YCC September 2021 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Youth & Community Committee held at 7.45pm on 16 September 2021 in the meeting room at the Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD.

Present: Councillors Hall, Halls, Olson and Shinkins-Hoppe.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk. 

22.9 To receive apologies of absence.

Apologies had been received and were accepted from Councillor Little. 

22.10 To receive declarations of interest.

None received. 

22.11 To agree the minutes of the meeting held on 15 July 2021.

Agreed and signed as a true copy. 

22.12 To receive the Clerk’s report 

The Summer activities funded by Deeping St James Parish Council and provided by Our Forest Garden and Madcaps Out of School Club were well attended and well received. 

Deeping United Football Club have offered to purchase a goalpost for installation at Woody Height recreation ground from proceeds donated by the public after their own equipment was vandalised. 
The company who manufactured and installed the Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) have been asked to provide a quotation to heighten the railings around two sides to assist in keeping balls within the MUGA. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that a representative from the company is due to visit sometime next week. 

The annual independent play equipment safety inspection reports have been received and remedial action will be completed on any issues raised. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe confirmed that she had looked at these in detail and felt that the Parish Council’s Maintenance Workers would be able to complete the work although she did ask the Clerk to contact Gravity Engineering who designed and installed the skatepark to see if the warranty covered the damage to the surface and cracks forming in the concrete, if so to arrange for it to be repaired and if not to obtain advice on how to repair it.

22.13 To receive a budget report on the position to date for the financial year 2021/22. 


Budget 2021/22

Spend to date

Further known expenditure

Grounds Maintenance



Three further monthly payments for grass cutting totalling £546.60




Minor repairs to some play equipment and surfaces identified in the annual inspection reports  

Summer Playscheme




Play area improvements



Goalpost installation costs Heightened railings around the MUGA

22.14 To consider budget estimates for the financial year 2022/23 and make recommendations to the finance and general purposes committee. 


Budget 2022/23

Grounds Maintenance




Summer Playscheme


Play area improvement reserves


It was agreed that the budget for 2022-23 should remain the same as 2021-22. 

Some or all of the play area improvement budget would hopefully be used to support the Kids in Deeping (KinD) group who were working towards refurbishing the play area at Jubilee Park. 

If it did not get used in 2022-23 it would be moved to a reserve fund for use the following year.  

Following the recent discussion about to taking over responsibility for the Jubilee Park play area Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe asked the Clerk to add an item to the next full council agenda to discuss taking over responsibility for the play area off Hereward Way which was on land already owned by the Parish Council.  

22.15 To note the date of the next meeting – 7.45pm on Thursday 13 January 2022