RAOS January 2025 Minutes

The minutes of the recreation & opens spaces Committee meeting held at 8.00pm on Tuesday 7 January 2025 in the meeting room at the Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD.
Present: Councillors Hosking, Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin 
25.37  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.
All present. 
25.38 To receive declarations of interest.
None received.
25.39 To agree the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12 November 2024. 
Agreed and signed.
25.40 To receive the Clerk’s report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes. 
-The Clerk has been in contact with Gravity Skateparks several times to establish a date for the repair work to be completed at the Skatepark yet no date as yet has been confirmed.  
-The Clerk has contacted the Charity “Legend on a bench” to confirm that an exact location on Crowson Way end of Jubilee Park for the donated bench will be agreed at a date in the future, nearer the completion of the improvements project.  
-Following a meeting with two representatives from the Deepings Lions have agreed to take on the task of refurbishing the K6 Telephone Kiosk prior to its use as a Book swap/seed swap location. The materials will be sourced by the Clerk and purchased by the Parish Council.  
-Following the Council decision to plant a seasonal tree on Churchgate consultation letters were issued to 9 local residents – 3 responses were received to negative, although one suggested a tree in a pot over the Christmas period would be better so this can be investigated later in 2025 along with any other location that is deemed appropriate. 
ACTION: The Clerk was asked to add the following item to the next committee agenda 
To consider a location for a Christmas Tree and/or decorations in December 2025  
-Over the weekend of 21 and 22 December 2024 there was several pieces of graffiti at the skatepark which the maintenance team have cleaned off. Photographs have been taken and the CCTV footage will be viewed to see if the culprits can be identified then this information will be forwarded to the neighbourhood policing team. 
-Replacement and new CCTV signs have been installed at both Woody Heights and Jubilee Park and a local sign maker has been requested to make an ownership sign to be installed on the Jubilee Park play area railings.
25.41 Jubilee Park 
a) To receive an update on design and consultation work in respect of park improvements 
Councillor Smith advised that the Jubilee Park improvements working party were meeting tomorrow with Groundworks East to consider the response receive to date to the consultation 
There had been 243 responses, a substantial number had been completed by the older population. 
Swings were the favourite option for younger play equipment and a zip wire for older children
An additional path was generally being supported as was an events area with a hard surface not necessarily a bandstand being favoured
In order of priorities the results suggested first the play areas, second the footpaths, third the events area, fourth the quiet area and fifth the biodiversity area. 
It was noted that it was unlikely that this would be the order that the projects were completed in. 
b) To agree action on the tree work that is required following receipt of SKDC’s report
Councillor Smith referred to the report completed by SKDC’s Tree Officer in Autumn 2024 not at DSJPC’s request but because he had not been advised of the transfer of ownership. 
From this report Garden Groomers have been commissioned to complete work on the Silver Birch at the rear of 62 Thackers Way. 
Councillor Smith suggested that it would be beneficial to have a preferred contractor for Arborist and tree services and he volunteered to investigate this. 
c) To receive an update on Make Space for Nature grant application 
Councillor Smith confirmed that the grant valuing £7,756 has been successful and that Paul Mumby Landscapes will be awarded the contract to complete the work. 
d) To agree a location for the Table Tennis table to be donated via SKDC (funded from UK Shared Prosperity Fund) 
The Clerk was asked to find out the dimensions and spacing required to install this and also if it could be relocated at a future date following the improvements to the play area The question of whether this could be incorporated into the overall Jubilee Park improvement design would be asked of the design consultants at the meeting tomorrow 
The committee suggested that Woody Heights may be a more appropriate location. 
e) To agree that grant applications should be made to UK Shared Prosperity Fund programme for an additional storage container and several new noticeboards to be located around the Parish 
It was noted that after obtaining advice from SKDC Councillor Smith had completed applications for a storage container for the additional equipment that would be required to maintain Jubilee Park and for several new/replacement noticeboards around the parish. The committee agreed that this was a good move. 
25.42 To consider where and when to hold the Annual Parish Meeting and Making A Difference Awards presentation and agree how the event is to be organised and promoted.  
The committee agree that the event should take place in the Priory Hall in late April early May 2025. 
The Clerk advised the committee that Councillor Bowell had proposed that the Parish Council award the honour of Freeman to an individual and if agreed this individual could be invited to be the guest speaker and present the Making A Difference Awards.  
ACTION: the Clerk to contact the Priory Hall Warden asking for available dates and once agreed circulate invitations to organisations.
25.43 To agree the details for the VE Day 80 event on to be held on Jubilee Park on Thursday 8 May 2025 and agree how the event is to be promoted. 
It was noted that Rachel Hamby had agreed to provide the entertainment along with the Linchfield Academy choir and that the Beacon would be lit at 9pm. 
ACTION: Councillor Stevens volunteered to liaise with Rachel Hamby regarding content and times plus clarifying whether they would be using their own PA system 
25.44 To consider how to obtain insurance cover for future Dog Show events 
The Clerk advised that she had posted the questioned on a Clerks e-group that she was a member of from which there were two responses which said that dog training companies organised and ran the dog shows that took place in these two parishes
ACTION: the Clerk was asked to speak to Stamford Town Council, Deeping St Nicholas Parish Council and Baston Parish Council as all three were know to have dog shows in the parish and to also search online for Insurers who specialise in animal insurance. 
25.45 To receive an update regarding the Funday Sunday event in July 2025 and agree the Parish Council’s involvement.  
Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe advised that the first meeting of the working party is scheduled for 7pm on Thursday 16 January 2025 and it was hoped that as this was the second year and most procedures were in place less meetings would be required. It was noted that a fund of £1636.87 was available from the 2024 event and that the Parish Council had agreed a community events budget of £3000 for 2025/26 so funding could be made available from that. It was acknowledged that Market Deeping Town Council would also provide some funding and that as happened last year an application could also be made to Deeping St James United Charities. 
25.46 To consider holding the Carols in the Marquee at the Waterton Arms on Friday 12 December 2025. 
All those who attended agreed it was a very good event and that it should be held again in 2025. The date of 12 December 2025 had already been provisionally booked with the Waterton Arms 
ACTION: Councillor Stevens volunteered to contact the Salvation Army Band and Choir to confirm the booking 
Councillor Smith suggested that although there were many Parish Councillor present going forward there should be more promotion showing that it was a Deeping St James Parish Council event – the suggestion of a large flag to hang in the Marquee with the Parish council logo on it and the wording ‘Deeping St James Parish Council welcomes you’ 
25.47 To note the date of the next meeting – 8pm on Tuesday 11 March 2025.