AC September 2024 Minutes
Minutes of the Allotments Committee on Tuesday 24 September 2024 at 7:00pm held at the Institute.
Present: Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Halls and Shinkins-Hoppe.
The Chair of the Allotments Association attended.
Assistant Clerk Louise Brown taking the Minutes.
14.25 To receive apologies for absence.
Councillor Rose did not attend.
15.25 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
No declarations were received.
16.25 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 11 June 2024.
Please see appendix 1.
Queries were raised referencing the clerks report and the report of Giant Hogweed found on a plot and whether the parish Council should monitor this. Cllrs Fowler and Bowell volunteered to monitor any invasive plants that have been reported.
The Minutes were then agreed as a true representation and signed.
17.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Allotments Show 11 August 2024
The Allotments Show was attended by Cllr Andrew Bowell, who kindly presented the parish council Awards.
The Winner of the Allotments Show Best Plot Award went to Plot 18, and they received an engraved trowel set.
Second place went to the tenant who works plots 12A & 12B and he received a £10 gift voucher.
Third place went to plots 60B, 61A and 61B collectively and they received a £5 gift voucher.
Best Newcomer went to plot 15B.
Plot return
A number of plots have been returned to the council in a poor state, and new tenants have been content to have the challenge of returning the plot to a useable condition. One plot has had work completed on it, to bring it back to an acceptable standard for release. The parish council are in communication with one tenant to return their overgrown plot to a basic state before the tenant terminates their contract at renewals.
Invasive Plants
A report was received of the invasive and harmful plant Giant Hogweed being found on a plot and on a separate occasion, there was a potential sighting of Japanese Knotweed. Tenants were informed of the alerts and were sent links to GOV.UK website pages to investigate, manage and remove plants safely if found.
We have again had a report of a wasp’s nest being found on a plot. If a wasp’s nest is found at the allotments and is causing no harm, then they are to be left to disperse naturally at the end of Summer. If they are a nuisance, then if found on a plot, it is the plot holders’ responsibility to remove. If found outside of a plot at the allotments site, tenants should report to the parish council, and the nest will be investigated and dealt with as required.
We have had a further request for information regarding keeping chickens and information has been sent out to the tenant. The previous tenant who initially asked about keeping chickens has advised that they will be looking to put this into practice this coming year. This means that there is a potential for two tenants to hold chickens on their plot.
Councillors concerned about the uptake of tenants wishing to keep chickens, and have asked the assistant clerk to include making sure tenants are aware of the regulations for managing bird flu, in amongst the RSPCA and NSALG information that they need to adhere to before they may begin.
Renewal Tenancy Agreements
Renewals were sent out to Tenants on Friday 16th August 2024. Tenants have been advised that this is the last time a printed paper copy of the Tenancy Agreement will be sent to all, and instead updates will be sent via email. Tenants were asked to check trees on their plots, add the plot numbers to both ends of their plots and to alert the parish council should they decide that they no longer wish to manage a plot, to prevent the poor conditions that we have just seen.
A request for tenants to review their trees went out with the Tenancy Agreements. Councillors are planning to crack down on the number of trees planted that do not meet tenancy agreement conditions. The Allotments Association are also advising the parish council with regards to this.
18.25 To receive and discuss the reports from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.
1)The major event of the last 3 months was our Allotment show
The committee managed by Peter Bratt organised a very successful Allotment Show in August with over 60 people attending. 92 products were exhibited in 25 classes.
Cups and vouchers were awarded for a) the most points and b) best in show for the adults and prizes and medals for the children’s under 6 years and over 6 years categories.
The committee appreciated the participation of the parish council including the awards for the best plot and 2nd and 3rd place runners up.
Full details will be provided in our September news letter
2) We provided a judge for the Rose and Sweet Pea vegetable and fruit competition
3) The committee finally held their Christmas celebration meal on Wednesday 21st August at Maharanis in Deeping!!
4) Each month a newsletter is published for all plot holders which includes events held or due to be held as well as useful information
5) The Club shop has been open every Sunday from 10.30 to 12.0 manned by a committee member. It will be closing on 1st October until early spring
6) These are requests and comments made and discussed at our monthly committee meetings which include Cllr Christine Halls from the parish council. We know they have been noted but we want to include them in our report for reference
Whilst the support given by the parish council is appreciated there are still concerns that some plots are still being allowed to grow out of control. As we are not aware of some of the changes to plot holder tenants we hope that the more detailed rules published in the new tenant agreement will improve the situation although the need for regular site checks will needed to enforce these rules.
Plots that are giving cause for concern are
7A cleared at great expense by the parish council but still not worked on with weeds now returning
Plots 1B,6B,16B 35B, 37A , 47B and 54A are giving cause for concern as they appear to be neglected
47A ,3 silver birches a willow and other trees growing plots 33B and 3B have non fruit trees growing
47B and 63B new plot holders bur appear to be neglected
We would like an update on what is happening about trees on plots which are not fruit trees.
There is concern that the entrance to the Allotment site and some areas of the car park are developing large pot holes which need professional repairs . The Committee are trying to improve the situation by adding rubble but this is still seen as a temporary solution
A request was made for the PC to spray weed killer on the central strip of the roadways , this needs to be done to prevent damage to the roadways.
The committee request the provision of a skip in November or December owing to the large intake of new tenants who are in the process of re organising their plots
We request that the perimeter hedge is again trimmed in the Autumn/New Year
The Allotments Association has requested a further skip and hedge cut at the allotment; this is something that Deeping St James Parish Council automatically provide each autumn. The AA also wanted to highlight that there is deterioration to the ground at the entrance to the car park, where work has already been completed, possibly from vehicles accessing and exiting the site. Councillors have advised that there are no funds to complete any further work on the roadways for the foreseeable future and tenants should use any rubble that they may have to help alleviate the problem. The maintenance team have been and sprayed the roadways with weedkiller in the last few days.
The Allotments Association also mentioned that there is a leak in water tank number 2 outside the clubhouse. The assistant clerk will advise the maintenance team.
The Chair of the Allotments Association also informed the council of the upcoming need to replace the wooden shed in the car park, potentially with a steel container. The councillors could not approve this request as other council business could impact. Councillors agreed to investigate and come back to the association.
19.25 To receive a report on progress with reallocating Allotment plots, together with an update on current tenants.
As at 4th September 2024, we have 116 plots currently available for tenants:-
(Not including club house and Plot 32B).
8 plots are full sized.
108 plots are half sized.
10 tenants have two half sized plots
2 tenants share 3 half plots.
17 plots have been relinquished/reclaimed since last year’s renewals.
28 plots taken by Market Deeping tenants.
86 plots taken by Deeping St James tenants.
1plot is taken by a Deeping Gate resident.
1 plot is taken by a Baston resident.
The waiting list status is currently at 37: -
2 people waiting from Deeping St James.
7 people have a plot and are asking for another.
28 people waiting from Market Deeping and surrounding areas.
Small discussion was had about Market Deeping Town Council’s own allotments and advising them of our waiting list containing 28 waiters. The assistant clerk stated that any prospective tenants from out of parish are guided to approach their own parishes directly.
20.25 To receive a report of the budget position to date and expected outturn for the financial year 2024/25.
Expenditure 2024/25
Item | Budget | Actual | Variance | Still to pay |
Grounds Maintenance (Skip, hedge, repairs to tanks, water bill etc). | 3,000.00 | 926.11 | 2,073.89 | 3 Quarterly water bills, skip hire, hedge cut. |
Allotment Improvements | 1,000.00 | 1,000.00 | ||
AA Membership Fees | 550.00 | 45.00 | 505.00 | For 9 tenants. |
Balance | 4,550.00 | 971.11 | 3,578.89 |
Income 2024/25
Item | Budget | Actual | Variance | Still to receive |
Allotment Fees | 4,500.00 | 489.42 | -4,010.58 | |
AA Membership Fees | 550.00 | 45.00 | -505.00 |
21.25 To consider budget estimates for 2025/26 and make recommendations to the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.
Grounds maintenance was raised to £3,500 to consider inflation to skip, hedge maintenance, repairs to water tanks and the water bill.
It was asked that the funds left in the Allotments Improvements this year, be earmarked and a further £1,000 be were raised for future maintenance.
AA Membership fees remain at £5 paid per tenant which is received and passed on to the Allotments Association to cover tenants insurance.
It was requested to add a cost code for bird boxes at a budget of £100, to replace old bird boxes already broken at the allotments.
Income for Allotment Rent remains the same for this year as does the AA membership fees. It was discussed that the admin fee charged by the parish council for new tenants currently at £30, be raised to £100 per new tenant, however, this needs to be confirmed by LALC and NSALG before amending, due to the need to allow a years notice for the Tenancy Agreement. (Please see 22.25 below).
To be brought to the next Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.
22.25 To consider the invoicing of tenants of abandoned plots.
After a number of tenants have returned their plots in a poor state, the council paid to have one plot brought into a good condition; it was noted that this was not sustainable. Councillors considered asking new tenants to pay a £100 fee, in placement of the £30 admin fee. £50 of this would be returned to the tenant over two years, based on the tenant demonstrating annually that they maintain their plot to tenancy conditions. If these conditions are not met, the £50 is not returned.
Councillors discussed inspecting plots more regularly and the implementation of the updated breach procedure which should decrease the opportunity for tenants to allow the plot to get into a poor state.
The assistant clerk is to check with LALC and NSALG to see if council can amend the stated Tenancy Agreement admin fee to a £100 fee for new tenants, without giving a years notice, baring in mind it will be for new incoming tenants only.
23.25 To consider the monitoring of trees on tenant’s plots.
Councillors have begun to look at trees at the allotments, making sure that they meet Tenancy Agreement conditions. So far, they have checked the middle row and will be going back to check the other rows in the near future. They are happy to accept the assistance from the Allotments Association with this. Letters will be sent to tenants when a need arises, so that maintenance can be performed.
24.25 To consider the protocol with reference to tenants that advise that they are going on holiday for long periods with no one to monitor their plots.
Councillors suggested that tenants approach either the Allotments Association or friends to manage their plots, if they are due to be away from the site for a prolonged period of time.
Councillors asked the Chair of the Allotments Association who was present at the meeting, if they could bring this up at one of their meetings.
25.25 To consider purchasing bird boxes for the allotment site.
A tenant advised the parish council about a fallen bird box that had been installed by the council at the allotments. Councillors decided to agree a budget of £100 to replace/increase the bird box(es) as needed.
The tenant also stated that a bird box may be made available by a local wildlife expert and council are very happy to accept this help.
26.25 To consider the roadway management.
This topic was discussed in agenda item 18.25, where it was concluded that due to budget constraints, no action will be taken at this time. Tenants are to add suitable rubble to fill the holes as necessary and take care manoeuvring around the site.
27.25 To agree date of next meeting.
Tuesday 14th January 2025 at 8pm.
Meeting closed 8:17pm.