July 2019 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD

E-mail: clerk.dsjpc@btconnect.com

Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 25 July 2019 at 7.30 pm at The Institute.

Present: Parish Councillors Blessett, Boreham, Bowell, Dilks (District), Fox, Gilbert, Green, Hall, Halls, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas (District), County Councillor Dobson. and two members of the public.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.


Open Forum

One local resident spoke brought three issues to the Parish Council’s attention:

1 As there was always a large amount of dog waste to be found on the link footpath that goes around Deeping St James Community Primary School would the Parish Council consider placing a waste bin in the vicinity.

2 The volume and speed of traffic using Manor Way calls for improved signage to warn of bends in road especially rear of Deeping St James Community Primary School and Manor Way shop units.

3 The number of youngsters on Bicycles acting in an anti-social way and congregating around shops needs attention from both the Police and maybe a detached Youth Worker. Councillor Gilbert advised that the Police had advised that they were increasing their presence in The Deepings in response to recent anti-social behaviour issues and hoped this would see an improvement in these issues. Councillor Stevens suggested an article in the next parish council newsletter and also advised that The Deepings Youth Group was going from strength to strength and trying to engage with these youngsters. Councillor Bowell reinforced the need to report all incidents to the Police via 101

The Resident left the meeting.

Another local resident brought the following matters to the Parish Council’s attention:

1 Suggested that a small fence is constructed around the Thackers Way side of Jubilee Park firstly to make it look more like a park and secondly to reduce the likelihood of illegal encampments on there.

2 Suggested that the goal posts currently situated at the Crowson Way end of Jubilee Park on unlevel ground were re-located to the flat section at Thackers Way

3 Advised that he had prepared a report of last months parish council meeting which was circulated via Facebook and some of the press which had generated many positive responses and it was their intention to stay and do the same this evening. Councillor Stevens advised that the volunteer group the Friends of Jubilee Park were investigating fencing options as their next funding project and may be approaching both Deeping St James Parish Council and South Kesteven District Council in the future.

Lincolnshire County Council

County Councillor Dobson had circulated a report prior to the meeting and raised the issue of the prospective service station on the A15 roundabout outside Market Deeping which he understood the Parish Council had been consulted about. He was advised that this was not the case - the Parish Council had been invited to a meeting about the development but not been consulted by the planning authority about the planning application. District Councillor Dilks confirmed that the planning application had been called in to be decided by the development management committee not by the individual Planning Officer. Councillor Dilks suggested that the Parish Council should write to the District Council expressing their concerns. County Councillor Dobson said he would contact the developers to try to arrange a meeting with Deeping St James Parish Council.

County Councillor Dobson noted that the Senior Highways Officer intended to speak to the Parish Clerk about the gravel which had been laid outside the skate park on Linchfield Road and requested that the potholes which still remained on Linchfield Road were discussed at the same time.

County Councillor Dobson then left the meeting.

South Kesteven District Council

District Councillor Thomas had provided a report which had been circulated prior to the meeting and referred to the number of recycling queries she had received from residents and suggested that the Parish Council events committee arrange for a representative from SKDC to attend a public meeting to explain recycling issues.

District Councillor Stevens had also circulated a report prior to the meeting from which she highlighted the success of SKDC hiring of two venues in Deeping St James for local artists to display their work as part of the Peterborough Open Arts Society event. She also advised that she intended to arrange a meeting with a representative from the District Council to investigate opportunities to improve to the play equipment on Jubilee Park.

Parish Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe expressed her disappointment that the recent District Council sports and physical activity consultation at the Deepings Community Centre had not been very well advertised and made no mention of the prospective new leisure centre.

District Councillor Dilks stated that he had today tried to obtain more information about the leisure centre but to no avail. He had also expressed concern about the impact of the recent changes in senior staff on all other employees.

The Parish Council Chairperson Councillor Gilbert voiced his appreciation of all the work the Parish District and County Councillors did on behalf of the Parish. 

Lincolnshire Police

The new Neighbourhood Policing Inspector Rachel Blackwell had provided a document as an introduction and opportunity to list future objectives which was shared with all Members.


35.20 To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received and accepted from Councillors Hardy and Kornfeld.


36.20 To receive notifications of interest and consider requests for dispensations, if any.

Councillor Gilbert advised that if a Councillor had declared an interest on their disclosable pecuniary interest form when accepting office there was no requirement to reiterate it at each meeting. However, Councillor Dilks advised that it was good practice to state that you have an interest prior to speaking on a matter.

Councillor Dilks declared an interest in agenda item 40.20 as he is a member of South Kesteven District Council’s development control committee.


37.20 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 27 June 2019.

The minutes were agreed and signed after the wording of 34.20 was amended to read draft plan at the request of Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe.


38.20 Clerks Report

AGAR was sent to PKF Littlejohn on 28 June 2019 and an acknowledgement has been received

Photos to show the problems discovered when walking PROW 12 & 13 and now also PROW 2 & 5) on the footpath Walks on 4 and 23 July have been reported to LCC Countryside access for attention

Maintenance workers have reacted to requests from parishioners to cut back overgrown areas and clear broken litter especially broken glass and have themselves reported an increase in litter especially broken glass and areas needing weed/overgrowth clearance as being higher than usual due to the good weather and college/school terms ending

The Community Payback Team recommenced their fortnightly visits on 16 July working in the Cemetery and Church Walk area. Quotes to cut back and reduce the height of Trees in Millennium Wood which are overhanging the boundary of a council owned property on Spalding Road are being sought as the property is up for re-let and prospective new tenants are raising this as an issue. Issues with the standard of grass cutting in the Cemetery have been discussed with the contractor and these have led to improvements being noticed after the last visit.

The waste disposal skip was not emptied by the contractor on Thursday 18 July leading to a large amount of waste having to be stored outside of the wheelie bin. The contractor has assured the council that it will all be collected on 25 July 2019 and no charge will be made 18 July non collection

Organising a joint remembrance events working party is proving challenging but they are ongoing.

The Internal Auditor visited on 22 July to complete the first quarterly audit and a report confirm what was checked and the findings has been provided and shared with the Chairperson of Finance and general purposes.

A large amount of work has been done by the parish council's maintenance worker this month strimming several allotments that are being vacated or have been taken back because tenancy agreements are being broken suggesting that the allotments may need inspecting by the Parish Council more frequently than they are.

Lincolnshire County Council Highways had confirmed that completed the mowing of public rights of way 773, 9 and 11 in Frognall.

The person who had donated a bench to the Cemetery had requested that the wood was treated as on their latest visit to the Cemetery they had been disappointed with its condition. Councillor Gilbert requested that the Clerk add an agenda item to the next convenient meeting of the finance and general purposes committee to agree a rolling programme of repairs and maintenance to the Parish Council’s assets.


39.20 To consider financial matters

1. To approve accounts for payment – It was proposed seconded and Resolved that payments valuing £13177.73 should be paid

2. To consider making a grant to the Wainfleet flood appeal – The Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils recent newsletter had included an article confirming that grants could be made to this appeal (https://www.totalgiving.co.uk/appeal/wainfleetfloodappeal) under s 137 of the Local Government Act 1972 and Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe recommended that the Parish Council should support them. It was proposed seconded and Resolved that a grant of £500 should be made.


40.20 To consider planning matters

1. To receive the minutes and consider recommendations from the planning committee held on Thursday 18 July

2019 – Councillor Blessett introduced the minutes advising that some work had been completed on the tree audit and the planning committee had decided to divide the parish into zones to complete the audit and investigate the use of a drone. Councillor Stevens advised that she along with District Councillors Baxter and Moran had met with the District Council Strategic Director responsible for environment to encourage the District to form a tree policy for the District.

2. To consider the following planning applications:


Mr & Mrs Clarke

Land off Back Lane, DSJ

Erection of Stables

Resolved to approve


Mrs L Griffiths

21 Broadgate Lane DSJ

Reserved matters application for four dwellings and garage pursuant to S19/0256

Resolved to enter the following objections

The proposal to build four dwellings on this small site to replace the existing single bungalow would in the opinion of DSJPC be an over development. Car parking for 4 dwellings could create problems on this cramped site and lead to unwanted on-street parking in close proximity to the bus shelter.

Additionally the two dwellings proposed to be built at the rear of the site could lead to overlooking issues with existing properties in Hereward Way and Priory Close.

The retention of the hedge to the front is welcomed but the proposed close boarded fencing on the perimeter should also be replaced by hedging.


41.20 To receive and agree the Council’s response to correspondence received since the last meeting.

Love Deepings Campaign

Thank you for the grant funding towards the costs of the visitor guides

No response required

A Resident Concerned that a Willow Tree is encroaching both the River Welland and the Highway along Bridge Street.

Much like the Environment Agency the Parish Council were not intending to take any action

Market Deeping Town Council

A message advising that the latest suggested date for a joint remembrance events working party was not suitable and advising it was likely to be September before this could take place.

As it was proving difficult to agree a date to meet the parish council acknowledged that the remembrance gardens would be opened and closed with or without the Parish Council’s input and the Remembrance parade to St Guthlac Church in Market Deeping would also take place so the Parish Council should concentrate on improving the Remembrance Parade to the Priory Church in Deeping St James


42.20 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. Rose and Sweetpea Show held on Saturday 29 June 2019 in the Priory Hall, gardens and Church – attended by Councillors Dilks, Gilbert, Hall, Kornfeld, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas and was a good well attended event.

2. The Deepings Parade and Carnival held on Sunday 30 June 2019 from Jubilee Park Deeping St James to (and held on) John Eve Field Market Deeping – attended by Councillors Dilks, Gilbert, Green, Hall, Halls, Kornfeld, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas and was a good well attended event.

3. LALC Councillors training session held on 2 July 2019 – attended by Councillors Boreham, Fox, Kornfeld and Thomas

4. LALC networking event on 4 July 2019 at South Hykeham – attended by Councillors Bowell and Halls

5. Footpath walk from Frognall held on 4 July 2019 – well attended and the Clerk advised that the access issues had been reported to LCC Countryside access

6. Strategic plan working party held on 15 July 2019 in the Parish Council office – the findings of this working party will be considered by the finance and general purposes committee

7. Staffing sub-committee held on 18 July 2019 in the meeting room at The Institute – Councillor Hosking introduced the minutes of this meeting. Agenda item 5.20 - reinforced that anybody has the legal right to share a report of a council meeting with the press and neither the council or any individual was legally able to stop them. It also reinforced the importance that a person must clarify the capacity in which they are reporting prior to commenting. Agenda item 6.20 - reinforced the importance of not contributing or voting on matters when a declaration of interest had been made.

8. First quarterly visit of the Internal Auditor held on 22 July 2019 in the Parish Council office – the findings reported will be considered at the finance and general purposes committee.

9. Footpath walk from Linchfield Road held on 23 July 2019 – good attendance on a hot night for a shortened walk. The Clerk confirmed that the unstable bridge had been reported to LCC Countryside access

10. Youth and Community committee held on 25 July 2019 in the meeting room at the Institute – Councillor Shinkins- Hoppe introduced the minutes of this meeting. 

Agenda item 5.20 - The annual independent operational play equipment inspections had advised of several low/medium risks. To avoid further deterioration and ensure the work was completed to the required standard external quotations to complete the work would be obtained.

Agenda item 6.20 – the annual playscheme was due to start on Monday 29 July 2019 every afternoon for a fortnight thanks to MaDCaPS out of School club. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe intends to visit during the sessions.

Agenda item 7.20 – One quotation had been obtained for the supply of meter cubicles but further quotes would be obtained in accordance with standing orders. A further quotation had been received to lay the required concrete base which would be accepted.

Agenda item 8.20 – The operational play equipment inspections had reinforced the need to replace the motorbike springer at Jubilee Park and a more robust alternative could be purchased for around £600 (Aeroplane) excluding installation so this was to be organised as soon as possible.


43.20 To consider who should be nominated as DSJ United Charityn Trustee (adjourned from the May and June 2019 meetings)

Two candidates (Councillors Halls and Kordfeld) were proposed to be the nominative Trustee alongside Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe. It was Resolved that Councillor Halls should be the second nominative Trustee.

Councillor Gilbert proposed that standing orders were suspended to continue after 10pm for a further 15 minutes – Resolved

A member of the public left the meeting.


44.20 To provide and use name plaques for Councillors and Clerk at the Parish Council meetings, with the Nolan principles visible on the side of the plaque facing Councillors and Clerk – Resolved


45.20 To provide Councillors and Clerks with

a) a parish council email address,

b) access to parish council documentation on a secure shared drive, and

c) a tablet-style device to use for parish council emails, access to shared drive and use at parish council meetings to access information and record information, as appropriate.

It was agreed that this item would be deferred to the next meeting and dealt with earlier in the agenda.


46.20 To prepare a list of volunteers to provide cover on a rota basis at the parish council’s gazebo at the Raft Race on 4 August and the Duck Race on 1 September 2019 – Councillor Blessett had volunteered to be in the Parish Council gazebo for the Raft Race along with some representatives of the Welland Footbridge footpath group. Councillors Green, Gilbert, Hall and Stevens would be attending although in different capacities. Councillor Green would deliver the gazebo to Councillor Blessett.

Councillors Boreham, Hall, Halls, Hosking and Stevens are available to help in the gazebo on 1 September 2019 with Councillor Green able to set it up and take it down. The Clerk would circulate an email to agree a rota


47.20 To consider whether to hold a council meeting in August 2019

It was agreed that a meeting would be held in August.


48.20 Parish pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas.

Councillor Bowell advised Councillors that representatives from the Police would be attending a public meeting at 7pm on 17 September 2019 at the Open-Door Church on Spalding road Deeping St James Councillor Thomas requested that the maintenance of the Cemetery be considered at August meeting.


Meeting finished at 10.15pm