April 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting

Deeping St James Parish Council

Minutes of the annual parish meeting of Deeping St James held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 23 April 2019 in the conference centre at The Deepings School Park Road Deeping St James PE6 8NF

1.   Welcome.

Councillor Bowell, Chairperson of Deeping St James Parish Council, welcomed a large number of local residents to the meeting and gave a special welcome to Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire Mr Toby Dennis.

2.   Entertainment

The Mini G’s Choir from Linchfield Community Primary School, accompanied by Teacher Mr Gombault performed ‘Whatever’ by Oasis.

3.   Approve the minutes of the 2018 Annual Parish Meeting and address any matters arising from the minutes

Those that were present at last year’s meeting agreed that the minutes should be approved and signed as a true copy.

4.   Summary report from Deeping St James Parish Council and any questions Councillor Bowell gave a speech explaining what the Parish Council’s role is which included the following points:

-  Responsible for the Cemetery (as the Burial Authority), Allotments, skate park, multi-use games area, several pieces of play equipment, bus shelters, Millennium Wood, general waste and dog waste bins, seating, flowers containers, community defibrillator, the K6 heritage telephone box and the village cross and lock-up as well as some grounds maintenance and litter picking.

-  Provision of financial assistance to community groups and organisations including Deepings Youth Group, Deepings Community Library, Deeping Gang Show, Deeping United, Deeping Rangers Football Club, Priory Hall renovations, Deepings Carnival Committee, Deeping Raft Race Committee and Priory Players amateur dramatics as well as funding a playscheme for primary school children during the summer holidays and a weekly community skip facility.

-  Working with other organisations such as the Friends of Jubilee Park, neighbouring Town and Parish Councils, the District Council and the County Council and the local neighbourhood Policing team to organise events and on initiatives to improve the area.

-  Encourage comments and communication by attending community events, holding a public forum prior to council meetings and monthly councillor’s surgeries, providing a website, Facebook page and a quarterly newsletter as well as an office for the public to visit telephone or email.

5.   Presentations from

•   Louisa Crowson, Library Co-ordinator at The Deepings Community Library gave a presentation highlighting what is on offer in the Library and how the facility continues to go from strength to strength
•   Michael Cross, Head of Arts InvestSK explained how South Kesteven District Council intended to improve and encourage Arts and Culture within the region highlighting the upcoming 2nd Deepings Literary Festival and the recently announced new Leisure Centre in the Deepings
•   Christine Halls, a member of the Police volunteer group along with Police Sargent Emma Crisp encouraged individuals to report crime by telephone, email or visiting the Police Station which was open from 10am until 12noon Monday to Friday.
•   Cass Wales, Youth Leader and Paul Hanson, Chair of the Deepings Youth Group gave an update on the group which included the recent appointment of new Trustees, new Staff, the use of two venues over two nights and an increase in membership and also how funds were being raised by initiatives undertaken by the staff and members as well as from both the Parish and Town Council and Deepings Oddfellows who had named the group as their Charity of the year

6.   Words from Her Majesty’s Lord-Lieutenant of Lincolnshire

Toby Dennis introduced himself and provided a history and summary of the role of Lord Lieutenant and spoke of his personal background highlighting his connections with the Deepings.

7.   Presentation of the making a difference awards

The Lord Lieutenant presented certificates to 30 individuals and groups who had been nominated across the 4 categories. He then presented the making a difference awards to the following:

Alice Teigh - Young Person (under 19)

Noreen Scattergood - Citizen

Deeping united Football Club - Organisation

Sally Donaldson - In the course of doing their job

8.   Raffle and vote of thanks from Chairman of South Kesteven District Council, Councillor George Chivers,

The raffle took place followed by some words from Councillor George Chivers the Chairman of South Kesteven District Council who thanked all those involved in organising and attending the evening but especially all those who had been nominated for the awards.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe presented token gifts to Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant, Toby Dennis, InvestSK Arts Officer, Michael Cross, the District Council Chairman’s Consort, Nessa Chivers and Margaret Flegg, who provided and served a buffet.