PTC June 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD E-mail:

Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


Minutes of the Planning & Transport virtual committee meeting held on Thursday 18 June 2020.

Present: Councillors Gilbert, Hardy, Shinkins-Hoppe and Hosking

Julie Fortnum, Parish Clerk & Kathy Bowles, Assistant Clerk


1.21 To elect a Chair person

With the absence of a Chairperson, due to Councillor Blessett’s recent resignation from the Parish Council, Councillor Gilbert started the meeting. Councillor Hosking nominated Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe as Chairperson for this committee. This was seconded by Councillor Hardy and agreed by all.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe thanked everyone for their support and took over as Chairperson of the meeting.


2.21 To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor Thomas


3.21 To receive declarations of interest, if any.

Declaration of interest received from Councillor Gilbert ref Planning Application



4.21 To agree the Minutes of the previous meeting held on 12 December 2019

The minutes were agreed. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe will return a signed copy to the office


5.21 To receive reports from the clerk, on Matters Arising not covered elsewhere on the agenda and a report on Planning Matters affecting Deeping St James from any District Council Members present

Notification received on 27 February 2020, that SKDC has authorised the making of a permanent Tree Preservation Order in respect of T1 Oak – Land at Priory Church Hall, Church Street, DSJ - Noted

Notification received that South Kesteven District Council adopted the South Kesteven Local Plan under the provisions of section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 as amended by section 112 of the Localism Act 2011) on 30th January 2020 - Noted


6.21 To discuss the recommendations made by report from Chartered  Arboriculturist (Treework Environmental Practice) on TPO Oak tree in Priory Church  Hall car park, under planning application S20/0834

The committee feel it very important that the recommendations made in this report are delivered and that the Parish Council should be involved with offering help, should it be needed, with the preservation of the Oak Tree.

It was agreed that a proposal be made to Full Council that DSJPC form a working party with representatives from The Priory Hall Trust to move forward The Arboriculturist’s recommendations.



(a) To discuss the land ownership relating to the Leisure Centre

(b) To discuss proposals for the new Leisure Centre

The committee agreed that there are still too many unanswered questions and are still to have sight of a plan as to where the new Leisure Centre building will be erected.

Answers to questions are still needed –

Where is the proposed location?

What are the parking arrangements?

Where will the access be?

What will happen to the Rugby & Bowling Clubs?

It was agreed that a recommendation to Full Council be made to arrange another meeting between Councillor Gilbert, Parish Clerk and representatives from SKDC.


8.21 To receive and consider the following planning applications and put forward recommendations to the next Council Meeting or make decisions in accordance with the Committee’s delegated powers:


Mr Ford The Old Forge, 6 Bridge Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HA

Ash (red) previously reduced tree to reduce by approx 3m in height and 2m in width proportionately.

Comment submitted by DSJPC on 11/6/20 - No Objections


Mr Glassey Priory Church, Church Street, DSJ

T1 - Reduce crown by up to 1m in spread and height and occasionally up to 2.5m where branch attachments are weak

Comments submitted by DSJPC on 12/6/20 - No Objections


9.21 To inform the committee of further objections to Planning application S20/0632

17 Eastgate, DSJ.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe had previously prepared this document and distributed to all.

SKDC are still to consider this planning application and these objections will be put forward during the meeting (date to be confirmed).


10.21 To determine ownership of self-set hedge along Windmill Close / Broadgate Lane area

Cllr Gilbert informed the committee that the original Hawthorn hedge, now very old and diseased, was being smothered by ivy and elder. There is also an Ash tree being choked by the elder and ivy.

The Clerk advised the committee that Cllr Stevens, in her capacity as District Councillor, had been communicating with the resident whose boundary is this hedge and the ownership details could be obtained from her. One option to removing it all would be to ‘lay’ the hedge – Cllr Hardy agreed to visit and see if this was a possibility. Nothing should now be done until the autumn to preserve the nesting birds and wildlife.


11.21 To report the outcome of previous planning applications:


Toll Bar Cottage, Tollbar Farm, Spalding Road, DSJ

Extension to approved house type to provide for garage and first floor accommodation above garage and utility room

DSJPC- Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Woodward 23 Meadow Road, DSJ

First floor side extension

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Goodliffe 26 Blackthorn Close, DSJ

Erection of single storey front extension

DSJPC – No objections

SKDC – permission has been refused –

The proposed extension would result in an unduly prominent addition which would present itself as an incongruous and dominant feature within the street scene, by virtue of its cramped relationship to the adjacent highway and discordant roof pitch. The proposal would have an adverse impact on the established character of the area contrary to Policy EN1 of the South Kesteven District Council Core Strategy and section 12 of the National Planning Policy Framework.


Mr Guy Whichcote, Station Road, DSJ

Erection of single storey side extension to include an en-suite bedroom

DSJPC – Approved under delegated powers

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Keatley 4 Park Estate, DSJ

Two storey side extension over existing ground floor accommodation and rear single storey extension

DSJPC – DSJPC object to this planning application with the following comments- The proposed alterations to this semi-detached dwelling will have a detrimental effect on the street scene and spoil the harmony of this distinctively built estate

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mrs Griffiths 21 Broadgate Lane, DSJ

Submission of details reserved by condition 6 (archaeology) of S19/0256

DSJPC – Noted

SKDC – Details are acceptable


Mr Khela 98A Bridge Street, DSJ

Submission of details pursuant to conditions 3 (car park), 5 (surface water drainage) and 6 (materials) of S18/0518

DSJPC –Approved under delegated powers

SKDC - Details are acceptable


Julie Fortnum Deeping St James Cemetery, Church Street, DSJ

Raise lower limb on 1 no. Redwood tree by 4-6m and pull back outer growth by 0.5-1m

DSJPC- Noted

SKDC – Work allowed 28 January 2020


Mr Bamforth Tollbar Farm, Spalding Road, DSJ

Conversion and restoration / repairs of existing barns to form dwelling house

DSJPC - Approved with no comments

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mrs Russell 17 Eastgate, DSJ

Erection of two storey rear extension and dormer extension

DSJPC - No objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Michelsons Broadgate House, 72 Church Street, DSJ

Non-material amendments to S18/2176 (demolition of existing offices and warehouse, erection of six dwellings and change of use of site to residential) amendments include alterations to the driveway

DSJPC - No objections

SKDC – Grants approval


Mr Rowlett 2 Groom Close, DSJ

Reduce ash tree by 40% all round as is encroaching the property and the future health of the tree

DSJPC – No Objections

SKDC – Work Allowed 31/3/20


DSJPC Deeping St James Cemetery Off Church Street Behind Church Hall Deeping St James

Remove 2 outer limbs on 1 black thorne

DSJPC – Noted

SKDC – Work allowed 3 April ‘20


Mr Darwin 81 Eastgate, DSJ

Demolition of existing storage outhouse and its replacement with a habitable room

DSJPC – No Objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr & Mrs Robinson Tall Trees, Back Lane, DSJ

Alterations to form annex to side of existing dwelling

DSJPC - For many years there has been a prohibition on the construction of residential dwellings on Back Lane. The only reason this property was granted planning permission early 2000, was that it was designated as an equestrian centre. This did not in fact happen - There were horses in evidence but for private use only

There have already been extensions to the original building.

This proposed annexe, described as a granny annexe faces due north and will be highly visible from many parts of back lane.

In the absence of any justification for this addition to an already obtrusive dwelling in this setting, DSJPC would recommend refusal

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Goodliffe 26 Blackthorn Close, DSJ

Erection single storey front extension

DSJPC - No Objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


Mr Gibb 3 Church Street, DSJ

T1 Pine- (12-13m tall) Fell due to it overhanging 2 Eastgate, approx 0.5m from the fence (Belongs to 2 Eastgate). Fence has collapsed. Potential risk to listed building in 2 Eastgate's garden if the tree should fall. causes excessive shading and is of low amenity value. Cut down to ground level. Not to be replaced. Nearby Rowan tree was planted 3 years prior. T2 Eucalyptus- (12-13m tall) Fell due to an excessive lean due to a very large willow tree on the river bank. it has a low amenity value and would probably fall in high winds. If it is too close to the flood bank which could be damaged if the trees blew down. Would cut back to ground level. would not replace due to an oak tree above the flood bank. that was planted 5 years ago

DSJPC - No Objections

SKDC – Work Allowed 18/5/20


A Arlow 20A Village Streets, Frognall

Alterations & extension to existing dwelling

DSJPC - No Objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


D Williams 39 Park Road, DSJ

Demolition of existing garage & erection of new garage

DSJPC – No objections

SKDC – Grants Planning Permission


12.21 Date of the next meeting Thursday 23 July 2020 at 7.00pm

Meeting closed at 8:09pm