RAOS September 2024 Minutes

The Institute, 38 Church Street, Deeping St James, PE6 8HD
E-mail: clerk@deepingstjames-pc.gov.uk
Tel: 01778 343266
Webpage: //deeping-st-james.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
Facebook: Deeping St James Parish Council

Parish Clerk: Julie Fortnum

You are hereby summoned to attend the meeting of the recreation & opens spaces Committee to be held at 8.00pm on Tuesday 3 September 2024 in the meeting room at the Institute 38 Church Street Deeping St James PE6 8HD.


Present: Councillors Rose, Shinkins-Hoppe, Smith, Stevens and Townsin.

The minutes were taken by the Parish Clerk, Julie Fortnum 


25.14  To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting.

No apologies had been received.

Councillor Hosking was not present.


25.15 To receive declarations of interest.

None declared. 


25.16 To agree the minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14 May 2024. 

Agreed and signed.


25.17 To receive the Clerk’s report and any update on matters arising from the previous minutes. 

A member of the public has contacted councillor Stevens with concerns about teenagers regularly sitting on the bench at the junction from Spalding Road into Frognall. She has been advised unofficially that the Police are unlikely to take action on this matter and would probably suggest that the Parish Council should be contacted to see if they would remove the bench. A decision needs to be reached as to how to respond to this. 

Councillor Stevens to respond advising that the Parish Council does not feel it is appropriate to remove the bench because of the ASB of a few, ASB which in the Parish Council’s opinion is a matter for the Police to resolve and this should be brought to their attention. 

The same member of the public has queried why the area of land outside their boundary fence is not being cut by contractors. It is marked on the LCC highway verge maps as such. The area is no longer a grassed area now containing brambles and weeds. A decision needs to be reached as to how to respond to this. 

Complaints about grass cutting both of the highway verges, which are currently the responsibility of the Parish and Town Council, and the areas under District Council responsibility have reduced – this is more due to the grass not growing as quickly than the service being received having improved. The contractor has advised that a team of 8 will be visiting the Deepings on Friday 30 August and a meeting has also been arranged with Director and representatives from the Town and Parish Council on the same day.   

The Clerk advised that a meeting with the contractor had taken place on Friday 30 August 2024 on the same day 8 of their workforce were in the Deepings cutting the highway verges. Agreement had been reached that if the cut completed on Friday 30 August was acceptable the payments being withheld would be released and that the pricing would be revisited (taking into account areas colour coded both orange and red on the plans) and going forward a full cut would take place at the end of September October and November (weather permitting). Councillor Rose advised that he had not yet met with Market Deeping Town Councillor Wey to improve the wording of the contracts. 

The playing field fencing has been vandalised several times this year. The Deepings School have asked for CCTV footage to help identify the culprits as the continuing vandalism is not sustainable. It is the intention to repair the fence when new term restarts 

A number of youth are using the playing field during school holidays as it is accessible due to the vandalised fencing. The rugby/football clubs have completed a volunteer clear up sessions as while those using the field are not causing any damage, they are leaving a litter on the football and rugby pitches. 

In order to progress the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) that Lincolnshire County council have suggested would be beneficial to have covering Cross Road/Old Baston Road, South Kesteven District Council need as much evidence as possible of instances of anti-social behaviour fly tipping, drug taking, car racing, motor bikes and Hare Coursing etc. since the gate was removed. Please provide any dates, description and any photographic evidence of instances which have occurred, or been reported to you (as Councillors) to andrew.beaver@southkesteven.gov.uk. Please also report any appropriate instances to the Police via 101. Please also report any instances of fly tipping and litter via the following link:


The Clerk completed a search of a local Facebook group which resulted in several incidences having being reported between August 2018 and March 2022 which she would forward to Andrew Beaver 

All of the funded summer activities for primary school aged children were full to capacity and very well received and all three providers and enthusiastic about offering the same opportunities again next summer 

Councillor Stevens suggested a newsletter should be produced which should include an item about the 3 summer activity sessions offered to primary school aged children

The goalposts to be installed at Woody Heights which were ordered in April arrived in mid-August and are being safely stored. They will be installed when the School term restarts.


25.18 To ensure everything is in place for the footpaths Walks on 5, 12 and 22 September 2024

It was agreed that all was in place.

The purpose of these walks was to ensure that all the public rights of way remain accessible. 

It was noted that should the weather be inclement the walks should be shortened or cancelled.  


25.19 To receive an update about the Deepings Dog show to be held on Sunday 29 September 2024 and agree any actions, if any. 

Councillor Stevens advised that the event had been advertised and there has been lots of sponsorship and stall holder interest and the Rosettes and Trophy were sorted. Councillor Rose more tombola prizes were still needed. 

Action: The Clerk was asked to book a portable toilet, purchase a long extension lead and at least 20m of cable covers/trip mat and arrange for the printing of the certificates. The Council truck will also be needed as will the gazebo, orange mesh and stakes.


25.20 To consider the Remembrance events for 2025 and agree any actions, if any.

Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe suggested that as St Guthlacs Church had taken the lead and organised a Remembrance Parade in Market Deeping again this year, a small parade similar to previous years should be organised in Deeping St James, with a view to working towards the main parade happening in Deeping St James next year. 

Action: the Clerk was asked to liaise with Lincolnshire County Council Highways to request a road closure and diversion for a parade to take place along Church Street Deeping St James to the afternoon service at the Priory Church 


25.21 To receive an update regarding the transfer of ownership of Jubilee Park and the progress of the first stage (design, consultation and production of tender documents) towards improving the park following the receipt of the grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (paid to Deeping St James Parish Council) and agree any actions, if any.

The Clerk advised that Double and Megson Solicitors had rung the office on Monday 2 September 2024 advising that they were hoping to complete the transfer that day however nothing more has been heard since. 

Councillor Smith advised that Groundwork had forwarded an authority to proceed document which along with the Clerk it was agreed would be signed despite the grant funding having not yet been received from South Kesteven District Council as the money would be forthcoming soon. Groundwork have already started work on the consultation with a view to being present at the Dog Show on Sunday 29 September2024. Councillor Smith was now investigating other funding streams and had attended a virtual training course on bid writing and grant applications. 


25.22 To receive an update on the Deepings Green Walk wayfinding and seating initiative following the receipt of the grant from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (paid to Market Deeping Town Council) and agree any actions, if any.   

Councillor Smith explained that the Green Walk was a nine-mile route around the Deepings which the Deepings Neighbourhood plan group were working towards enhancing and that funding had been awarded for a project to place nine benches and twenty directional signposts along the route and going forward there would also be six interpretative boards too. Four of the benches and twelve of the signposts would be located in Deeping St James and it was note that the funding is required to be spent within the financial year 2024/25. It was acknowledged that Deeping St James Parish Council generally supported the project although this was subject to a check on the suggested locations and the types of benches being purchased. The committee felt that the design of the benches should not be backless and that the favoured locations were near the Willow Tree on Broadgate Lane, opposite the Rugby Club on Spalding Road and on Linchfield Road between Thackers Way and Campions Way junctions. Councillor Smith agreed to feed this information back to Market Deeping Town Councillor Byrd, who was driving this project, and provide an update at the Council meeting on Tuesday 17 September 2024 


25.23 To receive the annual play equipment safety reports completed on 16 August 2024 and agree actions, if any. 

These reports had been shared with the members of the committee who agreed that they were very thorough. Councillor Shinkins-Hoppe expressed her concern over the damaged skatepark surface and it was agreed that the Clerk should obtain an updated quote for repairs 

Action: The Clerk to contact the installers, Gravity Skateparks for a quotation using the Woody Heights repairs and play equipment improvements budgets to cover the cost  


25.24 To consider the South Kesteven District Council’s offer, as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Funding, to install some weatherproof table tennis tables around the district asking if DSJPC would be interested in having one on Jubilee Park

The committee agreed that the offer to install a table tennis table at Jubilee Park should be accepted.

The Clerk advised that during a conversation with Councillor Baxter he had suggested that one may be available for Woody Heights as well. It was agreed that if a second was available it should be accepted too. 


25.25 To receive a report showing the spend against the 2024/25 budget.





Green Walk benches




Maintenance of trees and hedges



Cemetery tree work scheduled for 5 September £1100.00

Jubilee Park




Play equipment improvements



Remainder to be moved to ear mark reserve




Payments on hold – four invoices received only two paid

Summer playscheme




Trees hedges bulbs and wild flowers




Woody Heights – grounds maintenance



Payments on hold – four invoices received only two paid

Woody Heights – repairs




Community Events



Not included - costs associated with footpath walks, Dog Show and Christmas Carol event

Green waste disposal




Village cross & heritage telephone box




General waste disposal 




Highway verge grass cutting



Payments on hold – four invoices received only two paid










Highway verge grass cutting



£2116.19 expected from LCC highways

Funday Sunday



Still waiting for pitch hire income collected by Deepings Round Table 






It was noted that there are also earmarked reserves of £35,095.50 for play equipment improvements with the likelihood of more being transferred from cost code H707 at the end of the financial year 2024/25. 

Councillor Rose advised that the Friends of Jubilee Park also hold funds of around £6,000 


25.26 To consider the budget requirements for 2025/26. 



Green Walk benches


Maintenance of trees and hedges


Jubilee Park


Play equipment improvements




Summer playscheme


Trees hedges bulbs and wild flowers


Woody Heights – grounds maintenance


Woody Heights – repairs


Community Events


Green waste disposal


Village cross & heritage telephone box


General waste disposal 


Highway verge grass cutting







Highway verge grass cutting





25.27 To note the date of the next meeting – 8pm on Tuesday 12 November 2024.