although the Police Officers will not be visible on the streets as they will be involved in cyber-crime and child protection. 

Councillor Bowell added that there were no longer any Police volunteers to work from the community centre so all that was likely to materialise there was an information leaflet rack. 

Councillor Gilbert suggested that forwarding a freedom of information request about the home school transport cost to LCC should be considered on a future parish council agenda. 

Councillor Stevens stated that the Phoenix School in Boston used to meet at the Cross School until LCC closed it down which had led to the need for home school transport 

Councillor Dilks concluded saying that he had suggested that where possible the parents were paid to get their children to school as this may be cheaper than being reliant on taxi services however it was unknown what the saving would be so it may not be viable. 

Councillor Stevens South Kesteven District Council 

Councillor Stevens advised that new portable defibrillators had been presented to the Lives First Responders after £5000 had been provided from the Community Fund after a grant request was received. 

The way funding is mad available has changed – it is no longer ongoing. They now need to be applied for as funding pots become available with a deadline for application and use. SKDC have received 3.3 million from the UK shared prosperity fund. The board have met as there is £30,000 to spend before April 2023 and applications from the from the community are being considered some from the Deepings.

Councillor Dilks mentioned that in a recent speech Michael Gove had said there were 147 funding pots that Councils could bid for which he felt was very time consuming for Officers.

Councillor Bowell raised concerns about the bidding process mentioning that 20 million had been obtained for Spalding Leisure Centre and when questioning the Rt Hon Sir John Hayes MP about this had had said that Deepings Leisure Centre did not get funding as it was too affluent. 

Councillor Stevens responded saying that the Deepings is more affluent than Spalding (and also Grantham) and this District (SKDC) did have 4 leisure centres which was unheard of in any other District.   

Councillor Dilks left the meeting. 
23.150 Financial matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the finance policy and personnel committee meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2023 – Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there were no recommendations. 

2. To approve the payments for February 2023 – It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to make payments valuing £22,718.03

3. To note the income for February 2023 – Income of £3,908.04 was noted.

4. To consider the grant application received from Girlguiding UK Deeping District – Councillor Hosking proposed a payment of £500 seconded by Councillor Stevens who also suggested that the Girl Guides should contact Deeping St James United Charities for financial assistance. Councillor Bowell made a counter proposal suggesting that £620 was offered which would cover the figure required to pay the subscriptions. Councillor Hall seconded this. The counter proposal was put to the vote and RESOLVED. 

5. As Trustee of the Hall Meadow Estate Charity to consider the request for financial support received from the Friends of Deeping St James towards the upkeep of the ‘In Bloom’ flower beds and containers in the Parish – As member of this group Councillor Stevens left the meeting for this agenda item. 

The Clerk advised that there was a balance of £1,419.71 in the Hall Meadow Estate Charity bank account. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe referred to the accounts that had been provided which showed an increased spend during 2023 compared to 2022 and 2021 plus they did not provide a breakdown of what was the money was being spent on. It was agreed that the Clerk should request extra information from the Friends of Deeping St James including a breakdown of the spend and confirmation of what future funding would be used for. 

23.151 Planning and transport matters:

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the Planning and transport committee held on Tuesday 14 February 2023  

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduce the minutes from this meeting referring to the point in the Clerks report about bus shelters purchased from the section 106 monies from the Springfields development off Linchfield Road. There are two options which have been costed - to relocate two redundant bus shelters or to purchase two new ones. Councillor Gilbert proposed that new ones are purchased for the Linchfield Road locations and that the redundant bus shelters are relocated to other sites in the community. Seconded and RESOLVED 

A member of the public was given permission to ask the following question – does all s106 monies that are allocated from developments in the Deepings get allocated to the Deepings. Councillor Stevens confirmed that it does although affordable housing allocation is sometimes commuted to another development but it is still in the same area.   

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe then referred to minutes 79.23 of the planning and transport minutes which concerned the s106 monies wish-list. Councillor Gilbert suggested that a meeting should be arranged to considered what to include and that all of the planning committee and others should be invited to attend.  

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe then referred to planning application S23/0084 formation of lake and use and use of site for angling and open water swimming uses, erection of amenity building/changing room building and associated parking and access tracks on Station Road Deeping St James PE6 8RH stating that on the whole the planning committee were in favour in principle but there were still issues concerning them around gravel extraction, the proximity to an areas of special scientific a site of special scientific interest, the lack of an ecological and archaeological reports and the fact that Natural England had not been consulted. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe had prepared a list of all the points the application meets and all those it does not meet and referred to the Deepings Neighbourhood plan groups response which had raised a number of concerns. 

Councillor Gilbert said he felt it unlikely that SKDC would be able to make a decision without the missing documents so DSJPC could not which Councillor Denman agreed with as there were material considerations.  

Councillor Stevens stated that she would not vote as she may sit on the planning committee that considered this application but did say that if it came to the SKDC planning committee with missing information the decision would be deferred  

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the Parish Council should defer making a decision until all the required documents had been provided and questions been answered. Councillor Stevens and Hosking abstained 

The three remaining members of the public left the meeting. 

23.152 To consider the following correspondence. 

1. Safer Together Team in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office Parish Policing Priority setting meeting feedback form to be completed and returned by 7 March 2023 – Councillor Bowell advised that he had looked at the crime statistics for the Deepings and advised that anti-social behaviour was the lowest and violence and sexual crime were the highest. Both Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and Gilbert expressed concern about the recent suspicious behaviour in residential areas and calls on vulnerable people but acknowledged that these had been reported to the Police so it was likely that action was already being taken. It was agreed that the Parish Council should request that the form should be completed requesting that anti-social behaviour at Woody Heights and Jubilee Park should be a priority as it may increase with the lighter nights and better weather.   

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to suspend standing orders and amend the order in which the agenda was followed leaving item 2 to be dealt with later. 

3. The Deepings Lions Club seeking the Parish Council’s support for a proposal to plant a wildflower meadow in the Deepings, the area currently being considered is the South Kesteven District Council owned land on Wade Park Avenue behind Linchfield Community Primary School – The Clerk was sked to confirm that Deeping St James Parish Council supported the proposal to re-wild this area advising that permission would ned to be obtained from South Kesteven District council as the landowners and it would also be good practice to consult with the local residents. 

4. Safer Together Team in the Police and Crime Commissioners Office requesting the Parish Council completes the University of Lincoln’s evaluation survey on the Safer Together Team – It was agreed that this should be shared with all the Parish Councillors so that they could respond individually. 

5. Request from the Woodland Trust to write to the local MP and ask him to get involved in the All-Party Parliamentary Group on woods and trees – The Rt Hon Sir John Hayes MP had been asked to attend. 

6. Invitation from Marker Deeping Town Council to attend a short service and the raising of the flag for the Commonwealth at 10am on Monday 13 March 2023 – The Clerk was asked to advised Market Deeping Town Council that as the Parish Council would be raising their flag at Jubilee Park and the Chairperson would be reading the proclamation no-one would be in attendance from Deeping St James Parish Council. 

7. Neighbour Policing Inspectors Quarterly briefing – contents noted. 

8. Response from The Rt Hon Sir John Hayes CBE MP to the letters received from the Clerk and the Parish Council requesting him to support Early Day Motion 611 – Intimidation at community parish and town councils – contents noted. 

2. Deeping St James United Charities regarding a proposal to work in partnership and share the costs of providing Citizens Advice sessions one day per week to the residents of the Deepings – As Trustees of DSJ United Charities, Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens left the meeting for this agenda item.

Councillor Gilbert proposed that the Parish Council should respond saying that funding of £1000 had been granted in December 2022 and no budget had been agreed for any further funding in 2023/24 however this could be reviewed when setting the budget for 2024/25. Seconded and RESOLVED  

23.153 To continue considering the lease/purchase of a Council vehicle. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe referred the members to the most recent paper providing examples of what could be purchased for £5000 and the previous 2 papers explaining the need and costings. Councillor Gilbert stated that personally he had no appetite to purchase either of the example vehicles but if the Parish Council did have  more money needed to be provided as £5000 was not sufficient and the decision would need to be deferred for further investigation. Councillor Robinson asked for confirmation of the cost of the current system to which the Clerk advised that the current system of a vehicle allowance of £500 per maintenance worker and mileage paid at 45pence per mile was cheaper (totalling approximately £3500 for the financial year 2023/24) but there were further considerations to take into account. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to move into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

No decision was reached in respect of this item as it was agreed that personnel and contractual issues needed to the addressed before moving any further forward. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that a personnel sub-committee should be called as soon as possible.   

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to move out of closed session. 

23.154 To establish whether the Parish Council wish the Clerk to promote the upcoming elections and provide information on how to stand as a candidate. 

It was acknowledged that the elections could and probably should be promoted via the Parish Councils Facebook page Webpage and noticeboards however she felt that the Clerk should decide to what to share as the presiding Parish Councillors had a vested interested in the elections and the number of prospective candidates as 15 or less candidates would lead to an uncontested election yet 16 or more candidates would lead to a contested election. It was agreed to allow the Clerk to decide what to share based on the material and time available. 

23.155 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 

1. South Lincs Connected meeting held on Friday 20 January 2023 attended by Councillor Bowell whose report had been circulated the contents of which were noted. 

2. Presentation by South Kesteven District Council’s Deputy Monitoring Officer of the Local Government Association Code of Conduct on 31 January 2023 at the Open-Door Church – Councillor Gilbert said this was an excellent presentation attended by himself Councillors Bowell, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens and the Parish Clerk and Assistant Clerk asking where the rest of the Parish Councillors had been. Once the slides had been received by the Clerk, they would be shared with all and the training will hopefully be offered to Deeping St James Parish Council exclusively as it was very useful in promoting how to work well together.    

3. Cemetery Committee meeting held on Tuesday 6 February 2023 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there were no recommendations.  

4. Recreation and Open Spaces Committee meeting held on 14 February 2023 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes from this meeting from which there were 2 recommendations under minute 23.25 and 23.26. 

It was seconded and RESOLVED that the ideas recommended by the committee with regard to the annual parish meeting should go ahead on Tuesday 25 April 2023.

All the Parish Councillors were encouraged to nominate individuals and groups for a making a difference award and encourage friends and family to do so also.    

After confirmation was obtained that at least 8 Parish Councillors would be able to help with the organisation of an event it was RESOLVED that the ideas recommended by the committee about holding a picnic in the park to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III should go ahead on Sunday 7 May 2023.  

5. Lincolnshire Pension Fund Employer Annual Meeting 2023 held via Microsoft teams on Tuesday 21 February 2023 – Councillor Bowell had registered to attend this event but was then unable to do so. The recording would be available for future viewing.   

23.156 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Stevens said that a newsletter should be issued to promote the upcoming events and it was agreed that this would be prepared during the next month. 

Councillor Gilbert advised that he had access to a funding stream where gifts could be provided for use at Easter events and wondered if anyone knew of any community groups that could benefit from this. The Deepings Community Library and the Exotic Pet Refuge were mentioned. 

Meeting closed at 9.45pm