AC October 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Allotments Committee on Thursday 13th October 2022 at 7:00pm held at the Institute.

Present: Councillors Halls, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe and Thomas (District).

The Chair of the Allotments Association

Assistant Clerk Louise Brown taking the Minutes.



The Chair of the Allotments Association was invited to speak, to which he referred to the report he had provided for the meeting, and wished to highlight the points raised in agenda item 17.23.

1. The Allotments Association would value the use of some of plot 32B for things such as the Allotments Show and other events, as 32B helps to hold the overspill of people who attend these events.  Cllr Halls explained that the plan that has been agreed at Council, is to remove and replace the raised beds on plot 32B in Autumn/Winter when the maintenance men are able and the plot will be let out to a tenant when complete.  There is some concern about the soil on the plot, which is why raised beds have been agreed.  Councillor Rose is going to investigate soil testing and questions put to Councillor Denman for his knowledge with moving forward.

2. The plot number identification posts agreed to be provided for each plot are also in hand for the maintenance men to produce when they have some spare time.  Both Councillors and Allotments Association acknowledge the need for number identification posts to be provided. 

3. All tenants have had renewal letters sent out to them, which gives an ideal opportunity to rethink if they are having concerns regarding continuing on the Allotments, furthermore Cllr Halls is monitoring the plots that warrant it.  Tenants that are struggling are still given a renewal form, Council will approach tenants about their plots via protocol agreed in the Tenancy Agreement as required.  There have been six plots relinquished during renewals.

4. The Allotments Committee are to discuss considering the need for a skip at point 21.23, later in the meeting.  The Allotments Association have requested for a skip to be delivered in the month of November, but not on the 5th, due to other commitments.

5. The Allotments Committee are to discuss considering the maintenance team carefully using weed killer on the centre of the newly refurbished roadways at point 22.23, later in the meeting.

6. The farmer that comes to cut the hedges back each year, has not been able to attend as yet this year.  This is an agreed and expected cost to the Parish Council, which will be rearranged.  The farmer does not advise the Council when the hedges have been cut and in fact, Council hears about this from The Allotments Association.  The Allotments Association Chair reminded the Council that the farmer would need the new gate code.

The Allotments Association Chair asked if a reprint of Best Plot Award from the Allotments Show this August, could be provided as the tenant who won, had attached it to his fence and it has been ruined in the weather.

There is due to be a ‘Soup and Roll’ morning on the 23rd October 2022, 11am-12:30pm, where four soups will be available.  This event is open to Councillors that wish to attend and tenants.  Please bring a mug and spoon.  The Chair also enquired if the Council knew where the Allotments Association could perhaps get hold of some cannisters to cook the soup in.  Cllrs offered a suggestion.

The Chair of the Allotments Association asked to be kept updated on the outcomes of the meeting and left.


13.23 To receive apologies for absence.

Cllrs Bowell and Fowler.

Cllrs Robinson and Gilbert did not attend.


14.23 To receive declarations of interest, if any.

None were received.


15.23 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 14th June 2022. 

Please see Appendix 1. AC 2022 Minutes – Deeping St James Parish Council (

The Minutes were agreed as a true representative and signed.


16.23 To receive reports from the Clerk.

The Allotments Show was held on Sunday 14th August 2022.  It had a good turnout with Councillor Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and the Assistant Clerk attended on behalf of the Parish Council.  Councillor Halls presented the trophies for Best Plot:

Winner – Plot 7B and 8A

Second Place – Plot 10

Third Place – Plot 52B

Best Newcomer – Plot 30B

The tenant that wished to keep Chicken’s on their plot have signed and returned the Chicken keeping policy.

The quotes for roadway 1, are still being looked into.  Our previous contractor is now unable to complete the job on the allotment's roadways due to a change in staffing and operating conditions.  The assistant clerk will put forward the quotes as and when they are received.

We have received a quote from a local tree service contractor regarding the Ash Trees that were mentioned in the Allotments Tree Survey, completed in September 2021.  There are now a possible 3 more Ash Trees that require some work.  The quote for work on all 5 Ash Trees comes between £350-£1,050, plus VAT.  As these trees have been recognised as requiring attention, the Clerk will arrange for this to be completed.

A query was raised regarding whether there was enough in the budget to pay for this work.  The budget currently has approximately £892 left in it for these contingencies.  We may need to use another budget in the short term, if necessary for this unexpected expense.  It could possibly come out of the tree budget.

The Tenancy Renewals have been sent out to all tenants for the renewal date of the 1st October 2022, with the changes agreed at the previous meeting re; bonfires, rents, admin fees.  

The gate code at the allotments was changed on Monday 3rd October 2022 as stated in the tenancy renewal cover letter.


17.23 To receive and discuss the report from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council.

The report was reviewed in the Public Forum at the start of the meeting.


18.23 To receive a report on progress with reallocating Allotment plots, together with an update on current tenants. 

As at 04/10/22 - We have 116 plots currently available for tenants: -

(Not including club house & DSJPC land)

8 plots are full sized.

108 plots are half sized.

7 Tenants have two half sized plots

3 plots are shared between 3 tenants

6 plots have been relinquished during renewals. (1 a full plot, which will be split into two).

32 plots taken by Market Deeping tenants.

75 plots taken by Deeping St James tenants.

2 plots taken by Stamford, Northborough, Maxey and Deeping Gate.


The waiting list status is currently at 31: -

4 people waiting from Deeping St James.

10 people have a plot and are asking for another.

17 people waiting from Market Deeping and surrounding areas.

The reallocation of the relinquished plots will be allocated to people waiting on the Deeping St James waiting list first, then will be offered to tenants wishing for a second plot.  If there are any left after this, then they will be offered to the people waiting from out of parish.


19.23 To receive a report of the budget position to date and expected outturn for the financial year 2022/23. 

Expenditure 2022/23

 Item  Budget  Actual  Variance  Still to pay
 Grounds Maintenance   (Skip, hedge, repairs to   tanks, water bill etc).  2,000.00   1,107.18   892.82  Hedge payment, 2 x water   bills, skip, planters for 32B,   idenification posts for plots.
 Allotment Improvements   (Roadway)  2,000.00     2,000.00   Roadway 1
 AA Membership Fees    30.00  30.00  


Income 2022/23

 Item  Budget  Actual  Variance  Still to receive
 Allotment Fees  4,000.00  262.52  3,737.48  
 AA Membership Fees  500.00   30.00   470.00  

Only one 8 yd skip was offered last year at approximately £200 per skip.  Tenants should be managing their own waste.  Another skip was brought in to help with an overhaul of an abandoned plot.


20.23 To consider budget estimates for 2023/24 and make recommendations to the Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.

Expenditure 2023/24

It was considered that the cost of skips would probably have risen, Councillors would like to allow £300, furthermore the water bill will be bigger this year due to the drought and therefore more use, so grounds maintenance budget has been increased to £2,500.

Allotments Improvements are set at £2,000 and needs increasing to £3,000.  The Assistant Clerk is to check with the Clerk to see if we can ring fence the money already held and increase by £1,000 to accommodate the work costs.  

The AA Membership Fees are an expenditure from renewals and new tenants taking on a plot.  The expenditure has been factored into the renewal/rental fees and will be forwarded on to the Allotments Association.  £30 has already been transferred this financial year from 6 new tenants.  

To be brought to the next Finance, Policy and Personnel Committee.


21.23 To consider the need for a skip at the Allotments in the Autumn.

One skip has been agreed for the Allotments Association, currently each year during Autumn.  This year, a skip has been agreed under the proviso that the Allotments Association would be kind enough to help a particular tenant get his excess rubbish into the skip.  Use of another skip for overhauling a plot, will be at Council’s discretion for the maintenance workers.

Queries were raised about tenants disposing of their own waste and whether they burn waste, there is a clause in the Tenancy Agreement, stating that tenants may burn 2 hours before dusk and that tenants should be managing their waste appropriately.


22.23 To consider the need for the maintenance men to spray the weeds growing in the centre of the newly refurbished roadways.

The Allotments Association have requested that the maintenance men carefully spray weedkiller over the centre of the roadways only, to prevent the weeds breaking up the roadway, and take care to make sure that the weedkiller doesn’t affect nearby plots.  Councillors have agreed to this and want to know if the maintenance team have a knapsack sprayer to use, if not, it would be worth investing in one.


23.23 To agree date of next meeting.

Tuesday 10th January 2023


Meeting closed 7.45pm