May 2022 DRAFT Minutes Annual Parish Meeting
Deeping St James Parish Council
1. Welcome.
The Chairman of Deeping St James Parish Council Councillor Steve Gilbert welcomed everyone to the meeting especially those who had been nominated for a making a difference award.
2. Minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 29 April 2021.
The Minutes were agreed by those who had been present.
3. Report on the activities of the Parish Council.
Councillor Gilbert presented a report advising that although the last two years had been challenging for all, the Parish Council had continued to meet both online and in the Open-Door Church building, had funded Summer playschemes for primary School aged children, supported the Deepings Literary Festival, provided grant funding to the Deepings Youth Group and the Deepings Community Library and with help from the Friends of Jubilee Park organised the Carols in Jubilee Park. He also encouraged people to attend the Platinum Jubilee Beacon lighting event at Jubilee Park on Thursday 2 June 2022.
Councillor Gilbert advised the that six main issues that residents contacted the Parish Council about were – objections to planning applications inconsiderate parking, potholes, speeding, dog fouling and anti-social behaviour – none of which are within the remit of the Parish Council although the Parish Council do run campaigns to educate people, publish a regular newsletter disseminating information and work closely with the District Council, County Council Police and local Schools to promote positive behaviour.
Councillor Gilbert ended his presentation by listing some of the things that the Parish Council are responsible for such as providing and maintaining the allotments, play areas, Cemetery and bus shelters, acting as the burial authority, keep the parish neat and tidy by litter picking, removing graffiti and planting trees and flowers, supporting local community groups and engaging with the District Council and County Council. He mentioned that the Parish Council’s aspirations for the future are to obtain maintain and improve open space in the Parish continue to work towards building a footbridge over the River Welland to link public rights of way in Lincolnshire to those in Cambridgeshire and to hold more community events on Jubilee Park.
Finally, Councillor Gilbert advised that the Parish Council employed 2 part time 3 part time maintenance personnel and that there were 15 Parish Councillors. He introduced the members of the Parish Council’s staff and the Parish Councillors who were present adding that many of the latter were not only unpaid elected members but volunteers with other local organisations and charity groups within the Deepings.
4. Any questions from the public.
There were no questions from the public.
5. The presentation of the Making a Difference Awards.
The Chairperson of South Kesteven District Council, Councillor Breda Rae Griffin presented certificates and awards to the making a difference nominees and award nominees who were present.
The nominees and award winners were -
Community Group
Santa Sleigh (Award winner)
Deepings Foodbank
Deepings Lions
Deepings Library Volunteers
Deeping Mens Group
Amrit Mistry (Award winner)
Elizabeth McWilliams
Steve Fisk
James Orford
Heidi Latronico-Ferris
Pete Neal
Lynda O’Neill
Kim Bush
Young Person
Oakley Bateman
Edith Bateman
Ben Sandford
Corey Cuthbert
Millie Mills (Award winner)
Holly and Amber Davis-Bradshaw
Rhiana Smith
Individual during the pandemic
Anthea Prentice
Alan ‘Fred’ Judge
Brian Goodliffe (Award winner)
Caroline ‘Caz’ Bruce
Mike Newell
John Dearden
James and Clare Price
Organisation during the pandemic
Feed Deepings Group (Award winner)
In the course of doing their job
Sue Barker
Nikki Benjamin
Clive Hankers (Award winner)
Cass Wales
Louisa Crowson
Councillor Breda-Rae Griffin congratulated all the nominees and thanked the Parish Council for the invitation to what had been a very well attended and positive meeting celebrating the people of Deeping St James that make a difference.
6. Close followed by refreshments.
A free raffle was drawn after which Councillor Gilbert thanked everyone for attending and invited everyone to partake in the refreshments provided.