ECC October 2019 Minutes

Deeping St James Parish Council

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough PE6 8HD


Tel: 01778 343266


Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum


The minutes of the next meeting of the Events Committee held at 7.45pm on Thursday 17 October 2019 in the meeting room at the Institute.

Present: Councillors Green, Hall, Halls, Kornfeld, Shinkins-Hoppe, Stevens and Thomas.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk.


23.20 To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies were received and accepted from Councillor Bowell.


24.20 To receive declarations of interest.

None received.


25.20 To agree the minutes of previous meeting held on Thursday 5 September 2019.

Agreed and signed.


26.20 Clerks report

The conference centre has been provisionally booked for the evening of Tuesday 18th February 2020 to hold the tree summit. Councillor Stevens advised that a date for a working party to meet would be arranged to finalise the details of this event.

The conference centre has been provisionally booked for the evening of Tuesday 21st April 2020 for the APM (with a recycling theme) Confirmation has been received from LCC Highways that the remembrance parade event can be held and that road closures and diversion routes can be put in place

Confirmation has been received from MDTC Clerk that DSJPC can use their road closure/diversion signs and that Councillor Broughton will deliver them for use and collect them after the event.

DSJPC have received an invitation from MDTC to the opening and closing of the garden of remembrance at which Councillor's Gilbert and Shinkins- Hoppe have been asked to do a reading and have accepted.

An email has been sent to the Caretakers of the Priory Hall to request the use of the hall one evening during w/c 1 June 2020 to hold the volunteers buffet - no confirmation has yet been received.

At full council on Thursday 26 September 2019 the recommendation to purchase a buzzer game to entice people into the gazebo at the summer events was not accepted. The committee members agreed to revert back to the previous decision stating that as buzzer game would be donated to the Council by one of the Councillors. Also the recommendation to recommence the monthly surgeries at the Deepings Library was not accepted however it was agreed that a working party should meet to consider community engagement especially via social media. Councillor Kornfeld advised that a meeting had been arranged and the recommendations from this meeting would be presented to full council.

Confirmation has been received advising that the Parish Council’s insurance covers all planned events

Permission has been obtained from SKDC to use Jubilee Park for the Carols but in order to apply for a licence to do a bucket collection confirmation of who the proceeds will be donated to is required – can this be confirmed? Councillor Stevens advised that the proceeds would be equally shared between the Salvation Army and the Friends of Jubilee Park


27.20 To consider if anything further needs to arranged in respect of the Remembrance events taking place in November 2019.

The Clerk informed the members of the committee that Market Deeping Town Council had invited Councillors Gilbert and Shinkins-Hoppe to present a reading at the opening and closing of the Garden of Remembrance on Sunday 3 and 17 November 2019. Councillor Halls also informed them that she would be providing and serving the buffet.

The Clerk confirmed that she was liaising with Market Deeping Town Council about the use of their road closure signs and that an email had been issued to a number of local organisations welcoming them to join the Remembrance Parade at 2.30pm on 10 November 2019 from the DSJUC gardens to the Priory Church service at 3pm. This information would also be shared on the Parish Council’s Facebook page

Councillor Stevens advised that she would arrange for the Clerk and herself to meet with the Vicar and a representative of Mission Matters to organise refreshments to be served in the Priory Hall after the Remembrance Service on the afternoon of Sunday 10 November 2019


28.20 To consider holding a tree planting event to mark the anniversary of the signing of the Charter for Trees Woods and People on 30 November 2019.

The Cemetery committee had identified an area along the fence at the rear of the old Cemetery where some native mixed hedge plants could be planted. The Woodland Trust had been contacted but they were unable to provide any hedge plants until March 2020. As there were funds available within the budget the Clerk was asked to purchase 30-50 mixed hedge plants to be planted at 10am on Saturday 30 November 2019. A group of Councillors would do the planting and the event would be promoted via the Facebook page inviting the public to get involved either by helping with the planting at the Cemetery or by planting trees and hedging of their own. The Parish Council maintenance staff would be asked to prepare the area prior to the date.


29.20 To consider how to mark VE Day 75 on 8th May 2020.

It was agreed to recommend to full council that the Parish Council should organise a community event on Jubilee Park off Crowson Way Deeping St James between 3pm and 7pm. Ideas to be incorporated in to the event included entertainment, competitions, refreshments, the lighting of the beacon and the ringing of the Church Bells. A public would be asked via the Facebook page and webpage what they would like the event to include so that a budget could be agreed.


30.20 To agree the date of the next meeting – TBC.