November 2022 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: // Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council
Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum
The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held in the meeting room at The Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD on Tuesday 22 November at 7.30pm.
Present: Parish Councillors Denman, Dilks (County and District), Fowler, Gilbert, Halls, Hosking, Olson, Robinson, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District) and Thomas (District).
The Parish Clerk took the minutes.  
Open Forum 
Amrit Mistry representing the Rotary Club of the Deepings thanked the Parish Council for their generous donation of £500 to provide free transport from the Deepings to Kingsgate Community Church Parnwell Peterborough for the Grimethorpe Colliery Brass Band concert. In previous years this event has been held at the Deepings Leisure Centre and the average attendance has been around 500, however only just over 100 tickets have been sold to date for this year’s event so he is asking for help in promoting the event. The event has been advertised extensively in publications via social media and by leaflet drops around the Deepings, Spalding Stamford Peterborough and surrounding villages and the Parish Council agreed to promote it via their social media page and webpage.
23.105 To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillors Bowell, Little and Rose. 
It was noted the Councillor Hall was not present.
1. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests. 
Councillor Dilks – agenda item 23.110.5
Councillor Robinson -agenda item 23.110.7
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe – agenda item 23.110.1
Councillor Stevens – agenda item 23.110.1
2. To check that each Member’s register of pecuniary interests in the Register maintained under the Localism Act 2011 remain accurate -
All those Councillor present agreed that their register of pecuniary interest was correct. 
23.107 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Tuesday 18 October 2022. 
Agreed and signed.
23.108 To receive the Clerks report and receive an update on matters arising from previous minutes.
A response was issued to Anglian Water Services Limited consultation about a proposed reservoir in Lincolnshire  advising that whilst the Parish Council recognises the need for this new resource and acknowledges all the work being undertaken to bring this project which will bring wildlife, recreation, business and tourism benefits to Lincolnshire to fruition because of the distance of the proposed site from Deeping St James the Parish Council feel that they are too far away to make any material comment.    
The Parish Council’s suggestions for priorities for the next quarter were returned to the Safter Together Coordinator working from the Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office as follows 
- Having received a number of reports of anti-social behaviour at the three play and recreation areas in Deeping St James including vandalism, graffiti, fighting and rude abusive behaviour Deeping St James Parish council would like to request that patrolling Hereward Way play area, Jubilee Park off Thackers Way and Woody Heights recreation area on Linchfield Road becomes a priority. Woody Heights doe have CCTV and the Parish Council are working towards installing it at Jubilee Park.
- Deeping St James Parish Council owned two reactive speed indicator devices which are rotated around 7 different locations at 6 weekly intervals. Two of the locations are Spalding Road and Horsegate and the reports do show that a large number of vehicles travel in excess of the 30mph speed limit and some more significant speeding occurs too. Along with this, reports of vehicles travelling at dangerous speeds along Thackers Way and Linchfield Road have also been reported by residents. Deeping St James Parish Council would appreciate this issue becoming a priority in during the next quarter.
A specification for the renewal of the Cemetery paths has been issued to 4 contractors 2 of whom have met the Clerk and will provide a quotation. 
The Platinum Jubilee bench was delivered and installed on Wednesday 9 November 2022 and has been well received by members of the public 
The wooden gate at Woody Heights recreation area (opposite no. 43 Linchfield Road) was damaged at around 11.30pm on Saturday 29 October 2022. CCTV footage picked up images but due to darkness and distance from camera were not clear. The incident was reported to the Police along with damage to the school fencing and a fire in a waste bin. The case has been recorded undetected although PCSO Everitt has stills from the CCTV which she was going to share with the Deepings School during her weekly visits. 
Two trees that were planted without permission on land maintained by Deeping St James Parish Council will be relocated to a more appropriate location. 
There has been on burial and two interments of cremated remains since the last council meeting. 
The Internal Auditor has commenced the audit for the financial year 2022/23 and provided a  request for a list of information. They have also looked at the Parish Council website and have requested that certain documents are either updated or added.   
23.109 To receive reports from the District Councillors and County Councillor.
District Councillor Thomas provided no report.
Councillor Stevens advised that 2 areas of fly-tipping within the Parish had been reported and removed and that the Police had doubled their efforts to deal with hare-coursing as incidents of this taking place in the area have increased. 
Councillor Gilbert advised that he was aware of some fly-tipping on Deeping low bank / high bank which he would report to both South Kesteven and South Holland District Councils as he was unsure which side of the district boundary the area was within. 
Councillor Robinson advised that there had even been some fly-tipping outside the Methodist Church on Church Street Deeping St James. Personal details were found within this fly-tipping the details of which had been shared with South Kesteven District Council.  
District and County Councillor Dilks stated that he had attended an SKDC meeting the previous week about dissolving EnvironmentSK Ltd, considering bringing the service back in-house after they had been out to the market to see if anyone was interested in taking on the role. At the mee the Leader of the District Council had requested that it did not come back in-house and that it goes back out the to market. He continued stating that he had also attended the SKDC finance, economic development and corporate services overview and scrutiny committee at which one of the issues discussed was investing in sustainable high quality leisure services in the district. The report referred to in the meeting used a traffic light system to show results and it was predominantly green up to the end of September 2022. He will be attending the SKDC Environment overview and scrutiny committee tomorrow where the Council will be looking at climate change omissions which have increased during 2022 after lockdown – leisure centre omissions had reduced overall by 25% although the Deepings Leisure Centre being closed had impacted this. Councillor Dilks finally reported that he would be attending the SKDC  Council meeting on 24 November where the decision to not refurbish the Deepings Leisure Centre. Councillor Dilks will be voting against this and putting forward an amendment for a stay of execution to investigate options. The initial suggestion had been to repair the building at a cost of £2.5million rather than a refurbishment at a cost of 10.5 million. He now wants to know what finance is available and what could be done with that money. Lincolnshire County Council do not want the leisure centre closed but are not offering to refurbish it – they are likely to knock it down as cost of a third of a million. 
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to deal with agenda item 23.110.5 prior to agenda item 23.110.1 
23.110 Financial matters:
5. To agree the annual donation to the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2022 – it was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to donate £250. Councillor Dilks abstained from the vote. 
1. To approve the payments for November 2022 – it was proposed and seconded and RESOLVED to pay accounts to the value of £27,332.18. Councillors Shinkins-Hoppe and Stevens abstained from the vote.
2. To note the income for November 2022 – Income to the value of £8025.98 was noted.
3. To receive the minutes and any recommendations from the finance, policy personnel committee meeting held on Tuesday 115 November 2022 – Councillor Halls introduced the minutes of this committee from which there was one recommendation from agenda item 23.41 – to include a budget heading in 2023/24 for a chairman’s allowance of £100 which was RESOLVED. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe abstained from the vote. 
4. To receive a costing and agree paying for a container and lights  for the  Christmas tree donated by Swine’s Meadow Garden Nursery to be placed outside the entrance to the Priory Church along public right of way number 8 for the community to enjoy – the Clerk advised that she had not received an exact costing for this other than being told it would not be more than £100. Councillor Stevens proposed, seconded by Councillor Halls that £100 was made available for this to happen. This was RESOLVED 6 votes to 5, Councillors Fowler, Gilbert, Hosking, Olson and Thomas voted against. 
6.  Request from the Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire for funding – It was noted that the Citizens Advice South Lincolnshire offered fortnightly sessions every Thursday at the Institute Church Street Deeping St James funded by Deeping St James United Charities. It was acknowledged that the demand on the service was increasing due to the current cost of living crisis. Councillor Stevens proposed, seconded by Councillor Thomas that a grant of £1000 was donated. RESOLVED unanimously.    
7. To consider the grant application received from Deeping Men in Sheds – Councillor Robinson this initiative which is located in the stables at Swines Meadow Garden Nursery on Towngate East Market Deeping. The stable has a steel roof which is hot in the Summer and cold in the Winter so a grant is being requested to cover the quoted cost of £912.77 to insulate the roof. Councillor Dilks supported this application, commenting that he had already provided some funding from his District Council ward members grant, as there was a post pandemic mental health crisis this initiative helped those attending. After Councillor Gilbert suggested that the cost of the materials could be reduced Councillor Dilks proposed a grant up to the value of £912.77 was given, seconded by Councillor Denman. RESOLVED with three abstentions (Councillors Fowler, Robinson and Stevens).    
8. To accept the statement of Accounts for the years ended 31 March 2022 in respect of the Hall Meadow Estate Charity (Charity Number 247375) for which Deeping St James Parish Council is the Trustee – The Clerk explained that the Parish Council acted as the trustee body for the Hall Meadow Estate Charity which owned 65% of the land on Hall Meadow Road used for allotments the other 35% being the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council. The accounts were agreed and signed by the Chair and Clerk of the Parish Council so that the Charity Commission annual return could be completed. 
23.111 Planning and transport matters:
1. To consider the minutes and any recommendations from the planning and transport meeting held on Tuesday 15 November 2022
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting from which there was one recommendation from agenda item 56.23 – to agree to that the Parish Council purchases and installs a no motor vehicles beyond this point advisory sign to  at the end of Bell Lane Deeping St James. RESOLVED   
2. To consider the following planning applications 
Mr D Walding 
First storey rear extension at 37 Bridge Street Deeping St James PE6 8HA
Planning search - S22/2142 (
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that if this had been dealt with by the planning committee it would have been approved under delegated powers along with the additional application S22/2223 for an external fire escape ladder as a means of escape which required planning permission as it was visual. 
Both applications were approved with no comments.
Mr N Coupland 
Erection of two storey extension and first storey extension over ground floor garage 
2 Churchgate Deeping St James PE6 8NP 
Planning search - S22/2130 (
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe as Chair of the planning committee stated that his application was overdevelopment of the site, the single storey extension on the garage would be proud of the building line and the site was near a listed building in the conservation area. It does not meet SKDC local plan DE1, does not meet 5E of the design guide, 9 of the Deepings Neighbourhood plan or 12 and 16 of the National planning policy framework. 
Councillor Dilks advised that he would be calling in the application in for a committee decision rather than an Officer decision and that he had been contacted by a neighbour who may have an objection on the grounds that they are entitled to amenity view. 
Councillor Denman proposed that the Parish Council object to this application based on their interpretation of how the application does not meet certain planning policy. 
Councillor Stevens stated that an objection to a plan may be helpful as it may lead to a better outcome. 
Seconded and RESOLVED to object to the planning application.  
Mr A Winkless 
Erection of 4 new detached dwellings at 5 Station Road Deeping St James PE6 8RG
Planning search - S22/1768 (
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that this was a re-submitted application for a development outside of the settlement curtilage developing into open countryside in contravention of South Kesteven Local Plan SP4 a,b,c and Deepings Neighbourhood Plan DP 202. The site is also close to two areas of special scientific interest yet no ecology report had been provided. Whilst there was a flood risk assessment as the site spanned flood zone 1 and 3 there was no stated author so there was no accountability for the conclusions. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to object to this planning application . 
23.112 To consider the following correspondence. 
1. Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office - an invitation to complete the Crime and Policing Survey 2022. Each Parish Councillor was encouraged to complete this individually. The Chair asked the Clerk to check the priorities that were mentioned in the quarterly policing report received from the Neighbourhood Policing Inspector as it stated Jubilee Drive Deeping St James was a priority area however Jubilee Drive was is in Market Deeping Jubilee Park is in Deeping St James. At the same time the Clerk was asked if the area policing team could be renamed to reflect the Deepings and surrounding villages. 
2. Lincolnshire County Council Highways – Changes to the parish agreement on highway verge grass cutting. The Clerk explained that the Parish agreement would no longer be renewed annually but will continue on a rolling basis. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to accept this change and sign the agreement for the financial year 2023/24 onwards. 
3. The Institute of Cemetery and Crematoria Management – Inviting Deeping St James Parish Council as a Burial Authority to apply to be assessed and agree to comply with the Charter for the Bereaved (annual cost of £295 involved). This agenda item was delegated to the Cemetery Committee to consider.    
4. Charity Commission News – Shared as the Parish Council is the Trustee of Hall Meadow Estate Charity. Noted. 
5. South Kesteven District Council – Advising that they have set up a Cost-of-Living Strategic Working Group and Warm Spaces working group and are asking Parish Councils to give the appeal for warm and welcoming venues support and full consideration and keep in close contact with SKDC on this and any other related community initiatives. The Clerk confirmed that they had contacted Deeping St James United Charities, the Priory Church, the Open-Door Church, the Baptist Church and the Methodist Church although only DSJ United Charities had responded. Many Councillors were aware of organisations groups and individuals who were doing things but not this had not been coordinated yet. 
6. Priory Church Deeping St James – An invitation to participate in the Christmas Tree Festival being held between 28 November 2022 and 6 January 2023 open to schools, charities, clubs, church organisations, businesses and individuals. It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that the Parish Council would participate.  
7. Peterborough City Council – After contacting the Group Manager for environment and transport and the Portfolio holder for transport at Peterborough City Council a reply advising of what signage is in place to the south of the stone bridge over the Welland, confirmation that no further signage will be installed and the suggestion that Lincolnshire County Council could be approached about signage on the north side has been received from the Network and Traffic Manager. The Clerk also advised that Peterborough City Council had offered to liaise with their counterpart at Lincolnshire County Council and to purchase and install the signage. It was acknowledged that this was encouraging and Councillor Dilks asked the Clerk to forward the information to him so that he could progress this when he next met with the Area Highways Manager 
8. The Deepings School - Invitation to a community event at the school from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday 14 December 2022. Those wishing to attend were asked to inform the Clerk so that they could RSVP.
9. Delaines Buses Ltd – Letter explaining why there is no bus service to Stamford on a Saturday. Noted.  
10. South Kesteven District Council – informing the Parish Council of the latest position regarding the Deepings Leisure Centre
The Clerk advised that they had registered the Chairperson to speak at the meeting however no place had been allocated because 6 questions/speakers had already registered and that was the limit. The Clerk advised that they had also contacted the Assistant Director of Culture and Leisure at South Kesteven District Council however no further information had been provided other than that already available in the public domain.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe read out the statement to the members. 
“Deeping St James Parish Council are extremely concerned following the proposed closure of the Leisure Centre.  It is not just about a community losing a very much needed facility.  This proposal has some far-reaching, knock-on effects:
1. The Parish Council owns some of the land where Astroturf is sited alongside the two Rugby pitches. The Astroturf was used extensively by football clubs, hockey clubs and the Deepings School.  The Parish Council currently has a lease with LCC to May 2054 which covers the use of the sports field for School purposes and for purposes of the Deepings Leisure Centre and of the Deepings Bowling Association and the Deepings Rugby Union Football Club (Clause 2 section 2) and for which the Parish Council receives no monetary gain.
2. Since the Astroturf was declared unfit for use, the Community has seen its sports clubs seek facilities elsewhere, with hockey and football clubs now having to travel to neighbouring towns.  As a result of the lack of investment, the land now lies in a derelict state, with the future completion of the project being under question.
3. One of the local football organisations, in collaboration with the Deepings School have made a huge contribution to the grant application being made to the Football Foundation by the District Council. Announcing that the District Council may no longer support this bid as the amount required has doubled, has meant that the application for further funding from the Football Foundation may be shelved.  The Deepings School and local sports teams had hoped that with reinstatement of the Astroturf pitches, their access to much needed facilities would be restored.
4. When the recent closure of the Leisure Centre was announced, the Deepings School found themselves without a sports hall or a space large enough for public examinations.  As a result, a temporary hall now stands in the school grounds with planning permission for 2 years only.  It has been indicated that any possible further extension to the  planning permission is purely for SKDC as the planning Authority to consider.  Whilst this may be factually correct, the District Council surely should have a moral obligation to take some responsibility for the ripple effect the possible closure of all these facilities will have.
5. The Parish Council have repeatedly stated concerns about the need to improve the local infrastructure – the number of houses planned for The Deepings means that facilities to accommodate this growing number are even more important now.  With only one struggling health centre, and very limited opportunities for residents to improve both their physical and mental health, this will inevitably lead to longer NHS waiting lists.  
6. The closure of the leisure centre results in children from local Primary Schools being bussed to neighbouring towns for swimming lessons. However, this becomes more of a challenge for adults and families outside of school times due to the lack of a reasonable bus service especially at weekends.  This is not acceptable.  
7. The Community may have been able to accept the closure of the facility on the understanding that it was being repaired.  The community were able to accept the decision to actually upgrade and extend its life for a further 25 years.  The community are NOT prepared to accept a future without any Leisure Facilities in the Deepings.  
8. Over the years the Parish Council have been aware of the mis-management of the Centre, the lack of commitment by both District and County Council with regard to leases and investment.   This surely is now a time to put right all of those wrongs and reinstate the Deepings Leisure Centre and playing field facilities.”   
Councillor Dilks questioned who was making the application to the Football Foundation as he thought it was SKDC not the School/Football Club.
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED that once it was clarified who was making the application to the Football Foundation the statement should be forwarded to Democratic Services with a request for them to share it with all District Councillors prior to the meeting.        
23.113 To agree to and finalise arrangements for the Carols in Jubilee Park which will take place from 7pm on Friday 16 December 2022.
The Clerk advised that permission to use the land and hold a street collection had been obtained, that the Parish Council’s insurance would indemnify the event, the Parish Council could provide the gazebo, tables and chairs and would cover the costs of refreshments. A DJ had been booked from 6.30pm and the Salvation Army would play from 7.30pm. An advert had been placed in the local free ads, the parish council’s noticeboards and at community buildings. Lights and urns were still needed.  Councillors Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas agreed to form a working party to finalise the outstanding issues and the logistics of getting items from A to B.
23.114 To agree and finalise arrangements for the delivery and installation of the 20ft  Christmas Tree at Jubilee Park kindly donated by Swines Meadow Garden Nursery
Councillor Robinson advised that the plan was to chop the donated tree down at the Swines Meadow Garden Nursery site on Friday 2 December 2022 and that a steel tube to install in the ground and a digger and driver has been sourced. 
Councillor Gilbert was able to donate an inspection cover and some downpipe suitable to use with cabling. 
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised the members that local business owner Ian Prentice is willing to donate £100 towards the costs of the work and purchase of lights.
Councillor Denman raised several issues around insurance, risk assessments and health and safety.   
Councillor Stevens suggested that as it was the Parish Council who wished this to happen then the Parish Council needed to take ownership of the project rather than leave it to one individual Councillor. She suggested that the Companies currently digging up the verges to install improved broadband should be approached as they have sponsored events and other initiatives locally. Councillor Gilbert stated that it was unlikely that this project would come to fruition due to the short time available however the Parish Council members all agreed that we should continue to try to make it work. 
23.115 To receive and consider a report about obtaining a vehicle.
Due to time constraints, it was agreed to defer this agenda item to a future meeting.   
It was proposed seconded and RESOLVED to suspend standing orders to extend the meeting past 10pm 
23.116 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of other committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies and reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf: 
1. Management of Memorials Training from the Chief Executive of the Institute of Cemetery and Crematoria Management provided free of charge by Scribe Academy held by zoom on Friday 27 October 2022 – Noted.
2. The opening and closing of the Garden of Remembrance on Sunday 6 and 20 November 2022 – Noted.
3. Budget and forecasting training organised by Scribe accounts via Zoom and held on Wednesday 9 November 2022 – Noted. 
4. The Deeping St James Remembrance Parade held on Sunday 13 November 2022  - The Clerk was asked to thank the Deepings School for sending a representative from each year group and from the senior leadership team. Councillor Dilks advised that there had been no restriction on the number of Scouts attending the morning service at St Guthlacs Church in Market Deeping however the Beavers and their families had been unable to attend. 
Councillor Stevens made the suggestion that the Clerk should contact the Market Deeping Town Council Clerk to say the Parish Council would welcome a meeting in September 2023 to work together to make sure that everyone could be accommodated at one of the Remembrance Parades and Church Services. 
5.Employer’s roles and responsibilities webcast organised by West Yorkshire Pension Fund and held on Thursday 22 November 2022 attended by the Clerk who advised that it was very useful. 
23.117 To agree Christmas office closure dates. 
It was agreed that the Parish Council office would be closed on Thursday 22 December 2022 and re-open on Tuesday 3 January 2023. The telephone answerphone and email out of office response would direct members of the public to contact one of their Parish Councillors in the first instance. It was acknowledged that the maintenance team would still be working and that the Clerk was contactable in emergencies. 
23.118 Parish Pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.
Councillor Dilks advised the members that at a recent Police and Crime Commissioners panel meeting he had asked a question about the felling of the tree at the Police Station but he had been told to put the question to the Chief Constable from whom he was awaiting a reply.
Councillor Dilks also asked where the Parish Council were with regards to the transfer of ownership of Jubilee Park as both the Finance Manager and Asset Manager had asked him. The Clerk advised that in their opinion the Parish Council were waiting for South Kesteven District Council but she would contact the two Managers and clarify the situation. 
Councillor Robinson raised concerns about an individual who understood was sleeping in a tent in the Frognall area. Councillor Stevens advised that she had already contacted the homeless team at South Kesteven District Council. 
Councillor Fowler gave his apologies for the next council meeting on Tuesday 20 December 2022.
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised everyone that there was a box inside the Priory Church for items of clothing and toys for the Ukrainian appeal  
Meeting closed at 10:10pm.