May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //  Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
Minutes of the Deeping St James Parish Council meeting held at the Open-Door Church, 5 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NJ on Thursday 26 May 2022 at 7.30pm. 
Present: Parish Councillors Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Little, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) the Assistant Clerk and the Treasurer of Deepings Bowls Club. 
The minutes were taken by the Assistant Clerk – Louise Brown.  
Open Forum  
Councillor Gilbert highlighted safety exits. 
The Treasurer of Deepings Bowls Club attended to support the application for a grant to provide a defibrillator, cabinet and accessories which is to be attached to the front wall of the Open-Door Baptist Church and available to all.  Discussed in 23.13.5. The Treasurer then left the meeting at 7:40pm. 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe thanked Councillor Gilbert for his three years as Chair, during the difficult and challenging times of COVID. 
23.1 To elect a Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of office. 
It was proposed, seconded, unanimously agreed and RESOLVED that Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe be elected as Chair. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe signed the declaration of office and stated that she is happy to be referred to as Chair. 
23.2 To elect a Vice Chairperson and to obtain their signed declaration of acceptance of office.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED that Councillor Gilbert would be elected as Vice Chairman.  Councillor Gilbert signed the declaration of office and asked for it to be noted that he wishes to be referred to as Vice Chairman. 
23.3 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting. 
Apologies were received from Cllr Bowell, Cllr Dilks, Cllr Denman, Cllr Thomas and Cllr Olson. 
23.4 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. 
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe declared a personal interest with reference to the payments  
section 23.13.1  
Cllr Hall declared a personal interest with reference to agenda point 23.13.5 as a  
member of Deepings Bowls Club. 
Cllr Stevens declared a personal/pecuniary interest with reference to payments  
section 23.13.1. 
23.5 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 28 April 2022.  
The Minutes were amended in the Clerk’s report, to read ‘A report that the lock on the drop-down bollard leading to SKDC land between 116 and 118 Manor Way, was missing and someone was parking their car there has been shared with SKDC’.  The Minutes were then agreed and signed. 
23.6 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes. 
The Clerk contacted SKDC about the Best Kept Village competition and has been advised that there are only two categories small and medium Village. Deeping St James are the only large village (electorate over 5000) so there is no large village category nor is there a Town category as there are only three of those. 
Applications have been made for a pitch for the Gazebo at both the Platinum Party in the Park on 5 June and the Raft Race on 7 August.  
The domain application has been approved and new emails can now be set up. Also new laptops have been purchased. Councillor Little and the IT Support Technician are spending time in the office on Tuesday 7th June 2022 to progress these projects.  
The VAT issue highlighted whilst the Clerk was completing the accounting year end for 2021/22 has now been resolved with help from the Scribe Accounting support team. 
Permission has been granted by SKDC to use Jubilee Park for the Beacon lighting and they have also confirmed that a temporary entertainment licence will not be needed. The event has also been logged on the Lincolnshire Police Website so that the control centre is aware of it if any calls about fire and crowds are received.  
On 31 May 2022 the Clerk will be meeting with an Exclusive Right of Burial Holder, to complete an application to the Secretary of State as they wish to exhume a family member’s ashes from their current location in the Cemetery and re-inter them at an alternative location due to the continual mess on the memorial tablet. 
After several thefts at the allotment site one of the tenants has secured some footage on their wildlife camera of an unknown individual on their site. This footage has been shared with the Police and the allotment tenant also shared it on a social media site leading the unknown individual to make contact with the parish council office and the allotment tenant. Contact details have been forwarded to the police for them to action. This matter has taken up a lot of the Assistant Clerk’s time with tenants advising of what has been stolen, a number of people having differing opinions on how the matter should have been handled, some tenants giving up plots and some not wanting anymore to do with the Allotments Association.     
A meter has now been connected to the electricity supply installed in the cabinet at Jubilee Park and is now ready for use at future events and will allow the Parish Council to investigate the installation of CCTV on the park. 
The birds mouth fencing around the open space on Churchfield Close which is broken and rotten has been reported to SKDC. 
The containers around the Parish have been replanted by the Friends of Jubilee Park and the areas around them have been spruced up and are being water and maintained by the parish council’s maintenance staff.  
The Environment Agency have been in the parish visiting some residents along the riverside on Eastgate. One of these residents contacted the office as concerns had been raised about the fence around their garden causing an obstruction – they were advised to check their deeds. At the same time, they asked if the path to low locks could be cut back a task completed by the parish council’s maintenance team although the parish council do not own the area.  
The Silver Birch (approx. 8 ft) on Jubilee Park donated by SKDC to replace the tree that they cut down on Wade Park Avenue has gone missing! RESOLVED The Parish Clerk is to report this to the Police, if it hasn’t been already. 
The playing field fence in the back-left hand corner has been damaged at the skate park. A temporary fix has been completed it will require a full repair.   
23.7 To agree to follow and work within the Local Government Association Code of Conduct which was adopted on 27 May 2021   
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe suggested that all Councillors should read the collective statement as it sums up what the Councillors should take note of and includes Nolan Principles.  The Local Government Association Code of Conduct is continuing to be adopted. 
23.8 To appoint new committees and advisory committees (Allotments Committee, Cemetery Committee, Finance Policy and Personnel Committee, Recreation Areas and Open Spaces Committee, Planning and Transport Committee, Personnel sub-committee and Emergency plan sub-committee).  
There has been a change in committee structures and days, from Thursdays to Tuesdays.  This is a historic moment as meetings have always been had on a Thursday since the 1800’s. 
As there are a number of Councillors not in attendance; it was decided that people should stay on their current committee’s and confirm their interests at the relevant committee meetings going forward.  Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe encouraged Councillors to take advantage of training for each chosen committee to develop a better understanding of the committee’s needs. 
It was also stated that the Emergency Plan Sub-Committee needs to occur at least once per year 
23.9 To appoint members on outside advisory bodies and note membership on other outside bodies. 
Amendments were made to the Outside Bodies List: 
Deeping St James United Charities - Cllrs Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens. 
Deepings Youth Group – Cllr Stevens and Olson. 
St James Deeping Signal Box Group – Cllr Dilks, Hall and Stevens. 
Welland Footbridge Project – Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe and Denman. 
Deepings Neighbourhood Planning – Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens. 
The Wildlife Trust and Deepings Lakes - Cllr Hall. 
The Langdyke Trust Clare Country Project – Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe and Denman. 
The Welland River Trust Lowland Steering Group – Cllr Bowell. 
23.10 To accept the meeting schedule for the year May 2022 to April 2023.  
It was agreed to accept the schedule. 
23.11 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor. 
Councillor Dilks provided a report before the meeting: 
County Council  
Highways 'walk-about' 
Thanks to Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe for involvement in the Highways 'walk-round' - apologies to Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe that I didn't forward the names of the assistants who accompanied the Highways Manager. 
As Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe’s report highlights, one area we looked at was outside Prentice's recycling centre where Highways contractors have visited repeatedly to fill in one or two potholes at a time, only returning a couple of weeks later to carry out further repairs. 
Whilst on the 'walk-round' the Highways Manager agreed to request a more permanent solution – i.e., a more substantial repair in the form of relaying two strips of tarmac on either side of the road. He said we could expect the work to take up to six months before it was tackled, but fortunately a few days later a team of contractors arrived and spent two days doing the more substantial repair.  
Also, regarding the complaint raised at last month's parish council about the state of repair on Hereward Way, the Highways team looked at this as promised and although they felt the work was acceptable, the contractor agreed to return and make improvements. 
BP Garage/A15. 
Further safety concerns have been raised with me regarding the layout of highways in relation to the BP filling station being built at the junction of the Deepings by-pass and the A15 which have been exacerbated by the recent installation of a raised kerb on the exit to the roundabout going north onto the A15. The kerb juts out into the road and has already been damaged by vehicles and I understand a bus also bumped across the kerb unsettling passengers! 
I have discussed this with the Highways Manager and sent photos to those at LCC responsible for these matters showing vehicles exiting the roundabout taking action to avoid the kerb and finding themselves unlawfully crossing over the solid white lines down the centre of the A15. 
At last Friday's County Council meeting, I raised the issue directly with the Executive Member for Highways and requested that he visit urgently and assess the entire layout plan with a view to ensuring that it is safe for all road users - which he has agreed to do. 
Councillor Thomas sent a report: 
A couple of things to report a resident in Hereward Way is have trouble from young people in the park near the cemetery. Foul language and smoking substances, please could the PCSO or someone in authority take a look. 
Council advise that the resident contact the PCSO directly, to offer first-hand information. 
Cllr Thomas advised that Cllr Dilks had be asked by a resident about a tree at the back of Exeter Close.  Cllr Thomas is now in contact with them and the powers that be. 
Hopefully with a satisfactory outcome. 
Cllr Stevens  
Leisure Centre tenders are out for work to be completed worth £10.7 million.  The service level agreement is not yet signed off and is not in the SKDC domain. All parties have now instructed solicitors. 
The Literary Festival and Story Festival both were very successful with fantastic attendance.  The Literary Festival had Clerks from all over the area coming to meet Monitoring Officer Jackie Weaver, alongside other authors.  The Literary Festival will not run next year. 
Story Fest had at least 250 people attend and was considered a high-quality workshop based over two days.  The workshops were provided for free and some people came back on both days.  It was reported to have been a useful experience for some children that have difficulties in regular circumstances.  Story Fest costs £5,000 to deliver and Cllr Stevens is interested in trying to get funding to offer this next year.   
Grantham is trying to go through the process to become a Town Council, allowing them to separate from District Council and become an important first tier of government.   
Linden/Bovis Homes are now in the process of constructing Phase 2 development.  Some residents have moved in, so Burchnall Close has opened.  The developers are trying to stop construction traffic from using Burchnall Close access and continuing to use the Linchfield Road access instead.  Councillor Stevens will try and obtain a copy of the Construction Management Plan. 
23.13 Financial matters:  
1. To approve the payments for May 2022.  
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to make payments valuing £12,878.78. 
2. To note the income received in May 2022. 
3. To consider the Internal Auditors report for the financial year 2021/22.  
Cllr Gilbert stated that whilst he was Chairman, he signed for extra hours for the Clerk and Assistant Clerk.  The Clerk is understood to be able to sign for the Maintenance Men.  It was agreed and RESOLVED to refer the Internal Audit queries to the next F&GP Meeting. 
4. To agree to at least two more Councillors becoming bank signatories to authorise transactions on the Unity Trust account. 
It was RESOLVED that Cllr Halls and Cllr Little have agreed to become signatories. 
5. To consider the joint grant application received from the Deepings Bowling Association, the Deepings Mens Group, the Deepings Rugby Union Football Club and the Open-Door Baptist Church. 
Cllr Stevens proposed that we pay the request of £225 towards the defibrillator, this was seconded and RESOLVED. 
Cllr Hall did not vote. 
6. To consider the budget proposal from Market Deeping Community Primary Out of School club to provide a play-scheme for one week (mornings only) during week commencing 8 to 12 August 2022.   
It was proposed, seconded and RESOLVED to pay the £2,500 requested from the Council for the Summer Playscheme, leaving £1,000 in the budget. 
23.14 Planning matters: 
1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 19 May 2022.  
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe drew attention to a meeting held with the Highways Manager and Highways representatives and their plan to create a pinch point in the road outside the new development.  The plan is to widen the path out into the road which will create a single carriageway whilst the road goes around the bend, with right of way coming from the Cross to the Bridge and signage being in place from Hereward Way, advising of traffic calming.  This would also aid pedestrians on the pavement outside of The Waterton Public House.  Problems can be foreseen; however, the plans are expected to slow the traffic allowing safer access, exit and travel for residents in this vicinity and ideas are difficult to come by to help this area.  It was RESOLVED that the Parish Council should write to Highways stating that we are in favour and look forward to seeing their designs. 
2. To consider the following planning applications – 
S22/0931 -Proposed single storey garden room at 75 Lady Margaret’s Avenue Deeping St James PE6 8TQ Planning search - S22/0931 ( 
RESOLVED to approve. 
S22/0908 – Fell conifer tree at High Locks House 1 Bridge Street Deeping St James PE6 8HA Planning search - S22/0908 ( 
RESOLVED to approve. 
23.15 To consider the annual insurance renewal from 1 June 2022 and agree to any amendments that are required. 
Three documents had been shared regarding the Insurance with some queries that need further investigation.  Discussion ensued relating to The Cross, its insured status, needs and considerations especially with the amount of development that is occurring in the area.  If the Cross was knocked down and rebuilt, it would still be considered a historic monument.  There is a possibility that a professional assessment would be required.  It was RESOLVED to both refer this Grade 2 asset to the Insurance Company for help and advice and also to refer this to F&GP to check that we have cover for legal costs.   
Discussion was also had relating to Parish Council Regalia (Chairman’s chain and small medals).  Check to see if they are on the asset register.  RESOLVED to refer to F&GP. 
23.16 To receive an update about, and agree attendance at the following events -  
Jubilee Beacon Lighting – 8pm to 11pm 2 June 2022 
Maintenance man due to meet with Ian Prentice to fill the Beacon.  Ian Prentice to light the Beacon.   
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe to collect Gazebo and tables.   
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe, Halls and Les Green to meet, to get the Gazebo and stands set up.  Another local resident is on stand-by, should he be needed. 
Police and Fire have been notified about the event. 
Pennyless have been booked for 9-945pm. 
Another local resident is to provide a stage, lighting and appropriate music from 8pm and arrange announcements and hoping for a rendition of God Save Our Gracious Queen. 
It was decided not to purchase the Platinum Jubilee Tart as it is considered too expensive to make at £25 per tart, totalling £175 for 7.  It was decided to purchase chocolates with a purple colour instead and increase the number of cakes bought. 
Cakes, chocolates, biscuits, squash, tea and coffee are to be provided.  Nut allergy disclaimer to be signposted. 
Lamp post signs and bunting have been purchased and are ready to be put up. 
Councillors available to attend: Cllr Gilbert, Halls, Little, Rose, Hall, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe. 
Platinum Party in the Park – 12noon to 5.00pm Sunday 5 June 2022 
Stall booked for this event.  Gazebo to be brought back by Cllr Halls and taken to John Eve on Sunday by Cllr Halls.   
Councillors available from 10am Cllr Halls, Rose, Stevens, Hall, Hosking, Robinson.  Councillor available in the afternoon Cllr Gilbert, Stevens.  Morning setting up only. 
A questionnaire has been produced to take and consult the residents.  Amended to ask if they are a Deeping St James resident, also to ask what sort of event the residents would like to see. 
Some colouring/dot-to-dots have been printed in readiness for children on the day.  Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe to provide colouring pens. 
Rose and Sweetpea Show – 1pm to 4.30pm Saturday 25 June 2022  
Raft Race – Times TBC Sunday 7 August 2022  
Dog Show – Time and date to be advised? Still unsure if going ahead. 
Duck Race – Sunday 4 September 2022?  
23.17 To consider the following correspondence.  
1. Request from an exclusive right of burial grant holder requesting that the Parish Council buy back a grave plot in section D of the Parish Councils Cemetery.  
It was agreed and RESOLVED to buy back the grave plot at the price that the plot was bought at. 
2. Invitation to attend the Lincolnshire community and voluntary Service annual general meeting at 3pm on Friday 10 June 2022 in person at Boston Borough Council Offices or via Zoom link provided). 
3. Email from the Chair of the Allotments Association demanding that the Parish Council takes action regarding the thefts taking place at the allotments. 
Complaints were received from the Allotments Association demanding to know what the Parish Council are going to do. The Parish Clerk sent polite and succinct response to the Chair of the Allotments Association, stating it is our duty to provide allotments, it is not our duty to report thefts or force Police to take action.   
Councillors were reminded that the Parish Council follow the Tenancy Agreement. 
Cllr Halls attended the Allotments Association meeting on Monday evening to clarify points and answer questions.  Cllr Halls also advised the Chair of the Allotments Association that he needs to ask for things from the Parish Council, not demand. 
An email is also to be sent to tenants reminding them to close and lock the gate to the allotments if nobody is left at the site.  The gate is now allowed to be left open if there is somebody present, so that emergency services can access if needed. 
23.18 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:  
1. Walkaround the Parish with the Area Highways Manager on Wednesday 4 May 2022.  
2. Annual Parish Meeting and presentation of the making a difference awards 2022 held on Monday 9 May 2022 at the Open-Door Church.  
Cllr Gilbert reported that it was a successful meeting, lots of good feedback from various sources. 
Councillors would like copies of photos from the evening and also to be used for the stalls. 
3. Opening of the Sensory Garden at the Deepings Community Centre on Saturday 14 May 2022.  
Attended by Cllr Stevens, who said it was a fantastic achievement, it is an asset to the community.  It was worked on by the Lions, The Rotary, The Round Table, Sense, the Community Centre, the Youth Group, Emily Bowers and other individuals.  Emily Bowers prepared the mural and the Youth Group helped.  It is an enhanced area at the side of the Community Centre which has taken months to achieve.  Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire, Lions and Sense residents were there.  It can be booked through the Community Centre, but open to everybody.  Some of Storyfest held there. 
4. Meeting with representatives from Deepings Neighbourhood plan group and the Head of Culture and Growth and the Assistant Director of Planning at South Kesteven District Council on 17 May 2022. 
Noted and shared. 
5.Deepings Lions Charter 42nd Anniversary Dinner at Tallington Lakes held on Saturday 21 May 2022.  
Attended by Cllr Gilbert who represented Deeping St James Parish Council, alongside the Mayor of Market Deeping and other organisations.  It was a black-tie event.  There were 70/80 people there.  Was a great event. 
6. Allotments Committee Chair to attend the Allotments Association Meeting held at The Waterton Arms on Monday 23rd May 2022.  
Discussed earlier. 
7. Meeting with representatives from Deepings Neighbourhood plan group and representatives from New River Retail and Aldi on Tuesday 24 May 2022. 
Lidl’s application was refused; however, they can appeal if they choose, sequentially there is a space in the centre of town which is deemed a better place to be based and Aldi is applying for that. It has been agreed by both shops that there is not enough demand for both shops, so The Deepings will only get one.   
Aldi plans are to be submitted next month, and should take 18 months to come to fruition. 
8. Chairs workshop via Zoom on Tuesday 24 May 2022. Training provided by Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils.  
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe attended and found that Deeping St James is in a good situation.  
23.19 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas. 
Rose and Sweet Pea Show – Stall has been booked and there is time to make arrangements. 
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe referred to the planting at Priory Farm Corner and would like to bring this to the Recreation Committee as the Maintenance Team are concerned. 
Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe would like to review the Standing Orders at the next F&GP meeting. 
Cllr Gilbert has been asked to be keep an eye on the planning applications whilst Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe is absent. 
Dates for the diary for the coming month –  
8.00pm to 10.30pm Thursday 2 June 2022 – Queens Platinum Jubilee Beacon Lighting at Jubilee Park off Thackers Way PE6 8EY 
Friday 3 June 2022 – Queens Platinum Jubilee Motorcade  
12 noon to 5pm Sunday 5 June 2022 – Queens Platinum Party in the Park John Eve Field John Eve Way Market Deeping PE6 8LJ 
7pm Tuesday 7 June 2022 – Finance, policy and personnel committee meeting at the Institute Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD 
6pm Tuesday 14 June 2022 – The Langtoft, Deepings and surrounding Villages Royal British Legion Branch Falklands War Commemoration wreath laying at Riverside Park High Street Market Deeping PE6 8EB 
7pm Tuesday 14 June 2022 – Planning and Transport committee meeting at the Institute Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD  
7.45pm Tuesday 14 June 2022 – Allotments committee meeting at the Institute Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD  
7.30pm Tuesday 21 June 2022 – Council meeting at the Open-Door Church Spalding Road Deeping St James PE6 8NJ   
1pm Saturday 25 June 2022 – Rose and Sweetpea Show and Garden Fete in the Priory Hall and Vicarage gardens Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD  
Meeting closed 9:40pm.