AC June 2024 Agenda

Dear Councillors Bowell, Fowler, Halls, Rose and Shinkins-Hoppe.  
Assistant Clerk Louise Brown.
You are hereby summonsed to attend the next meeting of the Allotments Committee on Tuesday 11th June 2024 at 8:00pm at The Institute.
01.25 To elect a new chair.
02.25 To receive apologies for absence.
03.25 To receive declarations of interest, if any.
04.25 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 16th January 2024. 
Please see appendix 1.
05.25 To receive reports from the Clerk.
Please see appendix 2
06.25 To receive and discuss the reports from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.
Please see appendix 3.
07.25 To agree the final amendments of the Tenancy Agreement for the year 24/25.
Section new 7.2/ old 8.2
8.2 A record will be held of all breaches of conditions for two years.  Should a further breach occur of any nature within the two-year period, the Parish Council will move to a 2nd warning letter, asking for an immediate resolution, which if not forthcoming, will result in a Notice to Quit being served.
7.2 A record will be held of all breaches of conditions for two years.  Breaches will be managed via the procedure listed below:
1st breach = first warning letter, if not advised of any acceptable reason by the tenant or actioned in the required time scale, a notice to quit letter will be raised.
2nd breach within the two-year period = request for an immediate resolution letter with deadline, if not followed a notice to quit will be issued.
3rd breach within the two-year period = a notice to quit will be issued.
08.25 To consider the position of the council with regards to non-tenants permanently working the allotment plots.
09.25 To consider the invoicing of tenants of abandoned plots.
10.25 To consider the Licence and tenancy for plot 32B.
Please see appendix 4
11.25 To consider the policy framework for succession of surviving family of deceased tenants.
12.25 To consider awards for the allotments show.
13.25 To agree date of next meeting.
Tuesday 10th September 2024.

Appendix 2 – Clerk’s Report

Strong winds in late January affected the allotments – a couple of greenhouses were blown down/affected.

The Assistant Clerk attended NAS Allotment Management: Tenancy Agreements and Policies Training on 4 March 2024.  Training files previously sent to Councillors.

The Allotments Association sent newsletters no. 2 dated 24 march 2024 and no. 3 dated 3 May 24 which were forwarded on to Councillors.

Allotments Association had an Annual General Meeting on Tues 26 March 2024 attended by Cllr Halls and the Assistant Clerk.

Due to banking problems, Deeping St James Parish Council will be changing accounts from our Barclays Bank account to our Unity Trust account for receiving renewals payments.

The allotments inspection took place on 1st May 24 where 20% of the allotment’s tenants received letters.  A second inspection is booked for early June 24.

The Parish Council received an alert regarding giant hogweed being found on a plot.  All tenants were alerted to the need to view the links, and to take steps to eradicate this harmful plant safely, should they come across this on their plots.

Appendix 3 - Allotments Association Report for June 2024 Allotments Committee Meeting

Subject: Parish Council Meeting
  1. We organised the purchase and delivery and sale of 1000 kilograms of chicken manure pellets for our plot holders. Because we have a friendly relationship with other allotment sites we were able to sell excess capacity to Langtoft and Baston committees 
  2. We held a very successful coffee and cakes event on site in March. We had also arranged to have a plant salesman there at the same time. Many plot holders and their families attended and it proved to be a good get to know you time. A special nature quiz was also arranged for the small children.
  3. With the warmer weather we were able to turn on the water supply to the water tanks.
  4. We have also opened our allotment shop and stocked it with more products and will now open it to all plot holders throughout the growing season
  5. We entered our secretary in the Make a Difference event



1. DEEPING ST JAMES PARISH COUNCIL, The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, Peterborough, PE6 8HD (The Licensor).


3. The Licensor hereby grants to the Licensee permission to occupy plot 32B, of Deeping St James Parish Council Allotments in Hall Meadow Road, Deeping St James, PE6 8SG, on a licence basis only.

4. The licence shall endure from 1st October 2024 until 30th September 2025 and then year to year thereafter, until terminated by either party giving one year's written notice to the other. Upon termination of this licence, the Licensee shall vacate plot 32B, removing all associated property from the site completely.

5.The Licensee shall comply with all legislation and requirements of any public, local or other competent authority so far as the same affect Plot 32B or the use and occupation thereof.

6. The Licensee shall accept full responsibility for loss or damage to its property and shall have no claim against the Licensor in any respect in connection therewith.

7. The right to occupy plot 32B, granted in this licence is personal to the Licensee and the Licensee undertakes not to assign, sub-contract or otherwise part with any of their rights under this licence nor allow any third party to have or share occupation in or possession of plot 32B.

8. The Licensee undertakes not to grow any plants, carry out any alterations or improvements on plot 32B, without the prior written consent of the Licensor. The Licensee undertakes also to keep and maintain Plot 32B in a clean and tidy condition.

9. It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that this licence shall not operate to create a tenancy under the terms of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 Part 2 or any amending legislation.








On behalf of Deeping St James Parish Council (The Licensor).




Witnessed by: ………………………………………















On behalf of Deeping St James Allotments Association (The Licencee).




Witnessed by:………………………………………..



