March 2019 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD


Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


Minutes of the meeting of Deeping St James Parish Council held on Thursday 28 March 2019 at 7.30 pm at The Institute.

Present: Parish Councillors Barber, Blessett, Bowell, Dilks (District), Gilbert, Green, Hall, Halls, Hardy, Hosking, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens (District), Thomas, a representative of the Carnival Committee, a PCSO from the Neighbourhood Policing team and 12 members of the public.

Minutes taken by the Parish Clerk.

Press report written by Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe


Open Forum

The PCSO advised that recently there had been two incidences of damage to vehilces and an incident on Broadgate Lane invovling youths. The biggest issues was a number of fires had been started including of hedges and barns. The PCSO was attending the Schools and the Youth Group to see if furhter informaiton could be found and to educate on the dangers.

A representative of the Carnival Committee confirmed that there would be a Huricane flypast and a Viking re-enactment this year and requested financial support from the Parish Council to cover the cost involved in organising the event.

The Carnival Committee representative left the meeting.

Two members of the public voiced their concerns about planning application S19/0256 21 Broadgate Lane. District Councillor Dilks confirmed that this application would be caled into Development control committee for a decision. District Councillor Stevens urged all those concerned about this application to make their comments to the Planning Officer as soon as possible. Parish Councillor Blessett advised that the planning committee had discussed this application in detail last week and the recommendation to refuse it was to be considered in tonight’s meeting.

The Neighbourhood Polcing team PCSO and 4 members of the public left the meeting.

County Councillor Dobson, who was unable to attend the meeting, had provided a report that had been circulated to all the Parish Councillors prior to the meeting

District Councillor Stevens had also prepareda report that had been ciculated to all the Parish Councillors. She added that the the Deeping Literary Festival mobile Box Office would be at the Deepings Library on Saturday 13 April 2019.

Councillor Dilks informed those present that from now on it would be a requirement for all major planning applications to come to Development Control Committee for a decision rather than an Officer making the decision.He also advised that work was still ongoing on Modern Slavery issues.

126.19 To receive apologies for absence.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Parish Councillor Pelling and County Councillor Dobson


127.19 To receive notifications of interest and consider requests for dispensations, if any.

Councillor Green – agenda item 130.19.1

Councillor Stevens – agenda items 130.19.1 & 130.19.3

Councillor Dilks – agenda item 130.19.3


128.19 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on Thursday 28 February 2019.

These were agreed and signed as a true copy


129.19 Clerks Report

A noticeboard at Jubilee Park was damaged in the wind and was repaired by DSJPC’s Maintenance Man at his home

The recently replaced (due the earlier one being vandalised) springy pony which is owned by SKDC, at Hereward Way play area has been vandalised. This has been reported to them and will be either be repaired or removed.

A flyer to be placed on the windscreens of cars inconsiderately parking on Spalding Road on Saturday and Sunday mornings has been distributed and endorsed for use by all parties except LCC and SKDC

Talks are ongoing with a number of parties to seek permission to install an electricity meter in the Rugby Clubs meter housing on the Sports/School playing field for use at Woody Heights

Receipt of the section 106 monies promised from SKDC in respect of the trim trail have not yet been finalised

A complaint has been received by an individual concerned at eh number of dogs seen in the gated play area off Hereward Way. This is a designated dog free zone owned by DSJPC (and designated as future burial land) but maintained by SKDC as the play equipment within is pre-dominantly owned by them. This has been explained to the individual and the issue has been referred to SKDC for action.

The grounds maintenance contractor has completed the first cut at Woody Heights both Cemeteries and the Riverbank. One complaint has been received about the work in the Old Cemetery

One of the information boards the trim trail at Jubilee Park has been vandalised and the Maintenance man has taken it home to repair

A glass TV unit was smashed at the skate park on Tuesday evening and took a considerable amount of time to clean up.


130.19 To consider financial matters

1. To approve accounts for payment

It was proposed seconded and agreed to pay invoices totalling £9006.81 Resolved

2. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the finance and general purposes committee held on 21 March 2019

Councillor Gilbert introduced the minutes from this meeting from which there were 4 resolutions

Minute number 47.19 It is recommended that the draft strategic plan is considered further by each committee and any amendments made before it comes back to full council for resolution. Resolved

Minute number 48.19 It is recommended that further work should be undertaken on the communications policy by the Chair of Finance and general purposes and the Parish Clerk. Resolved

Minute number 49.19 It is recommended the committee structure should remain the same as it is at present but the terms of reference and delegated powers of each committee should be reviewed. These would be reviewed at the council meeting on May 2019. Resolved

Minute number 50.19.a) It was recommended that Councillor Barber and the Parish Clerk should arrange IT cover for the office. Resolved

It was agreed to consider item 51.19 under closed session at the end of the agenda

3. To consider the grant application received from the Deepings Carnival Committee (The Deepings Lions)

It was proposed seconded and agreed that a grant of £500 should be made. Resolved


131.19 To consider planning matters

1. To receive the minutes and consider any recommendations from the planning and transport committee meeting held on Thursday 21 March 2019

Councillor Blessett introduced the minutes from which there was on recommendation to object to application S19/0256.

It was Resolved that this recommendation should be submitted with the additional comments about overlooking issues on Hereward Way and Priory close and on-street parking conflicting with the Bus Stop

5 members of the public left the meeting

1 member of the public returned with a copy of a new plan that had been uploaded on to the SKDC website since the planning committee had met.

Councillor Blessett proposed that he re-visits the wording of the Parish Council’s objection to take into account the new plan which showed the building behind the building line and the entrance was no longer opposite the care home. All agreed that this was acceptable.

Councillor Blessett referred to minute number 78.19 of the minutes recommending that a speed repeater sign should be placed near Tooley Way and on Hereward Way at regular intervals and that a licence to relocate the bracket on Broadgate Late to Eastgate near Casey’s Corner should be requested from the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. Resolved

In respect of minute number 79.19 Councillor Blessett volunteered to write the leaflet that would be circulated at the Annual Parish Meeting asking members of the public if they felt that areas of DSJ would benefit from being designated a no cold calling zone and to advise the Parish Council of which areas.

2. To consider the following planning application


Mr & Mrs Kirk

Fairways, Cranmore Drove, DSJ

Erection of a detached replacement dwelling and outbuilding

No comments or objections

S19/0418 DSJPC

Land to east of Welland Bank Bridge, DSJ

Construction of footbridge located 30 metres west of the railway bridge over the River Welland

No comments or objections

It was noted that a sign erected in the vicinity of the proposed site of the bridge had brought forward the owner of the piece of land who was agreeable to the bridge location which meant funding could now be sought

S19/0212 Mr & Mrs Gander

39 Towning Close, DSJ

Erection of single storey rear extension and external alterations

No comments or objections


132.19 To receive and agree the Council’s response to correspondence received since the last meeting.

A resident Request that DSJPC

-promote Church Street Bus Shelter as information hub on their website and Facebook page

- print and make available to the public the information flyer provided

- Invite LCC representative responsible for CallConnect to a Parish Council meeting to explain the service

- Follow up Delaines request to LCC Highways for a bus stop clearway at Benedict Court stop and a pole and paving at Thackers Way

- supporting any suggested locations along Spalding Road that could benefit from the installation of bus top poles after an inspection of the area

It was Resolved that all of these suggestions should be actioned by the Parish Council. The Clerk was asked to advise the resident that Councillors Bowell and Hosking had agreed to work meet with them to look at suitable locations for further bus stop poles along Spalding Road


133.19 To receive and consider minutes and recommendations of committees, reports from advisory committees, members reports from external bodies, members reports of meetings, seminars, training and events attended on the Council’s behalf:

1. Councillors Surgery from 10am until 12noon on Saturday 2 March 2019 at The Deepings Community Library attended by Councillor Blessett – He felt that this was not beneficial to the Parish Council, not a good use of Councillor’s time and not the appropriate location as there was no privacy

2. Meeting at 10am on Monday 4 March 2019 in the parish council offices with representatives from Lincolnshire County Council Highways and Transport to discuss

highways matter in the parish – The Parish Clerk’s report was noted. It was also requested that gated entry to DSJ was considered at the planning and transport meeting in April 2019 and that Councillor Bowell would refer the speeding issue on Station Road to the Neighbourhood Policing panel to be considered as a priority

3. Market Deeping Town meeting held from 7pm on Tuesday 5

March 2019 at The Green School Church Street Market Deeping and attended by Councillor Bowell – report noted.

4. The events committee meeting held at 7pm on Thursday 7 March 2019

Councillor Stevens introduced the minutes from this committee who recommended that the Parish Council hold a standalone event possibly in the New Year to thank the making a difference award winners and members of other voluntary organisations within the Deepings. It was Resolved to agree to this in principal and Councillor Stevens and Thomas were asked to cost such an event and bring a proposal back to full council.

The Clerk advised that the Parish Council’s insurance did cover the borrowing of equipment for use at community engagement events so the offer to use Oakwood Insurance Services Buzzer Game could be accepted. It was decided that this offer would not be accepted due the risk and responsibility involved and the Clerk was asked to obtain some prices for the purchase of Buzzer Games.

The Clerk advised that The Walnut Tree is unable to provide refreshments after the footpath walk on 6 June 2019. Councillor Green offered to make enquiries about the availability of an alternative venue.

5. Tallington Care Home Open Day on Sunday 10 March 2019 – report noted

6. The raising of the Commonwealth Flag at Market Deeping Town Hall on Monday 11 March 2019 – report noted

7. The Allotment Association AGM held at The Institute on 19 March 2019 – report noted

8. The illegal encampments meeting held at 10am on Thursday 21 March 2019 at Market Deeping Town Hall – report noted


134.19 To receive an update about the removal of the Stowgate telephone box and agree if it is an appropriate location for a salt or sand container

Councillor Gilbert volunteered to remove the telephone box and make good the area free of charge. Deepings Recycling Centre had agreed to dispose to the box free of charge. Resolved


135.19 To consider the Peterborough and District Society of Model Engineers request for land to situate their model railway

It was recommended that as Deeping St James Parish Council have no land at present that is suitable that the request should be referred to Andrew Norman Head of Visitor Economy at InvestSK to see if he could help. Resolved


136.19 To agree to pay for the installation of an electricity supply and the purchase and installation of an electricity meter casing at Jubilee Park and decide whether it should be single or three phase

The Parish Clerk had provided costings and it was proposed seconded and Resolved to install three phase as the cost was less than £2000 more. A quotation had been obtained for a metal casing unit and it was agreed to obtain a quotation for a brick built one for comparison purposes.


137.19 To consider holding a joint councillor’s surgery with Market Deeping Town Council in the Town Hall from 20 April 2019 and thereon monthly to coincide with the Town Market

The following points were proposed, seconded and Resolved:

1. that Deeping St James Parish Council would not attend the Councillors surgery held monthly at Market Deeping Town Hall commencing from 20 April 2019

2. Through the Summer months DSJPC will not attend Councillors surgeries at The Deepings Community Library but providing sufficient Councillors volunteer the Gazebo will be set up at as many community events as possible and these will be used for community engagement.

3. During the Winter months the Parish Council will find one or two alternative internal venues to hold the surgeries

It was Resolved to move into closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following agenda item


130.19.2  Finance and general purposes committee minute number 51.19 Councillor Gilbert provided an update about the Maintenance Worker vacancy that had recently been advertised advising that interviews had taken place and an offer had been made and accepted with a start date of 1 May 2019

It was Resolved to move out of closed session in accordance with The Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.


138.19 Parish pump – items for information or inclusion on future agendas

- Volunteer to write the press report for the next meeting – Meeting Councillor Shinkins- Hoppe

- Councillor Hosking gave her apologies for the Annual Parish and the April council meeting.

- Councillor Stevens requested articles for inclusion in the next newsletter to be issued at the end of April 2019

- Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe requested a meeting with the Parish Clerk to discuss the Summer playscheme


Meeting finished at 9.50pm