November 2023 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council which took place in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 21 November 2023 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert,  Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens.

The Parish Clerk took the minutes. 

There were no members of the public present so no open forum took place.
24.91 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Bowell, Halls and Townsin.

Apologies had also been received from District Councillors Denniston and Ley. 

24.92 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on the registration of disclosable pecuniary interest forms. 

None declared. 

24.93 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 9 November 2023 and the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 24 October 2023 (the signing of which was deferred at the meeting held on Thursday 9 November 2023).

Both sets of minutes were agreed and signed. 

24.94 To receive the Clerks report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes.

The Parish Councils support for the Climate and Ecology Bill has been registered; local residents have been informed via the Parish Councils Facebook page; a letter has been written to the Rt Hon Sir John Hayes MP to inform them that this motion has been passed, urging them to sign up to support the CE Bill, or thanking them for already doing so; a letter has been written to Zero Hour, the organisers of the cross-party campaign for the Climate and Ecology Bill, expressing its support.

The Woodland Trust have been contacted and have been informed about the ancient trees and trees with preservation orders within the parish 

A big thank you goes out to the friends of Deeping St James volunteers who have replanted planters and containers around the parish and to all the members of the public and businesses who water and watch over them.  

The litter picking equipment was provided to the Deeping Rugby Union Football Club so that a through clean-up of the playing field and adjacent roads could take place following the firework display on Friday 27 October 2023. 

A member of the public contacted the Parish Council office to advise that a large lorry presumed to be over the weight limit of 7.5t had been seen accessing the Parish from Deeping St James Road Deeping Gate over the stone bridge. A response was issued saying that without a number plate, company name CCTV footage or photographic evidence nothing could be done to avoid this happening again and that the authority responsible for the signage leading to the bridge were of the opinion that the signage was adequate.

A member of the public contacted the parish council office asking for an update on the Welland Footbridge Project and was advised that ‘we are awaiting an update on costings and that we continue to work with Peakirk and Northborough Parish Councils and other interested organisations. The amount of money needed is a challenge. Once the updated estimate of total costs is known we can work towards finding appropriate funding streams.’
Following the notification received at 2.13am on Sunday 22 October 2023 a further flood alert for the lower Welland was received via mobile phone call, text and email at 2.28am on Saturday 4 November 2023

The Parish Clerk confirmed with the Valuer acting on behalf of LCC that the revised plan relating to the lease of the playing fields on Linchfield Road/Spalding Road is acceptable to the Parish Council and she has advised that the Parish Council should appoint a Solicitor to act on this matter, the reasonable costs for which LCC will cover. The Parish Clerk has arranged for Hegarty Solicitors to act on the Parish Council’s behalf 

Following the meeting at Manor Court shops the SKDC Neighbourhoods Officer suggested that the Parish Clerk contact the SKDC CCTV Operations Supervisor to see if the parish council owned CCTV at Woody Heights and Jubilee Park could be connected to the control room for round the clock viewing. The CCTV Operations Supervisor has advised that it is possible if the cameras are compatible but there would be a cost. Once confirmation and costings are received it will be shared with the Parish Council to consider.  

A member of the public contacted the parish council office after meeting an LCC Highways Officer following an accident on the crossroads on Station Road (Cranmore Road and Stowgate Road) as the LCC Highways Officer had informed them that the Parish Council would remove the self-set trees at the junction. I advised that this was not within DSJPC’s remit as highway verge maintenance especially if causing visibility issues at a junction in LCC Highways responsibility, or within DSJPC’s ability as the Parish Council do not have the equipment to complete the job whilst keeping the workforce safe or to dispose of the cuttings produced   

A member of the public contacted the office with concerns about groups of mopeds regularly riding along public right of way no 9 from Broadgate Lane passed some through the fields towards Frognall, something which had been reported to the police but still continued.  I provided the contact details of South Kesteven District Council’s neighbourhood team and Lincolnshire County Council’s countryside access team as well as the contact details for the District and County Councillors 

A member of the public contacted the Parish Council office asking if the weeds could be cleared from the gutters along Hereward Way as in the recent heavy rain the water was not able to drain away. This has been reported on to be referred to both Lincolnshire county Council Highways and District Councillor Ley has been asked to find out if South Kesteven’s District Council’s Big Green Clean Team still visit areas to do this as it is believed a ride-on machine was purchased which for this purpose 

A pole has been ordered to be installed on Jubilee Park to replace one of the four being used as goals 

A member of the public contacted myself and District Councillor Ley raising concerns about the ongoing anti-social behaviour on Park Estate/Benedict Court. Councillor Ley will pursue this with South Kesteven District Council’s neighbourhood teams and the Deepings School  

The concerns raised at the extraordinary meeting on 9 November 2023 around the wording in the paperwork relating to the transfer of Jubilee Park have been forwarded to the Parish Council’s Solicitor for them to pursue with South Kesteven District Council’s Solicitor 

The Clerk advised that she had taken a call and received an email from a telecommunications provider about VOIP calling offering a package including a mobile phone. On further investigation it was established that the information was not directly from the Parish Council’s current telecommunications provider so would not be acted on. 

24.95 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

South Kesteven District Council 

Councillor Ley provided the following written report.

Benedict Court update is the pathways have now been tarmacked. Fencing is not in place yet and I am chasing this as there is some Antisocial behaviour going on there from the school children. I have asked the Neighbourhood team to help with this, they have acknowledged my email but as yet not heard what they are going to be doing about this. This is regarding mud being thrown in doorways of the people’s bungalows, banging on doors and windows in their way into school. School is aware of this but not sure what they plan on doing on this yet. I will keep chasing.   

Regarding cutting back of any hedges etc I am informed there is a plan going forwards for these to be carried out during the winter months. Do please keep me updated on any issues and I will chase.   

We met at Manor Court, had a good meeting with Kati Conway, very useful and informative meeting and she said that area is of no concern to SKDC at present, they have monitored the CCTV and can see nothing going on. However, that said, if there are continuing problems, please let me know.   

Councillor Denniston had provided the following written report 

Update on the Leisure Centre:

SKDC moved the date of the review meeting with the CIC group to December, so the Finance and Leisure meeting was also moved to a later date.

We are just waiting for the date to be given to us for December.

Certain Parish Councils however have agreed to back the group regarding £ donations subject to the project getting the go ahead.

Members from the group have been presenting to the Parish's and answering any questions they had.

Councillor Dilks advised that the District Council were due to meet on Thursday 23 November 2023 where the fact that SKDC housing had now been released from special measures would be a topic. He advised that a lot had been put in place to make sure this does not happen again. He also advised that choice-based lettings were up and running on the website and were running as expected and well. He acknowledged that over a 3-month turnaround on re-letting of void properties was not acceptable but assured the Parish Council that lots of work was going on to reduce this. 

Councillor Dilks advised that he had met with two representatives from Deeping United Football Club that afternoon as it had been almost a year since the planning permission had been applied for and had been handled by 3 different planning officers but they were nowhere near a decision. Lincolnshire County Council had wanted a footpath to the site but this was resolved however as a complaint has now been received it has been resurrected. Sport England are a consultees and are looking at flooding on the land and other requests that are more than have been asked of most other village clubs – different sex toilets/changing rooms and separate ones for referees. It was noted that the buildings to be placed there would not be permanent (pre-fab pods). Heritage England may also want to dig which would be costly as there maybe rare iron age remains which should be saved. The landowner is wanting to plant unless planning is granted soon. Councillor Dilks advised that a pre-planning application may have helped. He is offering his support and although no longer on the planning committee will call the application in, as the ward member, for a committee decision rather than an officer decision. 

Lincolnshire County Council 

Councillor Dilks advised that the Deepings Leisure Centre decision was on hold at the moment as both the County and the District Councils had questions of the bid which he understands have now been answered and the District and County are now reconsidering. Ideally Lincolnshire County Council want to make a decision before Christmas. If the bid is accepted money will be forthcoming from LCC and SKDC could be approached for more money. If not accepted demolition will need to be planned for Summer 2024. 

Councillor Dilks advised that the devolution deal will be announced in tomorrow’s budget – an extra tier of local government that he is broadly against stating that the Greater Lincolnshire was predominantly being driven by the South Humber. There will be a consultation issued which he would encourage individuals to complete. If it is adopted there will be an elected Mayor but it is unknown if there will be any extra government money forthcoming. The leader of South Kesteven District Council lobbied against the principle and the other 7 leaders were split but Councillor Dilks understands that the Districts are predominantly against it.     

24.96 Financial matters:  

1. To approve the payments for November 2023. 

It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to make payments totalling £14,141.51

2. To note the income for November 2023.

Income totalling £658.00 was noted. 

3. To approve the Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2023 to allow the pay award to implemented to the office staff. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to implement the recently announced pay award to the office staff.  

4. To consider purchasing a Christmas tree to be sited on the Green at Churchgate or outside the Priory Church in Deeping St James. 

Councillor Stevens advised that she had a real 7ft Christmas tree available for use. It was seconded and RESOLVED that this should be offered to the Priory Church and Councillor Stevens offered to contact them.

24.97 Planning matters: 

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Planning and Transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 November 2023. 

Councillor Smith introduced the minutes from the meeting from which there were no recommendations.

24.98 To consider the following correspondence. 

1. Invitation to attend a Charity Dinner for the Market Deeping Town Council’s chosen charity, Feoffee Educational Foundation, to be held on Tuesday 23 January 2024 at Maharanis Restaurant Bridge Street Deeping St James 

It was noted that this event was due to take place on the same night as the Deeping St James Parish Council monthly meeting so no members of the Parish Council would be able to attend. 

2. The Woodland Trust – thanking the Parish Council for the recent donation and for supporting their campaigns.


3. The Deepings Advertiser – announcing changes to publication dates from January 2024 reducing the number of issues per month from 4 to 2.

The Clerk was asked to contact the publishers and discuss the options for future advertising. 

4. Safer Together Coordinator at the Office for the Police and Crime Commissioners Office – Invitation to complete the quarterly parish policing priority setting feedback form. Deadline 4 December 2023

It was agreed to respond with the following 3 priorities 

More Police/PCSO visibility 

Speeding especially Horsegate, Spalding Road and Linchfield Road 

Anti-social behaviour (including Mopeds and E-Scooters) on open spaces particularly Jubilee Park 

5. South Kesteven District Council’s Deputy Director (Finance and ICT) – Paperwork to assist with budget setting including parish band D numbers, along with the precept form for completion and return by Friday 19 January 2024

This will be considered at the finance policy and personnel committee meeting on Tuesday 12 December 2023 

6 South Kesteven Neighbourhood Policing Team -  Quarterly newsletter 


7. Market Deeping Town Council – confirmation that representatives from MDTC do wish to attend a meeting with representatives from DSJPC to discuss issues around the Deepings Practice and consider ideas and ways to help. A date in the new year needs to be agreed.  

The Parish Clerk was asked to work with the Practice Manager at the Deepings Practice to agree a date. 
24.99 After receiving further information and a proposal from Deeping St James Allotment Association, to consider the future use of and rent to be charged for plot 32B at the at the Parish Council’s Allotment site on Hall Meadow Road 

The further information and proposal from Deeping St James Allotment Association was considered and it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that as there was a waiting list for allotments if the Allotment Association did not wish to accept the offer to rent the plot at a half plot rent that the Parish Council should prepare the plot for let to another. Councillor Stevens voted against the decision and Councillor Gilbert abstained. 
24.100 To agree to representatives from Deeping St James Parish Council attending a meeting on 11 December 2023 to consider the funding application received from Deepings Leisure Centre Community Group CIC, if the expression of interest made by them to Lincolnshire County Council is accepted at their meeting on 5 December 2023. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked the members of the Parish Council if the felt there was any value in meeting with Market Deeping Town Council prior to meeting representatives of the Deepings Leisure Centre Community Group. Councillor Gilbert stated that the fact that SKDC had appointed external Consultants to look at the business plan supported the need for due diligence. Councillor Denman agreed saying the Parish Council needed to protect their own finances and reputation. Councillor Dilks stated that he could not see any benefit in a meeting without representatives from the DLCCG being present to answer questions. He also advised that there were commercial sensitivities in the bid which why the information could not be shared until after a decision. Councillor Hosking said she would support this providing git was not a decision-making meeting. Councillor Stevens felt that a non-committing joint meeting should be arranged as it would be beneficial adding that she was aware West Deeping Parish Council had agreed in principle to provide £700. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that a meeting should be arranged. Councillor Dilks requested that it was noted that he had voted against this decision.    

24.101 To consider the list of designated days for flying the Union Flag on UK government buildings revised since the Coronation of King Charles III and agree which days the Union Flag (or other flags) will be raised on the flagpole at Jubilee Park.  

The Clerk explained that this item had returned for discussion as since the Coronation of King Charles III there had been some amendments and additions to the dates. 

It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the following flags should be flown at Jubilee Park 

13 March Commonwealth Day – Commonwealth Flag 
23 April St Georges Day – St Georges Flag 
17 June Official Birthday of His Majesty– Union Flag
1 October Lincolnshire Day – Lincolnshire Flag  
Second Sunday of November Remembrance Sunday – Union Flag 
14 November Birthday of His Majesty The King – Union Flag 

24.102 To consider closing the office for the Christmas period between 12noon on Friday 22 December 2023 and 10am on Tuesday 2 January 2024 with phone calls being diverted plus emails and Facebook messages being checked intermittently by a designated person. 

This item was proposed seconded and RESOLVED 

24.103 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 

1. Bulb planting morning on Saturday 28 October 2023. 

Councillor Hosking advised that several Councillors attended along some members of the public and about 1000 Daffodil bulbs were planted on the open space at Fraser Close and the junction of Lady Margarets Avenue and Speedwell Court plus along the Riverbank. Councillor Stevens added that some were left and would be used at Manor Court Gardens and that one of the members of the public was planting some in the planter located at the junction of Broadgate Lane and Spalding Road. 

2. Visit to the War Graves within Deeping St James Cemetery and the Priory Churchyard on Sunday 5 November 2023. 

Councillors Gilbert, Shinkins-Hoppe and Townsin joined representatives of the local branch of the Royal British Legion to visit the War Graves in the Priory Churchyard and Deeping St James Cemetery.

3. Opening and closing of the Garden of Remembrance at Riverside Park High Street Market Deeping on Sunday 5 and 19 November 2023 respectively. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe attended and contributed to both events by providing a reading. 

4. Councillor Townsin joined the new Councillor induction training course offered by Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils via Zoom on Tuesday 7 November 2023. 


5. The Deeping St James Remembrance Parade and Priory Church Remembrance Service on Sunday 12 November 2023.

A number of Parish Councillors, representatives of other organisations and members of the public including a Centenarian. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe acknowledged that the Rev. Mark Williams gave a very moving sermon. Councillor Dilks advised that the local branch of the Royal British Legion intend to call a meeting to consider future Remembrance events which will include promoting the DSJ Parade.   

6. The Deepings Practice Patient Participation Group’s Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 14 November 2023.

The Clerk advised that she attended with Councillor Townsin who had asked the  question about how individuals without access to computers or transport could get repeat prescriptions since telephone requests were not accepted. The Practice Manager had advised that in exceptional circumstances repeat prescriptions by telephone could be accepted 

7. Recreation and open spaces committee meeting held on Tuesday 14 November 2023. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there were 3 recommendations 

Minute 24.44 To receive an update about the type of cost of benches to be placed at the Linchfield Road/Brewton Drive junction and the Stowgate Road/Eastgate junction  

The Committee recommended the purchase of three Captains Treble Seat from NBB at £305 inclusive of VAT once permission from the landowner had been obtained. RESOLVED. 

Minute 24.45  Carols in the Park on Friday 15 December 2023 – to confirm everything is organised and agree what more needs doing and who is to do it.

Volunteers to help set up serve refreshments and clear away were needed. Councillors Dilks, Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith and Stevens volunteered. 

Minute 24.47 To consider working with the Market Deeping Town Council, the Lions, the Rotary and the Round Table to organise a community event in 2024.  

The committee recommends arranging a meeting between representatives from the Parish Council Market Deeping Town Council, the Rotary Club of the Deepings, the Deepings Lions, the Deeping Round Table and any other interested parties to organise a community event in June 2024. RESOLVED   
24.104 Parish Pump

Councillor Gilbert advised that he would be collecting 15 hampers from Kingsgate Church on Thursday 23 November 2023 so please could people let him know of anyone who would benefit from the receipt of one of them. He also extended an invitation to attend performances at the Kingsgate Church on 16 and 17 December 2023

Councillor Hosking requested that the Parish Council review the use of the BlueMail app to access the emails. The Clerk was asked to speak to an IT Technician 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the group Deep In Kindness were holding a gifting event this coming Thursday and Friday so if anyone had any donations to gift, they could take them to the Iron Horse and/or go and help themselves to what they needed 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also advised that several people were disappointed that the Grimethorpe Colliery Band would not be playing this year predominantly due to lack of local location. 

Meeting Finished at 9.40pm