CC June 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD


Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes of the meeting of the Cemetery Committee held in the Cemetery on Tuesday 9 June 2020 at 10.00am.

Present: Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas

The Parish Clerk took the minutes.


1.21 To elect a Chairperson.

It was proposed seconded and Resolved that Councillor Thomas should remain as Chairperson.


2.21 To accept apologies of absence.

None received.


3.21 To agree the minutes of the last meeting held on Thursday 12 March 2020.

Agreed and signed.


4.21 To receive the Clerks report.

- Enquiry from 43 Hereward Way about the Conifers/Leylandi on boundary of Cemetery and their back garden

- Enquiry from 7 Burghley Close about the newly planted saplings at the rear of their back garden

- Update on work on Wellingtonia and work clearing of stockpiled debris

- Update on work on tree in Wass grave

- Several enquiries as to why pots have been removed from graves in new Cemetery

- Enquiry about hedge on boundary of play area (designated Cemetery land) currently maintained by SKDC which many residents have resorted to cutting themselves but a couple of occupants not able to do this

- The owners of two burial plots kindly relinquished their designated plots for alternatives in order to allow a family member to be buried near their relative.

- A number of positive comments had been received from visitors remarking on the improvements in the ground maintenance since the parish council had employed a member of staff to maintain the grounds rather than outsourcing the work to an external contractor.


5.21 To receive an update on the number of burials, cremations and reservations since the last meeting.

The Clerk advised that there had been one burial, two burial reservations and one interment of cremated remains since the last meeting.


6.21 To receive an update on land available for future burials and interments and consider extending the Cemetery grounds.

The Parish Clerk advised that whilst it would appear that there are a large number of plots available within the Cemetery many of them were reserved and only 15 unreserved burial plots were available. To avoid the need to extend too far into the land currently being used as a play area it was agreed to recommend to full council that future reservations should be restricted to the spouses of the deceased. It was also agreed to recommend to full council that work should commence in Autumn/Winter 2020 to extend the Cemetery grounds with the costs involved being covered from the earmark Cemetery reserves and the work being carried out by the parish council’s maintenance staff. Alongside this the Parish Clerk was asked to investigate alternative burial options to be considered at the next Cemetery committee meeting.


7.21 To consider the tree stock within the Cemetery and agree a long-term maintenance plan.

The Parish Clerk advised that they had been contacted by some residents whose properties shared a boundary with the Cemetery expressing concern that some of the trees/hedges had not had any attention for some time and in view of this seeking reassurance that the newly planted trees would be maintained. The Parish Clerk had already given reassurances that as staff had now been employed to maintain the area this would be remedied but it was acknowledged that an external contractor would be required to bring the growth to a manageable level prior to in-house staff maintaining it. The Parish Clerk was asked to obtain quotes for work to reduce the height of the conifers on the Hereward Way boundary and clear self-set and deadwood from the Burghley Close boundary. It was noted that as the Cemetery was within the conservation area planning permission would be required to complete the work.


8.21 To review the Cemetery Regulations and agree how to encourage visitors to adhere to them.

It was acknowledged that this was a sensitive and emotive issue however in the interests of safety and risk it was agreed that the new Cemetery should be maintained as a lawn Cemetery as stated in the regulations. To assist the new member of staff in doing this it was agreed to place notices on the railings reminding visitors of the regulations and explaining the changes that would take place over the next few months. The visitors would should also be encouraged to speak to the maintenance staff or contact the office if they had concerns.


9.21 To agree the date of the next meeting – 8pm Thursday 17 September 2020