April 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 29 April 2021 at 7.30 pm using the virtual meeting link ID and passcode below:




Meeting ID: 912 4182 4527

Passcode: 802796


Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Dilks (District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hardy, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District), County Councillor Dobson and 15 members of the public.



Fifteen members of public were all in attendance to ask for support from the Parish Council for improvements after a second car accident in less in two years in the same place on Church Street. Speeding traffic, poor road surface, road markings and signage and a missing lamppost were all mentioned as reasons why Church Street needed to be improved and suggested improvements were filing potholes, renewing white lines, 30mph speed sign, replacing signage and lamppost and a one-way system and no more housing development.  

Councillor Gilbert explained that road improvements were not the responsibility of the Parish Council but the County Council and County Councillor Dobson was in attendance tonight.

County Councillor Dobson who had visited Church Street this week with the Local Highways Manager said that the double yellow lines to stop people parking on the bend meant that the road was clear for them to speed up. He had requested rumble strips but the Local Highways Manager had advised that these would not be approved but reflective double yellow lines and a reflective sign outside the house which had the vehicles had hit would be. A one-way system had not been considered so Councillor Dobson would ask the Lincolnshire Road safety Partnership to consider it. The lamppost that was damaged during the first accident but had not been replaced was a District Council lamppost. It was also the District Council who had agreed the housing development.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe said that the Parish Council had objected against the new development near the Waterton Arms. Herself and both of the office staff had attended a training session explaining the Highways role in planning decisions and have asked for signage but nothing has been agreed yet. The District Councillors have now taken up the mantle.

District Councillor Dilks said he had requested that this item was added to the agenda and had asked for action from Lincolnshire County Council 18 months ago after it had happened the first time so was angry improvements had not happened and a second incident had happened. He explained that the planning application for the development next to the Waterton Arms was approved by an Officer’s decision as Highways did not object to it. There are traffic problems all the way down Church Street. As for other activities many had been suspended due to the pre-election period but planning applications are still being considered and the cross-party mental health working parties to assist with mental health problems coming out of the pandemic are also still meeting.

District Councillor Stevens advised that she did not feel Church Street was suitable to be a one-way system as this would make the road wider which may encourage more speed. Speeding is not just a problem on Church Street it continues along Bridge Street and prior to the house on the corner being hit for the first time a wall outside a house further up was also demolished. She feels that a speed awareness campaign maybe beneficial. Councillor Stevens has also been in discussions with the District Council Officers regarding the installation of the flagpole and extension and ownership of the play areas.

Councillor Hosking asked if the District Councillors knew if there was any progress with regards to the planning application for a dog training facility off Back Lane. Councillor Dilks confirmed it was still with the Inspector awaiting a decision.

A member of the public asked if the potholes were to be repaired on Church Street as the Highways Officer had said that the white lines could not be reinstated as the road surface was so bad. They cannot believe that potholes can be used as a reason for not having a white-lines.

County Councillor Dobson assured them that they would be repaired. He also advised that the bus stop clearway road markings on Horsegate had been approved and would be underway shortly. Prior to leaving the meeting Councillor Dobson advised that it was the end of his four-year term and it had been a pleasure working with Deeping St James Parish Council  

In view of the interest in agenda item 163.21 Councillor Gilbert proposed that Standing Orders were suspended and the item was moved up the agenda to be considered after agenda item 157.21. RESOLVED


155.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

It was noted that Councillor Lilley ad resigned.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Rose.


156.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Dilks declared an interest in agenda item 163.21 as he was a resident of Church Street


157.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 25 March 2021.

Agreed and signed as a true copy to be signed at a later date.


163.21 In light of the latest accident involving another car smashing into a family home in the Waterton Arms vicinity of Church Street, DSJ, the parish council URGENTLY considers campaigning for appropriate traffic calming measures in the locality.

Councillor Gilbert acknowledged importance and urgency of this issue but stated that Deeping St James Parish Council are unable to do anything.

Councillor Dilks who had requested that this matter was added to the agenda after the homeowner had knocked on his door asking for his support. He is shocked and angry that it has happened again and that nothing has happened since the first accident to improve the safety of the area. There are potholes everywhere including outside this family home, three of which have been filled today by workmen who have the remit to fill all major potholes within a mile of polling stations. The white lines have disappeared yet when visiting the Area Highways Manager has stated that they do need renewing but the road needs re-surfacing and there is no budget to do this. The Parish Council needs to take a strong stance along with the District and County Councillors to make sure action is taken. After some discussion including a suggestion from Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe that the planning and transport committee who had considered this issue at their meeting on Monday 26 April 2021 continue to investigate the long term improvements at their next meeting scheduled on Thursday 20 May 2021, a suggestion from Councillor Bowell for a vote of no confidence in Lincolnshire County Council as well as reconsidering training volunteers to use hand held speed cameras, a suggestion from Councillor Hall to use the speed indicator devices on Church Street, a suggestion from Councillor Little to request a explanation from Lincolnshire County Council as to how they prioritise the pothole repairs which at the moment seems to be based on width and depth rather than danger and a suggestion by Councillor Stevens to invite representatives from the relevant Authorities to a parish council meeting. Councillor Dilks proposed the following:

Firstly, the Parish Council should ask the County Council need repair the road surface reinstate the white lines and improve the double yellow lines on the corner. Secondly, the Parish Council should ask the District Council to reinstate the street light that was removed due to being damaged during the first accident 18 months ago.

Thirdly, the Parish Council should contact the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership to enquire as to whether the reactive speed indicator devices could be located in the vicinity and investigate if the speed limit could be reduced.

Fourthly representatives from Lincolnshire County Council Highways and the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership should be invited to attend a Parish Council meeting to explain what action can be taken to improve the condition of the highways and reduce speeding. 

Seconded by Councillor Hosking and RESOLVED   


158.21 To receive the Clerk’s report.  

The Oak tree on the green at Churchgate has been removed with a local resident suggesting that the replacement tree should be a Magnolia/Tulip tree.

Prior to the installation of the Flagpole on Jubilee Park SKDC require the Parish Council to confirm that a survey and CAT scan of the area to check for buried utilities has been completed.

A refurbished bench has been purchased to be located in the Old Cemetery.

Several individuals continue to litter pick within the community and more continue to contact the office requesting litter pickers.

Notification has been received from the Deepings Raft Race Committee that the event cannot take place in 2021 as they are unable to meet the COVID compliance regulations on numbers and social distancing.

A Geology Undergraduate has contacted the office to request permission (which I have given) to observe and take photos of the headstones in the Cemetery

The year-end accounting reports have been printed ready to explain the variances and internal Audit work has continued prior to the completion of the annual governance and accounting statement.  

The Contractor has started the grass cutting of the Highway verges Woody Heights and the Riverbank and this will continue in accordance with the contracts through until the end of October/beginning of November.

Resignations have been received from Councillor Wendy Lilley (with effect from 12 April 2021) and Councillor Graham Hardy (with effect from 30 April 2021)  


159.21  Financial matters -

1. To approve the payments for April 2021 – It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to make payments valuing £10,423.87

2. To note the income received in April 2021- Noted

3. To consider the grant application from the Deepings Swimming Club following the meeting to held at 7pm on Thursday 8 April 2021 – Following the meeting on Thursday 8 April 2021 to answer questions posed by Councillor Bowell, Councillor Dilks proposed that a grant of £3000 now with a further £3000 later if required. This was seconded by Councillor Stevens and RESOLVED.


160.21 Planning matters

1. To consider the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting which took place on Monday 26 April 2021 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes from which there was one recommendation. The committee recommended that the names of Royal, Sharp, Mossop and Buddle were put forward as street names for the second phase of the Springfields housing development off Linchfield Road. This would continue the association with Deeping St James United Charities started in phase 1 where the names of charity benefactors – Brewton, Streton Swan and Perkins – were accepted. RESOLVED.

161.21 To consider the following correspondence received.

1. Ongoing inconsiderate parking issues at the Eastgate/Station Road corner causing access issues for a local resident and emergency vehicles - It was acknowledged that this issue was historic dating back to when the house was un-occupied and parking there did not pose a problem and that it had increased during lockdown with more people taking exercise and at present did not seem to be reducing now that the restrictions were lifting. It was also noted that the Area Highways Manager and the County Councillor for Deepings East had visited the site on Tuesday 27 April 2021 and advised the Parish Council office that contrary to what the LCC Highways Officer had previously suggested neither yellow lines or parking bay markings would be approved by Lincolnshire County Council Highways at this site for exactly the same reasons that the Parish Council had explained to you in the email of 22 December 2020. As much as the Parish Councillors sympathised with this situation it was not within the Parish Council's powers to deal with this type of issue nor could the Parish Council provide any financial support to individuals to assist in the purchase of items such as signage. Suggestions put forward by some of the Parish Councillors at the meeting to be shared with the resident were:

  • To contact the Police as inconsiderate and obstructive parking is within their remit to deal with.  
  • To purchase and install a sturdy 5 bar gate and clear signage saying access required at all times as individuals tend to respect gates more than open accessways.
  • To securely park your horsebox at the entrance to the driveway and walk your horse to it when required. 
  • For you to continue with your social media posts, and for the Parish Council to do the same, encouraging drivers to park considerately or better still drive to the Deeping Lakes and park in the Wildlife Trust car park and walk along that section of the riverbank instead.

2. Ongoing anti-social behaviour issues by a certain group of individuals at Low Locks/Scout Island. A local resident and regular visitor to the area is concerned about this behaviour continuing in an area that is used and enjoyed by a wide range of people – The Clerk advised that the concerns had been shared with the local neighbourhood policing team who had advised that they did visit the area when able to and individuals should be encouraged to ring 101 to report issues. Councillor Thomas also said she would mention it to the Rotary Club of the Deepings who voluntarily litter pick and maintain the area.

3. Invitation to register to ring the Church Bells at the grand finale of the NHS Social Care and Frontline Keyworkers Day at 8pm on 5th July 2021 – The Clerk had passed this to Councillor Hardy as he was a resident Bell-ringer and he confirmed that the group were agreeable to taking part so the Parish Council should register the involvement.

4. Gedney Parish Council seeking support and financial assistance towards the cost of a Memorial at Brotherhouse Bar to all the 19 aircraft that crashed between 1938 and 1945 within a 15-mile radius of Crowland resulting in loss of life – Several Councillors expressed an interest in the Clerk obtaining more information about this memorial before Deeping St James Parish Councils involvement could be considered.

5. Resident requesting removal of two trees planted very close to his rear boundary wall as part of a previous year Tree Charter Day – Councillor Stevens and the Clerk had visited the resident and agreed the trees were too close to the wall and could cause issues in the future. Although they were healthy trees, it had been agreed that the trees would be removed in the Autumn.

6. Resident enquiring when further work will be carried out on the trees in the Cemetery – Councillor Thomas and the Clerk would arrange a meeting on site with the resident.

7. Invitation to join in the Great British Spring Clean between 28 May 2021 and 13 June 2021 – Councillor Stevens stated that many individuals were already regularly litter picking and she was happy to let this continue to grow organically. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe said that she would welcome something more structured and promoted by the Parish Council via social media. Councillor Gilbert proposed that the Clerk shares another thank you post on social media and promotes the Great British Spring Clean event and offer litter pickers, disposable gloves and bags. 

8. Notification from Eon the they have cancelled the quarterly maintenance of the ground mounted floodlights at the Cross as yet again they have filled with water, burnt out and needed to be disconnected and can therefore no longer be maintained. If lighting is required another type of lighting will need to be considered – noted.

9. Resident expressing concern at what they describe as an illegal encampment on Back Lane off the Broadgate Lane Junction – Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Dilks were in contact with the landowner and South Kesteven District Council Planning enforcement regarding this. Investigations were ongoing.  


162.21 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. Meeting to discuss the summer playscheme at 7.30pm on Tuesday 30 March 2021. Attended by the Parish Clerk, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe, a representative from the play scheme provider and two representatives from Market Deeping Town Council (Councillors Sked and Moran) – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe proposed that  MaDCaPs out of School club should be financially supported to run a playscheme for the primary school children of Deeping St James for five mornings during week commencing 9 August 2021 should be accepted. Councillor Dilks seconded this. RESOLVED.  

2. Question and answer session on 30 March 2021 about creating a wildlife friendly village called the Risby Wildlife Project which was attended by Councillors Bowell and Stevens – Both agreed it was very interesting and Councillor Stevens requested that an item be added to the next allotments footpaths and open spaces committee agenda to see if any of the ideas could be put into place in Deeping St James 

3. Meeting to discuss ‘flood risk, defence and response’ held at 8pm on Thursday 8 April 2021 – This meeting covered many issues which required answers so the Parish Clerk had been requested to arrange a meeting with representatives from the Environment Agency and the Lincolnshire Resilience Team.

4. Meeting at ‘Our Forest Garden’ at 10.30am on Monday 12 April 2021 attended by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and the Parish Clerk to discover what Forest School’s future plans are and whether they would be able to offer a DSJPC funded scheme for a week in the summer holidays – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe proposed that Our Forest Garden should be financially supported to offer morning and afternoon sessions to the Primary School Children of Deeping St James in week commencing Monday 26 July 2021.Councillor Bowell seconded this. RESOLVED.  

5. Staffing sub-committee meeting held at 2pm on Monday 12 April 2021 – Councillor Hosking introduced the minutes from which there was a recommendation, that those members of staff entitled to a salary increment in accordance with their contracts of employment were awarded them backdated to the 1 April 2021. RESOLVED.

6. Chairman’s Workshop (LALC) at 7pm on Wednesday 21 April 2021 attended by Councillor Halls – Noted.

7. Allotments Footpaths and Open Spaces committee meeting at 8pm on Monday 26 April 2021 – Councillor Bowell introduced the minutes from which there was a recommendation to make a change to the tenancy agreement with effect from October 2022. Councillor Halls clarified that the tenancy agreement would state that all tenants should have insurance and the best way to get competitive insurance is to join the Allotment Association. RESOLVED. Councillor Little mentioned that he had felt embarrassed at the meeting when the Allotment Association representative continued to interrupt throughout the meeting. Councillor Bowell advised that he their role at the meeting had been explained (to provide a report from the Allotment Association not to take part in discussion or resolution) and it would continue to be reiterated.    

8. Councillors training (LALC) at 6pm on Tuesday 27 April 2021 attended by the Assistant Clerk, Councillor Little and Councillor Rose – Noted.


164.21 To consider the quotations received for Insurance renewal from 1 June 2021 

Councillor Bowell had provided a paper to compare the quotations received. The Parish Clerk provided the revised figures after the CCTV cover had been increased by £3500. Councillor Bowell proposed that the Parish Council accept the 3-year option quotation of £1828.52 provided by BHIB. This was seconded by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and RESOLVED.  


165.21 To consider the quotation received for the installation of electricity at the revised location on Jubilee Park off Thackers Way.

Councillor Gilbert referred to the paperwork from the electricity installation provider and explained that the location had changed so that a clear 100m run for ducting to install a CCTV camera to cover the play area could be accommodated. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe proposed that the new location (near the bus shelter on Thackers Way) and the electricity provider’s quotation (£2861.38) should be accepted. This was seconded by Councillor Stevens and RESOLVED.    


166.21 To consider the transfer of responsibility for Jubilee Park play area from SKDC to DSJPC after it has been refurbished.

Councillor Stevens explained that a group of young parents were keen renew the play area on Jubilee Park as it was 30 years old and dated and because of this there had been a noticeable increase in people taking their children elsewhere. The group, called KiND, would work with a preferred supplier to access grants to the value of £80,000 which would be sufficient to expand the play area and renew the paly equipment. Along with the age/condition of the some of the equipment there was confusion over responsibility as some items were owned by the District Council and some by the Parish Council. It would have to be the Parish Council that took on responsibility of the new extended play area as the District Council have said they will not. The District Council have said that if approached they would be willing to transfer the ownership of not just the play area but the whole of Jubilee Park although Councillor Stevens was not in favour of this as it would involve other responsibilities such as grounds maintenance and neighbourhood issues. Councillor Bowell disagreed siting the fact that the Parish Council own many assets on the park but have also been precepting for several years towards purchasing our own open space so why not take over this one that is being offered. Councillor Dilks welcomes the idea of raising money to improve play facilities in the Parish as he feels there is a need for equipment for older children as well as toddlers. He also has concerns that the District Council may build on the area of Jubilee Park off Thackers Way as they have done this on many small patches of District Council owned land in Grantham so does feel that considering taking over the responsibility of the whole park should be considered but such a decision cannot be made tonight. Councillor Gilbert suggested that it would be a good idea to take on an area of land as an access point to the play area so that permission to enter was not required from the District Council every time it was needed. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe agreed that establishing an access point was important and dd not think that housing development was likely as the area did have some protection in law and would have further protection under the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan. Councillor Stevens stated that the fact that the District Council were offering it suggested they had no plans to develop it. Having a community group in the form of the Friends of Jubilee Park worked in favour of this project. An online survey has been undertaken by KiND which has been very useful to gauge what type of equipment users would like to see. Councillors Stevens proposed that the Parish Councils agrees to take over the responsibility of the play area tonight. Councillor Gilbert agreed with this but with the addition of the following caveats – that both parties agree the area that is to be transferred (and a map is drawn up) and that they also agree at what point the play area is to be transferred (now, upon work commencing or upon completion). It was RESOLVED to transfer the responsibility of the play area from the District to Parish Council ensuring an area map and transfer date were in place.         


Councillor Gilbert proposed the suspension of Standing Orders to continue after a 10pm RESOLVED.


167.21 To consider using a Security Company to provide Wardens to patrol the parish to deter anti-social behaviour and work with the neighbourhood Policing team.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe provided some background to this item explaining that the Parish Council had previously employed a security company to provide Street Wardens in the past (about 8 years ago) after there had been a spike in anti-social behaviour and calls for more police presence in the area and it had worked well as a deterrent, in dispersing crowds of youngsters and providing reassurance to some members of the community. Councillor Dilks stated that he was not in favour of this proposal as it was the Lincolnshire Police’s responsibility to deal with anti-social behaviour not a private company. Councillor Little asked for an explanation of what the role of a PCSO was. The Clerk explained that the one PCSO who covered the Market Deeping and Uffington area is very visible within the community when she is at work they do not work 24/7. Councillor Halls explained that the individuals need to ring 101 and report incidences of ASB and crimes as at the moment this did not happen which meant DSJPC was classed as a low crime area so was never likely to get another PCSO. When an incident does occur, the Police do come.

Councillor Thomas stated tat she was not in favour of this and Councillor Bowell expressed his reservations. Councillor Gilbert suggested that further information and more time was needed to consider this item so it was deferred to a future meeting.     


168.21 To consider a reinstating the Business continuity contingency plan (agreed in March 2020 pre-virtual meetings) delegating additional powers to the Clerk due to the requirement to return to face to face meetings from 7 May 2021 onwards – Dependent on the outcome of the hearing on 21 April 2021.

The Clerk advised that the High Court Judgement after the hearing on 21 April 2021 had ruled that the continuance of virtual meetings after the 7 May 2021 was a matter for Government to decide not the High Court as it required a change in law. This meant that from 7 May 2021 all Committee and Council meetings are required to be held in person not virtually. Virtual access could be provided for members of the public although if members of the public chose to attend in person they would need to be accommodated. After some discussion it was acknowledged that the matter was out of the Parish Council’s hands and that the National Association of Local Councils and the Society of Local Councils Clerks continued to campaign on behalf of local councils to get the legislation changed. Councillor Gilbert summed up by saying that the Parish Council had got to hold meetings in person and it was an individual Councillors decision as to whether they attended it or not but as a show of hands suggested a meeting would be quorate so they would go ahead.      


169.21 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agenda.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked for the organisation of Parish Walks on the May agenda.

Councillor Dilks encouraged everyone to vote for the Deeping Neighbourhood Plan in the referendum on Thursday 6 May 2021.


170.21 To agree the date of the next meeting which will be the annual meeting of the Parish Council

7.30pm Thursday 27 May 2021.


Meeting closed at 10.35pm