AC January 2024 Minutes

Minutes of the Allotments Committee on Tuesday 16 January 2024 at 8:00pm held at the Institute.
Present: Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Rose and Shinkins-Hoppe.  
A representative of the Allotments Association attended.
Assistant Clerk Louise Brown taking the Minutes.
25.24 To receive apologies for absence.
Apologies were received by Cllr Halls.
26.24 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
No declarations were offered.
27.24 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 12th September 2023. 
The Minutes were agreed and signed as a true representative.
28.24 To receive reports from the Clerk.
The Assistant Clerk attended the Eastern Allotment Officers Forum on the 20th September 2023 where officers networked, explored solutions to common problems and shared good practice around allotments management.
Furthermore, the assistant clerk attended Scribe Allotments Training on 25 October 2023, learning about the Allotments package which aims to help management – to be discussed at agenda item 30.24.
Plot 32B
An email was sent to the allotments association who were asked if they wished to take on plot 32B for their events on 22 September 2023.  After some correspondence and discussion at November Full Council re charging for the plot, the allotments association were unhappy, however have reluctantly agreed on 20th December 2023, to take this plot on once the maintenance men have finished removing the raised beds and pallets buried below.
Roadway 1
The Parish Council contacted the agreed contractor to make changes to Roadway 1.  Roadway 1 was completed in November 2023, with extra requirements as a compensation event including Terram product and an extra 60t of Tarmac Planing which increased the cost of the project by approximately £1,776.00.  The office have received an up-to-date invoice asking for £9,205.20 inclusive of VAT.  Payment to be agreed and processed from January Full Council.
A tenant advised us of flooding at the allotments due to heavy rain that fell in early January.  One of the maintenance team has dug a couple of gullies in the border off roadway 1, to help drain off.
Cllr Bowell advised that information is available online on how to recover an allotment plot from flooding, furthermore, information is also available on futureproofing your allotment from flooding.
A skip was provided at the allotments between the period 8th-11th December 2023.
Hedge cutting has taken place on the 8th November 2023
29.24 To receive and discuss the reports from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.
The Allotments Association report was read, no topics were raised.  Thanks were offered to the Allotments Association for this report.
30.24 To agree the amendments of the Tenancy Agreement for the year 24/25.
An appendix showing potential changes to the current Tenancy Agreement, was shared.  Councillors went through the clauses consecutively and made changes as was deemed necessary.  
Tenancy Agreement clauses amended were:
2  Rent for Oct 24 – Sept 25 Full Plot £59 and Half Plot £37
Allotment Association membership £5 paid annually.
Rent for Oct 25 – Sept 26 Full Plot £61 and Half Plot £39
3  To be added to clause 3:
If a new tenant finds the work on their allotment is not what they anticipated, the tenant or Parish Council can activate an 8-week break clause from the Tenancy Agreement where the tenant can relinquish the plot for a 50% refund of the plot rent only.
4  The tenancy will end on the death of the tenant.  A surviving family member may succeed the tenancy, at the discretion of the Council.
(A policy is to be created for Clause 4, for Councillors to use as a framework to make the decision regarding succession for tenant’s relatives).
5  Clause 5 is to be removed.
6.3  Tenants are responsible for ensuring that the behaviour of their visitors or themselves will in no way cause or is capable of causing nuisance, distress or annoyance to other plot holders, contractors or representatives of the Council.  Any violent or abusive behaviour or any illegal actions, including the cultivation of illegal substances, will result in an immediate termination of the Tenancy Agreement.
6.13  All cars should be parked in the car park, except for loading and unloading or a parking space has been created within the boundary of the plot, with the Councils consent.
6.15  Invasive Plant Species:
The growing of bamboo is prohibited.
Blackberries can be grown but must be kept under control.
Tenants should be vigilant to any invasive plants listed on the GOV.UK website and if any of these plants are found, follow GOV.UK advice.
6.17  A new clause advising:
Tenants wishing to keep chickens on their plot, need to obtain prior consent and meet relevant criteria set by the Parish Council.
7.3  Councillors agreed to remove this clause.
7.4.  Any notice required by the Agreement to be given to the Council shall be delivered to or sent by post, email or telephone to the Clerk of the Council.  Any notice to be given to the tenant shall be treated as sufficiently served if delivered to, left at or sent by ordinary post to the tenant’s address at the head of this agreement.
8.2  Clause 8.2 is to be deferred to the next meeting as the Councillors ran out of time to clarify this clause.
Tenants will be advised at renewal this year, that this will be the last year of receiving a complete Tenancy Agreement and that tenancies will turn into rolling yearly contracts.  Amendments only will be sent out from Oct 25 via email; or paper copy if no email is provided.
31.24 To consider the plot rental fees for year 2025/26.
Councillors agreed to the increase of £2 per full plot and £1 per half plot for the year 2025-2026.
32.24 To consider amendments to the Tenancy Agreement to be made specifically for the rental of plot 32B.
Councillors agreed to the Assistant Clerk preparing an updated licence for the whole of plot 32, including an addendum for the half plot rent per annum. 
33.24 To consider using Scribe Allotments as a tool to manage the allotments.
Councillors were offered information regarding the Scribe Allotments package, which asks for £669 per annum to use.  The assistant clerk advised that the Parish Council office were content with the system in place and although the Scribe package looks like a positive choice, would take a significant amount of time to set up.  Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that there is no budget at present to cater for this package, so cannot be purchased.
34.24 To agree date of next meeting.
Tuesday 14th May 2024.
Meeting ended at 9:18pm.