December 2021 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held at the Open-Door Church, 5 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NJ on Thursday 16 December 2021 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Little, Olson, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and Thomas (District).

The minutes were taken by the Clerk    


No members of the public were present. 

Councillor Gilbert informed the members that the recording of last month’s meeting had been unsuccessful as the memory card in the device was not sufficient and because of this there would be no recording this month. He would work with the Clerk to purchase another device.



22.103 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Hosking. 

22.104 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillors Stevens and Thomas declared a prejudicial interest in agenda item 22.108.3

22.105 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 25 November 2021. 

Agreed and signed as a true copy.

22.106 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.

Rowan tree planted on Churchgate Green on 14 December 2021. 

Preliminary work by a firm of Civil Engineers has been arranged to take place on 12 January 2022 at the Welland Footbridge site

The snapped tree branch hanging in the River opposite the Hereward Way to Church Street junction has been reported to the Environment Agency who have confirmed that they will investigate.

The advertising boards on wheels padlocked to lampposts on Godsey Lane MD and Spalding Road DSJ have been reported to LCC Highways and the owners have been threatened with enforcement action if they are not removed.

Western Power are in the process of obtaining wayleave documents from SKDC to allow the electricity installation work to take place at Jubilee Park off Thackers Way. 

The contractor providing the heightened railings round the multi- use games advised of a 20-week lead time for the work to be carried in an email dated 8 November 2021. I was advised on 9 December 2022 to expect to hear from the Contacts Manager in 8 weeks. 

Confirmation has been returned to LCC Highways that the Deeping St James Parish Council and Market Deeping Town Council that both Councils wish to continue with the joint parish agreement to cut the highway grass verges and that the it is acceptable for the contribution (the equivalent cost of 3 cuts) from LCC to be spilt 50/50 between both local councils.     

The gate has been installed at the Hereward Way play area and a meeting has been arranged for a contractor to measure and make the final piece of railings required to complete the work. 

Councillor Stevens requested that the maintenance staff remove a small self-set tree from with in the Priory Farm Corner planted area.  

22.107 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

Councillor Thomas’ District Council report

Councillor Thomas advised that the District Council propose to plant some additional trees (2 Oak, 2 Hornbeam and 1 Lime) on land at Fraser Close and have asked the Ward Members to consult with the Parish Council and the public. The Parish Councillors felt it was a good idea although concerns were raised about the type of trees and their proximity to residential properties. Councillor Stevens said that she would request an extension on the consultation deadline and include the information in the newsletter. 

Councillors Stevens’ District Council report 

Councillor Stevens advised that there had been an almost unanimous vote to have repairs done to the Deepings Leisure Centre. She stated that Anthem Trust who are responsible for Deepings School had agreed heads of terms and they will sign over the lease of the building to South Kesteven District Council. The temporary building within the Deepings School grounds was discussed yesterday at the planning committee meeting and it had been agreed that hours of use would be restricted from 6.30am to 9.30pm to 7am to 7pm other than for special events e.g. parents evening. It is costing the Deepings School to have it in place so they do not want it there any longer than necessary plus Sports England, who were involved in funding the open space, have reinforced the need for it not to be in place long term. Councillor Stevens commented that Councillor Dilks had referred to Tuesday as the District Council’s darkest day but she feels that the darkest hour was some-time ago when both her and Councillor Dilks tried but could not get the District Council to spend money spent on the centre. Councillor Stevens said she was very pleased with the result and the Head of Leisure and Cultural Services was very good and she was confident she would make it happen. 

Councillor Bowell stated that the refurbishment would only be better than a new leisure centre if the access to the swimming pool was sorted out. Councillor Little asked what documents would be available during the public consultation – the costing and the plans – or was it just going to be this is what you are getting. 

Councillor Stevens also advised that there the Arts and Culture Committee were completing a report on Markets. Bourne Grantham and Stamford market had grown over the last two years and Market Deeping still has permission to hold a market in the town centre so it would be good if it could be resurrected. Councillor Bowell stated that the District Council should work with those responsible for the Wednesday Market to improve that one.         

Councillor Dilks’ County and District Council reports  

Councillor Dilks confirmed that the Omicron variant was within the region (Councillor Gilbert said there was 1000 cases in this region 

He had attended the full council meeting on Friday 10 December 2021 where it was noted that the Government had taken back 12 million last year so Lincolnshire County Council had used 12 million for reserves to cover the Highways needs. At the meeting they decided to ringfence 12 million from this year’s 25 million underspend to spend next year. Councillor Dilks says that he hopes to meet, along with the County Councillor for Deepings West, with the Area Highways Manager in the New Year.

Councillor Dilks advised that the independents had put forward a motion to request a climate change impact assessment be included in each policy. The County Council do have a green masterplan but there are still motions going through for half a million pounds for gas without considering if it is green or brown. Councillor Stevens mentioned that the green issue is also being discussed at South Kesteven District Council planning.

Finally, Councillor Dilks advised that he is on the Police and Crime interviewing panel in Louth recruiting for a Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner.

At the District Council Councillor Dilks confirmed that at the District Council meeting he had supported the refurbishment of the Deeping Leisure Centre. Largely because of the lease issues the start date for work was not likely to be before January 2023. He felt that without the save Deepings Leisure Centre campaign the building may have been demolished. He also advised that the consultant had stated that 5 million of the 10 million spend was legacy investment. Councillor Dilks mentioned that the District council had looked at the Lyndis Gyr site on the Northfields industrial estate a year ago but as it was already 15 years old it had been difficult to borrowing money against, however the District were now looking to borrow money against a 47-year-old building. He also mentioned that the toddler pool was to be replaced by more fitness suites and that the main pool would have a moveable floor. He was sure that meaningful consultation would be beneficial. Councillor Dilks then referred to the temporary structure at the Deepings School saying that although it does look unattractive there were no grounds to object to the application.

Councillor Stevens explained that the reason why the Lyndis Gyr site could not be pursued as an option was that only 25 years would be offered to payback the borrowing on the building so the repayments would have been extortionate. She also explained that it was more expensive to heat two pools than one and swimming pools do not generate enough income to cover the expense. 

Councillor Bowell suggested that the Parish Council should return to requesting written reports from the District and County Councillors. This was not considered.        

22.108 Financial matters:

1. To approve the payments for December 2021 – it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to pay accounts totalling £13109.71. 

2. To note the income received in December 2021 – Noted.

3. To consider the request from the Friends of Deeping Library management committee for funding for 2022-23 to enable the Deeping Community Library to continue to offer the service – it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to include £6000 in next year’s budget and precept figures. 

4. To consider the request from the Deepings Youth Group Trustee group for funding for 2022-23 to enable the Deepings Youth Group to continue to offer the service – Councillor Gilbert proposed that this item is deferred until the meeting on 27 January 2022 allowing the Clerk time to ask for further information. 

22.109 Planning matters:

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 9 December 2021 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting saying that a meeting was to be arranged with a representative from Delaine Bus Services, and that the section 106 monies due from the Springfields development off Linchfield Road were being pursued by the Assistant Clerk. She also advised that along with Councillor Shelton from Market Deeping Town Council she had met with the Assistant Director of Planning at South Kesteven District Council and the notes from the meeting would be circulated as soon as they were available. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe then turned to the recommendation from the meeting relating to planning application S21/2254, the erection of a dwelling at 204 Eastgate Deeping St James which was to approve the application. It was noted that local residents were concerned about flooding however the application met all the requirements. Councillor Dilks suggested that rather than recommending approval the Parish Council should respond stating they had no objections as there were no valid planning objections to raise. After some discussion Councillor Gilbert felt it appropriate to put the matter to a vote to decide whether to respond with no objection or whether to respond by saying no objection but making the comment that there were some concerns about flooding. It was RESOLVED to respond stating no objection. 

2. To consider the following application -

S21/2232 single storey rear extension at Hedgerows Village Street Frognall PE6 8RR – it was proposed seconded and RESLOVED to approve this application.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe mentioned that planning application S21/1776 in respect of the detached dwelling at 1 Village Street Frognall had been approved but with a list of conditions which the Parish Council need to ensure are being met. It was also noted that the Welland and Deeping Internal Drainage Board had removed the 9-metre wayleave which was one of the issues the Parish Council had been concerned about.  

22.110 To consider the following correspondence received.

1. From local Bus service provider disappointed that an additional timetable case has been attached to the bus shelter at Benedict Court which is being used to promote a number of alternative transport services to using the bus – it was agreed that that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe would discuss this, as well as the missing bus stop pole on Spalding Road near the Rugby Club, when she and a representative from Market Deeping Town Council met with the Proprietor. 

2.Following investigations undertaken by Councillor Andrew Bowell documents have bene obtained from the Land Registry which confirm that Deepings Angling Club have the fishing rights along the bank between High Locks Bridge Street and Welland House Church Street but no document has been obtained to confirm ownership of the land. The next step will be considered at a future Council meeting – it was agreed that this would be considered further on a future agenda.    

22.111 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 

1. Committee Structure working party held via zoom at 1.00pm on Thursday 2 December 2021- noted.  

2. Staffing sub-committee meeting held via zoom at 2.30pm on Thursday 2 December 2021 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes explaining that the committee recommended that the Parish Council put the opening paragraph of the bullying and harassment statement from the recently received Civility and Respect newsletter on the Facebook page and Web page. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would use her judgement to put something appropriate on the pages. It was also noted that the Clerk would contact the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils about civility and respect training. Councillor Gilbert stated the remaining two recommendations from this committee would be deferred as more work was required on the employment contracts prior to any changes being agreed.    

3. Meeting about the playing field lease with the Education Re-organisation Officer from Children’s Services at Lincolnshire County Council meeting held via zoom at 2pm on Thursday 16 December 2021 – Councillor Gilbert confirmed that the meeting at taken place. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and the Clerk also joined the meeting. Councillor Gilbert stated that the meeting had ended with him requesting that Lincolnshire County Council consider either buying the L shaped piece of land on the playing field from the Parish Council or giving / purchasing another piece elsewhere for the Parish Council as this may make the lease issues more manageable.     
22.112 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Gilbert said that he had two hampers to go to someone in need over Christmas so if the Parish Councillors were aware of anybody they should contact him. Over 2000 had been distributed in the region. 

Councillor Stevens reminded Councillors Dilks Hall and Rose about the outstanding articles for the newsletter. 

Councillor also reminded everyone that the ‘Carols in the park’ event would take place from 7pm on Friday 17 December 2021 at the Thackers Way end of Jubilee Park and any help to set up from 4pm would be appreciated.

Councillor Stevens also mentioned that she had distributed 400 art packs donated by the charitable organisation, Art Pop-Up, to needy children in the Deepings.  

The meeting finished at 9.10pm