February 2022 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@dsjpc.co.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes of the next meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held at the Open-Door Church, 5 Spalding Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8NJ on Thursday 24 February 2022 at 7.30pm.

Present: Parish Councillors Bowell, Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Olson, Robinson, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens (District).

The Parish Clerk took the minutes. 

Open Forum. 

No members of the public were present. 

The Chairman Councillor Gilbert took the opportunity to remind all the Councillors present of the seven principles of Public Life (also referred to as the Nolan principles) which are - selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership. 

22.125 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Little and Thomas. 
22.126 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests.

Councillor Gilbert declared an interest in agenda item 22.130.1

22.127 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 27 January 2022. 

Agreed and signed as a true copy. 

22.128 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.

After contacting the Environment Agency in December 2021 and requesting an update in early February 2022 they have confirmed that a work order is with the operations team to remove the Willow Tree branch hanging in the river opposite the Hereward Way junction onto Church Street. 

After contacting the Environment Agency requesting feedback on Hives Bank investigations that took place over 4 days in November 2021 the Clerk has been informed that most of the bank is in pretty good condition with homeowners doing their bit to maintain the bank, including filling holes which may be due to vermin damage, but there are 2/3 properties where there is concern. The EA are legally not sure where they stand and unsure whether to pursue the issues and what action can be taken.   

A branch fell from a tree on the open space at rear of Linchfield C P Primary School on 6 February 2022. The Parish Council’s maintenance team cleared the debris so that the pathway remained accessible but the ongoing responsibility for the tree has not been established as neither SKDC or LCC accepts ownership. 

The Open-Door Church has been booked for the evening of Monday 9 May 2022 to hold the Annual Parish Meeting and Making a Difference Awards Presentations. 

The painting of the Packhorse Bridge purchased for £50 from a resident of Norwich who had owned it for some years and wished to return it to the area it belonged has been received and is now being cleaned. 

The contracts for grass cutting at Woody Heights, the Riverbank and the highways verges have been agreed with EnvironmentSK and the cuts will commence in April 2022. 

Following the street collection at the Carols in the Park on 17 December 2021 the licence return has been completed and sent to South Kesteven District Council confirming that donations of £100 each were made to the Friends of Jubilee Park Kids in Deeping project and the Salvation Army.  

The preparatory works to install electricity on Jubilee Park have been completed and the installation itself will be completed by the end of February 2022. A metered supply is being arranged with a provider.  

The Union flag was flown, incorrectly and in breach of the dates and protocol agreed by the Parish Council, on Sunday 6 February 2022 for the Queen’s Ascension Day. The list of agreed dates and the protocol has again been circulated to all Councillors as a reminder of what the Parish Council has agreed.  

Councillor Bowell has completed further investigations into the process of registering ownership of the Riverbank at the Land Registry and the Clerk has contacted a local Solicitor to make an appointment to obtain advice.  

Both the Clerk and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe have been communicating with Wicksteed about the installation of the heightened rebound railings around the multi-use games area at Woody Heights. The Area Sales Manager has stated that the tree on the school fence boundary needs to be removed including roots prior to installation. 

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked Councillors Dilks and Stevens if there was any update regarding the use of the barn on Back Lane and the recent damage by HGV to the road surface and public right of way finger post. They confirmed that they had spoken to the Landowner and Lincolnshire County Council Highways but were awaiting an update. Councillor Stevens agreed to contact South Kesteven District Council planning department about change of use regarding the barn.  

22.129 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.

Lincolnshire County Council 

Councillor Dilks stated that the budget meeting had taken place on Friday 18 February but unfortunately, he had been unable to attend Councillor Baxter had presented the alternative budget he had provided. The County had recently consulted on a 3% increase (all to be used on adult social care). After the consultation had closed the County had encouraged everyone to support the fairer funding from the government campaign to cover Highways costs and as this had not led to more funding for the County had agreed to another further 1.99% increase. Councillor Dilks had argued that this was not right and the increase was not necessary as the County has healthy reserves (16.2 million in earmarked projects and 44 million in a financial volatility fund which was originally created pre-2010). Along with using some of the reserves for highways repairs he also suggested that some was used for mental health services and climate change issues. Councillor Dilks also stated that there was a forecasted underspend of 7.4 million for 2021/22. He did acknowledge that from an annual budget of 500 million a forecasted underspend of 7.4 million was good but still felt it was immoral to be raising the Council tax again when this had not been spent. His proposals were not accepted. 

South Kesteven District Council 

Councillor Dilks advised that the Deepings Leisure Centre consultation had cost £9,975 and advised that a Deepings resident had developed an alternative consultation. Councillor Dilks encouraged everyone to complete both of them if they had not already done so. He advised that 50 people had joined the webinar (run by the Company who were doing the consultation) which had taken place on Monday 21 February 2022 (and which had been open for everyone to attend). He stated that the opposition had asked for the consultation to make sure that the people of the Deepings had a voice but the expert in attendance at the webinar suggested that if an alternative to the proposals being offered was asked for it may make the project unviable. 

Councillor Stevens advised that the consultation deadline is the end of February 2022 then the results will be amalgamated and presented at the overview and scrutiny committee scheduled to take place on 5 April 2022. The public seemed concerned about the loss of the toddler/learning pool and she advised that heating two bodies of water was more expensive than heating one and also that the Deepings was less than 20 minutes away from two other leisure centres (Bourne and Stamford) both of which had fun pools. The had also been lots of public alarm about the rising floor and availability for public swimming and she reassured that times would be scheduled so that all age groups and swimming abilities were catered for plus more time for the general public to use the facility.

Councillor Stevens said that she had been contacted by a resident of Brewton Drive raising concerns about a footpath/cycleway being used by vehicles as it had not got bollards at either end of it. Councillor Stevens had contacted the SKDC Enforcement Officer who had confirmed that the addition of bollards and markings was not a condition of the planning permission so the developers were not required to install them. It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Lincolnshire County Council highways to see if they would put bollards in and markings down when the roads footpaths and cycleways are adopted by them.

Councillors Stevens confirmed that the fly-tipping had been cleared from Cross Road and a Farmer had put a trailer across the entrance to stop future instances occurring however the last time this happened Lincolnshire County Council threatened enforcement action as it is a public road. 

Councillor Stevens advised that the Deepings Literary Festival brochure had been published and circulated and tickets were selling well. The Waitress at Vine House Farm who bursts into song will be attending some sessions and Art Pop-up will be running a series of events at the Library and the Community Centre.    

22.130 Financial matters:

1. To approve the payments for February 2022 – it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to pay accounts valuing £21,137.68. 

2. To note the income received in February 2022 – noted.

22.131 Planning matters:

1. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting held on Tuesday 17 February 2022 – Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of the meeting from which there was an update to minutes 86.22 and one recommendation from minute 87.22 

Members of the Deepings Neighbourhood Planning team met with a representative from Lincolnshire County Council footpaths and cycleways. It is intended that a consultation will be held about the local cycling and walking plan.  LCC will arrange and pay for the consultation so no local monies are needed for this.  From the consultation it is hoped to identify two or possibly more key priority road routes for cyclists through the Deepings.   
What will these link to?  The links are to be part of the consultation – the aim is to link destinations such as the health centre and Tesco, the Deepings School and housing.  The routes are aimed at areas within the two communities so they are unlikely to include any rural routes. LCC are pressing on with the consultation and it is intended to hold a stakeholder meeting on 17th March 2022 which will include the Deepings School.  On 4th April 2022 it is intended to hold a public consultation – possibly on line.  More information to follow on this. 

S22/0128 – Erection of a single storey extension along with internal remodelling works 21 Locks Close Deeping St James. The planning committee recommended that Deeping St James Parish Council object to this application on the grounds of the impact on the street scene. Policy DE1 of the Local Plan – Promoting Good Quality Design section (b) states “Ensure there is no adverse impact on the amenity of neighbouring users in terms of noise, light pollution, loss of privacy and loss of light”. The committee feels that the neighbouring properties will be adversely affected. The committee also recommends quoting chapter 3 of the SKDC Design Guide which has a checklist for smaller household developments. It is felt that this application does not meet the following requirement – “has the design considered nearby buildings in terms of their height, position, massing, materials and architectural type”. The loss of a well-established hedge also needs to be considered. RESOLVED.
2. To consider the following planning application 

- S22/0243 Removal of T3 and T4 Ash Trees and T2 Ash Tree to be reduced by 1.5m at Deepings Baptist Church Bridge Street Deeping St James PE6 8HA 

It was noted that there was Ash dieback present and that if two trees were to be lost a request to replace them with two that would not be compromised by the disease should be made. However, as the application was not complete and therefore not valid, as there was no 211 document and no ecological report further information should be requested from the Planning Case Officer.  

22.132 To consider how the Parish Council can support the stride and ride initiative encouraging individuals to use public transport services.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this item following a meeting she had attended recently where the Director of Delaines Buses had outlined an initiative he has introduced into the Lincolnshire County Council Travel Plan. He has identified that for those villages along the A15, his buses do not leave the main road to travel through Manthorpe, Thurlby, Baston and Langtoft.  As a result, some residents have quite a journey to a bus stop from either side of the A15.  He is therefore installing bike racks near bus stops along the A15 at some of the stops, enabling passengers to cycle to the bus stop, leave their bike in a secure location and catch the bus.  

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe thinks this provides a great opportunity for Deeping St James Parish Council to follow this initiative (as buses no longer serve certain areas of the parish) and relocate at least one of our redundant bus shelters for this. This idea had also been mentioned during a conversation with Councillor Dilks. 

An approach could be made to those responsible for the land near the bus stops on Spalding Road and Horsegate to ask if the Parish Council could re-site one of our redundant bus shelters in this location. This would allow residents from other parts of the village - without access to a bus service – to cycle to the shelter and leave their bike, before travelling to Peterborough or Spalding.  For a resident of Eastgate for instance, it would certainly reduce the amount of time needed to walk to a bus stop.  

Obviously, costs would be incurred by the Parish Council for relocating the bus shelter and adding the cycle rack to the shelter. These costs could be considered to be helping reduce the number of cars on the road and encouraging more use of public transport - both of which might help from a “green” perspective.

It was agreed that further investigation should be undertaken into the feasibility permissions, locations, liability and costings involved.  

22.133 To consider the amended committee structure proposals.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced this item stating that the committee structure working party (which included the Clerk, Councillors Bowell, Halls and Little) had met several times during 2021 and recommended the committee structure should be changed to one of two options –

A - reduced to 3 committees Finance, policies and personnel, Planning and highways and Assets and Amenities (with 3 sub committees (Allotments, Cemetery and Youth))

B - maintain 5 committees but rename them to make their responsibilities more obvious and reduce duplication. Also strengthen their delegated powers to avoid the number of committee recommendations being referred to full council where they are often discussed again = more duplication. The renamed committees would be – Allotments, Cemetery, Finance, policies and personnel, Open spaces and recreation areas and Planning and highways. 

The Parish Council favoured option B and requested that the working party meet again, refine the proposed changes and bring the proposal back to full council.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe then introduced a second recommendation – that the meeting day of the full council be changed from the last Thursday evening of the month to the 3 Tuesday evening of the month and that all committee meetings should be changed from Thursday evening to Tuesday evenings too. This was seconded and RESOLVED with the proviso that a year planner showing all the meetings should be shared with the Councillors and on the Webpage and Facebook page from May each year and that the public should be informed of the meeting night changes via the Webpage, Facebook page and local press. 
22.134 To consider the following correspondence received.

1. Deepings Raft Race Committee requesting ideas and asking if the Parish council wish to be involved as in previous years – It was agreed that the Parish Council would like to have a gazebo at the event and be involved in the starting of the event if invited to do so. 

2. Invitation to join Keep Britain Tidy’s Great British Spring Clean taking place between 25 March 2022 and 10 April 2022 – it as decided that the Parish Council would not organise a formal event this year but publicise the event, encourage individuals and groups to get involved and pledge support on the Keep Britain Tidy webpage and offer bin bags and litter pickers for use. 

22.135 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 

1. Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens met on Sunday 6 February 2022 to initiate the organisation of the Annual Parish Meeting and Making a Difference Awards presentations – The Open-Door Church of the Deepings had been booked for the evening of Monday 9 May 2022. Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe had approached a local Caterer who was able to provide a finger buffet for up to 50 people for £215 and Councillor Stevens has approached local acting celebrity Cassidy Little to present the making a difference awards and a poster will be circulated encouraging everyone to make their nominations and attend the annual parish meeting. 

2. Staffing sub-committee meeting held on Monday 7 February 2022 attended by Councillors Gilbert, Halls and Shinkins-Hoppe and a meeting with the Clerk took place on Tuesday 22 February 2022 to progress the review of the staff contracts and handbook – noted.   

3. British Red Cross First Aid Training held on Tuesday 15 February 2022 at the Institute attended by the Parish Clerk – noted. 

4. Deepings Leisure Centre consultation webinar held virtually at 6pm on Monday 21 February 2022 – noted. 
22.136 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Stevens requested that the Clerk forwards the contact details for the British Red Cross first aid training. 

Councillor Stevens also advised that she had been back in touch with the Care Quality Commission regarding the Deepings Practice telephone system and she was awaiting a response.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe reminded the Parish Council that staff appraisals needed to take place.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe also asked Councillors Stevens and Dilks to investigate the differences (front door, numbering, cooking and white goods) between the social housing and private owned properties on the new estate off Linchfield Road as what she had discovered, speaking to residents, did not support the needs of the occupants or promote inclusivity.  

Councillor Bowell reminded the members that the Parish Council had previously agreed to raise the Commonwealth Flag and that the Chairman would read the Commonwealth Affirmation. Who would be raising the flag and reading the Affirmation on Monday 14 March? Councillor Gilbert advised that this would be arranged by the office staff.   

Meeting finished at 9pm