ECC February 2020 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD

e-mail: Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

Minutes of the Events committee meeting held at 7:00pm on Thursday 20 February 2020 in the meeting room at The Institute

Present: Councillors Bowell, Hall, Halls, Stevens, Thomas and Shinkins-Hoppe

The minutes were taken by the Assistant Clerk


42.20 To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies were received from Councillor Kornfeld


43.20 To receive declarations of interest.

None received


443.20 To agree the minutes of previous meeting held on Thursday 16 January 2020.

Minutes agreed and signed by the Chair


45.20 Clerks report.

Due to the local public house being unable to accommodate the group for refreshments Thursday 2 July 2020 the date of the Frognall footpath walk had been altered to Thursday 9 July 2020 - noted


46.20 The Annual Parish meeting – to receive an update and consider what else needs to be done and who is doing it

An update was provided –

Conference centre booked.

Poster to encourage Making a Difference nomination and promote the Annual Parish Meeting has been shared parish council Facebook page Invitation to attend Annual Parish Meeting (and book a table top stand) including a poster to promote MAD award nominations and promote the Annual Parish Meeting has been issued to local Churches Schools Charities and Voluntary organisations.

Representatives from LCC and SKDC will attend to give a presentation on recycling which will include an interactive element.

External panel of 3 Judges to choose winner in each of the four Making A Difference Award categories – Cllr Stevens to arrange for letters to be sent to Steve Bowyer, Winston Brown and Nicholas Watts inviting them to form a panel of judges.

In the absence of Councillor Gilbert, Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe to present the Parish Council report - This will begin at 7:15pm, giving all attendees a chance to interact with the recycling stand prior to being seated.

Presentations from Steve Bowyer Chief Executive Officer of InvestSK, Ian Yates and team giving a recycling talk, Andrew Bowell will invite Inspector from the policing forum to speak and Nicholas Watts, Vine House Farm will be invited to speak for 5 minutes each. Music will be played on arrival for 20 minutes and there will also be a musical interlude for 5 minutes, prior to the Making A Difference Awards being presented by Steve Bowyer. A resume of all nominations will be prepared and placed on all seats for attendees to read.

All nominees will be seated together in their nomination category group and Cllrs Hardy and Halls will advise them of this on arrival, when they sign them in.

Nominees from each category will be called to the front to be presented with their certificates and the winner their trophy, then asked to return to their seats but each winner will remain at the front to allow for a group photograph to be taken once all winners have been announced.

The assistant clerk was asked to book the photographer and Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe has arranged for the refreshments to be provided as in previous years.

To date The Rotary Club and Deepings Youth Group will have stands/table top displays at the back of the hall.


Date of the next meeting - Thursday 19 March 2020 at 6:30pm (time subject to change)