AC June 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the Allotments Committee on Tuesday 14th June 2022 at 7:45pm held at the Institute. 


Present: Councillors Bowell, Gilbert, Halls, Shinkins-Hoppe and Thomas (District). 

The Chair of the Allotments Association 

Assistant Clerk Louise Brown taking the Minutes. 



The Chair of the Allotments Association raised the topics listed on their report: -  

Thefts have continued and have been reported to the Police, although no news has been received from the Police. The Allotments Association took measures to prevent further thefts such as gate locking upon entry and exit to the allotments.  Putting up CCTV warning signs to scare the thief off.  The Allotments Association Chair stated that they were disappointed that the Parish Council didn’t support them with this. 

The Parish Council drew attention to the Health and Safety aspect of closing the gate at all times, furthermore with reference to the CCTV; the sign didn’t state whether there was recording or live streaming, also, people could rely on the safety of CCTV and if there was an incident this could cause problems.  Some tenants have quit their plots due to the frustration of the thefts of items such as compost and water butts.  One tenant using CCTV to capture wildlife, caught a person on their plot and advised the Police.  The tenant asked the Police if they could post the pictures on social media, to which they advised that they would prefer not, but there would be no come back if the tenant did.  The tenant did this and the person captured on CCTV came forward. 

Three members of the Allotments Association Committee have gone, one of which was a long-standing member. 

The Allotments Show is being held on Sunday 14th August 2022; Parish Council members are invited.  There will be a BBQ.  Reduce the awards to the best three plots and advise the winners that they may have won, to help with the attendance. 

One tenant has made seats and painted them within the Club Hut area. 

There is a get-together on Sunday 10th July, with cake and tea to encourage more people on to the Allotments Association Committee. 

There have been deliveries containing 10 tonnes of compost, 10 tonnes of horse manure and wood chippings.  There has also been a small pile of rubble, used to fill the holes in the southern roadway, to help prevent cars from sinking in the mud.  The topic of the southern roadway is on the agenda to talk about later in the meeting (09.23). 

The Chair of the Allotments Association offered thanks for the maintenance on the water tanks.  Each tank is being evaluated and worked on in a sequential order of need. 

The Allotments Association wish to know an update of the status of abandoned plots after the recent inspections.  One plot has recently been offered out; one plot needs attention before it can be reallocated. 

A query was brought up regarding the raised beds on 32B.  The Allotment Association wish to have the space where the two raised bed are closest to the club hut, if they are not needed.  Deeping St James Parish Council already have an idea in mind for the use of this space and an update is on the agenda for later in the meeting (10.23). 

The Chair of the Allotments Association requested an update about the numbering of plots as it is really difficult to distinguish whose plot is whose.  The numbering was agreed to be undertaken by Men in Sheds, however, they are not quite currently up and running, so it was considered that we look into getting some posts from Andrew’s Timber and paint the number on.  See point 06.23. 

A query was raised regarding the health of a tenant and could we please monitor the plot that the tenant is currently working.  This is noted. 

The Chair of the Allotments Association left the meeting. 


01.23  To elect a Chairperson. 

Cllr Halls was happy to stand as Chair again and was seconded by Cllr Bowell.  This was agreed by all and Cllr Halls was voted in. 


02.23  To receive apologies for absence. 

Apologies were received from Cllrs Rose, Hall and Fowler.  

Cllr Robinson did not attend.  Cllr Stevens has resigned from the committee. 


03.23 To receive declarations of interest, if any. 

None were received. 


04.23 To adopt the minutes of the meeting held Thursday 20th January 2022.  

The Minutes were agreed and signed. 


05.23  To receive reports from the Clerk. 

A maintenance man has had a look at the water tanks and fittings with the Allotments  Association Chair, to get a better knowledge of where the flaws are.  New fixings are  being provided to help manage the issues each tank has. 


We have received complaints of at least 38 further thefts that have taken place since the major break-in.  The Police have been informed.   

Furthermore, there was a person (not a tenant), caught on camera attending the plots, who has been reported to Police by the tenant with the camera.  The tenant was given permission by the Police to place the picture on social media and to pass on to other tenants.  This action caused the person caught on camera to contact the Parish Council office, where his details were passed to the tenant and after to the Police.  It is understood that the tenant met up with the person on the camera and an understanding was agreed between them. 

An email has been sent to tenants asking them to close and lock the gate should the allotments look vacant. 

The chicken policy has been offered to the tenant wishing to support chickens on her plot, however, we have not heard back from her as of yet. 

20 letters have been sent to tenants following the recent Allotments Inspection held on Tuesday 10th May 2022; of which 15 were for commencing weeding/cultivation and the other 5 were a mix of requests to clear outside of their plots, raising wood to standing or reducing belongings to prevent providing homes for rats.   


06.23  To receive and discuss the report from the Allotments Association and make any recommendations to Council. 

Please see Open Forum above. 

Further discussion was had regarding the numbers for plots.  It was agreed that Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe would go into Andrew’s Timber and get a sample to work with and the Assistant Clerk will find out how many will be needed. 


07.23 To consider any changes to the Tenancy Agreement. 

Concerns have been put forward by many tenants saying that holding a bonfire an hour before dusk, is very difficult to do.  Discussions and ideas were talked through regarding how to accommodate bonfires to meet the needs of all tenants and the decision was that bonfires are now to be set at two hours before dusk in an appropriate metal container.  This allows for people that work shifts to be able to burn things that are not compostable or meant for the tip.  It also allows the tenants that do not support bonfires, the opportunity to know when the bonfires may happen and the opportunity to leave the plot at that time if they wish. 

Payments are set to change this year raising the half plot to £35 per annum and the full plot to £55. 

It was agreed to insert a grid in the Tenancy paperwork, advising who to approach either the Allotments Association or Deeping St James Parish Council regarding different matters as there appears to be some confusion. 


08.23  To consider raising the admin fee, to meet the needs of overhauling abandoned plots. 

The admin fee that is currently set at £25, doesn’t cover the expenses with the turnover in plots that are left in a poor state, furthermore the utilities prices are also being raised. 

After a lot of discussion involving the rent and admin fee, the predominant conclusion that was reached and agreed was to raise the admin fee by £5. 

It was asked that the assistant clerk contact the National Allotment Association and seek Advice regarding raising the rent to help accommodate some of these expenses. 


09.23   To consider having the work completed on roadway one. 

There are four roadways and a car park at the allotments.  The second, third and fourth roadways and the car park had work completed on them in 2021, to make them level and easy to access.   

Roadway one required a lot more work than the other roadways and cost too much for last year's budget.  It has been included in this year's budget to be completed.  The Councillors discussed the needs of roadway one, specifying that National Guidelines must be adhered to. 

The Assistant Clerk is to ask a maintenance man to measure the roadway and the assistant clerk is to build a specification sheet using the previous specification sheet used for the car park and other roadways and get quotes from different agents and bring the quotes back to committee. 


10.23  To receive an update regarding Plot 32B 

Cllr Halls has ordered six raised troughs, to be planted in, this was to then be let as a half plot.  This has been thought about for someone with disabilities/special needs. 


11.23  To consider the Allotments Show arrangements. 

Allotments Show and BYO BBQ. 

Sunday 14th August 2022 from 1pm, presentations from 3:30pm. 

Cllr Halls has been requested to present the awards and the committee has agreed that this is a good decision.  Cllr Shinkins-Hoppe plans to attend as support, wearing her Chains of Office. 

A trophy is currently given for ‘Best Plot’ and a question was asked as to whether a gift voucher would be preferred instead?  To buy and engrave the small trophy it costs £6.99.  The Councillors discussed and agreed that we would continue to buy a trophy and furthermore three vouchers; £20 for the winner, £10 for second place and £5 for third place are to be provided. 


12.23  To agree date of next meeting. 

Tuesday 13th September 2022 


Meeting closed at 9:15pm