29 July 2021 Agenda

Dear Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Little, Olson, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and Thomas (District).  

You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council which will be held at the Open-Door Church, 5 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NJ on Thursday 29 July 2021 at 7.30 pm

There will be an open forum, including a three-minute report from the Police and any County/District Councillors present, lasting a maximum of thirty minutes to permit residents to address the Parish Council before the meeting is formally opened, which will be at the closing of the open forum or at 8.00pm, whichever is the sooner.
The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda below.  
Julie Fortnum
Parish Clerk


22.35 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
22.36 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

22.37 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 24 June 2021. 

22.38 To receive the Clerk’s report.  

22.39 To consider the use of the Parish Councils land at the playing fields on Spalding Road / Linchfield Road, its use for the proposed Leisure Centre and the required leasing arrangements.  

22.40 To agree when the Parish Council will fly a flag at Jubilee Park and also agree a flag flying policy.   

22.41 To consider taking over responsibility for Jubilee Park, the open space between Crowson Way and Thackers Way.  

22.42 To consider the quotations received for surveying the Parish Council’s tree stock. 

22.43 Financial matters:
1. To approve the payments for July 2021. 
2. To note the income received in July 2021.
3.  To consider the grant application received from the Deepings Lions Club CIO.

22.44 Planning matters:
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting held on Thursday 22 July 2021. 
22.45 To consider the following correspondence received.
1. A resident expressing concern at the noise from the Boundary Club due to more seating being installed in the car park outside, plus the green hedging being removed and replaced with 6-foot fence panels and the installation of an outside light that seems to be like a search light. The noise level has increased both during the day and at weekends, in what is a residential area, since the seating area has been installed. This is in contravention to the title deeds relating to the Boundary Club property. Councillor Stevens did share this with the Planning Enforcement team at South Kesteven District Council 
2. A resident requesting permission to use their personal metal detector in the open space behind the play area off Hereward Way offering assurances that finds are few and far between and not usually deeper than 5 inches and divets would be replaced leaving the area in the same condition as it was found.
3. A representative of the Deeping Bowls Club expressing concern at the ongoing parking issues along the length of Spalding Road especially when there are sporting events being held on the playing field which make entering but more importantly exciting the bowling club parking area very difficult and dangerous. 
4. South Kesteven District Council’s Chairman and Member Services Officer has asked how the chains of office would be dealt with during the mourning period of a significant member of the Royal Family. 
5. Letter from Assistant Chief Constable of Lincolnshire Police Chris Davison explaining how they are working towards enhancing their provision of neighbourhood policing and message from local Police Community Support Officer. 
6. An email from Lincolnshire County Council suggesting 4 options to amend or replace the lease for the land on the Spalding Road playing field to facilitate developing better leisure facilities within Deeping St James. 
7. Following the meeting on 22 June 2021 receipt of the draft briefing note for residents with information about how flood risk is managed, survey responses, actions people can take and future activity from the Environment Agency.  

22.46 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 
1.  To receive an update from the Deepings Neighbourhood Plan group representative after a meeting was held with the Director of Growth and Culture at South Kesteven District Council on 6 July 2021. 
2. To receive an update about the River Welland Footbridge Project.
3.  Footpath walks on 6, 13 and 21 July 2021.  
4. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Staffing sub-committee meeting held on Thursday 8 July 2021.
5. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the Cemetery Committee meeting held on Thursday 15 July 2021  
6. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from Youth and Community Committee meeting held on Thursday 15 July 2021    
7. To receive the minutes of the committee structure working party which met on Monday 19 July 2021 

22.47 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

22.48 To note the date of the next Council meeting and other diary dates for the coming month – 
Council meeting - 7.00pm Thursday 26 August 2021.
Planning and transport – 7.00pm Thursday 19 August 2021.