March 2023 Minutes
The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8EP
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: // Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
The minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 21 March 2023 at 7.30pm.
Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Little, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and two members of the public.
The Parish Clerk took the minutes.
Prior to the open forum commencing Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe reminded all those present that we were now in the pre-election period and asked everyone to be aware of this when speaking.
Open Forum
Andy Pelling representing the Deeping Leisure Centre Community Group spoke stating that he was here to make a pre-request for support as at some point in the future an official request would be made. He was approaching all the parish councils in the catchment area of the Deepings Leisure Centre plus community organisations and businesses for sponsorship and donations to use as match funding when applying for grants. It was also the intention to set up a crowdfunding page and hold fundraising events. The group were looking for the equivalent of £3 per resident (which equates to £20,000) from Deeping St James Parish Council. As a former Parish Councillor, he was very aware that the budget for 2023/24 already been agreed at this point in the year and that the precept would have already been requested from the council tax billing authority but he hoped that money could be called on from reserves and then replaced in future years. He was unable to say exactly when the money would be needed but one of the funding opportunities that looked favourable had an application deadline in April 2023.
Andy Pelling left the meeting.
The second member of the public Gordon Smith advised that he was present as an observer and did not wish to speak.
Prior to moving on to the meeting agenda Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe once again reminded everyone of the Nolan principles within the agreed Code of Conduct and that Deeping St James Parish Council had signed the civility and respect pledge.
23.157 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Fowler, Olson, Robinson and Thomas.
It was noted that Councillor Hall was not present.
23.158 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. Declarations were received from
Councillor Halls in respect of agenda item 23.164.2
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe in respect of agenda item 23.164.2
Councillor Stevens in respect of agenda items 23.162.1, 23.164.1 and 23.164.2
23.159 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 21 February 2023.
Agreed and signed.
23.160 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
-A newsletter has been designed printed and was delivered to all properties in Deeping St James on Friday 17 March 2023
-Both Our Forest Garden and Artivity have agreed to provide some parish council funded sessions for primary school aged children in the summer holidays
-The new storage unit was installed in the Cemetery on Tuesday 7 March 2023
-The heads of terms in respect of the transfer of ownership of Jubilee Park from the District to the Parish Council was received by the Parish Councils Solicitors on 20 February 2023 and confirmation has been received from Legal Services at Lincolnshire County Council that the tarmac public right of way path running through the park and the streetlights on it are and will remain under the ownership and responsibility of Lincolnshire County Council.
-100 hedge saplings have been received from the Woodland Trust and will be planted at various locations around the Parish.
-Arrangements for the annual parish meeting and the making a difference award presentation to be held from 7pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023 are continuing although more nominees are required and the attendance of more community groups providing table top displays is needed.
-Arrangements for the Coronation picnic in the park to be held from 1pm to 5pm on Sunday 7 May 2023 are continuing with sponsorship being offered by an external organisation enabling more to be offered on the day.
-A post has been shared via the Parish Council’s Facebook page encouraging
people to consider standing as a candidate in the upcoming Parish Council elections.
-A letter has been issued to Deeping St James United Charities advising that the Parish Council are unable to commit to assisting with their proposal to cover the cost of the Citizen Advice Bureau attending the Deepings for one day per week as a donation was made in December 2022 to CAB South Lincolnshire and no budget was agreed to support them during the financial year 2023/24.
-A personnel subcommittee meeting has been arranged for 10.30am on Tuesday 28 March 2023 to consider the contractual matters around vehicle allowances prior to a final decision being made as to whether or not to purchase or lease a vehicle for the Parish Council.
-Deepings Lions have been advised that the Parish Council support their proposal to re-wild an area of land on Wade Park Avenue behind Linchfield Community Primary School which is owned by South Kesteven District Council and they have confirmed that they have contacted SKDC about this.
-The Parish Policing Priority setting form issued by the Safer Together Team in the Police and Crime Commissioner’s office has been completed for the next quarter and they have been advised to continue patrolling Woody Heights as anti-social behaviour may increase as nights get lighter.
-A message was received on the venin go Thursday 9 March 2023 from the national defibrillator network, The Circuit, advising that the Parish Council’s defibrillator may have been used and due to this had been logged as out of use until checks on its status had been carried out and its availability for use confirmed. A member of the Parish Council’s maintenance team completed the checks and the Clerk has advised the network that the defibrillator is available for use so that the database can be updated.
-The Keep Britain Tidy Great British Spring Clean had been promoted via the Parish Council Facebook page and some individuals had come forward requesting litter picker and bin bags. The Rotary Club of the Deepings had also advised that they intend to hold a litter pick along the south side of the River Welland on 23 April 2023 and the Clerk had advise them to notify both Northborough and Deeping Gate Parish Councils as this area fell within in their parish boundaries.
-The Head of Economic Development at South Kesteven District Council is asking local councils if they wish to be represented on the Local Economic Forum one of the required governance processes and procedures required whilst administering the funds recently allocated to SKDC from the UK Prosperity Fund UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) - 2022 to 2025 ( It was agreed that the Clerk should reply advising that Deeping St James Parish council would like to be represented and that a representative will be agreed at the annual parish council meeting scheduled to take place on Tuesday 16 May 2023.
t was acknowledged that Councillors Bowell and Halls had been recognised at a recent Lincolnshire Police Awards Ceremony for 5 years of dedicated and devoted service to the Police Force in their roles as volunteers keeping Market Deeping Police Station open to the public.
23.161 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.
Lincolnshire County Council report
Councillor Dilks advised that he had asked more funding for the Citizens Advice Service as there was a growing demand for the service and they needed funding however no funding has been made available for 2023/24 but it will be reviewed for 2024/25
South Kesteven District Council reports
Councillor Dilks advised that he had attended a budget meeting where £500,000 had been approved for Leisure Services across the District.
Councillor Stevens advised that Story Fest was being organised to take place at the end of May 2023 with £2100 funding being provided by SKDC. Funding has also been provided from the UK Prosperity Fund for a film festival at the end of May 2023 with films including Casablanca, Mama Mia, Gladiator, Mary Poppins and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Councillor Stevens also advised that the popular re-enactment days had not been held at the library since pre Covid restrictions also hampered by the energy costs increasing leading to less money being available for such events so she was pleased to say that with funding from the UK Prosperity Fund an Anglo Saxon Day would take place in April 2023.
23.162 Financial matters:
1. To approve the payments for March 2023 – it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that payments totalling £13,026.16 should be paid. Councillor Stevens did not vote.
2. To note the income for March 2023 – income totalling £253.98 was noted.
3. To consider pledging support to Deepings Leisure Centre Community Group in their campaign to re-open Deepings Leisure Centre and when re-opened to the running of it – As a formal request for funding had not yet been received it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to defer this agenda item until the meeting on 16 May 2023 by which time hopefully more information would have been received.
Councillor Stevens left the room whilst the following item was discussed as she is a member of the friends of Deeping St James
4. As Trustee of the Hall Meadow Estate Charity to consider the request for financial support received from the Friends of Deeping St James towards the upkeep of the ‘In Bloom’ flower beds and containers in the Parish after receiving further information from the group.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe reminded everyone that this item was deferred from last month in order to request a breakdown of the accounts which had now been received. Councillor Gilbert stated that the group had been employed the services of a contract gardener rather than using the parish council maintenance team which meant that the cost this year had increased. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to provide a further £300 in funding and that it should be explained that this funding was being provided for the specific purpose of purchasing compost and plants for the volunteers to replenish the planters NOT for contractual labour. If there are any jobs that the volunteers are unable to complete the Friends of Deeping St James should contact the parish council office firstly to see if the maintenance team can complete the tasks and if not for the Parish Council to agree and arrange the services of a contractor. This way insurance liability would be covered.
23.163 Planning and transport matters:
1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the Planning and transport committee held on Tuesday 14 March 2023 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe shared the minutes of this meeting from which there was one recommendation which was that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe should work with a representative from Market Deeping Town Council and the Deepings Neighbourhood plan group towards changing the status of Back Lane from a quiet lane to a green lane. Councillor Dilks felt that this would be beneficial to the area although action would need to be taken to make sure that lorries accessing to the businesses at the east end of Back Lane only entered and exited from Stowgate Road. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that when it is a quiet lane the signage at the Broadgate Lane junction could be changed from advisory to prohibitive. RESOLVED
2. To consider the following planning applications
S23/0330 – Removal of two trees subject to Tree Preservation Orders.
Mr Giuseppe Forcellati, 90 Church Street, Deeping St James, Lincolnshire, PE6 8HD This application has been withdrawn.
S23/0336 – Removal of a holly tree and pruning/crown thinning to reduce canopy weight to two apple trees within a conservation area.
Mr Chris Halley, 14 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to approve this application with no comments.
At this point Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also mentioned that the Co-operative Store on Horsegate has applied for a licencing change which could be viewed on the South Kesteven District Council website.
23.164 To consider the following correspondence.
1. Rotary Club of the Deepings requesting permission to access Woody Heights recreation ground on Sunday 21 May 2023 to hold the Charity 10k race and 3k fun run.
The Clerk was asked to confirm that this was agreeable and arrange for the gate key to be made available.
Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens left the room whilst the following item was considered as they are Trustees of the Deeping St James United Charities
2. Deeping St James United Charities advising that they will only be requesting one Trustee nomination from the Parish Council after the forthcoming elections. The nominee must be a resident of the parish and the nomination will be considered at a special meeting prior to the scheduled meeting on 12 July 2023
As well as referring to the letter that had been shared with all the Parish Councillors, Councillor Gilbert read out a statement that had been provided by DSJ United Charities and advised that if there were any questions regarding this constitutional change, they should be directed to the DSJ United Charities office
3. Request from the Son and Daughter of a deceased relative to reserve cremation plots either side of their mother’s plot which is in contravention of the Cemetery regulations agreed by the Cemetery committee.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the request would not be allowed however one cremated remains plot could be used for a triple interment.
4. Deepings Raft Race Committee asking if the Parish Council would like to be involved by having a pitch at the event on Sunday 6 August 2023
It was agreed that the Clerk should reply reserving a pitch.
5. The emergency planning and business continuity service at Lincolnshire County Council requesting information about Lincolnshire Parish Councils community emergency groups as they are creating an interactive community facing map on the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum website
It was agreed that Deeping St James Parish Council should be involved in this and the three Councillors (Bowell, Halls and Hosking) who form the emergency plan sub- committee should meet in late May 2023 to update the plan.
6. Neighbourhood Policing teams monthly report Noted.
7. Lincolnshire Reservoir: Phase one consultation feedback summary
Lincolnshire-reservoir-feedback-summary.pdf (
A response had been provided by Deeping St James Parish Council stating that we felt unable to comment as it would not directly impact this parish.
It was noted that although the reservoir itself would not be near this parish the pipeline will come close and will be 6ft in diameter so a response should be made during phase two of the consultation
23.165 To consider the offer made by a member of the public to act as volunteer warden of Millennium Wood, liaising re damage/maintenance issues etc. Alongside this to also consider the role of other members of the public and groups who undertake tasks on the Parish Council’s behalf.
It was agreed that this offer should be accepted and that the volunteer should be encouraged to keep an eye on the wood and report any issues of concern to the parish council office.
23.166 To consider paying for the services of a live band to perform at the Coronation picnic in the park event on Sunday 7 May 2023 alongside employing a DJ
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that she had contacted several local bands but they were booked over that weekend. She had also contacted an entertainment agency who had put forward three groups whose costs varied from £400 to £900 for 1.5 to 2 hours. Councillor Stevens stated that there was a possibility of some sponsorship from UPP Broadband which could help with costs and also that the local Scout group had volunteered to help and would hopefully be able to put on some activities for youngsters.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked the Council if they wanted to continue to seek out a live band to compliment the DJ and make the event one to remember. It was agreed that the search for a local group to play at the event should continue.
23.167 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:
1. Planning training provided by Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils via Zoom and attended by the Assistant Clerk on Tuesday 21 February 2023. The presentation from this training has been shared with members of the planning committee - the slides from this event had been shared with the members of the planning and transport committee and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked them all to at least look at slide 38.
2. Election briefing in Bourne, organised by South Kesteven District Council and attended by the Assistant Clerk on Monday 27 February 2023. Candidate nomination forms are now available from Electoral Services at South Kesteven District Council – noted.
3. Presentation by the Deepings Leisure Centre Community Group at the Deepings School on Monday 27 February 2023 attended by Councillors Bowell, Denman, Halls, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe and the Parish Clerk. Plus, notes from a meeting with a representative from the Deepings School and the Anthem Trust Academy on 2 March 2023 attended by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and the Assistant Clerk - the notes taken at these two meetings had been shared with the members of the Parish Council and were noted.
4. Lincolnshire Association of Local Council election briefing via zoom at 6pm on Monday 20 March 2023 - the Clerk advised that this had been useful as it covered what to do if a council wasn’t able to hold meetings or authorise payment due to not being quorate or lacking signatories.
23.168 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas. Councillor Gilbert advised that he had been contacted by a resident of Horsegate Farm who along with some of his neighbours had suffered several near misses when leaving the cul-de-sac because of the volume of parked cars along Horsegate. He was requesting the extension of the double yellow lines so Councillor Gilbert advised him to contact Lincolnshire County Council Highways.
Councillor Little advised everybody that this would be his final meeting as he was resigning with effect from 31 March 2023. On behalf of everyone Councillor Skinkins- Hoppe thanked him for his contribution especially his work with IT and emails issues. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe requested that the local gravel extractions are considered on a future agenda item as although not within this parish they would have an impact.