January 2021 Minutes EOM

The minutes of the extraordinary meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Tuesday 12 January 2021 at 7.30 pm using the virtual meeting code and password below:


Meeting ID: 922 4909 9676
Passcode: 924375

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls (joined 7.45pm), Hardy, Hosking, Lilley, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District), and the Assistant Clerk.

The Parish Clerk took the minutes.  

110.21 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Watts.

Councillor Halls had advised that she would be late joining the meeting.

Councillor Gilbert announced the resignation of Councillor Kornfeld which had been received on 7 January 2021.

111.21 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Stevens declared that she was a member of the Deepings Community Library Committee and a Trustee of the Deepings Youth Group.

Councillor Thomas declared that she was a member of the Deepings Community Library committee.

112.21 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 17 December 2020.

 After the following amendments had been noted the meetings were agreed:

The words in the open forum “would this not lead to devolution” to be changed to “he was concerned that this may be a precursor to future discussions on devolution”.

Within the open forum the removal of the name of the person who the Statue was of.

113.21 To consider and agree the budget and the precept requirement for the financial year 2021/22.

Councillor Gilbert referred everyone to the papers that had been shared. He confirmed that the Clerk, Councillor Bowell, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe and himself had met virtually on the afternoon of Tuesday 5 January 2021 and had considered the budget and precept requirement in detail which had led to a fair and balanced decision being reached. It was proposed that a precept of £156,919.17 should be requested for 2021/22. This was a reduction on the current years charge for a Band D property of £3.15 or 4.70%. Seconded and RESOLVED.

114.21 To consider and agree giving delegated powers to the staffing sub- committee to produce a job specification and advert for the position of a part time Maintenance Worker and to interview and recruit to fill the position.

Councillor Gilbert confirmed that one of the Maintenance Workers taken ill health retirement and their had ended on 30 December 2020.

It was proposed that the staffing sub-committee whose members were Councillor Gilbert, Councillor Halls, Councillor Hosking and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe should progress with the recruitment process without referral to full council being required. Seconded and RESOLVED. The staffing sub-committee would meet virtually at 2pm on Monday 18 January 2021.

Councillor Halls joined the meeting. Councillor Bowell agreed to update her on what had been discussed.

The meeting closed at 7.55pm