PTC November 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD E-mail:

Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


Minutes of the virtual Planning & Transport Committee held on Thursday 19 November 2020 at 7.00pm via Zoom.

Present: Councillors Gilbert, Shinkins-Hoppe, Hardy, Lilley, Robinson, Hosking, Stevens, Thomas, Bowell and District Councillor Dilks.

A resident of the Parish.

Julie Fortnum – Parish Clerk, Louise Brown – Assistant Clerk.


59.21 To receive apologies of absence.

None were received.


60.21 To receive declarations of interest, if any.

None were received


61.21 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 October 2020.

The minutes were agreed as a true representation and will be signed and returned.


62.21 To receive reports from the clerk.

It was noted that Caroline Herron – Priory Church Warden has applied for a Grant for railings to surround the tree at the Priory Church Car Park, from both Deeping St James United Charities and also Deeping St James Parish Council. It was Recommended to be brought to Full Council.


63.21 To discuss the purchasing and planting of the Hawthorn Hedge at Broadgate Lane/Windmill Close.

Deeping St James Parish Council have recently received trees from The Woodland Trust and it was discussed and decided that a selection of these trees would be offered to the resident for him to plant. The balance of the remaining trees were to be made available to fill in gaps in the hedges at the allotments.


64.21 To propose Council’s response to the SKDC Local Plan.

Documentation was circulated before the meeting regarding the notes made by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe about the SKDC Local Plan. The deadline for the SKDC Local Plan is on Monday and Councillors have been reminded that any comments need to be received by tomorrow (Friday 20 November 2020), so that the response can be sent.

An advisor to the Neighbourhood Planning Team suggested that the Parish Council does not necessarily have to accept the proposed number of houses and developments planned for the Deepings. It was proposed that towns such as Stamford and Grantham have much better infrastructures.


65.21 Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Minerals & Waste Local Plan.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe has had a look through the document and it would appear that Lincolnshire County Council have responded on a number of issues, particularly on matters such as materials needed for house building - the supply of these and the where they are to come from. It would appear that there is a real shortfall of crushed stone for example needed for the planned construction. LCC have objected to a couple of the proposals and have questioned others. As a result of the response by LCC, it was agreed that Deeping St James Parish Council would not comment.


66.21 To discuss Planning Application S20/1723 – Land off Stephens Way.

This application refers to the building of six retirement bungalows which will have access off Stephen’s Way. Members of the Planning Committee were advised that the application was very thorough and met many of the policies outlined in the Local Plan and the NPPF. After a vote, which was not unanimous it was agreed to refer this matter to Full Council as concerns existed about the increased traffic flow into Stephen’s Way and the proposed development encroaching on Back Lane.


67.21 To discuss Planning Applications S20/1862 & S20/1863 – Osier Farm.

This development proposes the demolition of the existing farm yard and buildings to provide five new houses and the conversion of two existing barns, to provide a total of seven homes. The grade II listed farmhouse would be retained. An extensive Ecological Survey had been undertaken, the outcome of which would protect bats, owls and other species, together with a substantial planting programme. It was agreed to Recommend approval at the forthcoming Full Council meeting.


68.21 To discuss the appeal for S20/0592 – 69 Horsegate.

The Parish Council and SKDC have previously rejected this application. A further application has now been submitted, using the previous plans. It was suggested that this application does not meet the planning requirements of Policy SP3 of the SKDC Local Plan. It was therefore agreed to Recommend refusal at Full Council.


69.21 To receive and consider the following planning applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:


83 Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 8HH

Extend the drop kerbing.

DSJPC – No objections.


Land East of No.s 39-51 Stephens Way Deeping St James PE6 8EJ

Erection of 6 (No.), single storey affordable dwellings and construction of replacement access serving Tall Trees.

DSJPC – Refer to Full Council


Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 8RB

Full Planning Permission

Demolition of existing modern farm buildings, alterations and extension to traditional farm buildings to form two dwellings and erection of five dwellings and associated garages.

DSJPC – Refer to Full Council


Osier Farm 141B Eastgate Deeping St James PE6 8RB

Listed Building Consent

Demolition of existing modern farm buildings, alterations and extension to traditional farm buildings to form two dwellings and erection of five dwellings and associated garages.

DSJPC – Refer to Full Council


69 Horsegate Deeping St James PE6 8EW


Proposal for 2 number 4-bedroom dwellings.

DSJPC – Refer to Full Council


70.21 To report the outcome of previous planning applications:


23 Allen Close Deeping St James PE6 8EZ

Erection of rear extension.

Permitted Development


5 Fraser Close Deeping St James PE6 8QL

Erection of single storey front extension.

DSJ – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


The Deepings School Park Road Deeping St James PE6 8NF

Erection of a dining/multi-use canopy.

DSJ – No objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Broadgate House 72 Church Street Deeping St James

Submission of details required by Condition 8 (boundary treatments) of S18/2176 for demolition of existing offices and warehouse, erection of six dwellings and change of use of site to residential.

SKDC - Approved


Land off Linchfield Road Deeping St James

Approval of details reserved by Conditions 2 (Cycle Path) and 3 (Materials) of S19/0443 (erection of 76 dwellings – phase 1).

SKDC - Approved


Barron’s Farm Barron’s Farm Road Stowgate

Submission of details reserved by Condition 3 (and levels) of planning number S17/1797 (Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of a replacement two storey dwelling).

SKDC - Approved


117 Swift Close Deeping St James PE6 8QS

Two storey rear extension.

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Land between

101-103 Horsegate Deeping St James PE6 8EW

Erection of single storey dwelling between 101 and 103 Horsegate, with all matters reserved.

DSJPC – Objected

This site is located on a very busy junction, where there is a staggered crossroads leading to a very large school. This application will create more traffic and it creates back land development.

The building plot is very small, which also leaves 103 Horsegate with a small garden, which has been reduced by over 50% as a result.

SKDC – Permission refused.


71.21 To agree the date of the next meeting.

It was decided that we would consider the next Planning & Transport Meeting would be combined within the Full Council meeting on the 17th December 2020, however, a specific meeting may be called if there is a need.